1956-08-03 SP -198 230 Nathan Proller Ins.W.Comp.Gen.-Hwy 900.71 900.71 231 Lathan Troller Ins.Wkwns',Comp,PV Cem, 407.40 407* 232 C.G Woodbury & Son Supplies kNGFWD _ 28,76 28.76 233 Ida Maurer Refund W.Rent-overcharge 2..00 2 00 234 L.S.Baird Queensbury Post 1797' 15.00 15,00. 235 Cheuney DiDio 2 wreaths $15 ea.1797 Post.PP 30.00 30.00 236 Harold LeRose Gravel-l_ hr.man & grader 61.00 61.00 237 G.F.Post Co. PublN'ot.Hearing of Compls. 4:95 4.95 238 G.F',Hosp. Treatment (Blood Alc.Test) 3100 3.00 239 G.F.Hosp. n . " `� of 3.00 3100 240 G.F.Hospital « " k it 3.00 3.00 2,41 G.F.Hospital 3.00 3.00 242 Comm.Supply Co. 2 Assessment roll binders Orig. 7.60 and 2 Assmnt roll copies • 30.40 30.40 243 Leon M.Steves Serv.rend.under supervision J.Van Dusen 59.25 59.25 244 Raymond. L.Havens , Serv,rend.under supervision J.Van Dusen 47 73 47.73 Totals 2733. 6 2452.02 On motion the meeting adjourned Frances L. Town Clerk . Special Meeting August 3. 1956 Present: H. Russell Harris ` Supervisor - Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman. r The board convened at 7:30 P.M. The following application was presented, to the Board: Application for' Permit for Public Display of Fireworks . Application is hereby made to the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury,, Warren County, N.Y., for a permit for public display. of fireworks pur- suant' to Section 1894a of the Penal Law, as follows :- Name of Applicant -- Amsterdam Fireworks Co. & (Atlas Display Fireworks,,Inc . Address of Applicant -- 22. Van Derveer St. l Y Name of Organization sponsoring display -- West Glens Falls Fire Co, #1.Inc. Address of Sponsor -- West Glens Falls Name of Persons to be in actual charge of firing display - John Jeritt ` Teddy .Bertosch Date and time `of displays -- Aug. 4, 1956 at Approx. I Exact location of displays -- Fire Co. field, West Glens Falls Age & experience of person to Age 32, Exp. -11 yrs. be discharging fireworks f'ge 30 " 1.1 yrs. Number & kind of fireworks to be discharged -- Aerial & set pieces Manner & place of storage of fireworks before display -- No storing I i I 19 Diagram of grounds of displays ; •shou4ing point at which fireworks are to be discharged, l,-cation of buildinLs and highways, trees , overhead wires and other obstructions, lines behind t�..lhich audience will be restrained. . Vacant Land • _ x -.firing Point Vacant Land T Fire Co. Field s Fire Hou-se Luzerne Road - Glens Falls Date: August. 3, 1956 Signed :. Leon J. Richardson 'Meat Glens Falls Fire Co. Resolution No. 69 introduced by 17r. Akins 3 seconded by Mr. La_mpson: RES-OL 73D that the Supe rv. s o r be r nO, `Ls h.e reby authorized and di.- rected to issue a permit .to the '!rest Glens Falls Volunteer Fare Co. , Inc. for fireworks to be displayed. by .the Amsterdam Fireworks Co. at a lot.west of West Glens Falls. Fire Co. �11 Inc . building on the- 4th day of August,. 1.956. _ Duly adopted 'by the tolloi,,r1rg vote : Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lam pson, Mr. Akins and 1vTr.' Harris Noes - none On _motion the meeting; adjourned. 4p, es L. 0 Tom. Clerk Special MeetinZ. August 8,; 1956 Present: H. Russell_ Harris Supervisor Harold. Justice' of the Peace Curtis Lampson Justice of the Feace The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Mary Walsh, James Walsh,, John J. Goetz, �'reinman, Charles J. Astro-- witl and Robert J. Van Dyke wr..e present. in the matter of the re1cca.tion. of the Assembly point Road. The clerk read the fol.lowin;�, letter: ALBERT E.. B aO'n;ICr _ Colvin building. Glens Falls,,N.Y. ' August 1.4, 1956 H. R a s s e 11 Hiarris i Supervisor Star Route Glens Falls ,., N.Y. Dear Russe4: Re ASSMT1Y, POINT R010 'lnclosad is release required by Section 1 71 of the Highway Law con- sentine to the discontinuance of the ey-istin6 Assembly Point Road, which appears to have been :executed by all. of the persons who own real property bordering; on the old road.. This release shou.1d be filed in your Town Clerk, s office and you may no�,T adopt a resolution authorizinV the Town Superinten, i I F f