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za Ayes - „)Ar. Walkup, Mr., Bentley, Mr. Lampsop, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none t C I C , On motion the meeting adjourned. - , fiances . r er Town Clerk. Regular Meeting January 24, 1953 Present : H. Russell Harris Supervisor - Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Henry Sleight . Justice of the Peace Raymond Walkup Councilman Curtis Lampson : Councilman The board convened at 7 :30 P.M.. Present: Garner Tripp. Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways also present. Garner Tripp generally discussed with the board the condition of the hydrants in the Broadacres section and the ownership thereof and who was resonsible for their care.. , A letter from Francis McGinley, attorney, in reference to a deed by the Ft. A:pherst Realty Co. . conveyi-ng certain lands therein for highway purposes to the Town of Queensbury was read to the board, Rgsiition No. 24 .introduced, by Justice, Sleight seconded by Justice Bentley: , RESOLVED that the land as described in a deed dated November 25, 1952 from the ,Ft. Amherst Realty Co. to the Town of' Queensbury, be and the , same is hereby accepted for highway purposes and the names of such streets as designated therein, be and are hereby designated as the official names of streets so conveyed,, _. Duly adopted by the fo�lowing. vote : . Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none Ernest Lackey reported-that approximately 1400 ft. , if drainage. pipe had been laid and man4oles installed o4 Ft. Amherst Road. In reference to"` the matter of,repairs to the.Hewitt house,, for damages caused by a tree being cut, referred to the Insurance Committee. , Resolution No. 25 introduced by gounci�man Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley: , ,RESOLVED that the sum of $200 be and is hereby ,appropriated from the contingent fund to an item,in tb.e budget for the purpose of assist- ' ing iia defraying,expenses of the cost and maintenance of rooms for holding meetings of the Queensbury Post.No. 1797 of the American.Legion. Duly adopted by the following vote : , Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. •Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes none { R lutio,onn _No. 26. introduced by Councilman Lap'son, seconded by Council- man Walkup: RESOLVED that the following bonds be approved as to form,, amount,. surety and manner of execution: Sidney Van Doien'F5,©00 #369393 Glens Falls Indem. Co,. Charles K. Denny, 5,000 y #691276 . w Raymond Hoague $1.,000 . #54322 U.S. Casualty Co. Bernard Codner 1,000 49788 It Ernest Lackey 4,,000 49719 +1 Frances- L. Turner 19000 47921 Further resolved that members of the Town Board sign a certi- ficate - to that effect. on each bond.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Tar. Sleight and lair. Harris Woes - none The Board:. signed the certificates on the bonds._ The board audited claims as follows : Schedule of; audits for the- Town of Queensbury for the month of. January, 1953 Amt. .Amt.. No,. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 2 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street ltng & traf,sig 86„76 86.76 3 Russel & Wait Ru$per bands-Twn Clk. . ,75 .754 4:: G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.-purchase of equip-Hwy.E,Lackey 6..40 6.40 G.F.Post Co.. Pub.Not.Coll-A.Hillis 13.44 13,44 6 Glencraft Printing Supplies for tax cull. 59,,.60 59,60 7 Fred G. Eastland Misc.Civ.Def,. 25,19 25.19 Williamson Law Bk. 1 chat.mtg.bk.Twn.Clk 20..39 20,39 9 Kathryn E.0!Brien Type.min.twn.bd.mtngs 1,.75 1 .75 10 Barber & Howe Constable bond-R.F,Hill 3..00 3100 11 Barber & Howe Bonds-#64265496067870; Hwy.fd.Gen.fds.H,R.Harris 46,00 46,00 12 U.S.Casualty Co. Bonds for F.L.Turner,; A.J.Hillis,B.todner,E.R.. Lackey,R.J.Hpa'gue,W.L.. Powers 76.00 76..00 1:3 G.F.Elect.Sup,pl. 10H TSW332DT sig.for - WGF Fire Dept. 126.23 126,23 1.4 G.F.Elect,Suppl. . Straps 2" ,10'-la con-• duit,l0'2" fibre duct, 1 F586 CR,H.condulet 13,21 13,21 15 D & H RR Corp. . Rental 8" water pipe NGFWD - 1100 1.00 16 J•E.Sawyer & Co,Inc, Rake,links,flat soft cut.steel PV Cem.. 3..66 : 3,,.66 17 G.F.Nat.Bank & Trust Rental safe dep.box-PV 4,80 4..80 18' Carswell T & T 10 gal.. gasoline 2.53 2,53 -19 Frances L.Turner For reg.coll. 's bond for R° filing at Co.Clk's off.. .57 .47 20 G.F.Post Co. Pub.Not.of Bond Issue Drng.Dist,No. 1 25..28 25.28 21 Frances L.Turner By reg,letter returned cert.check to John M. Robertson InG.in amt. .of - $4000,chk.no.4101-reg.. letter #4006 ' .47 ;.47 22 John M.Robertson,Inc.. Labor & -trucking in conn,. w,unloading pipe for storm ;1 water drains,Drng.Dist.l 335..69 335..69 , 23 Waggaman & Collyer Refd.on deposit re :return of plans & spec;to MrgCoulter's office 15.00 5.00 2;4 Bruno Trimpoli Rfd.on dep.plans ,& spec,. ret.Drng,Dist.No„l 15.00 5..00 . 25 Maloy,Dugan & Maloy Rfd.on plan dep.for Queensbury storm Drng, system 15.00 10000 r— r . 5 26 Edward. & Thomas As per contract-in- C ` O 'Connor, . Jr.- stalling 1415 lin:ft,, storm sewer on Ft. Am. herst :Rd.as; per..spep. 2979.65 not.aud'. 27 C.G.Howland Miscel,and as Inspector for Dr.Dist.jlo.,. � _ ?25.00 225.00 28 Kathryn E. O'Brien ' Type,Twn.Bd.min. 7,25 7,25 29 W.F.Gubitz 1 water rent bk-NGFWD 65,.00 65,00 30 George Kilmer Shovel ou0 fire hydrants NGFWD 16.00 16.00 31 Eugene Johnson Labor & chain saw-Drng,. No. 1 263,20 263,20 32 Oscar Parker Labor worked-Drng.#1 104,00 104..00 33 Edw,Eggleston Shovel snow-Hyd.WGFWD 7,50 7,.50 34 John Kubricky Trench.& back-filling NGFWD• 2440 24.00 35 John Miller Services-WGFWD %00 3,.00 36 City G.F.Water Fd. Misc,,change.oer-2" to 6" WGFWD TM 109..34 109,34 37 " " " ` " New Taps & conn,WGFWD 125.00 125.00 38 ," " " " Misc..thawing out .hyd. WGFWD 8.98 8..9$ 39 Weber Construction Deposit for plans & spec. Drainage Dist. #1 15.00 51.00 40 Barer Bros,.Const.Co. Deposit for plans .& spec. M Drng.Dist. #1 - 15900 5.00 Total 8,. ,54 $1843,89 On motion the meeting adjourned. ` 'Frances L. Turner x e . Town Clerk. Special Meeting January 27, 1953 Present: H.Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace n �I Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Raymond Walkup Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M.. t The clerk read a communication from McPhillips, Fitzgerald & McCarthy. The clerk also read a petition of the Adirondack Transit Lines , Inc. amending the original petition filed for the extension of their bus line in the Town of Queensbury. The following resolution was adopted: Resolution No, 27 The petition of t4a Adirondack Transit Lines , Inc. , uerifled the 27th day of January, '1953, was presented° by Gerald P.McPhil] ips, re - questing permission for said Adirondack Transit Lines , Inc, to operate over additional portions of certain streets, avenues and thoroughfares in the Town of Queensbury, reference to which is hereby had.. After due consideration,, and on ,,action of Mr. Sleight, seconded by Mr. Bentley, it was RESOLVED, that pursuant to Seation 66 of the Transportation Corporations Law, a, public hearing be had upon the appli- ,cation of said Adirondack Transit lines, Inc. , for permission to operate I over the following avenues, streets .andtthoroughfares in said town, to L_j wit: <On.. Aviation Road between the junction thereof with U.S. 9 and Mountain View Lane; on Dixon Road between the Aviation Road and its junction with the west city line of Glens Falls ; on the. Glens Falls- Corinth Road at tha junction with Broad Street at the west city line of Glens Falls and the Big Boom Road;, and that said hearing be held on February 9th, 1953, at Queensbury Union Free School District No, 2 Building, Cottage Hill, at 7:30 P.M.., in-conjunction-with the hearing on