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742 Bav Road. Queensbury. NY 12804-5902 318-761-8201
October 26. 2000
Re: Subdivision 9-2000—Cathleen Cantiello
Dear Applicant:
This letter will serve to notify you of the decision made by the Planning Board with regard to the
above referenced application and to inform you of the next phase of review necessary.
Your application, after review and consideration by the Planning Board. was APPROVED. A copy
of the resolution is attached.
Additional requirements and review for this project shall include:
Submit original mvlar to the Planning Office for Chairman's signature
GY File signed mvlar at the Office of the Warren County Clerk within sixty(60)days of receipt by
Planning Department Staff of outside agency approvals.
Submit 10 copies of the filed molar to the Planning Office with documentation from the Warren
Countv Clerk's Office verifying filing date,appropriate stamps,etc.
❑ Engineering Fees due upon receipt
Recreation Fee of$500 per lot is payable upon submission of Building Permit
❑ Application for a Building Permit
❑ Application for a Certificate of Occupancy
❑ Application of necessary Sign permits, if applicable
❑ No further discretionary review is necessary at this time
This office will be performing necessary inspections related to Site issues.not Building Code issues,
throughout the duration of the project. Please contact me at 761-8218 to schedule inspections
associated with the completion of significant items of your project (i.e. stormwater control devices,
grading, landscaping, etc.) in order to expedite final approvals and Certificates of Occupancy.
Completion of and continued compliance with all details and conditions of approval are required in
order to receive and maintain approvals.
Sin erely,
Craig B
Cc: G. Finger
Town of Queensbury Planning Board 1024CantielloPrel
INTRODUCED BY: Robert Vollaro
SECONDED BY: Anthony Metivier
WHEREAS, the Town Planning Board is in receipt of Subdivision No. 9-2000, Cathleen Cantiello
for subdivision of a 2.92 acre parcel into two lots of 1.52 acres and 1.40 acres. Tax Map 59-3-11.
Cross Reference: AV 78-2000. and
WHEREAS. the application received 10/24/00 consists of the following:
1. Application materials as outlined in the Official File
WHEREAS. the above is supported with the following documentation:
1. 10/24/00 Staff Notes
10/17/00 Legal Ad published
10/12/00 GIS map
1015100 Meeting Notice w/ Project ID marker attached
9/26/00 Meeting notes
9/22/00 Pre-application meeting notes
9/20/00 ZBA resolution- approved
9/15/00 GIS map
9/15/00 G. Finger from L. Moore
WHEREAS,public hearing was held on 10/24/00 concerning the above project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision
requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning); and
WHEREAS,the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the
Town of Queensbury(Zoning); and
WHEREAS,the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered
and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a
modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been
considered; and the proposed modification(s) do not result in any new or significantly different
environmental impacts,and,therefore, no further SEQRA review is necessary; and
Town of Queensbury Planning Board 1024CantielloPrel
The application for preliminary stage is approved in accordance with the resolution prepared
by Staff,with the following note, that the no cut zone shall be preserved, in accordance with
the drawing,just 10 feet. However,dead brush and brush that has fallen over may be cleared
in that zone.
Duly adopted this 24th day of October. 2000 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Metivier,Mr. Strough,Mr. Vollaro, Mr. MacEwan
NOES: Mr. Hunsinger
ABSTAINED: Mrs. LaBombard
ABSENT: Mr.Ringer
Town of Queensbury Planning Board 1024CantielloFinal
INTRODUCED BY: Robert Vollaro
SECONDED BY: John Strough
WHEREAS. the Town Planning Board is in receipt of Subdivision No. 9-2000, Cathleen Cantiello
for subdhrision of a 2.92 acre parcel into two lots of 1.52 acres and 1.40 acres. Tax Map 59-3-11.
Cross Reference: AV 78-2000, and
WHEREAS.the application received 10/24/00 consists of the following:
1. :application materials as outlined in the Official File
WHEREAS.the above is supported with the following documentation:
1. 10/24/00 Staff Notes
10/17/00 Legal Ad published
10/12/00 GIS map
10/5/00 Meeting Notice w/Project ID marker attached
9/26/00 Meeting notes
9/22/00 Pre-application meeting notes
9/20/00 ZBA resolution- approved
9/15/00 GIS map
9/15/00 G. Finger from L. Moore
WHEREAS,public hearing was held on 10/24/00 concerning the above project; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision
requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning); and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the
Town of Queensbury(Zoning); and
WHEREAS,the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered
and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a
modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been
considered, and the proposed modification(s) do not result in any new or significantly different
environmental impacts.and,therefore,no further SEQRA review is necessary;and
Town of Queensbury Planning Board 1024CantielloFinal
The application for final stage is approved in accordance with the resolution as prepared by
Staff with the following conditions:
1. That the waivers that were applied for in the letter of GRF Recycling dated September
11,2000 are accepted, and
2. That the definition of the no cut zone received from GRF Recycling on their letter of
September 26`h' that clearing within the no cut zone shall only apply to brush and
dead,diseased or fallen trees and shrubs, and
3. All necessary outside agency approvals have been received by the applicant, with a
copy sent to and received by Planning Department Staff within 180 days,and
4. The plat must be filed with the County Clerk within 60 days of receipt by Planning
Department Staff of outside agency approvals noted.
Duly adopted this 24th day of October,2000 by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Strough,Mr. Vollaro, Mr. Metivier, Mr. MacEwan
NOES: Mr.Hunsinger
ABSTAINED: Mrs. LaBombard
ABSENT: Mr. Ringer
Zoning Board of Appeals — Record of Resolution = L,j --,�
Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238
Lewis N. Stone, Chairman Charles A. McNulty, Secretary
192 Lake Parkway 14 Twicwood Lane
Lake George,New York 12845 Queensbury, New York 12804
TO: Cathleen Cantiello PROJECT FOR: Z:\USERS\RES1AV78-2000.doc
463 Ridge Road Cathleen Cantiello
Queensbury,NY 12804 Ridge Road
The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the following request at the below stated
meeting and has resolved the following:
Area Variance No. 78-2000, Cathleen Cantiello
Meeting Date: Wednesday, September 20, 2000
Approved_X_ Denied_ Tabled Withdrawn_ SEQRA Review
[Tabled: applicant has sixty(60 days) to come back with the application]
Introduced by Robert McNally who moved for its adoption, seconded by Paul Hayes:
463 Ridge Road. This applicant proposes the development of a two lot residential subdivision,
and in doing so she requests 60.7 and 70.33 feet of relief from the 150 foot minimum lot width
requirement of the SFR-lA zone, that is Section 179-20, of the Town of Queensbury Zoning
Ordinance. I ask that the variance be approved for the following reasons. First, the benefit to the
applicant is that she would be permitted to create and develop two residential lots in what is
currently an oversized lot with less road frontage than would be ideal, but certainly a large
amount of space in the back, "T" shaped or flag shaped as we've described in our conversation
tonight. The feasible alternatives are none. There's simply no way to subdivide this property
into three lots without requiring some kind of relief, and the amount of relief this applicant has
requested is minimal. That relief, as I've noted, is not substantial. Effectively, the two lots in
the rear, at least as far as their buildable area, meet the Town Zoning Code requirements in being
in excess of 150 feet wide and being more than one acre by approximately another half acre.
The only reason for the relief is because they need access to the road, and that roadway access is
going to be 80 feet wide, which, given the Ordinance, is quite reasonable. The effects on the
neighborhood or community is certainly going to be present. This is an old lot which the
neighbors have grown accustomed to being undeveloped, and they certainly hope that it remains
undeveloped. However, as proposed by this applicant, the houses are going to be in excess of
490 feet from Ridge Road, and she's going to maintain significant trees and shrubbery and
screening on the property, in order to maintain the rural residential feeling of the area already.
page 1 of 2
Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands
are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary(such as review by the Queensbury
Planning Board.)
pL iI, Zoning Board of Appeals —Record of Resolution
Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238
`= continued resolution:
Area Variance No. 78-2000 Cathleen Cantiello
ZBA Meeting: Wed., September 20, 2000
The difficulty is not self-created, in my opinion, as it results from an existing lot, and, therefore,
given these considerations,I'd move the approval of the variance. That the applicant maintain
trees and minimise tree cutting to the extent possible, as a condition of this variance. That the
applicant will minimize, to the extent that he is able to, subject to the Planning Board approval
and specification,whatever clear cutting he's going to have on the property.
Duly adopted this 2e day of September, 2000, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Hayes,Mr.McNulty, Mr. Bryant, Mr. McNally,Mr. Stone
NOES: Mr. Himes,Mr. Abbate
Lewis N. Stone, Chairman
Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals
cc: Gary R. Finger
page 2 of 2
Approval of the application means that the applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless your lands
are Adirondack Park Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary(such as review by the Queensbury
Planning Board.)