1957-11-23 360
Regular Meeting November 23, 1957
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampsom Councilman
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7--30 p�.z«
Harnson V. Gilman, Jerome. N. Fisher., George Merritt and Dick Monroe
were present to discuss with the Town Board the proposed-operation of
a: junk yard on Corinth Road on the Liebowitz property. The matter was
generally discussed and referred to-Judge Akins and Judge Bentley as a _
committee of two to consult with the- County Attorney in order to have
a suitable ordinance prepared for enactment for the proper policing
and control of business known as Juhki.ng Business in the Town of Queens-
Resolution No. 97, introduced by Justice Akins , seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and di-
rected to acquire by purchase for the Town of Queensbury not to exceed
GA street name signs to complete the present project of erecting street
name signs in the Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Wra.l.kup., Mr-. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none.
An application of Raymond Hoague for appointment as dog enumerator was
read as follows :
R.D. #2. -
Glens Falls , N.Y.
' November 14, 1951
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Glens Falls.. N.Y.
I do hereby apply for the position as Dog Enumerator for the Town
of Queensbury for the year of 1958.
Yours very truly,
/s/ Raymond J. Hoague
Resolution No. 98 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Raymond Hoague be and is hereby appointed Dog en-
Duly adopted by the- following Vote :
Ayes W Mr. Walkup., Mr. Bentley," Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following were read to the- Board:
Albany, .N.Y.
November 4, 1957
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
This has further reference fo your request for a speed zone on
Bay Road, R Coulity Road between tLe northerly line of the City of Glens
Fallg, and Cronin RQad in the Town of Queensbury.
An investigation of traffic conditions in the area indicates that
a 35 MPH restriction is proper and desirable on Bay Road. The Commission
has therefore issued an order for such a restriction and has enclosed
a copy of the order for your records.
Since this is a County Road, the Warren County Superintendent of
Highways has the responsibility of erecting the necessary signs , as
stated in the order.
Very truly yours,,
/.s/.Lloyd—A. Maeder
. Albany, 1, N.Y. . -
Mr. Herrick Osborne November. 4, 1957
County Superintendent of Highways
Warren County
Warrensbury, New York
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Warren County
Pursuant to authority conferred by Section' 95-c of the Vehicle
and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby restricts to 35
MPH the speed at which vehicles may proceed on Bay Road, a County Road,
between the Glens- Falls north City line and a culvert 150 (more or less)
feet south of the intersection of Cronin Road, a distance Of 0.81 (more-
or less) of a. mile, in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County.
The Warren County Superintendent of Highways is hereby directed to
erect and maintain signs in accordance with the standards of the. State
Traffic Commission to inform the public of the existence and limits of
this restriction and to notify this Commission when the signs have been
/s/, Lloyd A. Mapder
ce: Supt. Public Works
Supt. State Police
State of New York
Albany, l —
xZX :)11RxTXF X T, 21 jr Nov. 19, 1957
H. Russell Harris
To-vin of, Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York
Dear Sirs.-
By direction of Chief Engineer FitzGerald and as requested in letter
from Albert E. Beswick, County Attorney, Warren County, dated November
61 19571. we enclose herewith, a certification pursuant to Sectioia. 171 of
the Highway Lai relative to the necessity for town highway to be laid out
less than three rods in width in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren.
It is assumed that you will attend to the filing of the certification
in the office of the town clerk, Town of Queensbury, where the highway
is located.
Very truly yours,
Assistant- Superintendent
Operation and Maintenance
ce: Town Attorney, Town of Queensbury
C.L. Nickerson, District Engineer
Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk Town of Queensbury-
N.F. Ronan, Superintendent, Operation & Maintenances.
_ Albany 1
. 0 E R T I F I C A T I O N
WHEREAS a Resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury,
County of Warren, adopted on October 26, 19579, has declared the inten-
tion of the town to consent to the laying-out of certain proposed high-
ways therein and,
WHEREAS such Resolution„ together with a map dated June 12, 1957,
indicating the proposed lay-out is on file in the office of the Town
Clerk of the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, and also on file in
this Department,
WHEREAS the Lands , on which the said Highways are to be laid out,
have been dedicated to the Town of Queensbury for highway purposes,
NOW, THEREFORE, after a review of the matter herein, pursuant
to Section 171 of` the Highway Law, certification is hereby made of the
necessity for certain town highways to be laid out less than three rods
in width in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, State of New York,
said highways being
Sunset Lane , Chestnut Lane, Pine: Tree Lane.,
Cherry Tree Lane, North. Lanes, Forest Lane and
Honeysuckle Lane:A all to, be of -the width of
thirty-five feet and of the lengths shown on
the above mentioned map.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused
the Official Seal of the Now York State Department of Public. Works to
be hereunto affixed.
Chief Engineer - -
Nott--Manbeck Machinery Company, Inc.
Latham, New York
November 21, 1957
Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
Town of Queensbury.
Warren. County, New York `
Re : Motor Grader Bid Opening
November 21, 1957 - 7:30 p..w.
In accordance with the discussion with the Tom Board in connect-
ion with the above bid, we are accepting the negotiated trade-in allow-
ance on the used Galian Grader, whereby the allowance is increased
$500.00, making the total trade-in allowance $2,553.00.
Very truly yours ,
J.A. Manbeck
Meadowbrook~ Road
Glens Falls ,--N.Y..
October 28 1,957
Mr. H. Russell Harris
Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
Star Route
Olens._Falls, N.Y.
Dear Mr. Harris: '
Some time ago I wrote to the Queensbury Highway Department re-
garding the installation of a road. marker sign- at the corner of Ridge
and Meadowbrook. I have not had a reply to my letter, nor has anything
been done about a- sign, so am writing to you in this regard.
We have noticed that name signs have beet installed on most of
the Town Roads in the area, indicating the names of these roads. It
certainly would be most helpful to the residents of the road and the
many travelers, if the name of the road were indicated, especially at
the intersection of Ridge Road and Meadowbrook, as well as at the
Cronin Read end. Won't you please advise if the Town plans to under-
take this small project at sometime in the near. future : We are pleased
that the damage done by the water line installation has been repaired,
at least part way, and thank you' for your cooperation in this regard.
r Very truly yours,
Isl` Edith S. Hehr
(Mrs. George Hehr)
90 -State- St.
November 21, 1957
Town Board of Queensbury
Warren County, New York
I- am submitting a proposal to do the work that I understand from Judge
Akins and Supervisor Harris that it is the desire of the Town Board and
the Board of Assessors to undertake this coming year to supplement the
work that had previously been done by your Board of Assessors and Com -
mittee on Revaluation.
This proposal is submitted: with the thought in mind that if the Town
Board should decide favorably upon my organization to undertake. this
work that we would have a meeting of the Town Board and Board of Assess-
ors to make a more detailed contract. The. work that I have taken into
consideration in arriving at the price that I have quoted you takes into
consideration the appraisal of the attached properties and the service
-stated within.
I am quoting a price solely for guidance that your Board may have an
idea of what the cost would be and any changes that you desire or we
decide upon would affect the price. I may say that unless your Board
added a great many properties to the .list that any revision of the price
would have to be downward . I- am quoting a figure of $17,000 for the
attached work..
It has 'been my privilege to have served your Board in the past. I_ trust
that you will take into consideration my proximity to your Town that
enables me to give prompt service.
Very truly yours,
/sl J. Frank Kelley
1. A complete re-appraisal of the following properties.(The corporate
names may not be correct, but you will be able to identify them.)
A. Glens Falls Portland Cement Company!
B. Imperial Paper and Color Corporation
G. Delaware and Hudson-Railroad
D. Niagara Mohawk Power Company
E. New York Telephone Company
F. All industrial and commercial properties on Route9
in the Town of Queensbury.
G. Bronk Supply Compare
H. Sleight Supply Company
J. U.S. Catheter Corporation.
K. An appraisal of residential properties for the
purpose of guiding your Board in an equalization
rate, the number of properties to be appraised
shall not be less than the amount of properties
selected by the State Board of Equalization and
may be more, this to be determined by conference
with your Board.
L. Consulting services on the establishment of land
values where your Board shall require assistance.
M. Agreement to represent your Board in any proceed-
ings before the State Board of Equalization and
Assessments that you mty require.
Mr. Bentley introduced Resolution No. 99 and moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Lampson.
WHEREAS, the budget adopted by the Town Board for the fiscal year
of 1958. included an appropriation of $659.00 for the West Glens Falls
Water District Extension, of which appropriation the sum of $400.00
was to be provided by estimated revenues from water rents and the bal-
ance of $259.00 was to be provided by a tax levied against all real
property .in such extension, and
WHEREAS,, the Assessors of the Town of Queensbury have failed and
omitted to make an assessment on the- current assessment roll of the
several parcels of real property in the West Glens Falls Water District
Extension, thereby making it impossible to levy a tax in said extension
to provide the balance of $259.00 in the original appropriation made
for such extension for the .fiscal year of 1958.
RESOLVED that the budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal.
year° of 1958 be and the same hereby is. amended by reducing the appro-
priation made therein for the West Glens Falls Water District Extension
from $659.00 to $400.00, providing the same estimated-revenues of water
rent in the amount of $400.00 and by deleting the balance of : 259.00
to be raised by taxation in such extension.
The foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote which resulted
as follows
Ayes - Mr. Walkup:, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The monthly statement of the Supervisor was read and placed on file.
To the: Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
Pursuant to Section 119 of the Tmm Law, I hereby render the `fol-
lowing detailed statement of all moneys received and disbursed by me, as
Supervisor, during the month of October, 1957.
Date Amount.
Received Source Received
Oct. 7 Highway do Pine Vier ded.+ on Payrolls 23.56
y 7 -West G.F.W..D.E,xt. Trans. bill pd . 3.84
7 Drainage District paid back loan 1400.00
7 General Fund Trans.Gen pay't 100.00
7 Capital Reserve. Loan Drainage 700.00
= 25 -Frank Cowles Cemetery Funds 409.00
25 Frances Tuener, Town Clerk Fees 72.25
k 25 4State of. New York Justice Fetes 549.00
25 Highway & Pine View ded. - on Payrolls 19.90
11 -Earl Jones Water Collections Ext. 14.85
11 Earl Jones Rdg. 43.52,.
11 Earl Jones to 10.40
4 Lee Lavery Reg. & Ext.105.91
29 .Lee Lavery E! N u W1192.12.
Total Receipts 4644.85
Fund or Account Paid
General $3712.54
Pine View - 709.11
} . N.G.F.W.D. - 77.99
W.G.F.W.D.. 80160
-N.G.F.W.D. Ext. 100.00
- Ridge Water Dist, 9.00
Drainage 1400.00
Capital Res. 700«00
• - Cleverdale lights 41.08
Ft. Ash. lights 168.46
Soc. Sec. Cont.Fd. 342.87
Highway 238;65.23. .
Total Disbursements $31205.88
/s/•H. Russell Harris
Dated November 20, 1957
The-Board audited claims as follows:
. Amt. Amt.
NQ.- Name: of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
313+ Alice. M. Kinderman Inspect.of Election ,
- Dist. #1 $ 61.00 $ 57.00
314, Gladys E.LaFountain Inspect.of Election
- Dist. 71.00, 67.00
315 Marjorie Murray Inspect.of Election
Dist. #1 61.00, 57.00
316. Clara• F. Taylor Inspect.of Election
. _ I - Dist. #1 61.00 57.00
317 Minnie E. Bidwell Inspect. of Election
- Dist. #2 57.00 57.00
318;- Marian Martindale. Inspect.-of Election
Dist. #2 - 57.00 . 57.00
319� Mrs .911& McDermott Inspect. of Election::
Dist. #2 57,.00 57.00
320 Elva McDermott Inspect. of Election
Dist. #2 67.00 67.00
321 Dorothy Q. Barker Inspect. of Election
Dist. #3 71.00 57.00
322_ Hulda Ellingsworth Inspect. of Election
Dist.. #3 43..00 43.00
323 Irene E. Howe Inspect. of Election
Dist., #3 811.00 67.00
324 Catherine E. Kane Inspect.. of Election
Dist. #3 14.00 14.00
325 Inspect. of Election
Dist. #3 57.00 43.00
326 Edna S. Tracy Inspect. of Election
Dist. #3 _ 14,00 14,00
327 Marion.J. Crannell Inspect. , of Election
Dist, #4. 57,00 57.00
323 Viola A.. Gooch. Inspect. of Election.
Dist.. #4 57,00 57,00
329 Ann R.,Hammond Inspect. of Election
Dist. #4 57.00 57,00
330 Hazel M. Smith Inspect. of Election.
Dist. #4 67.00 67,00
331 Marian.Duell Inspect. , of Election
Disti #5 57,00 57.00
332 Mary J. Frasier Inspect.. of Election
Dist.. #5 57,00 57.00 --
333 Evelyn,Graut Inspect. of Election
Dist. #6 57,00 57.00
334 Pauline Joslyn Inspect. of Election
Dist. #6 67100 67,00
335 Don. J. Sullivan Custodian Vote.Machines 75,00 65,00
336 Stott Hopkins Custodian Vote.Machines 75,00 65,00
337 City G.F.Water Fd, Water rent-WGFWD 415,00 415..00
338 " w " " " -Ridge Rd.WD 104,00 104,00
339 a �' . sr. u a u ..NGFWD 93 1157,74 1157,74
340 " u, " " !' " -NGFWD 3-A, . 911.46 911.46
341 Niagara-Mhk_Pwr._ Cleverdale Light.Dist,, , 41.08. 41.08
342 " to " Str.ltng.&Traf.Signals, 199,82 199,82
343 !' " ;' Ft.Amherst. & Garrison Rd. 168.46 148.46
(Lighting District)
344 Frances . L.6, Turner Serv.Registrar Vit.Stat, 53.50 53.50
345 Barber.&-Howe Prem. on Ralph Hill ,Band. 10,00 N.A,
346 Adirondadk Resorts Assessment Supplies 244.52, 244.52,
Press Inc:.
347 G.F.Piost Co. Pub.Not. on Motor Grader 20.64 20.64
348, Russell & Wait Supplies-Town Clark .60 .60
349 N.Y.Tel.Co. Phone serv,at Twn.s-trhs. 15.28 15.28
350 Leland Paper Co. Files-H.C.Akins-J.P, 6100 6100
351 Fowlers,Inc. Chairs«-H.C.Akins-J.P. 23.92 N.A.
352 A.E.,Beswick Serv..rend.NGFW Dist.,#4 109.75 109.75
353 Edw.Thompson Co. McKinney' s Pocket parts for
M.S.Bentley-J.P. 3100 3.00
354 Frances L.Turner Pstg.stamps-Twn Clk's Ofe. 6.00 6100
355 Charles Perkins Make,paint,letter signs-PV 77,00 77.00
356 Louis Curlew Mowing grass , P.V.Cem, 24,00 24.0(1
357 Carswell T & T Co. Gas.for Pineview Cemetery 20.24 20,24
358 O.F. Hospital, Alcoholic Test: F.Parkes 3,00 390Q
359 U.S.Caus. Bond #59248 Lee Lavery 10000 10.00
360. Elmer Curlew Elect.Day-set up-booths 75,00 75.00,
36k Elmer Curlew Serv,rendered-WGFWD , 85.00 85.00
362. Lem M.Steves Surveyor's helper _ - 24.00 24.00
363 J.G.Piscatelli k Snn Corrugated pipe as item-
ized (Grant Ave.Eat.) 2162,97 2162.97
364 Mrs .Dorothy E.Greene Worked at polls - 28.00 14,00
265. Assn.Towns ,,N.Y.S, Membership dues,:T. of Qsby. 110,00 110.00
366 G.F.Hosp tal Alcoholic. test:: Mrs. Molly
I Nolette; Joseph Mahoney 6.00 N.A,
367 Ludlow Valve Mfg. Hydrants-NGFWD & Ext. 633.80 633,80,
368. J.E.Sawyer & Co. 701-1-i a 2 Brd.Wingfoot
Water-hose NGFWD 71.40 71..40
369, Francis L,.Renaud Surveyor's helper 4.02 4902.
Totals $5223,.20 $8091.28
. On motion the meeting adjourned.
� a me r 7
Town Clerk,