1957-03-19 SP 4276
_Mr-. Bentley introduced Resolution No. 30. and moved its gdoption, sec-
_onded by Mr. Lampson:. _
Whereas, Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways, has pur-
chased from Tarrant Manufacturing Co. of $araatoga Springs, New York, a
Tareo "Scotchmana salt spreader for the sum of $640.00 and has traded
in on the purchase price of the new spreader an.old sprpaader for an al-
lowance of $50,00, and,
Whereas neither the purchase of the new spreader or the trade in of
the old spreader has been approved by the Town Board pry or to the pur-
chase and trade in but the Town Board is satisfied that said purchase
and trade in are propert
RESOLVED that the purchase of a Tarco "Scotchman",. salt spreader
from the Tarrant Manufacturing Co, of Saratoga Springs-for the. price of
$640..00 and that the trade in of the used spreader owned by the Tawn of
Queensbury for the sum of $50.00 be and the same hereby are ratified
and approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ay4s -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - nq= -
Mr. Marabeck of the Matt-Manbeck Co, Inc. , was present and discussed
with the members of the Town Board and Superintendent of Highways the
acquisition of spreader by the Town. Mr, Manbeck was referred to the
County .Attorney.
Ernest Lackey, Tom Superintendent of Highways, discussed with the Board
the Glen Lake Road - the proposed extension of' thQ Country Cluh Road.
Linwood Chase was present and discussed with the Board water sewers to
a- house which he is buildingo
On motion the meeting adjourned,
r r
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk .
Special Meeting March 199 1957
Pre sent:
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Laampsozx. Councilman
Absent: I H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Raymond Walkup: Councilman -
The board convened at 7-.30 P.M_..
Resolution #31 introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Akins:
WHEREAS., the. Supervisor was umble `to be present at this meeting
and to .act az!,� chairman thereof,
RESOLVED that Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace, be anal
is hereby appointed chairman for this meeting. -1
Duly adopted by tAe following vote: �1
f Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Akins
Noes - none
A petition was presented to this board by Linwood Chase requesting the
extension of the North Glens Falls Water District to be known as Exton-
; sign #4.
NEW YORK, _ W,&n. T Q._THE-FR OVI$I0kN$ _
9�'._ARTiCLE-__�_.OF.,THE._T C��N ���__�'•`.
$TATB.. 0F_VEW YQRK. _ .
To the Honorable. Town Board of .the Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
New York: , .
We, the undersigned, being owners . of taxable kaal property sit -
uate in th& proposed Extension No. 4 to the existing North Glens Falls
Water District hereinafter described, owning in the aggregate at least
1 one-halfoof the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property in
the proposed Extension No. 4 to the existing North Glens Falls Water
District as shown upon the latest completed assessment roll of said Town
of Queensbury, and 'being resident owners owZiing at least one-half of.
the assessed valuation of all the taxable real property in the proposed
Extension No. 4 to the existing North Glens Falls Water District owned
- 'dray resident owners, according to the latest completed assessment roll,
do hereby petition your honorable body to establish the following des.
cribed territory as part of the North Glens Falls Water District::
ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County
of Warren and State of New York, more particularly
bounded and described as foljows : BEGINNING at
the southeasterly corner of lot 105, Montray
Heights, a map of which is on file in the Warren
County C1erk6s Office at Lake George, N.Y., running
from thence in a northerly direction along the
easterly bounds of the said Montray Heights sub-
. division, passing along the westerly bounds of
the lands of a ,portion of Pineview Cemetery, and
also passing along the westerly bounds of a portion
of the lands of Sidney Timms, and also passing
along the westerly bounds of the lands of Isabelle
Harris, Edwin Gage and Kenneth Cage , to the most
northeasterly corner of. Montray. Heights subdivis-
ion, said point being also the northwesterly corner
of the lands of the said Kenneth Gage; thence in
an easterly direction along the northerly bounds
of the lands of the said Kenneth Gage, eight hund-
red (800.00) feet; thence. in a southerly direction
and in a straight line to the northeasterly corner
of the lands of the said Isabelle Harris; thence
running in an easterly direction along the north-
erly 'bounds of the lands of the said Sidney Timms
two hundred fifty (250.00) feet; thence in a. south-
e~rly direction andiaral.W to the easterly bounds
of the lands of the said Isabelle Harris, crossing
Sweet Road, to the southerly bounds ,of, the lands
of the said Sidney Timms; thence co'ntinuing the
same course :southerly, crossing a portion of Pine-
view Cemetery, to a point in the northerly bounds
of Extension limber ore:, North Glens Falls Water
District; thence running in a westerly direction
along a portion of the northerly bounds of the
said North Glens Falls Water District, Extension
Number one , :to the easterly bounds of the original.
C North Glens Falls Water District; thence in a north-
westerly direction along.a portion of the easterly
Ll bounds of the said original North Glens Falls Water
District,'-to the point and place of beginning.
z _
The territory above described is wholly situate in the Town of
Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, but is wholly out-
side of any incorporated village or city.
This petition is accompanied by a map and plan prepared according
to scale by the Town Surveyor of the said Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York_, showing the boundaries of the proposed Extension
No. 4 to.-the-.Worth Glens Falls Water District and a general plan of
the proposed grater system-to be--constructed therein, and such matters
as may be required by Section 192 of the Tomn Law.
The source of supply•ts the existing water system of the City
of Glens Falls and the mains in the proposed Extension No. 4 to the
North Glenss�Aalls Water District will be connected to the water mains
of the existing North Glens Falls Water District.
All of the property, property owners and interested persons
within the limits of' the proposed Extension No. 4 of the existing
North Glens Falls Water District are benefited thereby and all prop-
erty and property owners-benefited are included therein. -
The entire cost of the extension of the water mains into the
proposed Extension No. 4 to the North Glens Falls Water District
will be paid for by certain property owners in said proposed extension
and that no part of the cost of said improvement will be charged to
or paid for by all of the property owners in the said proposed ex -
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Hate of
siming Witness Petitioners
3/13/57 H. 1ussel Harris grin Gage
3/13/571 Frank k. Chase Vernon L. Brown
3/13/57, H. Russell Harris Charles L. Chase
3/2-4/57 H. Russell Harris , Isabelle Harris
3/14/57, H. Russell Harris Sidney Timms
Resolution No. 32 introduced by Mr. A14n.s who moved its adopt-
ion, seconded by Mr. Lampson: -
WHEREAS', a petition having been presented to this Town Board
for extension #4 of the North Glens Falls- Water District, including
property described as follows:
ALL, that certain piece or parcel of land situate,
Tying and being in the Town of Queensbury,
County of Warren and State of New York.,, more
particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of lot 105
Montray Heights , a map of which is on file in
the Warren County Clerk' s Office at Lake George,.
N.Y.! running from thence in A northerly '
direction along the easterly bounds, of the said
Montray Heights subdivision, passing along the
westerly bounds of the lar4s of a portion of
Fineview Cemetery, and also passing along the
westerly bounds of a portion of the lands of
Sidney Timms, and also passing along the west--
ernly bounds of the lands of Isabelle Harris ;
Edwin Gage and Kenneth Gage , .,to the most north-
easterly corner. of Montray Heights subdivision,,
said point Ueing also the northwesterly corner
of the lands of the said Kenneth Gage; thence
in an easterly direction along ,the northerly
bounds of the lands of the said Kenneth Gage,
eight hundred (800.00) feet; thence in a
southerly direction and in a straight line to
the northeastierly corner of the lands of the
said Isabelle Harris; thence running in an easter-
ly direction along the northerly bounds of the
lands of the said Sidney Timms two hundred fifty
(,250.04) feet; thence in a southerly direction
and parallel to the easterly bounds of the
lands of the said Isabelle Harris , crossing
Sweet Road, to the-southerly bounds of the
lands Qf the said Sidney Timms;; thence
continuing the same course southerly, crossing
a portion of Pineview Cemetery, to a point in
the northerly-bounds of Extension N.o. one , North
Glens Falls Water District; thence running in a
westerly direction-along a portion of the north-
erly bounds of the said. North :Glens Falls Water.
District, Extension Number one,, to the easterly
- bounds of the original North Glens Falls 'Mater
District;; thence in a northwesterly-directiorx
along a portion of the easterly bounds of the
said original North Glens Falls Water District,,
to the point and place of beginning. _
There is no amount to be expended by the taxpayers of the North
Glens Falls Water District for the establishment or construction thereof.
That all of the cost and expense of establishing, constructing
-and laying of the water mains will be paid by the petitioners, or their
successors or assigns, or taxpayers within the extension.
Said. petition was signed by the owners of taxable property sit-
uatdd in the proposed extension owning in the aggregate more than one-
half of the assessed valuation of the taxable property of the proposed.
extension„ as shown on the last complete assessment roll of said Town.
No order of consent is required from the State Comptroller for
the reason that there is no money to be expended: from public funds.
T.t is ORDERED,, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 193
of the •Town Law, the Town Board will meet at. the Town Clerk' s Office , .
Ridge Road, in said town, on the 2nd day of April, 1957, at-7:30 P.M.
- to consider the said petition and hear any axed all persons interested
in the ;subject thereto or concerning the same, ,and it is further
('ORDERED,, that the Clerk shall cause a copy of this order te4ified
by her, to be published - once in the Glens, Falls Times, the official
newspaper, on the 22nd day of March, 1957, and shall cause copies of
this order to be posted conspicuously in five public places within the
proposed extension not less than ten nor more than twenty days before
the day designated for the hearing aforesaid.
Duly adopted this 19th day of March , 1957, by the following votes:
Maredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Are
• Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Aye
Curtis Lampson Councilman Aye
Noes - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk .