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349 Budget Meeting November 7, 1957 Present H. Russell, Harris Sapervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace KarolA Akins Justice of the Peace Curtii Lampson Councillwart "sent- Raymond_Walkup Councilman, The board convened at 7:30 ji.n. Proof of publication and posting of notice of hearing on budget filed, JX. Harris and C.H. Vedder of Schenectady were present seeking infor- mation respecting therroads, Also presents 'John. 0. Webster., John H. Derby,,, Jr. , W.F.Peter, R.M, Nestle and Stanley Miller. The group discussed the proposed budget with the board,, contending that they considered it an inoppottune time to increase salaries with the possible exception of the Highway Department. No other pers6n desiring to be heard, the public hearing was declared closed. Resolution No. 93 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman Latpson: WHEREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified on the notice of hearing on the preliminary budget and have heard all per- sons present desiring to be heard thereon., RESOLVED that the preliminary budget adopted October 5th, 1957 for the year 1958, be and the same, is hereby adopted as the Annual Budget of the ,Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year 1958. Further 'resolved that the Clerk set forth in detail- in the min- utes of this proceedings the said Annual Budget. Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins , Mr. Harris. Noes - none 1 9 51 a, Annual Budget for the Town of Queensbury General. Fund-Appropriations General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices • r,8*wbaU (board roaz,officez,,eleetions,,,etc.) 400.00, Compensation of employees 100.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 350*00 Re-pairs,, light, heat and telephone 2000.00 Other expeiises - dump, 2000,00 Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) 1500.OQ Compensation of custodians of voting machines 140*00 Other expenses 200100 Voting machines, purchase and repair and storage 300.00 Insurance -Compensation insurance 6,000000 Official Wonts and undertakings 100.00 Fire and liability 3500*00 Printing and. advertising (all departments) 600100 Services of attorneys and- expenses of litigation 1000,00 Services of surveyor and expenses 3750,00 Association of Towns 110,00 Social Security payments 8:00100 Employeess Retirement System (town share) 5500000 Census 800000 350 Total $29,150.00 Supervisor -Salary $ 4200.00 Office and other expenses 250.00- Total $ 49,450.00: Justices of the Peace Salaries Office and other expenses G45*0a Total �$ x,445..00 Councilmex Salaries 3000000 Office and other expenses 200.00 Total $ 3,200.00 Town Clerk Salary 40004,00 Offies ind other expenses 173.00 Compensation of employees 400.00 Total $ 49,575.00 Assessors Salaries 7700,00 Office and other expenses 591100. Total $ 59,291.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary 2G00.00- Office and other expenses 200.00. Total S 2.$OO.OQ Total Genezral. Government Protection of Persons and Property Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Colipensati©nw, 800.00: Mileage and other expenses 150.00 Total $ 950.00 Traffic _ Signs; signals and highway lighting Lighting 25100.00 Signs 1000000 Total $ 30500.OQ Dog Warden. -Compensati ors: 550,00 Other expenses 100.OQ Total $ 650,00 Inspection Costs Bu,ildin4 inspection. 300.00 Expenses 50.00` Total - # 350.00 Total Protection of Persons tc Property $ 59,450.00' Education Town Library Payment.to other libraries-contract 100.00 100.00 Recreation Parks and playgrounds Comgensi.tion of employees 100.00 Other expenses 50.04' Total 150.00 Patriotic: Observances 135.00, Total Recreation $ 235.00 351 P1ic Utilities Cemeteries Y - Pineview Cemetery - Schedule uAp Cost of 4provaments Improvements to Cemetery 350,00 New Equipment 500..00; Material for foundations 100.00 ` $ 950..00 Maintgnances Personal services 69,400.00 Repairs to existing equip. 150,.,00 Material for ground maint. - 100.00 Gas & oil for.equ�pment 1-25.00 Compensation Insurance 300.00 *end ,for Commissioners do Supt. 35,00 Misc. 50,OG Cost for maintenance of outside cemeteries t 800.00: $ 7,960..00. ` 8,910.00 Revenues: Sale of lots„ leis perpetual care 2,500.00 Fees for rental of Vault 30,00 Fees for opening graves 1,,500.00 Fees for setting monuments 125.00 Est.balance,Aec.�l, 1957 100.00 4,255.00 Construction and Permanent Improvements Nature of improvement Construction of heating _ 11000.00 Total 1,000.00. w Contincent Purposes Sec. 112r of the Town ,Law Total 6,000.00 General AUA Estimated revenues Mortgage taxes $120,000.00, Dog ]icenses (from County) 1.9500,Q0 Fees of town clerk 2,700.00 Fees of justices of the peace 21,000.00 Fees of tau c.Qlle4;tor 300.15 tees. 'of cemeteries 4,255,00 All other . Pe; capita assistance 20.969.85 Total $43,725.00. Unexpended balances (Sec.115) Town Law) 9415,000.00 Total Estimated-Revenues. (General Fund) $589725.00: General Fund. Summa • C Appropriations General Government M1.911000_ Protection of .persons and property 59,450.00 Educati= 100,00 Recreation: 28:5:.00 Public utilities g,910,pa Construction and permanent improvements 1,000.00 352 Contingent purposes 6000.00 Total Appropriations $€30,656.00 Total estimated revenues (Gen.Fd.) .58 725.00 Amt. of taxes to be raised..for-Gen.Fd. 2 .,'931100 Welfare. Fund Approp ria ons Town Welfare officer Sa�.ary 252.00 Office and other expenses 50900 Total 302.Q0 Amount to be raised by tax for Welfare. Fund $ 302.00 Highway Fund Highway Fund (Item l)Appropriations General repairs - 809,000.00 Special improvements 20*000.00 Total appropriations $7.00,000.00 Estimated revenues State aid 8,670.00 Total revenues 8,,670.00 Amount to be raised by tax. for Highway Fund 91,330.00 (Item 1) Machinery Fund (Item 3)-Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 7,000.00 Repair of machinery,, tools and implements 6,700.00 Redemption of machinery certificates Interest on. machinery certificates 8..3OO.Q0 Total appropriations $ 223,000.00- Estimated Revenues Rentals of machinery 2,000sOQ Tonal. revenues ,�. 2.,000.04- Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 3) $ 20,000.00 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)-Appropriations Salary town superintendent-. 5,5700.00 Expenses torn superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 159,000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 30600,00 Other miscellaneous purposes 700.00 Tonal. appropriations $ 2.79900,00 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues 2„ QO,OQ Total revenues -2,x00.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 4) $ 25,000.00 Town Health Fund Appropriations Roa.rd of Health Salary of health officer 1,750.00 Clinics 750.00 Other health expense 100.00 Total Board of Health $ 2,6(10.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation • 3Q`00- Other expenses �40 Total Registrar of Vital Statistics $ 40.00 353 Amount to be ,raised by tax for Torn Health 2,640.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS FIRE. PROTECTION. DIST._ Expenditures Cont,raet. 5 Co~l s. 0 $39,000 g5,000.00 Total .Expenditures " �'— Revenues - None $ 15,000.00 Amount to be raised by taxes 15,OOO.00 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-North Glens Falls Water -District (Old District) Cost of Improvements Appropriations Construction of Improvement _� 400.00 Maintenance Total $ 400«00 Personal services 600.00 Office and other expenses: envelopes, stumps, etc. 20000 looks & office billings- 95.00; Mowing right of way 25.00 Painting and shaveling snow from fire hydrants 75.00: Repairs 200.00, Fewer and light ' 1200.00: Purchase of water 2500,00, Purchase of equipment-two hydrants 340.00 Total 5,055.00. Tatar appropriati ons $ 59,455.00, Estimated Revenues Water rents - 6400100 Amount- to be raised for forth Glens ' , *pp , Falls Water District gone -- SPECIAL-DISTRICT FUND S*Korth glens Falls Water - ,District Extension.. _ ' Cost of improvement Appropriations Bond principal Dead interet =sue Total $ 5,100.00 Maintenance Personal services - 600.0 Office and other expenses: envelopes,stamps,book-'billings,ete. 75,00 Mowing right of way 25.0Q Painting; and shoveling snow from fire hyd.. 75.00 Repairs - 200.00_ Purchase of water 4500.00. Purchase of equipment-two hydrants _ 340000 Total $ 527 60.00: Total appropriations $ 10,860 00 Revenues Water rents- 7000.04 Total revenues Amount to be raised for Forth Glens Falls Water District Extension _ $ 3,860.00 - SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-West Glens Falls .Water District. Maintenance Appropriations .Personal services 540.00 Office and other expenses-book 54.00 Office 81.00, Repairs 222.00 I 354 Purchase of water 2250.00 Purchase of equipment 50.00 Total appropriations 3,19 7.00 Revenues Water rents 4000.00 Penalties 45.00. Total revenues 4,045.00 Amount to be raised by taxes - none SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-West Glens Falls Water District Extension _Appropriations Cost of improvement Bond anticipation note interest 251.:00 Total 231.00 Maintenances Personal services 60.00 Office expenses Book. 6.00 Office 9.04 Repairs 53.00: Purchase of water 2.50.0a . Total 3'780a Total. appropriations 659,00 Revenues Water rents! 400.00 ` 400.00 Amount to be raised by taxes _ 47 259.04 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Ridge Road Water District. Maintenance, Appropriations Personal services 100000 Office and other expenses : Bills , printing, mailing, etc. 50.00; Flushing, shoveling, painting 50.00, Repairs _ 250000, Purchase of water ,00,00 Total appropriations 950.00, Revenues Water rents 1,,000000 Amount to be raised by taxes - none SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Queensbury Drainage - District Appropriations Bond . princYpal `5000.00 Bond interest 2800900 Budget note 700.00 Interest on note 8:975 Total appropriations_ 80508..75 " Revenues - None Amount to be raised by taxes 8,50&.75 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS-Cleverdale Lighting District- , Maintenance Appropriations Contract Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp. 500.00 Total appropriations 500.00, — Revenues - none Amount to be raised by taxes $ 500.00 Garrison. 355 SPECIAL DISTRICT FUNDS Fort Amherst/Lighting Dist. Appropriations Maintenance Contract Contract Niagara-Mohawk Power Corp., 2022*72 Total appropriations 2.022*72. Revenues - None Amount to be raised by taxes- 29,022.721 Mr. Bentley was excused for the reason of having received a telephone call for his services in Court. The board discussed the purchase of a motor grader with Jack Manbeck of the Mott-Manb&ck Machinery Co. , Inc:. On motion the meeting adjourhed. Town Clerk Special Meeting November 9; 1957 • PresentZ Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins- Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Absent: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Raymond Walkup Councilman The board convened at ?:30 p.omo Mr. Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways,, was also present, Resolution No,, 94 introduced by Mr. Akins, seconded by Mr. Lampson.- RESOLVED that Mr. Bentley be and. is hereby designated presiding officer of-the meeting for the reason that Mr. Harris , the Supervisor, is ill.. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins. Mr. Lackey, orally at this meeting, recommended that the Town acquire by purchase a motor grader for use in connection with highway main- tenance and care* Resolution No. 95 introduced by Mr. Akins,, seconded by Mr. Lampson, WHEREAS the Town Board is desirous of obtaining for use in the Highway Department for road maintenance and care a motor grader, RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of the General Munici- pal Law, the Town Board shall give notice to the suppliers of such equipment to furnish such equipment which shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE TO BIPDERS: Notice is hereby giveu that .tha Town Board will receive sealed proposals to supply the Town of Weensbury with a motor grader con taining specifications as follows: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - SPECIFICATIONS FOR MOTOR GRADER