1952-10-30 SP r
293 Bessie Branch Insp. of El.. Dist No.2 12,00 12,00
294 Rose E. Bibby " " " No,. 3:=. 12..00 12,00
295 Russell & Wait B..& B Ribbon 'a, 1050 1,50
296 William L, .Powers Services dog warden 5,48 5,48
297. Ear1 Jones Wicks & cleaning stove 4,.80 4,.80
298 Mt.side gvan,&t, Cleaning 3 cemeteries 17:5 :00 175,00:
299 Sidney VanDusen- Cemetery Commission 99.40 99.40
300 Carl J.. Kreiser Audit per,2/28/52-x8/28/32 56.44 56„44
301. Carl J. Kreiser AAdit General payroll 80009 80.09!
302 Bullard Press Water Bills NGFWD. Fund 11,25 11,25
303 Bullard Press Water Bills WGM;Fund 10,00 10,00
304' Bullard. Press Water Bills RRWII',Fund 6,75 605
!" 305 Lillian C.. Shepard-Serv,.rndrd RRWD Fund 8.00 8.00
_ 306ti,Lillian C. ShepEErd:.` " " NGFIM Fund 204100 20..00
307 Lillian Co Shepard. " ` WGFWD: Fund 16.00 16,.00
308 `John A. Miller Serv.rnd,rd.Glenwood 24,40 24,40
309 JE.Sawyer & Co. Supplies NGFWD 21,.84 21,84'
31G Frasier Paint Co. 1 gal.Imp,paint_ NGFWD_ 5_.10 5010
311 Howard LaRose Rental,,erv,.,material=NGFIPD 160,21 160.21
312 Carswell T & T Co,Acct,rndrd.P'V Cem, 70' 58 7058
313 Ehrlich'&.G.F,. Labor & parts uded-PV" 9016 911
314 Holmes Automotive Supplies-PV Cen:. 11.20 11,20
315 N.Y.Tel,Co,. Obsrv4Post-ph6ne-C•V,. 140,95 14,95
31:6 'Bullard Press ' lm,-rules & reg.-NGFWD 16 .75 16..75:
317 F.B.Dalton 'Labor worked•-,3ter main-*NGF'G�D 23.00 23.00
318 George Kilmer Labor worked-water main-NGFWD 7740 77.00
X983,.93 $983:..93
On motidn the 'meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Special `Meeting ` October 309 1952
Present: `
H,. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Raymond `Walkup Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M,.
Proof of publication advertising for bids for the laying of pipe in
Drainage District No. 1 m8j read and filed.
Bids were received from the following and were read aloud:
John Kubricky, total amount emitting item 21A in specifications .
J'otal omitting item 21 . { . 569655,95
John. M. Robertson, Inc,, total imitting item 21A, $539,100,30
No alternate bid omitting item 21,t
Maloy, Dugan & Maloy, Inc..
Total omitting item` 21A $98,..033:.35
Total omitting item 21. . 96.,593,.35
Resolution Now---9Q introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the matter of considering the sealed proposals for
the construction of the drainage system in Drainage District No,. l in
the town of Queensbury bet and is hereby' set �over until October 31, 1952
at the Town Clerk's office at 8 P.M.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Daly adopted by the following vote: • ' ''�
Ayes - 15ruti )`up,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and'-Mr. Harris
Noes - *none w
The privilege df the floor was extended to Ralph E. Gasner, Jr,., of the
John R. Tinkle�augh, Inc. who discussed trucks with the members of the
board: p
The following dlaims were audited and allowed in the Mannar ecified:
Schedule of Audits for the Town
of Queensbury, Warren County, N.Y.
for the "month of October, 1952
.. � � ,.'.
No.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim ' Amt
Cl Amt aimed "Allowed
319 Mbtt-Manbedk Machinery,. - ,
Co., Load NO 1-Corrugated'
v w .
GalveMetal Pipe;Perfd'r-
ated Uncoatekd-lAtandard
j 1 M„ Gauge , tc,Invoice No,
6922 $30,066024-'4$37
320 Mitt-Manb'lift Mach,,Co.. Inv*Nd. 62,90 -Load No,2 Q3O.91
Corrugated Galv,,Meta1
* coated,Standard guages
etc,. 39,066,.24 3�,Q50091
321 Mott-Manbe.ck Ma.ch.Co., Inv.No*6331-Load' Nb .3
Corrugated Galy.metal
I pipe pperforatedspn-
coated standard' guagea 3 66 24 3 50
! 99,19$,72 52„
t .;.,.,a
On adbion the meeting adjourned.
' Frances L. Turner,
Town Clerk,
Special Meeting October 31, 1952
H,. Russell Harris Supervisor
Mere dith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the -Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 8 -P.M,.
. Beecher S. C16thet, Leslie Coulter, Bert Robertson and Mr. ,Brisbane of
John M. Robertson; Inc: , `were pres@nt,.' '
The board generally discussed certain conditions of the proposeUcon-
tract with Mr. Robertson,. `
e olution NQ. 91, introduced by Justice Sleight,, seeonded by Councilman
loam pson: , . . . . .
WHEREAS the Town Board advertised for sealed proposals for the
laying _of a,. storm draih in }k-ainage District No, 1 of the- Towzt:'end
WHEREAS proposals were received as follows :
Sohn M. Robertson, Inc. . .. $53,650.30
Maloy, Dugan & Maloy, Inc. $98,033„35
(total -omitting item 21A)