1953-02-28 t
I Resolved thtit the Town Board defer acting on granting of the permit
fon bus franchise,.
r -
Duly adopted by the following ,vote:: `
Ayes -• Mr. Walkup. Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Ltampson, Mr. Sleight and Mrs. Harris
Noes - none.
On motion the meeting adjourned. `
416c—ese-L, 'Turner
Town Clerk
Regular MJ6et*. y
'�, '�:' R February 28, 1953
At$a regu Meeting of thb Town Board of the Town of Queensbury held
f on the above date at 7:30 P.M, at the Clerk's office, the following
members were present:
He. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight , Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup- Councilman
' Curtis Lampson Councilman
Also present Ernest Lackey and Beecher Clother. Mr. Clother was
present in the matter of the financing of the cost of .installation
for Drainage District No, 1..
The following resolution Nm_ 30 was offered by Mr. ;,ampson who moved
its adoption, seconded by 'Mr. Bentley,. to_ wit :
WHEREAS, in anticipation of the sale of $120,000 Drainage
District No. l (Serial) Bonds , 1953, of the Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New York, this Town Board has heretofore authorized
and issued $60,DOO Bond ,Anticipation Note, 1952, numbered 1, dated j
October 30, 1952 and maturing March 1, 1953, and $40,000 Bond
Anticipation Note, 1952, numbered 2, . dated December 22, 1952 and
maturing March 1, 1353,. and
�WHERPSAS, it is' now necessary to provide for the renewal thereof,
by the issuance of one renewal note; -NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren
County, New York `as =follows :
" ec'tiori` 1s The abject or purpose for which the "obligation
authorized herein- iq,, tb ;renew the outstanding bond antic tdim notes;,
more fully described' in't'he preambles hereof, issued to pay part of
the costs of the construction of a drainage system for Drainage District
No. l ih said .:down of Queensbury, New York.--,,
t' Se"ctior `' Speeitic reference is hereby made to "BOLD RESOLUTION
:fSTRICT NC3 lif0 ,-6AIR`!tDUi4",v .j,:,,whieh. r¢solut ion.autl.grtzee tba bonds
in anticipation of the sale of which the note hereby authorized is. to
be issued, °Y ..
f . SebtioK B, The=diabulA _.of ,1 on" ,to be, is-oued for, tJAe gLRgrq at4'
cje�t� i�. 'the.�principaL.: �,rnou� t �.of �14Q,40;4�• �u�� ���dd��� +
are to be serial bonds.
Sactiont4. ' The amount of the bond anticipation npte hereby
authorized which is to be issued in anticipation of such bondpr,1s- , ,1
$100,000. Its` purpose, as aforesaid, is to renew two bond anticipation
notes aggregating ;,,100,000, which are the only notes outstanding in
anticipation of such bonds. The note hereby authorized is a renewal
note, and it is authorized in anticipation of bonds for an assessable
improvement,.. ;
Section 5,. Such bond anticipation note shall be dated March 1,,
1953m shall be numbered 3,. shall be in the denomination of $100,000,
shall bear interest at the rate of two and one-half per centum
(2-1/2;) per annum, payable at maturity, shall matureion May 1, 19530
with prepayment reserved, and shall be payable as to both principal
and interest in lawful money of the United States of America at the
Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company, in Glens Falls, New York.
Such` bond anticipation note shall be executed in the name of said
Town of Queensbury,, New York by its Supervisor sealed with its e,or-
porate seal, and attested by its Tbwn Clerk. Such note shall the in
substantially the following form, to wit::
No, 3 $1008,000
The Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren, a municipality
of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for
value received promises to pay to the bearer of this note the sum of
ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000) on the 1st day of May, 1953,
together with interest thereon from the date hereof at the rate of two
and one-half per centum ' (2-1/2 IdQ per annum, payable at maturity. Both
principal of and interest on this note will be paid in lawful money of
the United States of America at the Glens FallsNational Bank and Trust
Company, in Glens Falls , New York.
This note may be redeemed at any time prior to maturity by said
Town of Q upon u on giving written notice to the holder, and int-
erest shall cease after the date fixed for redemption.
This note is the only one of a total authorized issue of $100,000
issued pursuant to the provisions of a bond anticipation note reso-
lution duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town of Queensberry,
New York on the day of February, 1953, to renew two outstanding
- bond anticipation notes aggregating $100,0009 maturing March 1, 1953.
Said note is issued to pay part of the cost, of the construction of a
drainage system for Drainage District No. ` l in the Town of Queensbury,
New York,.
The faith and credit of said Town of Queensbury, New York, are
hereby irrevocably pledged for the punctual payment of the,principal
of and interest on this note according to its terms,
Itµ is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and
things required by the Constitution and statutes of the State of New
York to exist, to have happened and to have been performed precedent
to and in the issuance of this note, exist, have happened and have
been performed; and that this note, together With all other indebted-
ness of such Town of Queensbury is within every debt and other limit
prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Queensbury, New York, has paused
this note to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk, and this note to be
dated as of the 1st day of March, 1953.
Town Clerk
SQction 66.. The Supervisor of said Town of Queensbury, New York, is
�'iereby authorized to sell said note at private sale at not less than
par and accrued interest, if any. `
Spcti`on 7,.. The faith` and credit of the Town of Queensbury, New
York,; are hereby pledged for the payment of such note and interest
.!thereon, and unless otherwise paid, the same shallt be paid -from the
proceeds derived from the` sale of said bonds. `
Section 8. This resolution shall take effect immediately,.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly
put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows :
A. Russell Harris �w;ing Aye
Meredith Bentley
Henry E. Sleight " Aye
Raymond Walkup �` Aye
Curtis Lampson Aye.
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted,,
the following people were presentftn reference to the ,Meadowbrook Road
and the Cronin Road: Messrs . Thomas O'Brien, Dennis Cronin, Willard
Durham, Hollis Cross, Mrs . Mildred Durham.
A petition was presented by them containing approximately 65 signers
requesting the Board's consideratidn of the condition of thetMeadow-
brook Road from the Cronin Road north and the Cronin Road. They re-
. quested that the Cronin Road be hard-surfaced From the intersection
thereto frith the Meadowbrook Road to the Ridge Road.
The board generally discussed the matter with the interested parties
and referred it to the Town Superintendent of Highways for proper
Mr. Sidney Van Dusen was present and presented a map of the development
of the Cottage Hill area;inlreference thereto the Board generally dis-
cusse.d the matter with him..
Resolution No. 31 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Town Board approves map showing size and loca-
tion of lots of 'sections 1-2-3-4 of map of the area known as Cottage
Hill and filed in the Town Clerk' s office February 28, 1953.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
__ Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr.Sleight and' Mr. Harris
Noes - none -
Mr. Van Dusen also presented a deed conveying certain streets to the I
Town of Queensbury.
Resolution No. 32 introduced by Councilman Walkup, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Town Board accepts deed of Sidney Van Dusen
dated February 28, 1953 conveying certain lands therein to the .Town.
of Queensbury for highway purposes ;, such land is a continuation. of
the present Hillcrest Avenue and the same is designated as Hillcrest
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Pair. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none `
Alger Mason,, president of the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company
was present and presented a request which read as -follows :
Feb. 27, 1953
Town Board '
Town of Queensbury.
Sirs :
At -the last, regular meeting� of the North Queensbury Volunteer
Fire Company, a equest was made and duly recorded in the minutes that
the Town Board of said Town of Queensbury be asked to install a caution
light at the intersection of Route 9 L and the Cleverdale Road.-
(Sig4ed) A.C... Mason -
Resolution No. 33 introduced by Justi Pres.
Bentley: ce Sleight, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Town Board cause to be purchased and installed
a caution light at the intersection of Route 9L with the Cleverdale Road..
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup,, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Eugene Johnson, Superintendent of the Town Dump in the Town of Queens-
bury, requested an increase in his pay. for the months of Marah frnd
Resolution No. 34 introduced b Councilman Walku
man Lampson:
Y p,, seconded by Council-
RESOLVED that the salary of the caretaker for the Town Dump be ,
and the same is hereby fixed at $45 per mgnth for toe months of March
and December.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Air. Harris
Noes - none
In connection with the installation of a traffic light at the junction
of Richardson St. and Luzerne Load in West Glens Falls,, the following
bids were received:
Glens Falls , N;,Y.,, Feb. 27, 1953
I will install the traffic light in West Glens Falls for the fire company
for_1275 dollars. This will include labor and material. I will use their
traffic light and control but all the rest of the material I will
furnish„ The installation will be in accordance with the New York Board
of Fire Underwriters,
: Sincerely yours,,
W.F:. Witherell
Town of Queensbury February 27, 1953
To install traffic blinker light (to be furnished by town) at the
West Glens Falls Fire Station for the sum of .$376691. This includes
power ,supply,. a 35 foot pole installed, guys, .etc. This installation
will be ready for any control. switch to be installed by the Fire
(Signed) Harold F. Dean
Harold Dean Son.
resolution No. 35 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded ,by Council-
man Lampson:.
RESOLVED that Wilbur Witherell be and is hereby authorized to
install a traffic light at the junction of Richardson St, with 'the
Luzerne Road for the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five ($275. ) Dollars.
The contractor Is to furnish. labor, material, pole, wires and neces-
sary supplies to properly install the same; all in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the New York Board of Fire Underwriters,,,
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Larapson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none .
In the matter of Town Insurance the following resolution was adopted:
Resolution No. 36 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
le g :
RESOLVED that Carson & Duffy be and they are hereby designated
agents for the purchase pf requested insurance- coverage of-the-Town
of Queensbury for the year 1953,.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes-Mr. Walkup, Mr, Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Farris
Noes - none
The Clerk called the Boards attention to an action commenced by a
service of a Summons and Complaint upon her. The title of the action
Is "Ellen F. Curtin, plaintiff - against - Town of Queensbury in the
County of Warren, New York, and Ernest Lackey as Superintendent of
Resolution No. 37 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
Whereas an action has been Instituted by Ellen F. Curtin against-
the Town of Queensbury, . -
RESOLVED that the matter be and the same is hereby referred to
the County Attorney for proper action.
Further Resolved, that the Clerk be and is hereby authorized and
directed to notify ,the. Glens Falls Insurance Company In writing of the
service of the summons and complaint on the 'Town Clerk.
Duly adopted by the following vote : ,
Ayes - Mr. dalkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, 11r. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes. - none
The Town Board generally discussed with the Superintendent of Highways
the highway equipment and and highway financing.
The following recommendation was read by the Clerk:
{ To the Town Board of the Town of
Ll Pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law of
the State of New York, I, the undersigned Town Superintendent, hereby
recommends to the Town Board of the Town of. Queensbury, the purchase of
One truck mounted shovel oftnot less than 4/10 yds..
to be paid for according to the direction of the Town Board.
(Signed) Ernest B. Lackey
: Dated: Feb., 28, 1953 Supt.
Rrm�olui'ion No. 38 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
Bentley-.- e _
IT IS RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized
and directed to cause to be published the following notice:
Notice is hereby given in compliance with Section 142- of the
Highway Law that Ernest Lackey, Superintendent of Highways- of the
Town of Queensbury has recommended to the Town Board of such Town
as follows:
E 1 I,, Ernest B. Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town
of Queensbury, ' do respectfully recommend to the Town Board of the Town
of Queensbury that one truck mounted shovel of not less than 4/10 yds.
capacity--be purchased. The purchase of one truck mounted shovel of not
less than 4/10 yds. to be paid for according to the direction of the
Town Board,
Dated February 28, 1953 , nester Lackey,
The maximum estimated cost of such equipment is $159000.
Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board will meet -on
the 14th day of March, 1953 at 7:30 P.11.. at the Town Clerk's office on
Ridge Road in said Town to consider such recommendation and purchase
of such equipment.
Dated: February 28, 1953 Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board will meet on the 14th day of
March, 1963 at 7:30 P.M.. at the Town Clerk's office in accordance with
said. notice to consider the purchase of such equipment.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr4 Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
N-o e s - none
In the matter of granting bus rights upon certain highways in the Town
of Queensbury,, the Board generally discussed the matter and Mr. Bentley
introduced the following resolution which was read and thereafter
seconded by TvZr.. Lamp so n: C
3esolution No. 39 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
WHEREAS petitions have been flied with the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,, by Jesse Burger and the
,.Adirondack Transit; Lines , Inc. , for permission to use certain streets,
:roads,, avenues and public places in the Town of Queensbury for the
purpose of the transportation for compensation of persons and property
over said streets, roads, avenues and places , and
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, has , pursuant
to law,` held public hearings on the aforesaid petitions and interested
persons )iave been heard thereon,
RESOLVED that permission is hereby granted to Jesse Burger to
operate vehicles for compensation for the purpose of transporting
persons and property over the following streets , roads , avenues and
places, and in both directions , In the Town of Qu.eensb�iry,, as follows :
Coolidge Avenue from Western Avenue to Ashley Place; Ashley Place
from Coolidge Avenue to Dixon Road; Dixon Road to the Mpuntain, Road,
so-called; Aviation Road -to Route No. 1, Cottage Hill Road, Prospect
i Drive and Hillcrest Avenue.
(1) That the permit granted to Jesse Burger as aforesaid shall
be for the term of five years from the date. of the adoption, of ` this
(2) That the minimum number of daily round trips shall be six
and that further trips may be operated should traffic warrant,
(3) That the exact route or routes and running tune= of omnibuses
. or motor vehicles operating over the aforesaid streets , roads,; avenues
and public places in the Town of Queensbury maybe changed from- time
to time as the passenger traffic may warrant..
(4) That, subject to the approval of the Public Service Com --
mission, of the State of New York, the tasfffs shall be as Bet forth i
in the last petition filed by the said Jesse Burger.
(5) That the grantee of this permit shall not sell, lease or
in any manner transfer this permit without the consent of the Town
(6) That the transportation services set forth herein shall be
provided-within ninety days from the date hereof.
(7) That, except by and with the consent of the Public Service
Commission of the State of New York, the failure of the grantee to
perform the services hereinbefore mentioned shall render this permit
null and void.
In a discussion of the ppoposition,. Mr, Sleight
made a statement in reference to a meeting had in which Mr. Harris, the
Supervisor and he were present with her. . McPhillips and Mr. Van Gro-
sick. Mr. Bentley stated that all things being equal,, that if the
Adirondack Transit Company would have met the proposition of Mr.
Burger, he would have. favored the Transit Lines,, but inasmuch as the
proposition submitted by Mr. Burger would give service to areas in
addition to those proposed by the Transit Lines , he felt that a.-. def-
inite proposition was best for the. interests of the Town. He also
stated that he w as not in favor of granting rights upon roads which
` would not be exercised by the licensees. Thereupon, a vote was taken
upon`Resolution No. 39 which resulted in the following vote : . `
Ayes - Mr. Nalkup, 112x; Bentley, 1,1r, Lampson and Mr. Sleight.
Noes - Mr. Harris
Mr. Harris presented another proposition from the Adirondack Transit
Lines , Inc. The .Board took no action thereon.
The Clerk read the following communication:
G1ens_Falls, New York '
February l0, 1953
Town Board
Town_ of Queensbury
RFD #1
Glens Falls , IT.Y.
Dear Sirs : .
This is to inform you that on February 9, 1953 at a barn fire at
Feeder Dam owned by Niagara Power & Light Company, one of our active
firemen was overcome by smoke poisoning. He was working in the line of
volunteer duty when he was stricken. He was taken to a nearby home
where he` was treated by ' a doctor and than removed to the hospital
where he still is. He will be laid up for sometime. His name is Forrest
Lilly., RFD#2, Glens Falls , 17,.Y.
Yours truly,
. (Signed) Leon S. Richardson
The Clerk also read the statement of moneys received and disbursed b-
the Supervisor during the month of January.
L The Board audited claims as follows :
Amt. Amt..
Yo.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
44 G.F. Post Co. PublNot.on bus hearing 9.76 Disallowed
45 .Kathryn E. O'Brien Type.min.Town Board 31.00 3.00
46 Williamson Law Bk.Co.l indvd,payrool record bk 5.21 421
47 Russell & Wait Supplies-Sup,H.R.H. 10,.47 10,47
48 Dennis & Co..Inc. 2 Assmnt cools for Superv. 90.74 90.74
49 G.F,Post Co„ Pub,Supv,Financial Dept. 37,40 37.40
50 Hoag's Tire Serv. Rental off.space for toll. 35,00 35,.00
51 Dennis & Co.Inc.. - 1 #30 Bond Reg.for Superv. 12.24 12.24
52 Frances L. Turner Postage TwnClk.off. , 12000 12,.00
53 Meredith Bentley Posta e M.S.Bentle Y JP 3,96 3.96
54 Russell & Wait 1 bx onion-skin paper-T.C.. %15 3.15
55 June V. Du Four Type.& Rile assessment. cds 120,00 120„00
56 Carswell T & T Co. Gasolene-PV-Scoville 8,.58 8.58
57 Franklin Scoville Mileage tray.Aug..4 to Dec.-
31,1952-PV ,Cem.. 32,56 32,56
58 Garner C.Tri Jr,. Prof,.serv.Ft.Amherst Rd, 7500 75,00
59 -George Kilmer Shoveling hyd„NGFWD 6,00 6,.00
60 West G.F.Chapel For use as Co,Dental Clinic 24,.00 24,..00
61 G.F .,Elect,Supply.Inc.1-A644OA1 Honeywell 3ORY15
Fuses,LCh TSS20 motor flash-
ing switch.w,.radio filter
Awrip Timing relay w,push
Amt. Amt..
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
button and transfor..
relay1 mount in size 16,
cabinet for wood pole
mounting 296 less 45 166,.30- 166„30
62 Kathryn E.O'Brien Type min.Twn.Bd. 1.50 1.50
63 Curtis Lanpson Attend.Assn.Twn.Meet.. 66.53 66;,53
64 Raymond. Walkup Attend.assn.Twn.Meet. 66,31 66.31
65 Emma Wilson Off.wk/-Superv.off. 26.50 28..50
66 City G.F.Water Fd. Water rent-Ridge Rd.WD 61,,13 61,,.13
67 City G.F.Water Fd. Water rent-NGFIID-93 A- 144.61 144.61
68 City G.F.Water Fd,„ Water rent-NGFWD-93 ,,. 206,.99 206.99 �
69 City G.F.Water Fd„ Water rent-V1GYND-95 3876.54 387,.54 ,
$1610.48 $1600.12`
On motion the meeting adjourned
Town Clerk
Special Meeting March 2, 1953'
At a special meeting of the Tow.-a Board of the Town of Queensbury .held
on the above date at 7:30 P. 12.. at the Clerk's office the following
members were present::
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lanpson
Raymond..Walkup Councilman
Absent: Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
John B, Van Dusen was also present the board discussed with Mr. Van
Dusen the proposal of engaging him to perform engineering services.. i
Resolution No. 40_ introduced by Councilman Walkup,, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that John B. Van Dusen,, a duly licensed land surveyor,
be and is hereby engaged to perform the necessary engineering services
for the ensuing ten months ;;
Further resolved that his compensation be and is hereby fixed
at $2,500 fork such period payable _$250 monthly;
Furthest resolved that the Supervisor be and i`s hereby authorized
to execute an behalf of the Town a contract in detail with the said
Jahn B. Van Dusen relating to such services. `
Duly adopted by the following vote:-
Ayes -- Mr. Walkup, Mr. Lanpson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none .
A.delegation from the Cottage Hill and Glenacres areas of the Town
• appeared be.�ore the board and discussed the prol5osed operation of
bus lines irk such areas. The spokesman of the group directed his
inquiries to Mr. Sleight and asked the reason for the `granting of
the right to Jesse Burger. Mr. Sleight related in detail 't-he -nego-»
tiations had with the Adirondack Trahsit Lines , Inc.
in an effort to have tl4em service areas beyond the junction of the
Dixon Road with the Aviation Road .and the Dixon Road and stated that