1953-04-25 Regular Meeting April 25, 1953
Present :
H. gussell Harris Supervisor
11eredith .Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justine of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Sampson Councilman
,The board convened at 7:30 P.M..
The clerk read the following request:.
April 24, 1953
Members of the Town Board, Town of •Queensbury -
Gentlemen: -
'Ne wish to submit our bid for mowing and cleaning the two ceme-
teries in Harrisena ,- the one adjacent to the Harrisena 0hurch - price
X75.00 per year,; and the Seeley Cemetery for 1$100.00 per year.
If it should be the wish of the Town Board, we would lil;e .a con-
tract for 3 years duration at the above quoted prices.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Rodney Stevenson
See Harrisena Group - Harrisena Church
Resolution No. 49 introduced by Justice Sleight , seconded by Justice
LLa.mpson:. ,
RESOLVED that the Harrisena group of the Harrisena Church be and
hereby is authorized to care for and conserve the cemetery adjacent to
the Harrisena Church and the Seeley Cemetery..
It is further resolved that the sum of $100 be and is hereby ap-
propriated for the work on the Seeley Cemetery and the sum of $75 for
the cemetery adjacent to the Church.
Further resolved that grass , weeds and brush be removed at least
three times from the cemeteries.
Duly adopted by the following vote : -
Ay es - 11r. TVa,lkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Larnpson, Yr. Sleight a.r_d 17r. Harris..
Noes - none
The Rev. Franc-',_s Allen, pastor of the West Glens Falls Chapel,
called on the Board. The privilege of the floor was extended to him.
and he expressed his thanks to the Board for theservices Qf a constable
during Services , stating that the constable slowed down the traffic
at the same time considerably..
Ernest Lackey discussed drainage along upper Sherman Avenue.
Zaaolution No. 50 introduced by Justice Bertley, seconded by Councilman
Lamps on:
'V=,REAS the Town Board did on the 27th day of February, 1953,
grant to Jesse Burger permission to operate a bus (omnibus) route over
Certain streets in the Town of Queensbury;
Whereas' such right was granted with the express condition among
« other things that the transportation service shall be provided v:71_thin
ninety days from the date of the grant,; and
'Whereas the ,said _ninety days was insufficient to permit the grantee
to make timely and -suitable application to another municipality involved
and to the Public Service Commission for a certificate of convenience
and necessity, and
`Jhez�eas Jesse Burger has the eciuipmen.t to provide the serv' ce and
the delay was caused only by legal procedure, and
Whereas Jesse Burger, by his attorney, Ralph B. Turner, has re -
guested an extension for the beginning of such service for an additional
period of six months,
RESOLVED that the pericd of the beginning of such services shall
be extended for a period of six months fror_n t?je 26th day, of lvlay,, 1953,
and that the consent be and is hereby amended accordi_ngly..
Duly adopted by the following- vote :
Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following communication was read to the board:
April 22, 1953'
�t1r. D.E. VanVorst had been authorized by the Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire
Department to petition the +Queensbury Town Board for the installation of
a traffic light to be located at the intersection of the Sunnyside and
Ridge Roads.
(Signed) F.J._ Zverblis
Pres. Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire Dept.
{ Resolution No. 51 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
G Sleight :
fRESOLVED that Supervisor Harris of the Town of nueensbury, be and
is hereby authorized and directed to request permission on behalf of
f the Town from the State Traffic Comiiission to erect a caution traffic
-light at the intersection of the Ridge Road (State Road 96) with the
I La.k_e Sunnyside Road (County Road 39).
Duly adopted by the following; vote.:
k Ayes - Yr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Laz,—1pson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
T?o e s - none
The Clerk read the following communication: -
Nest Glens Falls Fire Co pany, No. 1, Inc.
April 23rd, 1953
Town Board,
Town of queensbury,
RFD #1
Glens Falls, N.Y..
We the officers of the Five (5) Fire Departments of the Town of
Queensbury, would like to have the following work done in the town_ for
the Fire Companies. Street Markers for the streets in t1je Town.
We would like to sup-gest that they be made of Iron post set in
} concrete with metal markers.
This would be a very big; help to the fire departments in carry=
i.ng out their quick response to a fire. These would also help people
traveling in the town.
� Respectfully yours,
(Signed) Lewis H. Shepard, Secretary
Officers Five Fire Departments
RFD ;#3 Harris St. ,
Glens Falls , N.Y..
The following letter was read to the board..
Glens Falls , N.Y..
April 23, 1953
To the`Members{ of the Town Board,
Town of Queens bury. `
First, in regard to meter at Parson's & Gale' s, I think they should
be put` in as they both have washing machines apd they will use lots of
water. The time that Gaffe started he chid not say anything about the wash-
ing machines , so charged hi?� what'he 'had in his place. We will have to
buy them and have a plumber install them. DeLong's Dairy meter has been
put in.and I know it will be some change in his bill.
Now A.C. 'Broughton is putting in'a factory in the Ioll Parker barn
and he'will have 6 big vaults which will take lots of water and I think
and know he will use lots of water in them. I am having Garner Tripp go
up Viere `and see what he thinks about it. He, Mr. Broughton,, said he was
only going to have two toilets. There is another thin I wish to say. I
now have no addinE machine. I sent my machine dovin to have it checked
over to see if it was in working order and inked up and call for it at
Karl Suprenant 's, and he said your board had not raid him for it.
How I came to get the State Audit told to get and you did not get
one, to let them know and they would see I had one. Also they said I should
also have a typewriter with the amount of (work) I have and the writing I
have to do, I have a lot of writing to do, I need this just as - much and
more ao as the Justices do, for about 200 Dollars we car_ get ,both,
I am not going (to) ask. the Public any more to use these machines
any more and have them say thrg amount you take in the Board should get
them for you.
Now take it up this meeting and let ;me know, if you don't I will
let Albany know.
And oblige,
Howard Wallace, Supt. and Collector
The clerk also read the statements of the Supervisor of the moneys received
and disbursed during the .months of February and March.
The board audited claims as follows :
Schedule of Audits for the Town of
Queensbury for the month of April, 1953
Amt. Amt.
No.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
103 Russell & ,'Tait Carbon pap er-Twn Clk 4.95 4.95
104 Russell & Wait Supplies-Assessor 9.30 9,30
105 Frances L. .Turner Postage stamps-Twn Clk 3.00 3.00
106 Frances L. Turner Phone calls-Twn,Bus.Clerk 1.61 1,61
107 Wm, E. VanTassell Water bills-Ridge Rd. WD 6,15 6,75
108 to of to if to -•NGF'VD 11.25 11,25
1-09 " " R " '! '! -�r�GFWD ld,00 10.00
110 J•A, .Glenn 50 prints aerial photo-
graphs stereoscopic cov-
erage of Twn of Queensbury _
0 80/ & postage 40,40 40 ,`40
111 Chas,E,Houghtaling Supplies-Justice Bentley 3.20 ,20
112 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street lights & traf.signs 1
109..02 109,02
113 E.C•Martin & Son Install meter DeLong's
Dairy-NGFWD Ext.. 36..61 36.61
114 Holmes Auto Service Labor done -on PV machin-
ery, PV Cemetery 25.85 25,85
115 Hoag's Tire Service 1-5 gal, #30 Kendall oil
PV Cem. 4.80 4.80
116 Check-R-Board Grass seed & limestone-
PV Cemetery 8.30 8,.30
117 J.E.Sawyer & Co.Inc.. I-LC18 Rake-PV Cem. 2,25 2.25
118 H'ead's N-prsery 1-#65 Scott Sp reader-
PV .Cemetery 19.50 19.,50
119 Carswell_ T & T Co. Gasolene-PSI Cem. 5,14 5.14
120 Carswell T & T Co. Gasolene-PV Cem. 1,.30 1.30
121 George Kilmer Labor 39 hrs.-NGFWD 39.00 39..00
122 Carson & Duffy Ins. (fompensation Ins..-PV Cem. 90..74 : 90..74
123 Carson & Duff Ins. Insurance as attached
statement itemized 3389..30, 3389.30
124 Carson & Duffy Ins. Compensation GF Ins.
1 yr..2/28/53-TvTC6299 11.92 11.92
125 George Stiles 14-hrs. bulldozing twn
htkghway 112.00 112.00
126 Kathryn E.O'Br. ien Type.min.for Trn Tad. 2.50 2,.50
127 Earl E. Jones 1 stamp 2..50• 2.50
128 Bernard E. Lunine Professional services 6..00 6.100
$39957,19 X30957,19
On motion the meeting adjourned.
*17"r ces L. Lerner
To«,,n Clerk
Special Meeting TY'lay 2, 1953
Present :
H. Russell Harris Surervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.Y*.
Ernest Lackey also present*
Joeseph Gersten was present among others and presented a plan_ and
map of 'the development_ known as Dixon Road and also a deed which had
been approved by -the County Attorney as to form, and requested the
Board to approve the map and pl_an of the development and to accept
the lands conveyed in the deed for. �hlghway purposes,.
Resolution No. 52 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
Lamp son:
RESOLVED that the map and plan of the development known as Dixon
Road be and the same is hereby approved.
A Further resolved that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbur_y
hereby-accepts *as town highway all of the land described in a deed
for such purposes from the Dixon Court to the Town of �ueensbury ?7hich
was dated April 16, 1953 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk's
office April 21, 1.953 in Libe.r 320 of Deeds at page 554..
Duly adopted by the f'ollowinW' vote : '
Ayes - Mr. Nal:Kup, Mr. Bentley, Yr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Yr. Harris
Noes none
Mr« ;Lackey disaussed "Alith the Board the possibility of pollution in
the Glendale area and the following resolution was adopted:
Resolution No. 53 introduced by Councilman Walkup and seconded by
Justice Bentley:
r RESOLVED that the chairman of the Drainage District be and is
hereby authorized ar_d directed to cause tests to be made to'---d.eterml_ne