1953-05-15 SP whether or not there is any pollution�of wells and sources of water j
in the Glendale area and determine if possible the sources of the
pollution if any.
Duly adopted by the following vote ;.
,Ryes - Mr.. ,ialkup, lair._ Bentley, 11r. Lampson, P"r. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following letter was read to the board : :
Glens Falls Insurance Co.,
May 1, 1953
Mrs. Bert Turner, Clerk
Town -of Queensbury
388 Ridge St. , -
Glens Falls, N.Y..
Dear Mrs. Turner Policy No. 26610
Garage and Storage Building
Town of Queensbury
Y S/S Aviation Road
We wish to advise you at this time that we have made another inspection
of -the captioned property and find the housekeeping in both the front
and rear buildings is very poor.
There is a large accumulation of rubbish both inside and outside of the
buildings involved. In the front building3j., there is a large accumulation
of oily rags and papers in one corner of the building and right along-
side this pile of rags is a large vat containing kerosene that is being
used to soak and wash parts. Also contained in this building is a 55
gallon drum of kerosene that was located in the front portion of the
G front building and appeared to be leaking on the floor.
It was noted that both buildings contained coal burning stoves for heat
but there were "no metal containers for the removal of hot ashes. In
fact, at the time of our inspection, the ashes were piled on the floor
' in front of the stove. The back building contained a five gallon can
of gasoline (partly filled) and numerous other cars of lubricants and
oils of various descriptions. This building also shows a lack of main-
tenance and is in very poor condition.
We would appreciate it very much if you would pass this information on
to-the ;proper authorities to see that the necessary steps are taken to
improve the housekeeping conditions in this property.
There doesn't appear to have been any improvements made since our last
inspection of March 27, 1953, and wish to advise you at this time that
another inspection will be made on May 18th and if there have been no
material changes made in the condition of the property, we will have to
ask for the cancellation of our policies.
Very truly yours, .
(Signed) Robert M.. Hess
Upon mot_iioo1n the _meeting adjourned.
Town Clerk
Special Meeting May 15; 1953,
Presentf: Y
H,.,Russell Harris Supervisor
' Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry /Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P*Ye.
' "8
The following delegates appeared:: Shaefer
Charles Astrowski en.il Smith
Phil `llag4man Fred ,Beckwith
Lydia ,Ernst Albert Beswick
J.. Weigman Bentley,
Mrs., C. Astrowski Kloffer
Mrs. Robert Van Dyke ,LamRson k
George 'Ernst _ Goetz
Amos Beals
Mrs. Carey
Mr. Carey
Mrs. _Edwin_ Wilkins
Mr. Edwin liVilkins
Tairs Robert Young +
11r. Robert Young `
and discussed with the board the proposal . to change
the location of the road at the base of Assembly Point. ,
The board generally discussed the matter with the delegates. pro
and con and no further action was taken.
George Crandel.l called on the board and discussed with them the question
whether or not the Jim Lockhart road was abandoned.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
prances L. urT
Town Clerk
Regular Meeting May 23, 1953
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond. Walkup Councilman
Absent.-Curtis Lampson Councilman j
The board convened at 7::30 P.M.
A letter from the State Traffic Commission dated May 2lst addressed to j
H. Russell Harris was read to the Board advising the Board that the
matter of installing two fire signals on Route 9 L would be investi-
gated and a decision reached.
l.. public notice from the . Public Service Commission relating to the
petition of the Adirondack Transit Lines,to extend motes in the City
of Glens Falls and also the. Town of-Queensbury, .was read.
Mrs. Olive Doty appeared and asked permission for the 'West Glens Falls
Cemetery Association to care for and maintain the West -Glens Falls Cem-
etery, old part.
Resolution No. 54 introduced- by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the West Glens Falls Cemetery Association be and is
hereby_,aut,horized and directed to care for and conserve the West Glens
Falls Cemetery and to remove grass, weeds and brush at least .three times
before . Oct. 1, 1953.
Further resolved that the sum of 1100 be and is appropriated for
such work.
Daly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none