Resolution 10/18/9:4 TO 7-AFPAME FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION NO. 7-1994 IEL Y.nt rod uCed ,by, .Roger Ruel who 'moved , f0: i adop seconded _byCraig-MacEwan:: As written, With. .the 'inclusion of waivers Three and Four, l,ziated on. thq letter dated 18 October; 1994, to the Planning Board,. froic Barbara�L. Barber, and, se.condly, that outstanding engineering' -comments be met in a letter from Rist-Frost, to that effect, da�ed­:October 12, 1994. whereas, the :-Tawn 'Planning Department, .is in receipt of final Bibdivision application, file # 7-1994, to subdivide 14 acres Anto 10 lots for single .family reaidenc6"s; and Whores`, `t-he ,above. referenced final subdiviii0n 'application, dated- '9/26/94. :consists of 'th'e following:. 1:. `,_Sheet 1, layout,, dated 5j25/94; and Whereas, the .8bove file ,is ,supported with the- following doc*hentation: 1 ., Engineering .comments,, dated, 1:0/12/94 2. Drainage and stormwater management data froim-Scudder Associates:, dated 9j27/94 and 10/17/94 and Wtiieret.s, tli€e -proposed subdivision ..has .been submitted' to the appropriate' town .:departments and outside ' agencies for 'tfieir review and comment;. Whereas, any,' '°modification and terms contained in the preliminary subdivision approval have been complied with. Therefore, Be It Resolved, as follows: T2ie' Town' Plar:r: ng Board, after Considering the above, hereby movea.,to approved final subdivision` plat for Daniel. Barber, #7-199'4. Let it; be, further. resolved, , 1.; That pride `'ot the. signing of the plat 'by the Chairman of the Fl4nhid4 o,ard`'all appropriate fees shall be paid and that within 60'.days of ,the date of : this resolution-the applicant shall have:.t-lje signed plat, filed in the Office of the Clerk of Warren.,,�County.. 2. Ttre 'applIcant, agrees to:'the conditiona. sets forth -in this resolution. ". 3. `The. conditions shall be rioted on the map. 4 . The issuance of permits is conditioned on compliance and continued compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and subdivision regulations . Duly adopted this 18th day of October, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Ruel, Mr. Paling, Mr. Obermayer, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. MacEwan, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT: Mr. Stark *** - 12/15/94 Extension request MOTION TO GRANT A SIR MONTH EXTENSION TO SUBDIVISION NO. 7-1994 DANIEL BARBER TO JUNE 30, 1995, Introduced by Craig MacEwan who moved for its adoption, seconded by George Stark: Duly adopted this 15th day of December, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Mr. MacEwan, Mr. Ruel, Mr. Paling, Mr. Stark, Mr. Obermayer, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Brewer NOES: None