1955-02-26 12, Carson-Duffy Ins-Agency Extra liability Twn.Dump `3.39 3,.39
13- 'athryn,E.. 4'Brie.4 TyVe*Twn.Bd.min,.,. 4.00 ; 4.00
14 B,ssn.of Tow4s-.of the Membership dues 45.40 45.00
32, State of,:N.!�
15 jdk.Reso:rts Pxe.ss,Inc. Printing tax statements,
stew 116.25 1:1.6,25
16 Ru.sselJ.. & Wait. Supplies for Su.prvsr.
4.30 ` 4.30
17 Fussell & 'Wait j9, ipplies for 5uprvsr. 1.40 1.40
18, Irvin H,.Crwaey Clerical Serv,-Suprvsr. 85.04 8-5900,
19 Charles D. Giles services-surveying 191 19'.80 2a Leon M.,Steves Sbrvices-surveying 360 •
21. D &_ HRR,,Co. Rental 8u. pipe-NGFWD Ext. 1 100
22 Cty.G.F«Mater Fund P2isce1(Bascom)NG � 13.96 13,�9�
?Z Elmer Corlevr Thawing. hydrant or.-Main St.
(WG3WD), 10.40 10.00
24 Carswell T & T Gasoli e-FV Cemetery 5.97 5.97
25 Henry J.S eight l4/28/54-- _yds,,-1-►2e-4 Pv.
- Celt,, 4.00 24.00
Bank & Rental deposit boe
G.F.Nati oral e4 40 _—_�_
Trust 4¢r. (P.V'.Cemetery).
8. 0..51$30.5.12
- On motion-the meeting ad j-curned..
q w
_ - _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - - - - - - -FrancssL. rner - - - - - - -
Town Clerk.
'Regular- Meeting Feb. 26 V 1955
_ Pre serif e
H. Russell Harris Supervisor e
Meredith Bentley justice of•the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
t Raymond-Walkup . Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
Howard Congdonr Herman Frederickson and Clifford Deysey called on the
Board and the condition-of Northrup Drive was discussed= with reference
to drainage of the street. It was stated that the condition of the street
was bad on account of lack of drainage. It was felt that gravel placed
on the road would correct the situation. The matter was referred to Mr.
Akins who was to contact the Town Superintendent to obtain gravel for
,I the road.
Mr, and Mrs. Hall and Jake Suess of the Nest Glens Falls Civic Organ
sat3.on IBS present and requested that money be set -aside .for permanent
improvement in the West Glens Falls area.
It was also requested that the speed at which vehicles may travel be
restricted on Central Ave. t `
e c
The- junk yard ordinance of the County was also discussed, Y
The clerk read the following letter: Glens Falls, N.Y.
_ Feb. 239 1955
_ T`o the Members of the Ton Board. -
Now on Feby, 16 Mr. Bob Dickenson on Lafayette St, was plowing
out hiis road and he hit the fire -hydrant and it started-to leak so he
call about 4 P.M. and I call the City so they send a man up and
the gate,; the ground is frose so that we will have wait for it to thaw
out. I ,told one of the f3,reman about it, so they would know there could
not get water from it
' and oblige, .
,ts/ IJoward Wallace ., Su.pt.
The following letter was read to the Board:
February 231. 1Q55
T oard ofueenabury _ --
s. Frances L. Turner, -Town Clerk
8 Ri„dge -Street - -
Glens ,Falls , New York
(1) $:�Q,975-Scheduled .Property noater--Machixiery,tools, SF6-54-04-
_ , ,1309.75
(2) $73,500- " " " -5 voting mach3nesj
SP 6-30-14 131.25
(3) $ 3,250--Fire & E.C. #4-Office Equip,.,& Supplies,7860 43.23
(4) 1151000•- " n " _ - -Bldgs.&.Contents-. 7859 1:64.70
(5 $ 2,500•» '', `! " WFineview, Cemetery,Bldg.& Cants. ,
7859 44.00
TOTAL 1 YR.PREM. $792,93
,II► Iii W. W W W- W W W 1� �Y1 W{ W r W- � r - T r - -.._-. � - W W - 1 W W V M
The above five policies are all written on an annual basis, They
are all eli&ible for term privilege which means they can be written
for three years at times the annual premium. Thus, the total pre-
mium would be 5,98202thich would reauce the average annual cost to
approximately ;660,77. Total Three Year Saving : 1396.46;.,
I realize that on account of the budget systems, it is more de-- _
sir4ble to have the premium apportioned on an annual basis. However,
for"a small service charge you can budget the three year premium thus
paying it annually and still secure the benefit of a substantial
saving to the town.. Inasmuch as there is a saving on policies eligible
to and written for three years, it might be desirable for the Town
Board to give consideration to allocating the town insurance on a
three yeat basis to give the Town the benefit of the saving.
I am sending this preliminary data to you based on last years
insurance so you could give this matter your consideration, .If. you
desire to make this change,: the renewal policies could be endorsed
to three year terms .
Both your automobile li.<_�b ility- �tnd general lint-l-lity are' set up
}} on a comprehensive basis which are the broadest contracts possible to
purchase. Limits seem to* be adequate. General liability coverage is
VOO,000 Bodily Injury to any one person, or as a result of any one
accident.-Property Damage : 150,000 one accident with a $100,000 total,
Comprehensive automobile li°�its are 1300,,000 to any one .person, with
a 300,OQ0 limit as a result of one accident; and $50,000 Property .
Comprehensive coverage is being provided on various units.. This
is basically fire and theft coverage, broadened to include other cov-
erages such as glass breakage , vandalism and malicious mischief, and
about anything which can happen "to the vehicle except upset or col-
lision. Apparently it was not considered essential to carry collision
If the Board did deem it advisable on the more expensive units , then
I would- recommend either 1100 or 1250 deductible irrhich would greatly
lower the cost.
11hen the new policies are received from the Company, we will
prepare a summary of the insurance and will be glad to go over same
withthe Board at their conveniences
Assuring you of my appreciation for the opportunity to partici-
pate in your insurance program,
Very truly yours,
/s/ Nathan groller -
Resolution No. 28 introduces by Justice Akins,. seconded by JLIstice
RESOLVED that all insurance as described in the lette
Nathan Froller dated Feb. 23-9 1955,. of the Town be written on a
year instead of annual basis.
Duly adopted by the _follo=wing vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mir. Lempson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none . e
The following bid was read to the Board
Feb. 193 1955
To Town Board of Qu.eensbury
Stab. Installation of Light at Fire House Dix .Ave. Install light and
furnish all labor and-material-except light and control and push button
in the ' smount of $275.00 complete.,
/s/ W. F. Withere1l
Regolution Nq,, 29, introduced by Justice Akins and seconded by Council-
i an Lampson:
RESOLVED that the proposal of Wilbur F`,Witherell to install a
.flashing traffic light' on Dix Ave. at the Fare house of the South
E Queensbury Vol. Fire Company be and the same is hereby accepted accord-
ing to the terms -of such proposals.
yDuly adopted by the following vote
_ Ayes -`Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes -- none
Res o_ l_ution No, 30 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman
RESOLVED that the bond of Earl Jones , collector of the West Glens
Falls eater District in the' amount of : $1.,000.00 with the United States
Casualty Company as surety dated December 8, 1954, be and the same is
hereby approved as to form, amount, sufficiency of security and manner
of execution. .
FMTHER RESOLVED that the members of the Town Board sign a certi-
hcate -to. that .effect_.on the bond.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes -- Mr. Walkup, A1r. Behtl:ey, Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
R ion N 31 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice
' t
RESOLVED THAT the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized and di-
rected to order. at, Town expense - 3 Constable badges (hat) marked =
Constable, Town. of Queensbury,, Rhodium,,' similar to badge x`523 in cir-
eular of the B-Lann Equipment Co., 2249 5th Ave. ,; Troy, New York.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - ',',,Tr. `�Ialkup,; Nir, Bentley, P�'tr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Pair. Harris
N none
tubers of the Board read a letter from Clark, Imrie and Dube:
'+ Glens Mills , t.Y...
February 24,, 1955 j
Albert E. Beswick, Esq..,,
4ttgrnev at Law _
Colvin Building
Glenn Fall's, N.Y. _
Dear Mr. Beswick:
Your letter of the 23rd respecting ,a possible joint surface
drainage system as between the City of Glens Falls and Town of Queens- i
bury is receivgd. 4pproximately one year ago some of the Town Board
approached the Common Council- in connection-.with this same problem.
At that time I- examined into the law and came to the conclusion that
there was no proYision for Jon oint operation of drainage projects. Many
other types of joint operat are possible under the General`Muni_cipal:
Law but I don' t think that Far. 120a is broad enough to cover the
peculiar-requirements we have here.. I believe that that is aimed at a
joint disposal system for severage as distinguished from surface or sub-
surface drainage of surplus water ard I believe that some additional
legislation will have to be introduced- and passed 't6 enable a co-
operative effort on the part of our two municipalities.
I would suggest that you approach Mr. Hawley to have him obtain
a bill.and introduce the same which would authorize municipalities
to work_ together in this way. The final date for introduction of
' legislation has expired but further legislation may be introduced with
permission of the Rules Committee.. It is obvious from rasolu-
. tions recently passed in the State Legislature that it is expected to
e well into .March before the ' Session is terminated and Nor.. Hawley
would therefore have plenty of'..time to get such` a bill drawn and in-
,, ; troduced , I don''t conceive of any reason why it shouldntt be passed if
introduced. - 4
,Very truly yours
-: Clark, Imrie and Dubs 4
ty js/ Robert W. Imrie
so ution Not `, introduced by Justice Akins seconded by Justice
� ey e c
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby,
requests_Stuart F. Hawley,, Member of Assembly from.Warren County, to j
fi introduce.legislation to enable the Town of Queensbury and the City
of Glens Falls to provide for the joint construction and operation of
a surface.-drainage system for areas along the boundary lines present:-
lY existing between such municipalities„ both inside and outside of ;
each of the aforesaid` municipalities, and C
FURTHER that the Town Clerk forward a copy of this resolution
to the -County Attorney,.,Albert. Beswick, to take appropriate action
and transmit this request to Stuart F.. Hawley.
' Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup., Mr. Bentley, Mr., Lamps on, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. `
Noes - none
Mr. Bentley irtro(Iuce(, -)do-ptiont
j jpsolution No. 33 and. moved itF
,ecord,e6 by.
e Johnson h---)s been em-,)loyed as caret,�_�11.er Of t1he
.3uCen k,
,,Th ri it
. ereas , e 7-load at an ann-u-,al- s,, i - I
town dump off Rld- _tlary of 1;,1s,200.00, Dd
L uil
been found necessar-,,--, froTn t1.,_,p to time
to hire equipment
Mater`.el,p for the nro-,)�r -fe o -eratL on of the Cu'3l1 , and
':4`hereas said '7,,,uEepe Johnson has offered to furnish a trf�ctOrs, tlTac, s
-1 for excavations 'Lil---L, coverinc,,s,
tools and
and equipment , ma-G,-r s,
other e r nment , 1 600.00
y at t,,ne (�umD for tb�� sum I
ry activity burninc, and other. necess-a .
and 1,t Ld is deemed for the best i.nterestF of the Tvim of Queens-bury to
acce-,Dt such offer,
CM_V-]D that the Tol,,jn Board er_tpr r�o a, contract 1:Tith ��u�L_,ene
_L � U 11 0 --a-ILd 'iMuE.ene
.�,r of 1-955 which shall -provide t' Flt
Johnson for the fiscal v, el� sul-inlies re-
meterj �,-IE3 tools , equipment� and Johnson shall furnish ell of ,60o.00 to be
_L the ta,,Tn dlam-p for the sum S?
qjai�red tfor the operation o1* t
naid in quarterly installments durirE-, the year 1955, and that the Su-per-
visor be and hereby is -,Iu
thorized and di.rected to enter io a contrect
with said 'eugene Johnson to carry tb,p- foreEcin- f
into efentct.
-0u, to .resulted The forpS:oln,�_,, resolution put , vote which t
follows: I T I�r,,-r V I F-;C,r Y
Ti. Ru Rerri-S
Justice of the Peace Ye's
T-Tarold D. just-1-ce of tbc� Yes
Curti!� 1,a-111)qon Yes
our c
7, ymoff)
th:� C-) r
j on n V r.
Res lut on NO -34 introduced by Mr. Bentley !,rho Moved i is ?.d,o-oti on.
seconded by T.,Sr. 41.,�ins
26th 1-9551 F TT TCqN OF BURY ,ATL T
C 0,U NF,�%T Y O�qj i THE
77 OF t39487.00.
--BE IT --P.'.R,,�09VFZ-,-this-26th day df::February, 1955 by, ,the Tdvn,Board
of an ,CountY3 Ne11T,YOr'-r,,, as f 0110"rs
tae Town of ,ueensbur-v, Warr-
Azlt ,to the -Locel rJnance Law of the State
tt lan 1:1 Fqrsuf.
-aj-y-i 'Wairen County, �`Na'q
of New York th e Toxrn of qjxeengj�� Ygr'- s, fdr.
-providing f=ds for7Qa�mnt ,.of-� the 'cost Of test/ 4rilliri�-,- pre�-
purpose pf
liminary to the esta'blishment'of a water supply distffjLdt or, anrtJ al
s, shall
'tern 4t-�ve;ii'.the,,, .extensioP- of 07
-water. or district.
issue, and sell a cap�tq_l note=-i-in the amount of P.3.4.V.Ga, to ±at"f61 on
61-fically prescribed , said
c;0c,tj rns- -fO.rrft.,, 4, 031tontt and. place of Payment
�:F,! I -
note shall be of the dates t(:, . s,
per annum as may be determinie by the Supervisors, cpksi'-ft e�ts h 've r
with tj-,a__pxov, 1:sionq, Qf- ti-je Looal. Vlnahce�-Ixyj"af. the Sta�e of New Yorkv
with 1 1, t I f gajd-,,,Towr1- by the Supervis and. the
Md 'shall-be,execu ed in. the nab'
seal of the To-,jm shall be 6,ttaahed-. theretO.
0 -
- i
Secti sold at ppivate sale by the
on 3. That said shell be
Supervisor at a--price of not less than i.-ar value and accrued interest
-ue execution and sale of said note the same shall
if any,, and -apor- the d up- visor of the
be del Pllrcae,ser upon the payment to the 8
Avered� to the I receipt of the supervisor shall be a
purchase price in. cash.; and the '
N11 acquittence to sni obliged
ch purch-aser who shall not be 'to see to
the application of the -purchase MOM-.7,
Section 4. The full faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren-County, New,.York, are pledged to the punctual payment of principal
of and. interest on said. ,note.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immeciately.
The foregging resolution was duly put to a vote by the Town Board
which resulted as follows:-.
Ayes - H, Russell Harris, Supervisor j
t" .- Meredith Bentley, Justice of the Peace
Harold D.. Akins, Justice of the Peace
Curtin Lampson, Councilman
�t ..
Raymond,Ifalkap, Councilman
Resolution No, 35 introduced by Mr. Bentley who moved its adoption,,
seconded by. Mr. Akns,E
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has authorized
the Issuance .and sale of. a capital note in the amount of $3,487.00
- to provide funds for the payment of cost of test drilling .preliminary
to the establishment of a water supply district or, in the alternative,
the extension of the existing water district or districts,-1
RESOLVED that the S'uperyisor be and hereby is authorized and j
x dire cued to invest $3 487.00 of the funds in the Capital Reserve Fund j
of the Town of Queensb�ury by purchasing laid capital note
The foregoing resolution was duly puts to vote which resulted as
f ollows
Ayes -• H. Russell Harris, Supervisor
Meredith Bentley, justice of the Peace-
3f " - Harold D.. Akins, Justice of the Peace 5.
by u - Curtis Lampson, Councilman
- Raymond-Walkup, Councilman
The board audited claims as follows:,
FEBRUARY,, 1955 {
s Amt. Amt.
No, Name of Claimant Nature Qf Claim Claimed Allowed
N 27 oaels 'Titre Service Rental_ Office-Tax Coll, 35.00 35..00
28: Glencraft Brntg.Co, Prntg r,.stamped ;envs.for
-Supervisor 31.36 31.36
29 Glencraft Prntg.Co,,. Envls.for Twn.Clk.Ofc.. +16.10 16.10
30 Gr.F,Post Co. Pub,Not.Suprv.report 100.92 100.02
" 31 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not..4nnual_ report
on Highway's moneys 69.66 69966
32 Dennis & Co""thew l Just.CiK.Doeket l , z , Y
,. c . copy Clements-Crim,Law 24,65 24.65
33 Carson-Duffy Agey,Inc.MF-C7033-C. G.F.Ins.Oow
payroll audit Extra as
per statement 798.07 798.07 .
34 Queensbury. Post $1.797- For heat,lig4ts for
Am.Legi�or.,John Boman maintaining meeting
c Treas . : plasma for Ame,ricap
- Legion meetings 200.00 240:00
'35 Dennis & Co.Inc. 1-Richardson on Evi-
den.ce--a --ins 8.00 8.00
36 Kathryn E.O'Brien Type Twn.Bd,.Min.Meetngs, 2.00 2.00
37 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street ltng & Traff sig-
nals 162,76 162.76
38 Frances L.Turner Postage Stamps-Twn Clk 6.00 6.00
39 Frances L.Turner Postage $tamps-Tan Clk 3100 31 0
40 Ritisse�"_ : ^rr t ;u,(.);lie s--Twn C'1'c.Off. 5..5 0. 5.50
41 J."J.,':3awyer �Co.Inc, K11sc.Items for FV Cem, 8.78 8178
42 TZ.Z, ,Sexton_ earts,la,bor R.,rr, 4Rwr.PV Cem. 14.00 14.00
43 x+.ne_Equipment Co. Parts for Cutter-bar__Mwr..
PV Cemetery x1:9.65 ,19,6
44: Carson-Duffy agcy,. Insurance,PV Gem, 179.21 179,21
45 ' Curtis Lampson Att.Assn.Towns Mtne,Bu-flo 79.67 79.67
46 Raymond-��'alk .n 11 tt it is . It 79.56 ,79 56
.47' Harold C.Al ns " ` '► " " It 84 18 84.18
48 ' Irwin H,Crumbley Clerical' wk.Supvr , 46,25 46.25
49 RusseL`1 & Wait Sapplies»Supt. 14.01 ,14.01
Lir 50 G.F.Bus.lrach. Dismant Machine-chem,cleau
ed,lubricated and adjusted.
Turned down cyl. ,replaced
' ribbon_ 19.30 *19.30
51 Ray DAstrib.Co Supplies H.Ens 6.85 , 6.85
52 Mott.•Manbeck Mach. Grotelite, SS Refltve Signs 229.73 229.73
' 53"` Colson &r Brice 1 copy min.,hearing of Jan..
17,1955,equalization and
assess.xzmk 15,86 15,.86
' 54 Chas.D.Giles 'fork w.Twn,Surveyor 5,50 5,50
j 55 Leon M,Steves Work It . " U. 56,10 ,56.10
56 G.F.'Vater Fd, NGF T,,M Ext.Fund 32348 323-,08
57 City .G.F,,W.F, Water_1�ent,NGFWD Fugd 221.46 211.46
58 " - _" ." . " West .GY1D Hued 398,20 398..20
59 �� u r� �: ,� RR WD M=d 61.13 61,.13
60: R.E:Chapman- Amt.due on..well _ 1587.00 1587,00
61 R.F.Chapman Contract-well: drilling 1900000 1900 00
§68014 680 *664��
On motion the meeti'ng adjourned,
t S
Town C le rk.
Special Meeting March 15, 1955
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond-Walkup Councilman
The board convened: at 7:30 P X1.
Floyd Ellsworth called upon the board and talked about the Board
going on record in accepting a parcel of land deeded to the- Town.
for highway or a street. The reason bein that a loan would not be
granted by the F.H.A. unless it was shown that, the Totem had accepted
the parcel for street purposes. '
II Resolution No. 36 introduced by Justice Bentley$ seconded by Council-
E man Lamps on:
I m
RESOLVED that there shall' be expended for general repairs Item
1 on the-Town-Highways,, the sum of X37,500.00 and that there shall be
placed: in. the reserve fund the sum of $12,.500.00.
1. There shall be expended for reconstruction and improving the
t 4 Cleverdale Road from 9L north to Cleverdale , 12,000.00. r
f for Assembly Point
2. There shall be expended for construct rig new road the sum of
2v5OO.0O. `
k '