1956-03-15 SP 148 69 City of G.F.Water Pd. NGF WD FD.. 93 70 a a a " � �' .I�d. 95 886.38 886.38 71 Ralph,R. Shapira 2 edutrs field books 368,.85. 368.85 - - b with tabs ' 72,, Eggleston Transp. Fit.® b r. 25.90 25.90; pw pup from 73 R.Thurston. Seatt Seieea Falls to G.F. 10.03 10.03 -140 f-** 45 kerosene 2,10 fuel ail_ 2 9----07 68...98 $ .44 907,44 ` On motion the meeting adjourned. - i s Tur�ue r .-T4pm Clark; Special Meeting March 15,• 1956 Present:. H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley,, Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis L"pson Councilman`. Raymond-Walkup Councilman The board convened at 7:30 F.M.. Also present, Ernest Lackay, Superintendent •f Highways.' A discussion was had on special improvements to Town roads. William Hart and Wilbur Price were present and presented a petition, signed by 13 residents of the T®wn of Queensbury, requesting black. top on Old Forge Read for a distance of 3/10 of a mile from its - junction with Dixon Read; also a black top surface on Clark Street, beginning at its junction with Old Forge Road and continuing along Reservoir Drive and eonnecting back_with Old Forge Road. A jpetition fr-offi Park View residents was also presentee) requesting black top for' Park View.Avenue. This petition was signed by' 6* resi- dents. Resolution #2& introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Couincilman Walkup:: - RESOLVED that the sum of $45*06X0.610 shall be set aside to be expaded far rimary work' and general repairs upon 114 miles of Tom Highkays,. including sluices, culverts and bridges having asp of 261 feet or less and board walks afid the 'renewal thereof, and iEat The following sums shall be set aside to be expended for the per- maneint. improvbments of Town highways by a stone and tar penetration on roads as follows: ` 1. 550'ft. Katherine St: $ 550. 30 2. 2670 feet Asses ably_ Pt. from inter-' section with 9_ to Canal ' �563Q.00 3. 1200 feet IsTee" Hill R®ad 500.00 4. 1504 feet Fark_View from Diiten Road . to City Line 50. 2150 feet_ Cleverd:ale, - back read 1750.00 6.. 530` feet Spencer Ct. 500.0& T. 500 feet Hughes Ct. 500000 ` 8.. 733* feet 0-mm tvet. 75:0.00 9:. 7DO* fe}e:•t Careline St. from 5th St.' em` ` Garnecr' St. 700*00L ' 10. 500' feet - ClineE Ave. 30a•00= 147 11. 1400 feet Old Forge Rd. from. ]Dixon Road__ $1450.00 l2. 1325 feet Carlton Drive .12501.00 13. Sunnyside North side ea- tending from present black top 1200:00 3.4. Indiana Ave.fr.Luzerne Fd 1200.010 15, Walkup Road - 3501.0C1 Further Resolved, that there shall ties set aside the sum of $20,000.00 to- bey expanded for general repairs as may be agreed upon hereafter and as speci.fie,4 in a written supplementary agreement between the Town Board and j the Town Supt. of Highways* Farther resolved that the members of the Town Board shall sign the agreement with the Town Superintendent to the foregoing; effect as to ex- penditure of Item 1. Highways Moneys. Duly adopted by the fallowing vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes Nene Resolution #29 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by dustlee Akins : WHEREAS complaints have been received by this Board with reference to the -practice of scavenging and removal of junk and waste materials and the setting of fires at the Town Dump: by unauthorized persons ,, 'and W3EREAS the Board: has been requested to pass an ordinance prohibit- ing such 'practice and to regulate the use of the Town Dump, Now, therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York, a public hearing on.a proposed Town Or- dinance to prohibit the practice of scavenging; and removal of junk. and waste materials and the setting of fires at the Town Dump by unauthorized .-- persons , and to regulate the use of the Town Dump be held on the 2nd day of April, 1956 at 7:30 P.M.,E.D.T at the Town. Clerk' s 'Office on Ridge Road in the Towne. of Queensbury, New York, and that a_notice of the time and place of. such hearing describing in general terms the proposed ordi- nance be published once on and before the 22nd day of March, 1956s in the Glens Falls Times,. a n4wspaper circulating in said Town of Queensbury. Duly adepted ,by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Wtley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - Nome Following is the Notice referred to in the above resolution with the pro- posed Or_dinanee: NOTICE OF NEARING ON A PROPOSED ORDINANCE OF THE - TOWN OF- QUEENSBURY j LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSUANT TO SECTI01130 of the Town Law of the State . of New York, and pursuant to. a resolution of the Town Board of i the Town of Queensbury adopted on the 20th day of March, 1956, the said t Town. Board: will hold a public hearing at the Town Clerk'-s Office on Ridge Road in laid Town, on the 2nd day of April, 1956, at 7:30. o'cTock. in the evening of that day*E..S.T. , to hear all interested persons and citizens for or against the adoption of a` proposed ordinance to read as follows : ORDINANCE REGULATING USE OF TOWN DUMP BE IT RESOLVED ANDORDAINED by the Town Beard oft the Town of Queens- bury, Warren County, New York, as follows: { I i i I i 148 Sec. 1. Declaration of Policy. It is hereby determined that the practice of scavenging and removal of junk and waste material and the setting of fires at the town dump by unauthorized persons is dangerous to persons, and property. Sec. 2. Definitions. The term "person" as used in this ordinance j shall include an-individual, firm, partnership corporation or association of persons' and the singular number shall include the plural number. The terms *dump" or "town dump;" as used in this -or- di.nalnee shall include the existing town dump situated easterly of the Ridge Road and any and all other town dumps which may hereafter be pro- vided and designated by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. 1 The term "scavenging" as used in this ordinance mews the picking up, eelleeting and removal from the town dump of any iron, copper, Metal, woad, paper or other discarded material, or parts thereof, which shall have been placed in the torn dump. Seca. 3. Scavenging at the town dump, including thepicking up,, collecting and removal from the town dump of any iron, capper, metal, wood, paper or other discarded materrial or have been laded in the town dump for disposal which prohibited. !, P p y prohibited. Sec. 4. The setting of a fire at the town dump and the burning of waste material deposited at the teem tump ror alsposal is nereoy pro- hibited except by an officer or employees of the Town of Queensbury. Sec.. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof be _punishable by a fine not exceeding $50.00 for each offense or by imprison- ] ment in the County jail not exceeding 60 days , or by both such fine or imprisonment, land upon failure to pay any such fine, to be inprisenea in j they County jail until such fine be paid, not to exceed one day for each _ dollar of the fine imposed. I See. 6" This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Dated:. March 20-th, 1956 TOWN BOARD Town -of. Queen.sbury By Frances L. Turner Town Clerk.Town of Queensbury Ridge Road, . Tewa of Queensbury On motion -the meeting adjournsir Frances L. Turner - Town Clerk Regular Meeting March 24, 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley justiee of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson CauacilRINE Absent-. Raymond-Welkin": C®uacilaati The beard convened at 7:30 P.M. Also present were William d`. ?dart, Don. IIo�za sued Drank Pi�rthk®, resideat� of Old Forge Road, Town of Queensbury, who called-on the. Bard and were welcomed by the Supervisor. A. Bard of grateful remembrance for sympathy from the faaily of Seward - Laapson was read. i I i I. f