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135 Regular Meeting Jazuary 28, 1956 Present ,, H. Passel? Harris Saperviser Meredith. DentT.ey Zastiee of the Peace Harold Ak3:ms Justice of the Peace Curti s Lampson Councilman Raynemd-Walkup Councilman The board conTmed at ?:-O- P.M.- Johz "oral Dusem also present. Lawrence La Marquee,, Stephen Shappey ant Arthur Davis were present ix regard to-a new thoroughfare -in the Town. The new road would reu from the eat of the Big Boow Road across the Palmer farm to the Hudson River, Town Surveyor, John- v"an•Lases, said a survey of the property has been. made, , and plans -are currently being napped for construction. _ The following letter was read to the board: A Petition to the Town Board This Patition,is presented on behalf of the unjustly assessed o ners. of corner lots in the BroadAcres drainage Area.. The information I have is that by the direction of X. Russell Harris, Supervisor, to the Assessors„ was that they were to add the frontage and depth of a lot together and divide by 2. If you were fortunate enough to own more frontage than depth your assessaesmt was reduced, however if, as in the majority of cases you own the standard 501x 154 let, your easessuent was doubled, without any additional benefit. Since all lots in this area are supposed to be equally, benefited by the ..drainage, I therefore deem the instructions of H. Russell Harris, Supervisor, to be .acGtual:ly illegal, unjust and uncalled for. I therefore request the Town Board be instruct the Assessors to make affidavit on. same to .the Tax Collector that the Assessment will be an frontage only, unless there. is an exceptional case where the frontage is were than the depth and the process would be to the adgantage of the owner. F Is/ Beatrice. S. Beswick Howard Congdon,, Clifford veyser, Herman Frek nsox4 Nelson Vunk. and. George Crannell were present and discussed the na=er of assessment in the Broadkeres section Drainages District, It was decided to have a special meeting to iake `the natter ug.. Resolution No. 19. On notion of Mr. WglkuF seconded by Mr. Bentley, 4 It was moved that a special meeting of this board be held on Jan- wary 31st,, 1956 at 7::30 P.M. at the Clerk's office to take up the natter of the assessment of the, corner bats in the drainage district in the Br®adAcres section. Duly adopted lay the fallowing vote Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. Noss — none. A► delegation from Aviation Road and BroadAcres attended to present a request that a zoning ordinance be drawn up within the tows. Present were.: Warrem Rouillard, new president BroadAeress Mrs. Remtllarde sr. and Mrs. W.D. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip; Tobias, Shirley Millers and John Dillon, Mr. Clark, Mr. Dillon anal S. Miller spoke in reference i 136 to zoning. Douglas Webster spoke briefly an zoning for his area. Mr. Anderson spoke for zoning generally'.. Reseintien. Nei. 20 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Council xw Walkup RESOLVED that there be established a zoning commission of ten members in-the Town of Q een.sbury for the purpose of recommending boundaries of zoning districts and appraisal regulations to be enforced therein in accordance with law. ! Duly adopted by the following vote: --� Ayes - Mr. Rnrris , Mr. Akins and Mr. Wallaap. Noes - Mr. Bentley and Mr.. Lampson Edward Blinn and Jahn Regan of the Glen Lake Civic Assn. were present and discussed the que3stian of signal lights at the railroad crossing on Glen Lake Read. Mr. Akins stated that he would call Mr. Bsswick. Ed Blip asked if the T-own Board would consider building; a Town Hall. at Glen Lake if property were given to the Town for that purpose. t The board discussed the matter with Mr. Blinn. Douglas Webster, Forth Queensbury fire chief, spoke on the need for water supplies along the roads of the town- ; The natter was referred to the: Fire Committee. Donald a. Anderson requested of the board: that water be supplied to a house which he is building on MOntray Road. Resolution Ho. 23. introduced by Councilman Lampson, seeopded by Coun- cil m Walkup: EMOLVED that the bond of Ernest B. Lackey with the United states Casualty_C onpauy as surety in the ame=t of «ODQ.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to fo m, amount,, mamer of exeEcutiox and surety.. Farther resoLvad that the members of this board sign a *certificate indicating such approval on the instrument. Daly adopted by the following vote Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris w Roes - none Res4ution lea. 22. introduced by Mr. Akins who moved its adoption, second- ed by Mr. Walkup: i s engaged in Whereas, the County of Warren naYin�; +�a rtain iaprsv emexets .to the Warren County..Airport situated In the To; #,t Qaeensbury, , including the extension of the north-se uth r=vay and providing adequate and safe: approaches which requires the cutting pr trisnis,' Of certaiat trees situated. within the limits of the town highway kn as the Chestnut Ridge Reads, RESOLVED that the Town of• Qaeex+sbury grant, to tb.® Cry Of l©yees and contractors, the right to enter Warren, its agents , emp upon the lags lying. within the limits of the Chest tt, R e gun Road and t® cut, trim or remove such trees or portions thereof as may cQnsti- tote a hazard to aircraft approaching the Warren CO=ty Airport within e f 13? the regulations and standards established by the. Civil ,Aeronautics Administration for the Warren County Airport. Duly adopted: by the feliewing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. ,Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Nees: - noxo The following letter was read to the board: GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY lanusry 26, 1956 Mrs. Frances Turner Queensbury Tom Clerk 388 Ridge Street Glens falls, N.Y. Dear Mrs. Turner.- K I an sending you copy of the enclosed letter which has been sent to the following men: Jahn Austin Stanley MacArthur Stephen Clarke Warren Rouillard Robert Dempsey T.en 'Rogers aobn Dillon Saul .:Silverstein J`ebn V. Lasher Urold Vaughffi ` I an sure that members of the Toum. Board will be interested in' this de- velopment., Ve look forward to working with them in a spirit that is in the best interest of the Tawm of Queensbury. Very tVuly yours, /s/ W. T. Clark Letter enclosed January 3.7, 1956 Dear Bob: As you undoubtedly know the Kehican Grange is well recognised for its interest in community affairs. In fact in 1955 the Grange received a citation from Sears Roebuck Foundation for outstanding co pity service. Cue of the projects of the 1956 Community Serviee` Program of this organization is to set up an Assessment Committee for the Town. of Queens- bury. I have been asked by representatives of the Grange to act as chair- man of. this Committee. As I feel the problem of assessments is one of the most important-in Queensbury I have accepted this assignment. I hope you, too,,'will see fit to give some of your time by serving an this.committee. The objectives of this group would appear to be: 1_. To review .existing policies and methods of assessment in the Town of Qaeensbury. i S. To recommend: changes in methods for the purpose of I insuring equitable assessments. J! 5. To educate the voting public of the existing assessment situation anad. of the need for an enlightened approach y R towards improving then. Our work will be done with the full knowledge of the assessors and we will expect mutual cooperation in our work. Before proceeding we will make sure that this committee is officially approved by the Town Board and that we are assured of their cooperation in our work. 1 Our group will toe asked to serve for a period which will be based upon toe degree of our acaomplishxents• Meetings and the time required by you will be kept to 'the minimum. At present two hours a month might be required., Those serving on a Steering Committee undoubtedly will have to devote more time initially. -If you are willing to servi on this committee and devote time to a project which seems to be in the best interests of Queeambury, will you kindly advise me by signing the enclosed copy of this letter and returning it promptly in the envelope provided. Very truly yours, { The following letter was als0 read: 38 Lafayette St., 0len,s Falls , It.Y. Janus 12,, 1256 Mr. Robert T. Delong, Water C:ommi s si oner,. Town. of Queensbury, Suter Department. Dear Sir: I have tried to be patient, knowing that there are many things to keep you and your associates busy. I an sure you will agree, it is more difficult for me , considering the fact that I have four children who need to be kept clean and healthy. We have applied several times for city water in the past few years, and each time promised that it would be put in. On August 6, 19539 we paid $26.00 for water tap: and connect- ion. We are still without water, even though we are paying water tax yearly/. This is most distressing for me, especially since there is water on this street L from Woodbury's down to Diskimsents,, only a few feet from us. I do not know if you have a family or not, -but I am sure you will agree.that conditieris are most disagreeable when water mast be carried in by the pailful,, for a family of six. I' fully realize that the ground is frozen at present, but you must seas that while the dif- ficulty there is apparent, mine is increased by winter weather. I do. hope that you will Rat make it necessary for us to take this to higher authority, for I would prefer to keep the matter localized, since we expect to live hereindefinitely. I feel that since we have paid taxes in the Town of Queens-bury for the past seven years, we are also entitled to whatever benefit other taxpayers enjoy. Sincerely yours EIsl Mr. Raymond Mallaney Resolution pia. 23 introduced by Mr. Bentley ixtmul3m who moved its C - adoption, seconded by Mr. Lampson: C - Whereas , Eugene Johnson has been em E p}loyed as caretaker of the town dump off Ridge Road at an annual salary of, $1,200.00,, and it has i been found necessary from time to time to hire equipment and purc4se materials for the proper and safe operation of the dump, and a. Whereas said Eugene Johnson has offered to furnish a tractor, trucks -and other equipment, tools and materials for excavation, fill and covering, 'burning and other necessary activity at the dump, for the sum of $600.00 and it is deemed for the best interests of the Town. of Queensbury to accept such offer, RESOLVED that the Tov)n Bayard enter into a contract with Eugene j Johnson for the fiscal year of 1956 which shall provide that slid Eugene Jobason shall furnish all materials, tools , equipment and supplies required for the operation of the town dump: for the sum of $604.00 to be paid in monthly installments during the year 1966, and that .the super- visor be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said Eugene Johnson to carry the foregoing into effect. j The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote which resulted as follows Vii. Russell Harris Supervisor Yes I Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Yes 139 Harold D. Akins Justice of the Peace Aye Raymond-Walkup. Council man _. Aye Curti s I44mps on Qouncilaan Aye The board audited claims as fellows: SCMM LE OF AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN-C OUNTY, -NW YORK. FOR, THE MONTH OF' . JANUTARY, 1955 Amt. Amt.. No. Name of Claimamt Nature of Claim. Claimed Allowed 1 Gars®n-Duffy, ,lac. - Justice Bentley - Bond .10.00 10,00 2; G.F. Post Co. . . Pab.N&t.E=am.Fisea.l affr4 2.24 2.24 - 3.. Chas.E.Houghtaling Sapplies M.Bentley-8.63 1x.43 13.43 W F'.Turner -4.8 4. Robert G. Landry 1 type.ribbon installed R.C.Allen-T.G., 2w5O 2.50 5 Niagara:-Nbk.Fwer 8tr,ltng &. traff.signal.s 17e.8 172.80, 6. Niagara-Mhk.Fewer Str.ltng-.Ft.Amh.& Garri.Rd.1fi&.46 1,-Ga,.46 7. Clencraft Printing k velapes-T.C. - Sappl.ies Tax Coll.37035 $3.70 55*70 8. Kathryn F.O'Brien Type.TWn.Bd.M n.atngs. 1' .50 1.50 9, Henry J. Sleight 2 yds.124-1:11v Vemetery 25.50 25.50 ` 10, R.3,Wing & Son, Inc. S-Frost wedge-PP Cem. 0153 11.63 11.63 11. R.B.Wing & son, Inc. Banco Hamner Pts-P¢ Cew. #0660 6163 6.63 1Z, George Ferguson Mileage tray.-Assessing 63.20 N.A, 13.* J.G:.Pis.citelli &- Son Corrugated pipe 8:70.06 870.06 14. Barber & Have Harris Band-25,Hill Band-10 51.00 51.00 1.5. Fraaeees L. Turner Pttg.stamps-Twn. Clk - 6.00 6.00 lei. Dennis &- Co.1xc-. Supplies-Justice Bentley 1:9.19 19199 17. G.F.Post Co*- Pub Not.Report of- Annual HUbway moneys for .1955 83.61 83.61 18,, N.A Haruey, MD. Queensbury Health Soncult. 80.00 8:0000, 19, G.F.Post Co* - Pub.Tax Notice 13.44 13.44 20. Adirondack Resorts inting-tan casll. 17,4.15 1T4.15 Preis s , Inc. . 21. Kathryn.E:. O'Brien Typ&.Tv m.Bd..Min.itngs. 4.50 4.50 22.Ruth Thems _- Serv.stexogl- trial. Justice Ct.Paople vs.Arm- strong 15.50 15.50 23. Villiamson Law Bk. 1 Indiv.payrl bk.HXarris 6.29 6.29 24., Queensbury Post. #1.797 Maintaining An.Legion Rome 200.00 200.00 Legion - - 25. Russell. & Wait Supervisor's office-supp. 1170 1* 70; 26, Niagara-Xhk Power Str.ltag-Cleverdale L.Dist. 41..08 `41.08 27. Irvin H.Cr"ley Cler.Vk.-Supt. Office - 27.50 47.50: .05 9. TheeD&HcRR org Rent 18� water-pipe pipe W Fd. 121.05.00 10.00 30. `Otis-L. Boman Repair_1t-Ric ge-Sannyside Cr20.00: 20,00 31. G,F.Bus.Machines Adjust Adding machine (PV &.75 8,.75 4 aa. Nathan Proller Gem.Payr]L-Cemet.ape ration/ 52p8'5 $2.95 33. Nate Freller Ins.CoaF.Audit 8/28/55: to 11/28/55 401.51 401.51 34.° 11mer Corlew Thaw.bydrantgWGFWD Pd. 10.00 10.0 35. Q*rald F.Conner Surveyor helper- 36. Chas D.Gi les Surveyor helper 3.85 3.85 37`, Lbok, K,Steves Surveyor helper 50.05 50,605 3&. City 'G.F.Water FUnd Nfise leaks-NGFWD 67.91 67001 39. City G:.F.Watear Fund Vise. NGFWD _ 16.34 1:6.34 40*, City G.F.Water Fhsd Miec,,repalr leaks-NGFWD 33016 33.16 41 , My G.F.Water Fund Mite*storejhouse-WWWD,. _ 14.5t� 14 5Q On notion the meeting ad jourhed -T ` Clerk. .