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Regular Meeting May 23, 1953
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup Council-man
Absent:.Curtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:Z0 P.M.
A letter from the State Traffic Commission dated May 21st addressed to
H. Russell Harris was read to the Board advising the Board that the
matter of installing two fire signals on Route 9 L would be investi-
gated and a decision reached.
A public notice from the Public Service Commission relating to the
petition of the Adirondack Transit Lines . to extend vuutes in the City
of Glens Falls and also the. Town of- Queensbaryg was read.
Mrs. Olive Doty appeared and asked permission for the West Glens Falls
Cemetery Association to care for and maintain the West Glens Falls Cem-
etery, old part.,
Resolution No. 54 introduced by Justice Bentleys seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the West Glens Falls Cemetery Association be and is
hereby authorized and diret:ted to care for and conserve the West Glens
Falls Cemetery and to remove grass, weeds and brush at least three times
before Oct. 1, 1953.
Further resolved that the sum of $100 be and is appropriated for
such work.
Duly adopted by the following vote-.
Ayes Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes none
The clerk presented to the Board the report of the examination of the
Town of Queensbury. Tire Town Board discussed the matter.
R solution No. 55 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that Ernest -L.H. Meyer who has been engaged by the Town
Board to make -a survey of possible sources for water supply, be and is
hereby requested to make a report to the Board of his findings respecting
such sources-.
Further resolved that the Clerk be and is hereby directed to request
of Mr. Meyer the foregoing report.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Walkup., Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
An Empl.oyer',s- report of Injury was presented to the Board by the Clerk
signed. by Leon P. Richardson, chief of the West Glens Falls Fire Depart-
ment reporting that Donald M. Trombley was inured in ladder-practice
at the Fire House.
The clerk read the following letter:
Glens Falls Insurance Company
- -
Mrs . Bert Turner, Clerk May 18l 1953
Town of Queensbury
382 Ridge Street
Glens- Falls, New York
Dear Mrs. Turner: Policy No. 26610
Garage and Storage Building
Town of Queensbury
S/S Aviation Road
We wish to advise- you at this time that we have made another inspection
of the captioned property and find that several of our recommendations
have been complied with and an honest effort has been made to improve
the housekeeping in both the front and rear buildings and the grounds
surrounding these buildings,
At the time of our inspection, I talked with one of the men in charge
and. he said that they would make an honest effort to keep the premises
in good condition. Thank you for your efforts in persuading Mr. Lackey
to improve the housekeeping conditions of the property. _
Very truly yours,
(Signed) Robert M. Hess
The following communication was read;
May 21, 1953
Mr. Raymond Walkup,
Bay Road,
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Dear Ray:
I have prepared and enclose original and copy of proposed order for
the abandonment of a portion of the Lockhart Road in the Town of Queens-
bury. I have left a blank space: where you will fill in the description
of the portion of the road which is to be abandoned. The oritinal cer -
tificate is then signed by the town board and filed in the office of the
town clerk and also recorded by the town clerk. In the case of an absolute
abandonment it is not necessary to post or publish this notice.
It is customary, although apparently not required by the Highway
Law, to mail a 'copy of the notice to the County Superintendent of
Highways who will then be able to make the proper notation. in his office.
If this road has previously been included in the total mileage of town
highways of Queensbury, then he will have to reduce the mileage on his
records by the amount of the road abandoned.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) Albert E. Berwick
County Attorney, Warren County
The following certificate consenting to the discontinuance of the.
Town Highway was signed by the Town Superintendent and the Members of ._.
the Town Board.
I, Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of
Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York, hereby certify that
the certain town highway hereinafter designated, has not been opened or
worked for more than six years last past and that the same has been
abandoned by the public and is no longer used as a public highway; to
wit:: the portion of the road known as the Lockhart Road and extending
from the old ate just west James Lockhart.-farm barns to junction of
U.S. Highway 9L
Also, we, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the said
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,; constituting the whole or
a majority thereof, do hereby consent to the masking and filing of this
certificate and do hereby sign the same.
Therefore , pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Law, said high-
way is. declared to be and hereby is discontinued.
Dated this 23rd day of May, 1953.
(Signed) Ernest B. Lackey
Town Superintendent of Highways
Town Board of the Toun of Queensbury
Warren County, N.Y..
H. Russell Harris , Supervisor
Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of
Henry J. Sleight, Justice of
Raymond Walkup, Councilman
Resolution No. 56
Mr. Bentley introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption
seconded by Justice Sleight:
WHEREAS, our friend and neighbor, Beecher S. Clother, met a tragic
death on Lake George on the 19th day of *pril, 1953, and
WHEREAS, Beecher S. Clother had represented the Town of Queensbury
in litigation and other town matters for many years while he was County
Attorney of Warren County and had acted as attorney for the Town of
Queensbury in the establishment of a drainage district just prior to
his death,
RESOLVED that the members of the Town Board of the Town of Queens-
bury do hereby record their personal sorrow on the passing of Beecher
S Clother, and do hereby extend to Mrs. Clother their condolence , and
RESOLVE that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to transmit
a copy .o� this resolution. to Mrs. Clother.
The foregoing resolution was duly put to vote and was unanimously adopted.
Ayes - Mr.. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris.
Noes - none -
Mr. Sidney Van Dusen was present and discussed water supply.
The board audited claims as follows:
Schedule of Audits for the
Town of Queensbury, Warren
-- County, New York, for the
month of May, 1953.
No Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
1:20 , Niagara Mohawk Power Street lighting &
traff. signals 109.02 109.02
130 Frances L. Turner Postage stamps 3.00 3.00
131 Karl Suprenant 1 adding machine 110.00 110.00
132 Edward Thompson Pocket parts 6100 6100
133 Edward Thompson it w 18.00 18.00
134 City G.F- Water Fd. Meter Water rent-93A
NGFWD Fd. 268.43 266.43
135 City G.F. Water Fd.- Meter Water rent-93
NGFWD Fd, 72T.27 727.27
136 City G.F. Water Fd. Meter Water rent
WGFWD Fd. 412.85 412.85
137 City G.F. Water Fd. Meter Water rent
RRWD Fd. 65.00 65.00
138 Russell & Wait Supplies- (Supervisor) 2.79 2.75
139 Carl J. Kreiser Add.Ins.Bailey
#SP 32379 32.04 32..04
140 Howard Wallace Post.chg.l ea.dist. 12.00 12.00
141 Frank 0. Smith Refd.6 wks-NGFWD 15:00 15.00
142' Lewis-Corlew Labor NGFWD Eat. 29.00 20.00
143 Check-R-Hoard (E.Groff, 20 Cwt�.Limestone
Mgr.) PVC Pd.- 12.00 12..00
144 Warren T. Varney Serv. as assessor 25.28
145 Kaathryn. E. _O'Brien Typ,min.Twn.Bd. 3.00 3.00
146 Holmes Auto Serv.Inc. Parts & overhaul B&,S
motor PVC 11.43 11.43
147 Fred E. Ricketts Mileage tray. to and
from Varney's house 40:08 40.08
148 J.T. Barnes, Elect. Overhaul motors to,
grass trimmers & repair
Leland elect.portable 14.25 14.25
149 Carswell T & T Co. -
Gasolene PVC Fd. 9100 9.00
150 Carl J. Kreiser Final Audit Ins. 748.69 748.69
151 G.F. Post Co. Pub.Not. of examina-
tion of fiscal affrs 2.24 2.24
$29678.37 ;2,653.09
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Frances L. Turner
Town Clerk .
Special Meeting June 6, 1953
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Raymond Walkup; Councilman
cCurtis Lampson Councilman
The board convened at 7:30 P.M.
Resolut on No. 57 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice