1957-10-05 SP 331 Meeting October 5, 1957 Present; H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace larold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Upson Councilman Raymond-Walkup Councilman The hoard convened at 7:30 par. Meeting field for the purpose of presentation of the annual estimates of Turn 9fficers and such other business as might necessarily come _ 'before the hoard:. The stimates were resented to the board: � P Supervisor's Estimate for the Torn of Queens'burl General Find. - Appropriations General Government Town Joaid Town Hall and Offices Rentals, board room, offices, elections, etc. 400.00. Compensation of employees 100.0:0: Pure4se of furniture and equipment 200.00. Repaipe, light, heat and telephone 2000000 Other expenses - dump- 2500.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) 1500.00. Compensation of custodians of voting machines _ 140* Other expenses - erection of equip. 200.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair; storage 300.00 Insurance .Compensation insurance 6000, 0 Offi4al bends and underttkifts 100*.W Fire liability- 3500.00 Printipg and advertising (all. departments) CsOQ.W - SServieps of attorneys and expenses of litigation. 1000000= Servieps of engineer and expenses 37,50,00 Assoc. of towns 110.00- oc al, Security payments 800.00 t eyee�:s l retirement system (town share-) 5500.00 Census - _ 4.00.0 # - i Sl�pervisor salary, 4000.00 Office and other expenses 250.00. Justices of the Peace dries 5200.00 ',ice and other expenses 300.00 Con nation of employees 150.00 Ce admen Salaries 2400.00 Office and other expenses 200.00 Town Clerk. Salary 3600.00, Office and other expenses 175.00 Compensation of employees 400.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector. Salary 2600.00, Office and other expenses 200000 332 Protection of Persons and Property Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation. 504+00 Mileage and other expenses 150600 Traffic Signs, signals and highway lighting Lighting $2500.00 Signs .1000.00 3500.00 Dog Warden Compensation 550..00 Other expenses 100000 Inspection Costs g B 5 uilding inspection V0.00 0.00 EXPO 5 Education Town Library Payments to other libraries - contract 100.00 Recreation. Parks and Playgrounds yCompensation of employees 100.00 ' Other expenses 50004 Fatriotie Observances 135.00 Public Utilities C6meteries 500000 General Fand Estimated Revenues Mortgage taxes 12000•Q0 D' licenses afros county) 1500100 es of town clerk 2500.00 Foes of justices of the peace: 2000,00 Fees of Belieeur 3130.15 *Reimbursement aw-A-affankmm for per capita assistance = � 24569.85 Unexpended balsnces (Sec. T15, Torn Law) 15,000.00 M f Welfare Ft Appropriations Town Welfare. Officer Salary 252.00 Office and other expenses 50000 Town health Fund Appropriations Beard of health Salary of health officer 1500.00 _ . Other health expenses - clinic 750.00 Compensation of' nurses - other health exp. 100.00 i Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation) 30.00 Other expenses 10.00 333 Annual:. Estimate Submitted by Justice of Peace Town of-Queensbury For fiscal year bgsinnina January 1, 1959 Expenditures Salary of Justice 22Q0.00 Salaries of ether employees $0.00 Postage 10.00 Bands 10140 Assoc. of Towns 100.00 Books, dockets, etc. 100000 Equip. repair (typewriter) 0000 Total expenditures w+ `SIO.00 Revenues Fines, penalties and forfeitures 100.00 Motor vehicle fees (reed. from State) 100600 Civil fees 20000 Civil fees -dog (received from county) 30,00 Civil fees-Conservation Law (recd.fron defen- dants) 20000. Total revenues 270000 Dated: September 29:., 1957 (signed) Y. C. Akins Justice of the Peace Annual Estimate Submitted by Justice of Peace Tewwn of Queensbuxy F®r fiscal year .beSinni.ng January 1, 1959 Expenditures Salary of Justice 3600.DC1 Salaries of other employees-stenographer 150000. Postage 20.001 Law b ooks 50.00 Forms and office supplies 40000 Association cif Towns , expenses 76.0Q, Total expenditures $3935.00 ' Revenues Fines, penalties and forfeitures 50609 Motor vehicle fees (reed, fro=. State,)` 1500.00 Criminal fees-indictable cases (reed.frow, county) _ 25.00 Civil fees _ 1500,00 Civil fees-dog (recd, from county) 2-0000 Total revenues $1.745.00, Dated. September 179, 1957 (signed) Meredith S. Bentley Justie,e of the Peace ` Annual Estimate submitted by Councilman Town. of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954 Salaries $1200.00 Office and other expenses .100.00 Toted expenditures 11300,00 Revenues New Dated: September 261, 1957` (signed) Raymond Walkup ' Councilman 334 Animal_ Estimate submitted by Councilman Town of Queensbury For fiscal year_.bezinning January 1, 1958 Expenditures Salaries $1500.00 Office and other expenses (itemize) 100 00 Total expenditures $1600,00 Revenues None Dated: September 15,, 1957° (signed) Curtis Lamps a Councilman Annual Estimate submitted by Town Clerk Town of Queensbury- For fiscal Year beginning January I, 19580 Expenditures & rry, of Town Clerk. 4000*00 Postage 100.04 Bonds _m Total expenditures W05,,A0 Revenues Dog tags 369,25 Delinquent dog list 3,76 Marriage licenses 118060 Hunting & fishing licenses (Res.,, Nang• res,, alien, lost license) 1076.75 Filing eenditional sales contract and chattel mortgages) 251,30 Transcripts of records , searches, etc. 4,00 Res. pig game, non res. k alien licenses 462,25 Archery-licenses 10.00 Explosive licenses 4.50 Junk dealer's licenses 45.00 Circus, -carnival and fireworks displays , permit fees 304,00 Total revenues $26".50 Dated.: September 30, 1957 (signed) Frances L. Turner - Fl Town Clerk Annual Estimate submitted by Assessor Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958, nditures Salary of Expe Assessors Q0.00 Office, traveling and ether expenses 250000 Total expenditures $5250,00. Revenues None Dated: September 29, 1957 - (signal) Ernest Hillis Assessor Annual Estimate submitted by Assessor Town of Queensbury- For fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1959 ~ Expend turesr Salary of Assessors Z�pg,DO Office,, traveling and other expenses `. Total expenditures $1900.00 Revenues:: None Dated: September 21, 1957 (signed) Fred E. Ricketts Assessors 335 Annual Estimate Submitted by Assessor Town of Q.ueensbury For fiscal *ear berimning January 19 19558, Expenditures Salary of Assessors Telephone 3.2 Mileage 137.17 Total expenditures —X341.95 Revenues.- Hone Dated; September 23, 1957 (signed) Stephen X. Duell. Assessor Annual.Estimate submitted by receiver of taxes (tax collector) Town of Queenstury- ,For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955 Expenditures Salary" 2600.00 ,Pestage 150.00 Total expenditures $2750.00- Revenues: Done Dated: September 12, 1957 (signed) Arthur J. Hillis Receiver of taxes PINEVIEV CEME= 1958, Budget . Cost of Improvements Improvements to Cemetery- $ 350.00 view equipment . 500.0Q: Material for foundations 100,00 $ 950.00 Maintenance: personal services 6400000 Repairs to existing equipment 150000 Material for ground maint. 100100. Gas & oil for equipment 125.00 Compensation insurance. 300.00 Bond for Commissioners & S<ipt. 35.0 Miscel. 50000 Cost for maintenance of outside cemeteries 600.00 6• + $8910.00 Revenues:: Sale of Lots, less perpetual care 2500.00 Fees for rental of vault 30.00 Dees for opening graves 1500000; Fees for setting monuments 125.00 Est. balance, Dec. 31,, 1957 100.00 $4255.00 Budget appropriatioa — 4655.00 (signed) Sidney Tan Dusen - Sec. , Cemetery Como Town of Qaeensbury 336 Annual Estimate for North Glens Falls Water Dist. (Old District) Fapenditures - r Cost of Improvement Constructiop of improvement 400+00 Total $ 400..00 Maintenance Personal services 6100.00 Office and other expenses (itemise) Envelopes, stamps, etc.- 20.00 Books & office billings 95.00 Mowing right of way 25.00 Painting and shoveling snow from fire hydrants 75.00 Repairs 2.00.00; Panzer and light 1200900, Purchase of water 2500.00-. Purchase of equipment Two hydrants 340*GO- Purchase and installation of meters and services (new pump) ?I --- Total $gA55.Q0 Total expenditures $5455.00 Revenues Water rents 64009.00- Total revenues $6400.00 Dated: September 30, 1957 (signed) R. Russell Harris Annual Estimate for North Glens Falls Extension Water District Expenditures Cost of improvements Bond principal 4000..00 -- Bond interest 1100.00 Total $5~100.00_ Maintenance Personal services 600.00 Office amd other expenses Envelopes, stamps , etc. , pooh-fillings , ete. 75.00 Mowing�ri ght. of way •25.00 Painting and shaveling snow from fire hydrants 75..00: . Repairs 200.00: Purchase of water 4500.00; Purchase of equipment (2 hydrants) 340 XOQ Total Total expenditures 0560.00 Revemxes Water rents 7000,00 Total Revenues '-s-7000.00 • Dated: September 3091 1957' (signed) R. Russell Harris Sapervi s or 337 Annual Estimate for West Glens Falls Water District Expend E res _ Maintenance 'Personal services W.O0 Office and other expenses Boole 64.00 Office 81.00 Repairs 222.00 Purchase of water 22.50.00: Farchase of equipment 502 00 Total. ' 15197•00 levees Water rents 4000*00 Penalties 45.00: Total Revenues $4045,00_ Dated: September 30,, 19;57 " (signed) H. Russell Harris " Supervisor Annual Estimate for West Glens Falls Water Di stmt 14tensi®n. - ' Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 60 Office and other expenses /�p� Book 6.00 Office SIOOI Repairs 53.QQ, Purchase of wate=r 2500'00, " Total expenditures 378.04 Revenues Water rents 600.00. Dated: S'eptem'ber 309 195:7 (signed) R. Russell Harris r Supervisor Annual Estimate for Ridge Road Water District Expenditures Maintenance Personal services 100.00 Office and other expenses Bills, printing, mailings etc. Sfl.AQ Flushing, shoveling, painting: 50000 A Repairs 25x0.-00 Purchase of' water 5001.00, Total 950.00 Revenues Water rents" 1000.00. Unexpended balance 4000.00 Total Revenues $5000.00 Dated: September 30, 1957 (signed) H. Russell Harris Supervisor Anrmal Estimate for Queensbury Drainage District Town of Queensbury - For.. fiscal yg%r b inning January 1, 1958 Expenditures Bond principal 5000000 Bond interest 2800.00. Budget note 7,00.00 Int. on note 8:.7 Total expenditures $8509.75 338 Revenues $8600.00 Tax Total revenues Dated.- SeLptember. 300 1957 (signed) H:. Ressell Harris, Supr.. Anrnial Estimate for Queensbury Fire Protection District Town of Queensbury - For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958 Expenditures Contract 5 Cents. 0 P000.00 &SOO r Total expenditures 5000.00 Revenues —None Tax to be raised 15000000 �esa�xX�c�t�c ���s5�x Dated: September 30,, 1957 (signed) R.. Russell Harris , Supr, Annual Estimate for Ft. Amherst-Garrison Lighting District Town of Queensbury For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958 - Expenditures: Maintenance Niagara4fthavk Purer 2022=72, Total expenditures # 2022.72 Revenues Tax- 2022..72; Dated: September 30,, 1957 (signed) H. Russell Harris r. Supervisor . Annual Estimate for Cleverdale Lighting; District Town of Queensbury.For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955, Expenditures , Maintenance Niagara-Mohawk Contract 500,00. Total expenditures 500.00; Revenues Tax bog*00. Total revenues 500,00 y Dated: September 309, 1957' _ (signed) K. Russell Farris i.pervisor Annual Highway Estimate and Budget Town of Queensbu y County- of Warren Estimate by HIGHWAY FOND (ITEM L) Town Superintendent Expenditures - . . - General Repairs p0,,000.00 Special improvements 20 00000,,0 Total expenditures 10090000 .00 _ Revenues State ,did 5:0570.00. 339 Total Revenues ,� 92670,00 Amount,_to tie_-raiseo by tax for Highway Fund . (Item l) 91,330..QQ MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) Expenditures Payment of Principal and Interest on Bonds and Notes issued for machinery purchase 80,300.0a. Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 5,,000.00 Repairs of machinery, tools and implements 6,700.00 Total expenditures $209,000.00 Amount to be: raised by tax for Machinery Fund (Item. 3) #200000.00 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4) Expenditures - .. Removing; obstructions caused by snow 209,000.00 Cutting noxious weeds and brush 30600.,00 Salary of Turn Superintendent 510500,00 Expenses of Town Superintendent. 100.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 700,,00 Total expenditures $20,90a W Revenues Miscellaneous Revezmies Warren Co. snow removal 4.900.06, Total Revenues 40900,00 Amount to be raised by tam-. for snow and miscel- laneous fund (Item 4) $25,000.00 "a—aa 0f Tames to be levied Highway. Fund (Item 11 9.10330.00 Machinery Fund.. (Item-3) 20,000.00 Sa ev and miscellaneous -fund (Item 4) 25,000,00 'Total 136 0330. SIGNATURE OF TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS The undersigned. town superintendent. of_the aforesaid Town hereby submits the foregoing estimate as shown in section entitled "Estimate by Town Superintendent."- Dated:. Sept. 30v 1957 � (signed) Ernest X. Lackey Annual Estimate Submitted by hoard of Health Tovn of Queensbury For Fiscal year be Sinni January 1, 195&: - Expend' tdres Salary ; 1750*00 Total expenditures $1750.AO The amount listed under salary include4 travel, postage, stationary,. telephone, attendance at health conferences and other incidentals which I. have not charged the town in recent years. The number of immunization clinics I have conducted have increased con- - siderably; in the first six months of-' 1957 I have personally given more than 2,000 inoculations at these clinics. .Sinee the load has increased as well as my, expenses my request for a $250.00 apparent increase in salary would seem reasonable. Dated: September S, 1957. (signed) Bernard Selinger, M.D. Health officer Annual Estimate submitted by registrar of vital statistics Toun of Queensbury For Fiscal year bezinnina January 1, 1958 Expenditures Compensation $ 20.00 340 Postage $1.0.00 Total expenditures $ 44-.00 Revenues None Dated,: September 15th, 1957 (signed) Frances L. Turner Registrar of Vital Statistics Annual Estimate submitted by Town Welfare Officer Town of Que ensbury . For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1958 Expenditures Salary of employees $225.00 Revenues Done Dated: September 149 1957 (signed) Anna M. McCaghey Town service officer The board proceeded to work on the preliminary budget and completed the work thereon. Resolution No., 82 introduced by Judge Bentley, seconded by Councilman Lamps on: RESOLVED that, the annual preliminary budget of the Town of Queens- bury and the several districts therein contained for the year 1958 hav- ing been completed by the Town Board of such Turn, the sane be filed in the office: of the cleat of the Town of Queensbury.where it shall be avail - able at all reasonable hours for inspection; and that this board hold a hearing thereupon at a meeting thereof to be held at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge -Road, in said Town on the 7th day of November, 19579 at 7:30: o'clock p:.m., at which time and place the said Town Beard will meet and review said preliminary budget and any person interested may be heard in favor of or against all or any of the items. of said preliminary budget as completed. Further resolved that the clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of such hearing pursuant t4 section 113 of the Town Law and such notice be in substantially the following form:: Notice of Rearing upon Preliminary Budget Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town. of Queensbury for the year 1958 has been completed and filed in the office of the clerk of said Town;; that the Town Board of said Town will, at a meeting thereof to be held at the Town Clerk's office, Ridge Road, in said Town, Marren County, New York, on the 7th day of November, 1957, at ,7:30 otcock p,u,, hold a hearing thereupm and review said budget, and any person may be heard in favor of .or against the knndget as com - piled, or for or against any item or items therein contained, That the proposed salaries of Back member of the Town Board, Sap- oxvisor, Town Clerk,-Super-intendant of Highways and other officers as therein set -forth are .as follows supervisor $4200 _ Justices of the Peace (2) . .58.00 Town Councilmen (2) - 3000 Town Clerk - -. 4000 Superintendent of Highways 5500 Collector 2600 Assessors (3) 7700 Dated: October 5th , 1257 _ By Order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner Town Clerk 341 Duly adopted by the following; vote-. Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none . Resolution loo. 83 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man Walkup: F RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to transfer from-the contingent fund to the Social Security Contribution: F the sum of X0.000 Daly adapted ley. the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr.• Hentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris goes - none - Qn motion the meeting adjourned. . Team Clark. + x ReCular Meeting actmtier 26, 1957 Present:. X. Russell. Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampso Councilman Raymond-Walkap. Councilman The board convened. at 7:30 p.m.. �-- George Taylor and Robert Kirkpatrick called on the Board in reference to surfacing of Thomas Street. The Tura Board generally discussed the matter. Mr. Taylor stated that the road was in real bad condition* The Supervisor stated that the City of Glens Falls had agreed to re- pair where needed. Resolution No. " introduced by Mr.. Lampson., seconded by Mr. Walkup. WHEREAS Thomas Street lies wholly in the City of Glens Falls; and, WHEREAS residents living along the westerly side of this street have requested this Hoard to take necessary action to cause said street to tie repalm3. .and have requested this Board to make a formal request t& tkw ffA$Fro&ftd Cron Council of the City of Glens Falls to take apprepriate action to cause said street-to be resurfaced. TF1EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Hoard requests the Mayor and thee Common Council of the City of glens Falls to taker appropriate action to cause said Thomas Street to be permanently improved. Du]y ad=opted by the following gate: Ryes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file.