Restrictions R-4
Permitted Principal
All uses permitted I R-3 district, except farms,farm uses and farm
occupations. Tourist home or boarding house; day nursery or
nursery school.
Permitted Accessory
All accessory uses permitted in R-3 district, except customary farm
buildings for storage
Permitted Special
All special uses permitted in R-3 district.
Seasonal dwellings.
Minimum Lot Size: Area: 10,000 sq.ft.
Width: 75 ft.
Depth: 100 ft.
Minimum Yard Setbacks:
Front: 30
Rear 30
Side 5, except the total for 2 sides shall be 15
Maximum Ht.Of Bldgs.:
Stories: 2 %
Feet: 35
Maximum Permeability: 35%
Minimum Floor Area
Per Dwelling: 900 sq.ft.
I. L
All of th-& lots to be conveyed out of the above subdivision will be
conveyed Ti3ith the following restrictions:
1. Said property shall be used for residential 'purposes only;
and no structure ahall :be erected`,- altered, placed or perirnit dd ern said premises other that- for residential purposes`; with a private
�rage for riot `snore than- three, cars; ,arid other appropriate outbv
g; ld'--
iAAgs .
? . No_dWelling shall be permitted on said premises unless .tk:.e
floor area of the- main structure, exclusive of garages, car ports,,
Porches, cellars and attics, .,shall be at Least 1,200--square feet'.
3. No mercantile, manufacturing,, mechariical ' commercial or
trading bush e'ss- or business, `establishment of any na'ture-_ shall be
— maintained on said premises, nor shall anything hie:done t'fiexeon~ `
that may become or' be a nuisance to the neighborhood.
4. No building; 's'hall -be located on said premises nearer than' '
30 feet- to any- street line- or 30 feet tb -the real lot line, and any
such building shall be at least 5. feet '-from- any side lot line, ex-
cept that the total for, both side lot-lines shall be at- ':least:.l5 feet: ;
5. No advertising signs of any kind, shall be erected: on said
premises, except `signs #hat said pl, are for sale' or. far rent,
which said signs shall be placed upon the of wall of the dwell-
ing hou s e located thereon.; and except :Further that signs in accor-
dance with the zoning -ordinance for the TcTm of Queensbury may be
erected in the subdivision for sale of lots by the developer..
6 . No animals shah be- ke or maintained on said promises ,
except, for the- usual usehold pe t �which`,term shall bee deemed 'to
exclude cattle, swine, horses, s eep, goats, chickens 'and rabbits.
7. No fence or hedge exceeding 3 feet in height shall be
erected or permitted to 'remain betTaeen the street and the front
setback 'line .on said premises.
8 . No trailer, basement,-tent, shack, Barn, garage or other
outbuilding erected on said premises sha1t1 at 'any, `time be used as
a. residence, temporarily or permanettly; _and no trails of any des-
cription shall be parked in the front yard df said- premises at any
9. No residence may be constructed= on said premises without -
the plans therefor being approved b the grantor or the owners of
the proposed development, whoever they may be at the time of the
proposed date of construction.
10. The owner of -said premises shall at all times keep his or
her property free and clear of all rubbish and de allk., othet things
necessary or des,i:rable to keep said premises neat and in good order.
11. The grantor or developer of said subdivision, his agents,
successors or assigns , reserves the right to make such cuts and
fills which, in his judgment, may be necessary to grade or improve
any streets or private ways within said subdivision, whether dedi-
cated or not dedicated, within the boundaries thereof, and all other
things necessary to complete the general plan of development.
12 . The covenants, restrictions and conditions contained herein
shall run with the land and be binding upon all owners and all persons
claiming under them.
December 5, 1973