1956-01-31 SP 140
Special Meeting January 31, 1986
X. Russell Xarris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
parol'd Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Counci I man
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
• The beard convened at 7:30 F.M.
-Also present: George Crannell9 John 1, Derry, ,Zr. , Nelson Vunk, i
•Delbert Beswick,, Merman Fredricks on.,.,Cliff Veysey, ;Harold. Dean,
•Rareld:- Dean, Jr. - - -
The important questies of the assessment of the corner lots in the r
-drainage district in the Broadacres $egtiom was discussed.
Mr. Deana subctkt•asked that Park View Avenue tie improved.
-Cliff Veysey and Xr. Fredrickson asked for the improvement of Worth-
up; Drive. _
An informal discussion was--bad with persons for the Zoning Committee.
Mr. Akins stated-he had requested Mr. Beswipk to. advise the Board of
* the status of they Glen Lake Railroad. crossing.
On motion the meeting adjourned.'
_ -Town Clerk.
Special. Meeting F'el&ruary 119 1956
Present: '
R. Russell xarris Supervisor
Meredith Rentley Justice of the Peace ---�
Harold Akins Justice *of the Peace
Curtis Epson Councilman'.
• Raymendl-Walkup Councilman
The roard convened at 7:34 F.M.
J. Arthur Berton of the office of Milton Crandell, Architect, was
present and discussed plans of the proposed Town Hall..--
• The Board discussed Drainage District Assessment.. _
' The statement of the Supervisor for the month of January, 1956, 'was
read and•placed on file.-
Source Received'
' dam` Collector Tax—e—Ti sfer-Ft.Am.-Garr. '
_ Lights $ 3461.78
• Frances Turner,.Town Clk fees 63.50'
Audit & C,ontrol,Justice Fees 692.00'
j Frank Cowles,Cemetery Funds 630.00"
» 25 Coll.Taxes Trans. Clev.Lights 504.0 '
Cell.Taxes Trans. Drainage Dist. s • 9100000, -
Coll.Tases Trans. N.G..F.W.D.Ext. ` 1AWOOO`
" Coll,Ta a Trans. Sac.Sec.Cent.Fd.. 40E?.Qt)P
■ 27 PV Find Ded.Sec.See-f Euplayees 2.G�ff
Highway Fund.Ded.Soc.Sec.for Employees 12.17
Collector Takes Trans.#4 Fund 2196also,
County Dept. Snow Removal- 4750.04
lighway,-Dept.Antic.Nmte #4 & Into 2805•
II Kaward Wallace,, Water Coll. - 43.45