1957-07-27 i
leis 2. Scott Twn. Surveyor helper 1:4.95 14,w95
3 l ox
K. 'Stevens Twn.S eyor's helper
25.94 .1.
Totals 16 5.Za . s0a.3s
Ch motion the meeting adjourned
Frances L.• Turner
Town Clerk
• Regular Meeting July 27j,1957
Present s
H. Russell. Harris Supervisor ,
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of thli Peace,
Curtis Lamps on Cpuneilme� ,
Raymond-Walkup Councils ,
• Y
The 'board converned. at 7:30 p.m. ,
Thomas- Clarke,, Harry Reitz, Forman V'roman,. Ralph Pirce,, Fred Fields
and Charles Aubrey were present and discussed with the Town board
the- condition of the road on the south Bast side. of Glen Lake lead-
ing from the Glens Falls- County Club into the Captain Davis area,
and suggested that appropriate action be taken to straighten• curves
and widen the road.. It was also requested that some, measures• be
taken to treat the road with heavy oil to allay 4ust.. ,
The matter was further discussed with the Town Board. ;
Y' a matter was referred to the Highway Committee for a recomiuenda.
"�io�'3, as, to what should be done,- • i.
w'i '" or swirsky, Kwmeath Cook,. Carl Word., Theodore Lemery,, George
Taylor, Herbert Ganant, Eugene Bartholomew and Robert Kirkpatrick '
werrer present. George Taylor acted as sponsor and discussed the con-
dition. of Thomas Street which lies within the city limits of the
City of Glans Falls, N.Y. Mr. Taylor requested that Thomas street
be6 paved°, and :signs be arercted. fir' general discussion was had. The
matter was referred to the Highway Committee to interview the- proper
eity' officials in connection therewith..
• Olin Lough my from Barber Avenue was .present and stated that resi
dents-of Barber Avenue .and the exteion of Grant avenue would be
interested in having a sanitary sewer and watery district. A. general_
di scu ssi oar was had.
The following petition was read to the board
July 22, 1957
Mr.. H. Russell Harris ,
Bupervisor ,
Saar Route
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Mr. Harris:
We, the undersigned, 'being residents in the general vicinity
of the Half-way Brook Reservoir would like to register• a protest,
with the request that you bring it to the attention of the city
fathers. ,
During the past calendar month„ residents in our arei. have
been plagues on at least six different occasions by ashes ina half-
burned debris landing on our lawns and houses , carried by winds from
the Glens Falls City Dump. Not only is this situation disagreeable to
the. f.ami7 y_attemptin&-to picnic in, their backyard or,unsightly .to the
resident trying to beautify his property, but we believe there is also
. a genera;_ fire hazard. It is obvious many of these papers are still a-
flame while being carried by the wind.
It is our understanding that certain; "experts" are being called
from Now York to look into thef City Dump situation.,Wee urge that these
representatives come immediately and-that steps be taken to alleviate
this problem..
Wa would appreciate a word from you as to opinions and comments
made by the city officials to this letter. Your reply should be ad ..
dressed to Mrs. tWebstear R. Price:, Old Forge Road, Glens ftlls, N.Y..
Name of Resident Addregs
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Frederick _ Old Forge Road
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gilliam F. Cosnahan Old Forge Road
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Humphrey Old Forge Road
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Aate1T 20 Old Forge Road
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Costello 24 Reservoir Road
Mr. & Mrs. John Grant 25 Reservoir Road
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cladwell - -
Mit, and Mrs. Frank F. Roethke Old Forge. Rd.
Mr. and Mrs. James F..: Quinlan dark St. .
Mr. and M'rs. Warren N. Durling Reservoir Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Miroslav J. Pistek Clark St.
Md., and Mrs. William Daly Clark St.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore-Cafaw. Clark Ot.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reservoir; Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. 1.3. Maber Clary St.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hart Old Forge Rd.
Mr.- and Mm. Kenneth Rogers Old Forge Road
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Nelson Reservoir Dr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Winters 28 Reservoir Drive
Mr. and Mrs. Webster M. Price 12 Old Forge Rd,.
The petition: was recesived and placed on file ands matter referred to
the dump committee.
The following petition was presented to the boards
The: undersigneed, all residents of Rockhurst, Town of Queensbury,
County. of Marren, Nsw York, do respectfully represent that the road
leading to their premise-s, because of all the new housing in the area,
is in such state of disrepair that it has become dangerous and will
shortly become impassable, and ask the Honorable Town Board to take
immediate steps in resurfacing the same..
Dated:: July 8, 1957
Tot Town :Board, Town of Queensbury
Gerald J. Noonan Rockhtrst .
Philip M. Smith
Edward Clune p`
Russell N. Ma.rray "
Cary J. Damiano u'
D. Guy Clunis
William Enders
Hex== C. Dlmore '
Xlehael. Evaniee `
Joseph, J. Hannan: .
Mariam S. Tyler
L.H. Beckerle
F.W. Leavanworth:
The Richards of
John M. Sullivan.
Anthony Costello "`
Edward Jaakle Rackhurst
�lilam.-P. Osterman a
dhttd fit. Clifford a;
i ,11am McDonald .
.. k Dickinson .
,Riqlaard T. Howland
ienq *y Bo jack Rexford, N.Y.
Tke ms.ttet was referred to the' highway
The following letter was read to the board-.,
Attorney at haw ,
Glens Falls N.Y. .
July 15, 1957'
Mrs. Franee:s L.' Turner
Town Clerk _
8idger Road .
Glens- Falls Y.Y. Re:: Shore Colony Water
r District
Dear' M rs. Turner. a
_ Bhcldsed You will lease find original
y P petition for establish-
' went of the Shore Colony Vater: District on Assembly Point, to which
is attached a` map showing the boundaries of. the district and the
location of the improvements proposed to be constructed.
I have J
prepared and also enclose the original and six copies
of an order to be adopted- by your Town. Board fixing a date for the
public hearing on this application. The- original order should. be
signed by the members of the Town Board and filed in your office.
After the order has been signed I have to publish the certified copy
dthe order and post .five copies in publie �places in the proposed
Istrict* 'Aecordingly, will you please certify the six copies and
Us soon as they are ready I will stop at your office and pick them
'u Ten dAys- cast elapse between the publication and the posting of
the order and the date the hearing is held, and if your Town. Board
does -not meet until this Saturday this means the hearing can not be
held until August. Advertising copy must be in the hands of the
Pest, Company-. :two days in advance of publication, so you had better
a.lIft about two
days in fixing the date of hearing.
Yours very truly
/sl Albert 3,.. Beswick
County Attorney
The following petition was received by the board:
To the Town Board of the Tovna. of Queensbury, Warren County, New York:.
We, the undersigned, being owners of taxable real property
,situate in the proposed district hereinafter described, and owning
in` the aggregate more than one-half of eh assessed: valuation of all
the taxable real property of said proposed district, as shown upon
the latest completed assessment roll of said town, and including
rea$idt owners of said district owning taxabletreal property ag-
gregetlmg at least one-half of all the taxable real property of the
` proposed district owned by resident owners , according to the latest
completed assessment roll, do hereby petition your Honorable Board to
estaiblish a water district in the territory hereinafter described,
which is located in your Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and
State of New. York, outside of any incorporated village and wholly
within the said Town of Queensbury, and which proposed district is
aoscribed as follows.
Beginning at the point on the easterly shore of
Assembly Point in the Town of Queensbury which marks
the southeasterly corner of the lands of Harold C.
Veeder and the northeasterly corner of the lands of
Mockridge end running thence north 82 deg. 48' west
along the division line between 'Feeder and Mockridge a distance of
925 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe 6 feet northwest of a 24 inch
hemlock tree., thence south 6 deg. melt 168 feet to a doubt® 28 inch
hemlock tree,; thence north 80 deg. 071 west 600.26 fret to a corner;
thence north 11 deg. 351 east 214.67 feet to a point'; thence north
29 deg. 041 east 206.70-feet to a point; thence north 14 deg. 251 east
a distance,of 100 feet to a point; thence north 0 deg. 060 ,east a.
distance of 223.36 feet to a point;; thence north de .111 steasdis-
distance of 300 feet to a point; thence north 14 degll`.0
tance of 386.90 feet to a point; thence: north 76 deg. 251: west a
distance of 1.0.0 feet to a paint in the easterly line Qf � la foot
right of way; thence north 1.4 deg. Ill' east along the easter y line
of said right of way a distance of- 20-feet to a point in the soutth-
eTly line of the lands of James V. Price— thence south 76 deg. 0
east and along the boundary line between Veeder and Price a distance
of935.68 feet to a point; thence south 42 deg. 401' east a distance
of 23.35 feet to a point; thene.
c ' south 13 deg. 170 -west a distance
of 119150 feet to a point; thence north 81 deg.. 500 east a distance
of 142.35 feet to a point thence north o deg. 201 _west a distance of
63' feet to a point; thence south 75 deg. 541 eastra distance of 172-
feat,, more or less, to a point on the shore r of Lake George. thence
southerly along 'the shore of Lake George a di'st�nce of 22 feet, more
or less , to a point; thence south 81 deg. 501 west a distance of 312
feet more or less,, to a point; thence south-1 deg.. 45' east a dis
tance of 75.57 feet to a point;; thence south 8 deg. 45! east a dis -
tance of 71.3.97 feet; to a point; thence north 83 deg. 40 east a dis-
tance of 1003 feet to a point; thence south 8 deg. 450 east a distance
of 64 feet to a point; thence north 83 deg. 411` east.-a distance of
on the shore of Lake George
205 feet, more- or less , to a point Georges and ache
thence southerly along the shore of Lake George as it winds and turns
a distance of 300 f'eect, more or less, to the place of beginning.
Attached hereto are map and plans showing the boundaries of the
proposed district, the ,source of the proposed water supply, the mode
of construction the proposed water works and the location thereof,
including water purification or treatment works, water mains and
distribution pipes. Said map and plans have been prepared by a com-
petent engineer duly..licensed by the State of Now 'York. '
Tlx: entire cost of c_onstruction. 4f the proposed water system
x 11 be paid by the owners of real property 'in the proposed district
at the time of the construction thereof and no public funds or. finan-
cing by your Town Board will be required.
Address _ Valuation
Nam-Harold G. Veeder East side Lake Ge orge,,N.Y. $6,100.00
(Mail to Box 599P.O.
Lake George)
In the Matter
the Petition for the Establishment of a Water District
in the Town of Queen.sbury, Warren County. New York.
- WHEMS1, a written petition, dated July T0, 195'x, in dhe form.
and containing the required signatures-has been presented to and
filed with the Town Board of the Tcywn of Queensbury, Warren County:
New York, for the establishment of a water district .in,the said town
to ber. known as the Shore Colony Water District to be Uounded and -
ders ribed as f0,11QWe -
BEGINNIN0 at the point on. the easterly shore of Assembly
Point in the.Town of Que-ensbury which marks the southeasterly corner
of the lands of Harold G. Veeder and the northeasterrly corner of
the lands of Mockridge and running thence north 82 deg. 481 west
4 311
along the. division line between Veeder and Mockridge a distance of
925 feat mare or less, to an iron ptpe 6 feet northwest of a 24 inch
ha 1. tree, thence south 6 deg. west 168: feet to a double 28 inch
hemlock 'tree; thence north 80 deg, -070 we8t 600.26 .feet to a corner;
thencit morth 11 deg. 351 east 214,67 feet to a point; thence north,
29 det.. 0411 east 206.70-feet to a paint; thence north 14 deg.25' east
a distaahew,_ rf Tote feat to a point-, thence north Odeg. 061 east a
distance of 223,36- feet to a point; thence north 11 deg-462 east a.
distance of 300 feet to a point; thence north 14 deg;. 13-11 east a dis-
tance -Of-386.20 feet to a point;: thence north 76 deg. 25! west a dis-
tanee of 100 feet to a point in the easterly line of a 161 foot right
of' way.;, thence+ north 14 deg. 1111 east along the easterly- iine of said
Mght. way a distance Of 20 fleet to a point in the southerly line of
the lands of tamers V. Price; thence south 76 deg. 041 east and along
the boundary line: between Feder and Price, a{ distance of 935.68 feet
to: a paLmt;- thence south 42 deg. 404 east a distance of 23.35 feet to a
point; thence. south 13 deg. 1711 west a distance of 129.5p feet to a
point;-, thence north 81. deg. 50! east a distance of 142.35 feet to a
point; thence north 0 deg. 201 -west a distance of 63 feet to a point;
thencef south 75 deg. 54t east-a distance of 172 feet, more or less, to
a point on the shore of-Lake George- thence southerly along the shore
of Lake George: a distances of 22 feet, more or less, to a point; thence south 81 deg. 501, west a distance of 312 feet, more or less, to a point-
thence south 1 deg. 45x east a distance of 75.57 feet to a point; thence'
south 8 deg. 456 east a distant ;
e of 73-3.9? .feet to a point: thence north
83 deg. 4t east-a distance of" 1 0 feet to a point; thence south 8 deg.
45* east a distances of 64 feet to a point; thence north 83' deg. 411
east a distance of 205 feet, more or less, to as point on they �rheteof
Atla fter&,2ftd.F e.*Q aleerly along the shore of Lake George as it
winds and turns a diastance of 300 feet, more or less - to the place of
'WHEREAS,. the improvements proposed consist of a pimping station,
treatt pmt,, supply and distribution mains, with the entire cost
-thereof to be paid by the owners of real property in the proposed dis-
triet and with no district funds to be used for such purposes, it is
_CEDSREDg, that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of
Queensbury shall be held at the Town ClerkYs Office on Ridge. Road in
the Town of Queemsbury, Warren County, New_.York, on the 16th day of
August, 1957, at 7:30 olclock pm. (D.S.T.) on that day to consider '
the petition and to hear all persons -interested in the subject thereof
concerning the same and for such other action on the part of the Town
Board with relation to the said petition as maybe required -by lave.
Dated.- Xuly 279. 19571 ,!s/ H. Russell Harris
Meredith S.. Bentley, J.P.
Raymond Walkup., Councilman
Harold C. Akins, J.P.
j Curtis Lampson
Members of the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury, Warren County,
NOW York.
The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file.
June, 195T
Date Amount
Received Source Received
June 3 Earl Jones -{Water Funds 708.62.
6 Lee Lavery - a 11 a 1045.11.
-Uri-Tone - " 61.92.
17 Arthur Hillis W Penalties - 299.39
17 Sbc.Sec..Cont.Fund - S.S. Ded Payrolls 63.16
27 Earl Jones - Water Funds - 61.47
June 27 Lee Lavery - Water Funds 102.53,
28 Frances Turner - Town Clerk Fees 306.5
28 Nathan PProlles.r - Insurance - 1004,96
23- Thegdore Turner --Water Funds 531.5:
28; F'ftnk Cowles - Cemetery Funds 445.00
3 Earl Jones - Water Funds - 78 0
Total Receipts
Amount I
Rand or Account Faid
e General..._ 4141.22
Pine-View 984.7
N.G..F.W.D. 100.
W.G.T.W.L. 50 00
Total DIsbursements
The f olloving; communi.c ati ons were read:,
Albany, N.Y.-
July 23, 1957
Town Board
Town of queensbury
Warren County .
This is in respect to the State taking over as a_ State Highway
the Harriseenna:Fort Ann Highway-and the erection of STOP signs.
The Commission's representatives have completed a field study of
traffic: conditions on this highway at its intersections with highways
in the Town of Qaeensbuzry. Based on the results of its ; study, the Com-
G . mission. is of-the opinion that STOP sign control is desirable at the
_ locations shown in its order of which a copy is enclosed for your in-
formation and records,
very truly yours s
. ( Closure)-
T91 Hon. N.F. Ronan, Supt.. July 22, 1957 .
Div. of -Operation. & Maintenance
Dept. of Public Works ;
Albany 1, New York
Pursuant to authority conferred. by Article 7 of the Vehicle and
Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission,hereby directs
The erection an& ma:ii4tenanas of signs directing the drivers of vehicles
to bring such vehicles to a stop in the TarAm of Queensbury, Warren
County, as follows.-
1. Before entering or crossing the Harriscenna-Fort Ann. Pt. 1 State
Highway, S.H« 93593,
a, tan. an unnamed lawn Highway which. intersects S.H.9359 at
Station E85*W from -the southeast.. ..
1�. . 0n. an unnam d Tovp Highway which intersects S.H. 9359 at
Station 153 4. 50 Z from the south.e*5t.
j 2. Before entering or crossing Ray Road,. a County Highway, on the
Harrisenna-Fort Ann Pt, 1 State Highway, _S.H. 9359, which into Bay Road at. Station .161• s to from. the southwest and
and requests that- the work necessary to carry out $his order be per-
formed by the Department of PLIblic Works.
' Kfndly 'advilfe the Tr4ffc 'Commission when this Order has been
complied. witUs
• 1 Lloyd- 4 aeder . .
Resolution No. 64 introduced b Juitice Beetle seconded C
Lampsa�t: --y Y+ by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Town. of Queenstury hereby requests the State
` Traffic C o mai s si on to cause to be erected a traffic caution light at
the intersections S X 09L by S. I. 9359 and County Road known as ]gay
Road by S.H: '9359. .
i Duly ad opted*by the f 6I.1 dwI g •tote.
f Ayes- Mr. Walkup, Mrs Bentley, Mr,. Lampson, Mr. Akins and .' Harris
r _:.Noes. None
Resolution Nos, 65 introduced by .Councilman Lampson, seconded by Jus-
tice Akins:
» WHEREAS the W.G.F.Flre Comfy j#l, Inc. has requested piermis-._
Sion to, hold', a pa'bltc- display:of.fire -works 1 and Chas filed a certifies
' cats of Insurance of liability,
RESOLVED that permission be aasd is hereby granted to Atlas
Display Firev'rorks- Incorporated,, anal A_sterdam Fireworks Company, Inc.
to hold a public display of fi"Vorks as follows: .
Da'Ge •• Aug. 3 1957
Place -,West djen.s Falls
' Sponsor -`West Glens ells Fire C oe #11 Inc.
Duly adopted'by thb following vote;
. .
Ayes.. Mr. Wa lkug,-Mr. Bentley, Mrs f ps c?n, Mr. Ak AS and Mr. Harris
The Supervisor reads several cbmmolmications which were retained by him.
The Board gererally discussed the ..proposal of Tom Rogers and
Cloe Rogers to Deed csrtain3.' ds gor street purposes in the develop►
went known a. .s Ridge` .i d ek mi.nsd the deed submittbd respecting
the streets to "be cbjiv tyedg Sinoe it. ow
was not knn -whether some-of- the
streets in questiop... r`e gr44441 and filled in accordance with the requ-
irements' irements of the Tovu,, the matter was referred to the Town Superintehdant
to inspect the streets to as certain whether such streets meet the Town
requirements' prior to gear.: e.ccsptancs there of by the Town for Highway
purposes. ,
. r
1957. - Amt,
No.. Name of Claimant Vature of Claim Clim®d Allows
193 Dennis & Co,, Inc. -
Supplies-M.S.Bentley,JP 2.29 2• f
194 Dennis & Co. , Inc. Supplies-�M.S.Bentley,JP 0.23 0.
195 Norman A.HarvegIND Qsby.Child Health Cons" 120,00 X20.
196 Russell & .Wait,Ine. Su plie-Pv,Cem.Comm. 5.85 5.85
F. Scoville
Scoville )
197 Sidney vanDusen Expence in cone. with Twn. 6.30 6,30
_ of Qsby. Memorial ftrvice s
` held 5/26/57-Cleverdale '
198 Niagara-Mohawk Pwr, Str.ltng, Ft.Amherst & 168,46 _-_ ` 168.46
Corporation Garrison Road .
1�9 The Sandy Hill �Iron 5 Prints 30" x 65" 06og-
3,00 , 3100 �
and Brass Works - ea.(Town of--Queensbury)
200 Glens Falls Hospital Alcohol Test-'Donald W. ' 3.00 3.00
Sturdevan,Tahawud, N.Y.
201 Williamson Law Bk.Co. Supplies" H Alp-rv%c- P, 604 6.34
202 Niagara.-Mohawk Power Street lighting and-,tra 199,82 199.82
Corporation ffic signals
203 Hoag' s Tire Works ' 15 gal. pail Kendall #20
i1,10 spuark plugs--Pv.Cem, 10.80 10,80 1
204 Ehrlich Supply Co. Repair of Clinton Engine-- 21.25 21,25
r P.ineview Cemetery
205 J.A.ORR Co, , t.c. Cutter Bladers.-Pv. Cemet. 6;4 6,45
206 Carswell Truct and Gasolene-�Pineview Cemet. 14«25 14.25
Tractor Co, -
207 -J.E.Sawyer & Co Inco .-.1:._10B Hoe-PineviVw'Com' 2.25 2,25
208 John. Rubricky Laying- cast iron -pipe & X61,14 561.1
back fillinj on Lafayette
,209 t''ohh Kubricky Additional -service on La-. 252.88 . -252,88
fayette. St! as itemized in
210 Glens Falls HosAta . Alcohol test. Stewart Cal- 3,00 3.00
derwood t `
211 Glens alls post nPaid statement of
3,84 3.84
212 N.Y.Tel.ephone Co. Phone service at Strhse 18,20, 18,20
213 N.Y.S.SS.Agcy. kmt.paid. for SS. 4.60 4.60
t 214 Harris WJ7 Window-ttamped enve- 115,20 115.20
t lopes-chsnge `assess. riot, (
215 Albert E. Beswick Legal services rendered 109.75 HOLD) 109.75
on the WGFWD Ext.#4
216 Nathan Proller Add, Prem.41.32-�item#4 41.32 41,32
extended coverage, ncl,
helpers ' Elect*coverage
Scottyts. Fuel Oils Fule Oil- Twn,of Qusb , . 23.67 23.67
23.8 H. Russell Burris Cash advanced to WGF 15.71, 15.71
Ext.•to cover shortage
_ 219 Niagara-Mohawk power CTeverdale street flight- 41..(3 �1.
Corporation ing.=
220 N.G.F.W.D.Extension Spruce ppl1anks(used _used . 20*00 w T A D 20.0 ,
.on Glendale Drive(used 6%%W44 0%&A4-a)
221 C .G.Woodbury & Son. Paint for hydrants-NGFWD 12.60 12.6rC� .
222 Jospeh G. Pollard Co. Fire hydrant complete -w/- 22.56
hose; 2"L'' clapper valves
for above.
223 G.F.Post Star Pub.Notice on applicat 18,46 l814i - 1. T
ion of NGFWD to extend
cra.ter boundaries
1836.00 'SI836,00
On motion the meeting adjourned
Frances L. Turner
T olen Clerk