1953-04-18 SP Special Meeting April_ 18, - 1953
Present ; `
H. Russell-Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley. Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman -
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7 :30 P.T:",. , -
I!rnest Lackey also .p-cesent.
The Board generally discussed with the Town. Superintendent and among
themselves the roads to be repaired in the Town of Queensbury and the
rrwin roads. ,
The privilege of the floor was extended to 101n. Floyd Ellsworth who
discussed the condition of the Town roads known as Owen Ave. and West-
more Ave.', approximately 600 ft,. long, part of which was accepted by
the Town. He requested improvements and that black top be laid on the
streets. ,
The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr. Royce Remington who gen-
erally discussed with the Board the conditions existing on the property
adjacent to him owned. by Chadwicks, particularly in the keeping of
domestic animals at �,nd npar his house. The Board generally discussed
the matter with him and suggested that he communicate with his neigh-
bor in respect to the matter„
The C1erk`read a petition from the residents along Ilontray Road which
requested the Town Board to grade and continue the black top to in -
clude the north end of the 11ontray Road in the Montray Heights section,•
The Board generally discussed the matter.
Mr. Sleight read the following letter :
Benjamin,L. Smith &; Associates
Albany, 7, New York
April 10, 1953
Mr. Henry Sleight , r
Aviation Aoad,
F,. Glens Falls , New, York
Bear Mr. sleight :
Ile apprec�ate -the opportunity of discussing with you ,the plan of the
is Town of queensbury to develop an additional gource of water suroly.
'Ole understand from our telephone conversation caf YAprIl ,l, that two
sources of supply are being considered and that one of these sources
is situated on land now owned by the Town and will therefore be con-
siderably more -economical to develop.
We shall be very pleased to further ,discuss the selection and develop-
went of an additional source of water supply for the Town of �ueens-
bury. We `are quite .familiar with the territory around Glens Falls and
Hudson Falls as we were the designing engineers of the sewage treatment
Plants of both communities , as well as Consulting Engineers in cone -
ection with the design and construction of the Hal-fway. Brook Dam and
Reservoir which supplies a major portion of the Glens Falls water supply.
We would be Elad to come to Glens Falls for further discussion of the
problem with you and with the Town Board at your convenience and with-
out obligation to you,
Very truly yours.,
(Signed) By George C. Myrick �
On :notion the meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner f
Town Clerk