1957-10-26 r
Duly adopted by the following vote.
Ayes. - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Barris
Noes - none .
Resolution No. 83 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council-
man Walkup:
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to
transfer from-the contingent fund to the Social Security Contribution:
Fund the sum of $100.00.
Duly adopted by. the following vote:
-- Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr.- Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Nses - none
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk.
Regular Meetint, October 26, 1957
Present z.
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harald Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond-Walkup. Councilman
The kea.rd convened at 7:.30 p.m..
: — George Taylor and Robert Kirkpatrick called on the Board in reference
to surfacing of Thomas Street. The Town Board generally discussed the
matter. Mr. Taylor stated that the road was in real bad condition,
The Supervisor stated that the City of Glens Falls had agreed to re-
pair where needed. _
Resolution Now " introduced by Mr.. Upson,, seconded by Mr. Walkup,
WHEREAS Thomas Street lies wholly in the City of Glens Falls;
WRERZ&S residents living along the westerly side of this street
have rested this Board to take necessary action to cause said street
to be re aJ rad grid have requested this Board to make a formal request
iii thw HAx9rodnd Cron Council of the City of Glens Falls to take
appropriate action to cause said street-to he resurfaced.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board requests the Mayor and
they Common Council of the City of glens Falls to take appropriate
action to cause said Thomas Street to be -permanently improved.
Duly- adopted by the following vote:
Ayes •- Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Wires - none _
The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file.
_Pursuant ,to 4ecti9n..119 of the_Tgwnr __4w, I hereby render the fol..
lowing-statement of all moneys received and disbursed by me„ as Super-
visor, during the month of September, 1987.
Date Amount
Received RECEIPTS Received
Sept. 30 Pine View & Highway Ded on Payrolls 81.37
30 Frances Turner Town-Clerk Fees 193.00
30 Frank Cowles 736.50
30 Pine View & Highway Ded. on Payrells 2.s.02
4 Lee Lavery Water Funds 159.01.
4 Earl-Jones Water-Funds W.O.F. Ext. 6193
30 Earl Bones Water Funds 0 - a 26.96►
4 Lee Lavery- dater Rands N.G.F. Eat. 51.64
25 Earl:'Jones Water Funds W.G.F.W.D. _ 10,40
Total Receipts - 250,x►;
General 4742..92,
Rine View 9;44.$Q
Nertk G.F.W.D. 64.50
West G.F`.W.D. 50.00
N.G.F.W.D. Ext. 226.00,
Ridge W.D. .54
Cleverdale Lighting Dist. 41.06
Ft. Amherst-Lighting-Dist, 168,.46
W.G.F.W.D. Ext, - 19.s5
Highway Fund 5417.57
Total Disbursements ; x.42
Injuries to volunteer firemen were reported as follows,-:
Name Date of_Iniury- _ luiury
Royal Cho wick Oct. , 957 Finger
Arthur J. Marray- Oct. 199, 1957' Smoke poisoning
The following letters were read to 'the Boards
Albany 1. _ .
October 17, 1957
Miss Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk.
Town of Queensbury
338 Ridge Road
Glens Frills, New York
Dear Miss Turners
This will acknowledge your letter of October 2r
and Resolution No. 81 concerning the resurfacin& of
that stretch of. road running from Route 9 to Route 9L9,
a State Highway commonly known as the Farm to Market-
Road in the Town of Queensbury.
We assure you that this road will be kept in as
good condition as possible under our general maintenance
Very truly yours,
/sj Mary A. Meany
Secretary to the Superintendent
West Glens .Falls, , N.Y.
Mrs. Turner:.
Oct. 169, 1957
Please add the following names to the active roster of the West
Glens Falls Fire Co. , Inc.
Harold Kenny Age 32 Address 13 Caroline St. , W.G.F.
Allen Mozell- 34 26 ]Pine St. W.ga.
�,Guis Scoville,, Jr. 22, 180 Broad-St. Q.Fo -
Robert Barett 37 4 Minnesota Ave*W.G.F,
Ivan Bell 29 28 Baldwin Ave. G.F. -
James Brennan so Ohio Ave.. W.G.F.
Donald, Chase 29 225 Fifth St. G.F* -
Francis Harris 45 ROF.D.#2, G.F,
Francis Johnson R.F.D.34 G.F..George Ladd 30
R.F.D. G.F.
Paul Naylor 21 R.F.D.9 G.F.
Janes Potvim' 24 224 Fifth St.Ext. G.F.
Floyd Russell 25 R.F.D.#3 G.F..
Albert Smith 26 228 Fifth St,Ext, G.F.
James Tucker 24 R.F.D.#3 G.F..
Thank you
Isl Leon Richardson
- Chief
Resolution No, 85 introduced by Justice Bentley; seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the following be and are hereby confirmed as active
Volunteer Firemen in the West Glens Falls Fire Company No. 1, Inc. :
Harold Kenny 13 Caroline St, W.G.F
Allen Rozell 2-6 Pine St. "
. I W.(;.F*l
Louis Scoville Jr. UO Broad St, P
Robert 3arett, GA 0
4 Minnesota Ave. W.G.F.
Ivan Bell 2A Baldwin Ave* G.F. -
James- Brennan Ohio, Ave, W.G.F, ,
Donald. Chase 225 Fifth, St* G.F# -
Francis Harris G,F.
Francis Johnson R.F.D.V2 G•FO t
George Ladd G.F.
Paul Naylor G.P.
James Poty.in. 224 Fifth St.Exto G.F.-
Floyd Russell R.F.D.#3 G.F.
Albert Smith 22a Fifth St, G.F*
James Tucker R.F.D.#3 G.F.
Duly adopted by the following vote,, -
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following letter was read to the Board:
Glens Falls, N.Y.
Mr. W. Russell Harriss Supervisor October. 1, ,1957.
Star Route
Glens Falls , New York.
Dear Russell.-
Mr. Veeder executed a deed to. the Town of Queensbury conveying the
streets laid out in Shore Colony on Assembly Point to be dedicated as
town highways in the width of thirty-five feet.
As you know, it is necessary under the Highway Law to obtain the
approval of the Superintendent Of Public Works in order to lay out a town
highway at-a width of less than fifty feet. Mr. Lae-key did make. such ap-
plication, which has been pending in Albany for at least a month,
I 'have today received a letter from Mr. Krick, Assistant Super.
i,ntendent, in which he says they can not pass on the application until
they have evidence that the Town Board can accept the highway. Accord-
ip&Xy., T_ have drafted and enclose.., the original and a copy of a resolu-
tiop i.cce.pting the streets in Shore Colony as town highways upon the
approval of the Superintendent-of Public Works. If' you find this reso-
lution satisfactory, will you please have .it adopted at your next meet-
ing, and have your- Town Clerk certify the copy and return it to me.
Yours very truly„
• /s/ Albert E. Beswick
County Attorney
cc Mr. �teeder. .
.Mr. Akins -introduced Resolution No. 86 and moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Walkup.
*MMAS, Harold G. Feeder has executed a deed to the Town of
Queensbury conveying the streets laid out in the development known as
"Share Colony" can Assembly Point in the Town of QueenOury for town
highways having the width of thirty-five. feet, and
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has made application
to the Superintendent of Public Works pursuant to the provisions of
the Highway Law for permission to lay out said streets as town highways
of the width- of thirty-five feet, and
WHERFAS, .Hon. L.H. Krick, Assistant Superintendent of Public Works,
has advised . that the_Departnent of Public Wo*rks-'can not approve the
application until the=Town Board has adopted a resolution approving
the laying out ,of said. streets as town highways in the width of thirty-
five feet. ,
RESOLVED, that the Town -of Queensbury accept the deed dated Aug-
ust 99. 19579, •executed by Harold 'G Veeder conveying to the Town of.
Queensbury the -several streets` described therein and shown on the map
of "Shore Colmy" filed in the' office of the County Clerk and also
filed in the ,office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury. and
that each and, all of said streets 'be laid out. as town.highways at the
width of thirty-five feet when the same have been approved by the Sup-
erintendent of ,Public Works as' provided by the Highway Law.
The following resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted
as follows:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Alms and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The Board discussed the lowering of water lines in the Glen Acre de-
Resolution No. 87 introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Walkup: .
RESOLVED that the Water Committee of the Board be and are hereby
authorized- and directed to cause to be lowered the water line to the
proper depth on Carlton Drive and install hydrant on end of main.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none i
Resolution Xa. S8. introduced by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Lampson:
.RESOLVED that there be installed at Haviland Curve on 9L a sodium
vapor illuminating light.
RESOLVED that the highway committee be and are hereby authorized
and directed to cause the installation of the light.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr.' Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution No. 89 introduced -by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Walkup:.
RESOLVED that there beinstalle-4 ,a 10 inch perforated storm sewer
pipe on Queensbury Place to be attached to the present drainage system
in the Queensbury Drainage District #1 and to extend northerly along
Queensbury Place approximately 250 feet,
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
Floyd Ellsworth presented a deed conveying certain lands for highway
purposes. Mr.. Lackey recommended that the Town accept the same.
Resolution No, go introduced by Mr. Akins , seconded by Mr. Walkup.-
RESOLVED that all of the lands described in a deed dated October
11. 195.7, from Floyd K. Ellsworth and Mabel C. Ellsworth to the Town of,
Queensbury for highway, purposes be and the same are hereby accepted for
such purpose.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this acceptance is subject to the approval
of the County Attorney as to the sufficiency of the instrument of con-
Farther resolved that this acceptance is subject to the approval
of the ,Tawn Superintendent of Highways as to compliance with a Town
ordinance respecting the laying out of highways in new developments.
Duly adopted by the following vote-,
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
Resolution No. 91 introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that a Special committee comprising Harold Akins and
Meredith Bentleys Justices of the Peace; and Curtis- Lampson, councilman,
be and are hereby. appointed for the. purpose of considering the problem
of abatement of certain nuisances in the Town of Queensbury and the
control of and/or restriction of junk yards in the Torn., of Queensbury,
with the authority to consult with the County Attorney and others re-
specting the powers of this committee*
Further resolved that such committee be and are hereby authorized
and direeteq to make its report at its earliest convenience and shall
make its recommendations to the Board and shall have authority to have
prepared the necessary documents or resolutions or otherwise to carry
into effect its recommendations at such time.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none.
Resolution No. 92 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury acquire by purchase the fol-
lowing .,equipment:
Gould booster pump
Figure 3755 - 3 x 4 - 7 at a cost of $370.00 less
25g deliverydIO days foa.b, factory - . .
to be used as a spare pump in the North Glens Falls
Water District*
Further resolved that Justice Akins be and is hereby authorized
and directed to order the said pump from the Sager-Spuck Supply Co. *
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Mr. Akins , a committee for obtaining information respecting professional
reassessments in the Town of Queensbury, submitted the following as his
A. lette.r was sent to:
Industrial Appraisal S-ergice William 1. Pagano
274 State Street 93 State- Street
Albany, New York Albany, New York
Frank J. Kelley Edward DeLancey Palmer
%G State Street 111 State-Street,
Albany, New York Albany, New York
Raymond T.. Martley Picotte Realty, Inc.
72 North. Lake Avenue 120 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York Albany, New York
Eugene D. McCarthy Porter and Tracy
226 Broadway W State Street
Rensselaer, New York Albany, New York
Meckler & Sterling, Inc, J. Ainsworth Scott,
217 Lark 227.Lark I
Albany, New York Albany, New York
O'Connor-Sullivan, Inc. Thorne Appraisal Service
Lodge and Howard 116 State Street
Albany, New York Binghamton, New York
Edward P. Paddock
399 Kenvood Avenue
Delmar, New York in the following fort:.
October 17, 1957
The Town of Queensbury has undertaken a reassessment program for
the purpose of equalization and improvement of its position with re
spect to .State equalization rate.
Certain inequities may still exist in some residential properties.
Also several large industrial plants and the utility properties are still
to be. completed.
For the purpose of consideration by the Town Board, please forward
your proposal for this work,; including as complete a scope as possible
together with your rate structure, etc.
You will no doub:a require much additional information before any
firm cgmmitments can be submitted, however, we will appreciate as much
information as possible for consideration at our neat meeting on October
2.6,, 3-957.
Very truly yours
Is/ Harold C. Akins
Justice of the Peace
j 23 Main Street _
Glens Falls 40, New York.
In reply to such letter the following replied:
DeLance'y Palmer - declined.
Frank KellO - will submit a proposal..
06Conno'r & Sullivan will submit proposal.
Thorne Appraisal - will submit a proposal.
An application as follows was received for appointment as constable:
1 -= It is herein requested that the writer be appointed by said
' TOWN BOARD to the position of CONSTABLE whose duties will be
— ' exercised'-within the Town Limits subject to the regulations
if said BOARD and 'the- duly-. eleeted' Justices of Peace.
v V
2: -' The writes has been both a summer resident and permanent resident
' in the Town for a period of 31 years and is personally acquainted
with numerous residents , both on Lake George property and through-
" aut all sections of the Town.
3 -' As a resident in this Town, I have offered my services' to help.
' better the County conditions and feel , were this appointment made,
' I could d`o much to reduce abuses of Town property such as litter-
` ins, destruction of signs and violations of Town ordinances, etc.
4 -' It is evident that the Town has grown rapidly and requesting county
' ar state police aid especially during the summer months, except in
' extreme ce.ses, is allost out of the question,' as they are excessive-
ly busy diaring these periods patroling and enforcing the law in
heavily populated and traveled sections.
Your consideration of this appointment will be appreciated.
Respectfully submitted.
`sl John A. Beals
The matter was deferred until the organization meeting January 1, 1958.
The Comptroller's report of examination of the affairs of the Town for
+ the period from-January 1, 1955 to December 319 1956, was read in part
to the Board with the recommendations therein of the examiner..
The. superintendent reported that the fill. across the Dickinson
property had been made.
The board audited claims as follows:
. Ax t*
No,. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
280 Niagara Mohawk Power Street lighting-Ft.Am-
herst is Garrison-Road $168,46 $168.46
281 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lighting 4, traf,
signals 199082 199182;
282 Niagara-Mohawk Power Serer, at Twn Storehouse 31.1:4 31.14
283 C.C.Webb,Co.Clk. Hecording. deed-Rogers to
Town of Queensbury 6,00 fs.00
28,4 G.F.Post Co. Pub.NOt.of Auditors Exam,
of Accounts 2,24 2.24
285 Williamson Law Book 1-1957-CLS Twn.Law Sup.•.-
- plement - - 3.50: 3.50
286 J.E.Sawyer & Co. 4 rolls paper roofing-PV
cemetery 17.40 17.40
281 Hoag"s Tire Shop, 1-5 gal.pail Kendall Oil
PV Cemet. 5.05 5,05
288, Dennis Co. , Inc. Supplies-M.S.Bentley, J.P. 2,27 2.27
289 Mountainside Grange Cleaning Scotch Cemetery. 75.00 75.00
290 Autom Voting Machines 5 sets of #1-AMN k 2, sets
of #1-61. of Elect.system 7.34 7.34
291 G.F. Post Co-. Pub.Not. on Prelim.Budget 8.04 8.04
292 Norman H.Harvey Qsby Child Health Clinic 160,00
293 Ernest Hillis Mileage tray.assessing 58.96 58.96
294 Chas.E.Houghtaling Supplies-M.Bentley-$8.29
Supplies ,Twn.Clk. $3.77 12.05 12.05
295 William Webester, Jr', Cleahing" S"ee1ye & Harrl-
Sect. to Men's Club sena Cemeteries 200.00 200000
296 Leon M.Steves Town Surveyor helper 18;.00 1.8._00
297 Allen F. Towers Grant_Ave.ESt.Elev-3 hs. 3.45 3.45
298; Elmer Corlew Set.up.E1.3ooth,,Reg, 150.00 150000
29.9 likrl E. Jbnes 250 envl(stamps) 9060 9060
300 Niagara-Mohawk. Power Cleverdale Light.Dist, 41.08 41.08
301 Nora C.McLoughlin Serv.rend.NGFWD Fund 32.00 32._00
302 Nora McLoughlin "° " WGFWD FEand 21.00 2140
303 Dora C.MeLoughl n: a a RRWD-Fund 9000 9.O0
304 Sandy H. Iron & Brass Prints., 5100 5.00:
305 N.Y.Tal.Co. Town Storehouse 17.85 17.85
300 Niagara-Mohawk Power Serv._NGFWD Fund 197.33 197,33
307 Theodore: Turner Weld.strap-on pipe WGFWD 20.50 24.50
308 Lee W. Lavery 400, stamped envl.for ming, 14.O0 14.00
309' R.D.Wood Co. Supplies NGFWD is Ext. 31.43 31.43
310 Harold C. Akins 100i stamped envelopes 4.00 4100
311 Fowler"s Inc. 4 folding; chairs 23.92 23.92
312 N.G.F.Water Dist. Water rent 45,15 .15
62 ! . 6 $1441.16
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk