1957-02-23 L0
Regular Meeting Feb. 233, 1957
H. Russell. Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of- the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Counc.ilma.n.
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
The. board convened at 7-3G P.M.
Also present were Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Winch and Francis Lapoint who
! discussed Stour signs on Frances Avenue.-
A petition;, of people of Kansas Avenue requesting limitation of speed
on Kansas Avenue was read to the board. The petition was signed by 16
Rolution #25 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury request' that the State Traf-
fic Commission 1�mit. the;. spend at which. vehicles may travel on the .fol,-
lowing streets in thje Town of Queensburyz: Main Street in West glens
Falls from the West of the present restricted area westerly to
Pine Road;
` Kansas Avenuer' froW Main Street to its end
Luzern Road from the* City line westerly for a distance of ap-
proximately two q.nd a half miles.
Duly adopted by the following vote:- .
l Ayes - Mr. Walkup:,, •Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris-
Nods -- none y -
S a:rd Heriska of`*Carlton Drive galled ,on the Board in reference to
water freezing in ,e�onnection with water .service for his house .
The matter to be taken up with the County Attorney,,
Bart Riordan and Louis Chevrier of the Glen Lake Association were pres-
ent'. Mr. Riordan-stated that Mr. Lackey deserves a. lot of credit for
the' care of' the roads in the Glen Lake area this winter.-
They requested that money be appropriated for the following projects
on the Glen. Lake� Rpad r
Possibility of elimination of curve west of R.R.tracks;
Elimination of* curv¢ east of*R.R. tracks;
` Improvement of road on the. southwest side:. of Glen Lake near the
Dolan property and,the Round Pond Casino. _
Connection of Blind.Rock Road.to the Country Club Road.
Lyn*ood Chase: was pp*resent and asked aboi4t the extension of the North
Glens Falls Water District to nc ud
i 1 e his property. The board generally
discussed the matter with him.. -
j The following letter was read to the board:
$.lbert E. Beswick
Attorney at Law-
Glens Falls,-N:.Y..
January 4,. 1957
Mr. H. Russell Harris
Star Rt.
Glens Jails, N..Y.
Dear Russell* :• .
Inclssed you will please find deed from Charles 0. Sicard to the
Tcwn of Queenebury, dated October 26, 1956, conveying a• right of way for
then improvement of the town road near Glen Lake as- described therein.
I was able to borrow a search of title of this property from
Miller. & Aingwood!j Attorneys, and from an examination of the search it
L is my opinion that on the date of the executed deed, Charles 0. Sicard
had good title free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
L understand that the description of the parcel being conveyed
was prepared by John B. Von Dusen, town engine er, and I- do not pass upon
the correctness of the description.:.
It is my opinion that the enclosed dead may be accepted by your
Town Board and placed on record in the office of the Warren County Clerk..
YoArs very truly,
Isl Albert E. Beswick
Encls County Attorney
Rwolutiorr,, 2` introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman
Lampson.z _
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury accept for highway all. the
lands conveyed for that purpose in a deed from Frances M. Hovey to the
Town of-Queensbury darted February 21_, 1957.
This acceptance of the land for highway purposes is subject to
the approval of the County Attorney as to sufficiency of the instrument j
of conveyance.
Duly adopted by t the following vote :
Ayes r. Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none I
The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read to the board: I
-January, 1957 -
Date __ Amount
Received Source Received
Jan. 3 Lee: Levert' dater binds, _�; i, ,j -mot• 28.35
1Ce.1t'tbo3lIto .7as !ooa.61Edt on 16.04
li_ Tax Collector Tgxes collected Highwai 25000.00.
#: e ! cyrol7s 35.35
25 Frances Turner Town-Clark Fees 30.50
25 Warren Co. Snow. Removal Highway- 5480.00
• 2a Transfer Taxes Collected Soc.Sec. Pd 500,00-
28 Capital Reserve Anticipation Note NGFWD Ext 2500.0Q
3t7 Lee Lavery Mater Funds NGFWD - . 25.8:5
_Ezt. 45,46
31` •Taxes collected Trans.. Cleverdale Lts. 5001'00
`-' 31 a Ft.Amh YGa,rri s on Lts. 2022.72
33L Drainage - 6800,00
33. » NGFWD Ext. 1650,00
31 u FiTe-Prot.Dist. 15000.00
31 �' " a Highway _ 113800:00
33, H.Aussell Harris Temporary L1ban WGFWD Ext. 15 711
Total Receipts $173450,OZ
20 M
General Fund a 6450.75 ,
dine Viev�t 180 X98.
N.G.F,�W.D. 1G2.Z5
W.G.F.Y •D. 2 .
N.G.F.W..D. Eat': 2500*00
Capital Reserve 41.08:
Cleverdale Lights,.
Ft. Amh. Lights 44
Soc.Sec. Fund
W.G.F.W.D. Ext. 3
6343. 83
Highway _ Total Disbursements C+'
H. Russell Russell Harris
They members of the Tc�m Board signed a certificate on the bonds of
Frances L. Turner and Ernest Lackey approv ing the same.
The following letter was read to the Board:
19 Pearl St. Hudson Falls , X.Y.
Ernest Lackey* Shpt. of Highways,
Lake: George: Road
! Warren County.
New York
Dear Mr.. Lackey:
gnel'osecd you will find an estimate of AMERICAN LIQUID ROOF CEMENT.
and AMERICAN AMERSTRIP required for the purpose..of ..waterproofing they
roof of the building.situated at Miller Hill on the Lake George Road in
the County of Warren.
All materials carry a ten year guarantee.
` Yours very truly,; .�
1 Is! Arthur J. Mears
» Division Manager _
AREA Approximately 2500 sq. feet
1600.1ineal feet- --11. Rolls
. 61t x 150" 8
' February 7, 1957
Resolutiori #27 introduced by Justice Alans, seconded by Councilman
Walkup: -
RESO VED that the Town repair the roof on the Town Store house.
Further resolved that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and
is hereby *authorised to purchase. from Arthur J. Mears the material for
such purposes in accordance with estimate. submi.tted ofT.2G.50.
Duly adopted.by the: following vote
Ayes - Mr. Walkup,, Mr.,'Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins andMr. Harris
Noes - none:
The board audited claims as follows
FQr1 t).e. .Month,-pf_February - 1957
Amt. Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim. Qlaimed Allowed
37° Sandy Hill Iron & Prints for J.VatiDusen .
Brass Works . down Surveyors_ .. 5.00 A 5.00
38 Sandy Rill Iron & Prints for T..VanDusen
grass Works Town Surveyor__ - 2.00 2.00
39 Dennis._&. Co., Inc. Motor-Vehicle Docket
for M.S.Bentley,J.P. 17.94 17.94
40 E.Thompson Co. Pokt..pt,s-.MeKin's •bks.
M.Bentley 40:.00 40.00
41 E.Thompson Co. , Pokt,.pts.MOK"Bks. 22.50 22.50
42 E.Thompson, Coo Pokt.parts McK's Bks. 10.00 10.00:
43 G.F.Rubber StampL Wks.Endrsmnt stamps-Hillis 8.15 8.15 .
44 Russell & Wait Supplies-Twn Clk's ofc. 5.50 5.50
45 Russell & Wait Supplies-Supervisor 21.89 21.8.9
46 Adnk..Resorts Press 450 Field ,Bk.sheets &
5434 Tax Not.imprinted 77.75 77.75
47 Mountainside Grange Cleaning Scotch Church
N001328 Cem.as per Re s ol. 50.00 5:0.00
48: Glenoraft Prntg. IM-Windo-envI.Tax Coll. 1:9.55 19.55
49 Niagara-Nkak.PVr. Str.ltng.Ft.Amh-Garrisn 168.4 168.46
50 NiagaraMhk.Pwr, Str.ltng.&Traf.signls- 181.62 . 181.62:
51 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.Supr.Report in
Times 94.92 94.92
52 Glencraft Prntg. Tax cards & pstrs«Coll. 14.80 14.80
53 Franeas L.Turner Petg.stamps-Clk's ofe. 3.00 3100
-54 Qsby Past, . 1787n Maintenance of American
American Legion, Rooms 200.90. 200.00:
55 G.F.Nat.BY.& Trust Rent.sfe dep,.'boa-PvCem. 4940 4.40
56 City .G.F.Watar Pd. Water Rent-WGFWD 564..02 564.02,
_ 57 City G,F.Water--Fd. mater Rent-NG 1D (93A) 466:.34 466..34
59 C1ty G.F.Water Pd. 'Mater Rent-NGFWD (9.3) 584.66 584.66
59 City.G.Y.Water Fd. Water Rent-Ridge ad.WD 104.00 104.00
.- 60 Niagara-Nhk.Pvr. Blect.Serv.Aviation Rd. 58.86 16.49 •
61 Niagara-Mhkk.Pvr. Str.ltn6-Cleverdale L.D. 41.08 41.08
62 N,Y.Telephone Co. Phone sere-store house- 15.05 15,05
63- N.Y.Telephone Co. Phone sery-store house 18.70 18.10.
64 Frailer Paint Co. Paint & miso.Bd.Elect. 8.76 8.76
65 Henry lei t H
y J,Sleight wy.Dept.Aviation Rd. 51.56 •45.93
66 Nathan Proller Cem.Payrl-Cem.op*PV 54.40 54.40
67� .Nathan Pralller Gen... & Hwy.Ins. 1203.25 1203.25
68, Seatty':s Fuel oil-store house 212.22 212.22
69 Ferro Enaml..Co. Str.signs-Twn.Qsby. 310.50 310.50
70 G.F.Eleret.Supply Lamps-Hwy Dept. 14.86 14.86
71 C.G.Woodbury & Son Material-Twn Strhouse 86.01 78,.41
72 : C.G.Woodbury-- & S"an Material-,etc.Hxy 210.82, 179.74
73 Bernard Codne-r Att.school atL Buffalo 79.84 79.84
74 Raymond Walkups u U 92.50 92.50
75 Raymond J.Hoagua ' '! 88:090 88.90
76 Curtis Lampson " 89.54 89.54
77 Har&1d C. Akins I ." & Pstg 72.26 72.26
78 NathaEn. Proller Ins. on-Town,-,Property 3721183 3721.83
79 Nathan Proller Ins.Prem um 1156.93 1156.93
80 Nathan. Proller Malti-Form: Cont.Pv;Cem. 92.80 92.80
81 Fbatn: M.Lykens Serv.Justice Akins 8.00 8100
82 Nat.Welding Coo Thawing-NGFWD Fwd 70,50 70,50
83 Niagara-W, PWr. Blec t.Se rv.NGFWD Pd. 41.15 41.15
-84 W.A Zarvey Child health Clinic: 160.00 40 OQ
$10626.82, 110420.09
On motion the meeting adjourned j
TurrLe� �'�
Town Clerk.