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Ayes - Mr. Walkup, kr. t8mP50n•i lair. Sleight, and, Mr. Harris Noes, - none on motion the meeting adjourned. rances L. Turner -Town Clerk. September 25, 1353 Regular feting September , Pre sent: Supervisor H. 1hipsell Harris Mered *Bentley justice of the Peace Henry ei ait J'xsti°ce of the Peace_ Raymond Walkup Councilman C ounci lmarl Curtis Lampson The board convened at 7:30 P.M. The following Members of' a committee from the five fire Companies were present:: Ralph Bean, chairman, Sidney Van Dusen,, Chief Erwin Harvey, Clayton.Ramsey,- President of Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company,: Clifford_ Stanley,, President South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Chauncey �?idio, president West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Company and Harold Akins,, chief of Fire Police of _the Nest Glens Falls' Volunteer Fire Company. �gph Beaxi,Bh .Tt�. acted as spokesman and discussed with the board proposed contract with the five Fire Companies of the Town of Weensbury, and suggested that each of the Companies be paid $3,000, per year for their services. Sidney Van T�usen, commander of the i Li ; .dis Queensbury American - cussed with_the Board an appropriation o f $200 for use. of- veterans' rooms. He also discussed with the Board a: appropriatiO4 for mem - orial services, The following committee from the 'West Glens Falls Civic t3rgaTV-nation were present:: Chairman Frank Ricketts,, Lew Miles, Irwin Potter, James Murray„ Wilfred Pou.liotte, Edward Lyon,-Robert Nailor„ A lison Silver- nail and._James Tracy. The chai _ f .the committee , Mr. Ricketts, spoke to the board and reciuestedthat roads in the West Glens Falls areabe hard-surfaced,. The board generally discussed the.matter with the committee and felt that some of the roads in that area would be taken care ,of. Charles Du was present and discussed the board the water supply Dam for buildings to be constructed in the Town. of Queensburys, west of the _ city line of the city of Glens Falls. Resolution No.-82 introduced,by Justice Sleight,, seconded by Councilman Walkup:: RESOLVED, that the Niagara-Mohawk Power Corporation be and ,are hereby requested to move. the power pole at the_corner of the Aviation Field road and Route` 9 in the Town of Queensbury. Further Resolved that such corporation is requested to move the F pores on .the north side of Aviation Road which are now, in the paved portion of said road. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Walkup., Mr. Bentley,; Mr. Lampson, Mr, Sleight and Mr. Harris _ Noes - none Mr. sleight.brought up the matter of the proposed•drainage of GleZLw*ood Aveny.e The. Board discu5sed'tAe'matter. R solution No* 83 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Dent ey A ! w' a RESOLVED that the Water committee: -0f -the Board be and are hepeby authorimd-to,.-contact the Water Commissi o' of w the City of Gj1¢ns Falls- to ascertain whether or not such commissioners--would supply water to, a proposed extension of the West Glens Falls Water District. Daly adopted by the following vote':. Ayes -- Mr. Walkup_. Mr. Bentley„ Mr. ,Lampson, Mr: Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none The clerk read the following communications: R. E. Chapman Company Dorset h Vermont September 21, 195a, Town of Qu.eensbury _ Attenti m Mr. Henry Sleight Gl `Mls, New York D -Ike. ;Sleight It gives me great pleaIsure' to submit the enclosed preliminary R.E. Chapman Company proposals, These cover several testing programs and the installation-,of a'12--=inch Stabilized Gravel- Packed Well_. May I . stress the importance of an adequate testing program for the Town..o 'Queens-bury, as there are at least four ,,promising ,I.ocati,pns to be condidered? It is possible that two or more of the smaller dia- meter gravel. wells would be a better all-round proposition than one Iar at diameter we11. This,would be determined rapidly and accurately by adequate testings, preferably by the 2«►inch or inch tes#ng prc�gra The writer would welcome the opportunity to. discuss these problems in more detail at your earliest convenience;. Very truly yours, y (signed) John R. Mills R. E. Chapman-Compares r. Dorset;, Ve1rmont September 22., 1053 Texan ofQa.eensbury Attention Mr. Henry Sleight R.D. No:., 2 , Glens. Falls , New York Dear- Mr. Sleight: Following pur recent conference, we have carefully considered the ques- tion of obtaining an, additional water supply of 250 to, 500 gallons per mi;nate� as, required by the Town of Queensbury and now have pleasure in �- submitting the following preliminary proposals.. IL.. Sma11 diameter testing. a. The R.E.. Chapman Company will drill at locations selected one or, more test b.©les_to test.the material. between ground level and bed-- rock for water-bearing sand or gravel.,, Prices for this work to be as follows-. x a j u 0r 2�" test holes* casing removed upon completion, first 80: 1. a) 2 � r ft.. ft. qr less ... * +9o., per . $2,25 per ft. b) Depth in excess oT 80stthole , to, ft, $87,o c) Ninimum charge pe 2. Casing left in each well 50 per ft. 3. test with.gasoline-dx'iven centrifugal , pwmg, including time t0' set=`and remove. $,4* 30 per hr.� alternative+ proposal,. the `RL. Chapman Cm�paxiy w�-ll • bj Or, as an to 700 linear ft. of either 2" or " dia- furniah, as may be rewired, up meter casing for the sum of X2040:.00. This price to include on aT.l ach 10 went and a pump, test of ,24 hou ve rs or less, as required". p water-bearing strata as located., entity of well. Upon the location the acceptable all furni:sla. the water under either of following: Installation of a 12" Stabilized Gravel ,'Packed Well- which shall be Instal ._ constructed as follows; Steel casing with'a minimum outside diameter of eighteen $, to obtain a �.x�-� of inches shall be driven to a depth necessary 250 gallons per minute, such del benat an additional eCost Of $65.00 (Depth in excess of 90 feet will (Sixty Dollars) per ft.) A line of twelve-inch (T2�"� fifty-one either threaded and coupled or welded.,, 51 ) black steel pipe, e „ with suitable., pound shall (5 run inside the eightegrh-inch (.l8 ') casing, ides to: center the twelve-ix�eh classified in henEdward E..©Joehnsonsing. Awn Everdur Metal Well Screen, assifie of .correct el catalogue as rzj"-jnCh ;(l�`'N), 'Telescope °size Qr_equal�- length and slot opening, as specified by the engineers, may a Figure 1 attached to the twelve-inch (12"') well. casi)ng�casing a either O �Ivewinch (. 4 Cone Fitting or (2) set inside thed to 'make`a ti ght!30int``between standard lead packer,.properly swedg - cising- and screen. railed- and screened gravel ©f correct "sizes' shall be Well-rounded, g and :tie screen.. At the -outer ntroduced. between the outer casing d ravel packs the weld. 3, exposing the screen an g casing is withdrawn, exp and -m-ping according shall be develo�as�y�rgingls alI bes�c�omplishe the ,Spudding to approved meth action of a line of drilling tools attached to a surge of about 1,1,--6,x'8" diameter. Development shall proceed until the screen is ca.tpvaryin rates up and the well takes no more ,grav,el. When pumped per minute , the water._shall be free from than atfawl t 60 gallons p developed,. Not more times after the well is completely 0 water drown from the sand grains shall be present in a gallon jog f y discharge. The well shall be sealed to prevent entrance of surface wi tet.tThisgh Th engineers may the gravel pack at such elevation as the the gravel pack at tth- seal. shall be made by leaving the tap correct elevation, placing concrete of I parts Commits cement this 2♦ parts sand or a stiff mixture of neat Lumnite_cement, Space Tar space. to makeY�a total .depth of TO feet of concrete.. concrete. shall be filled with impervious material:, and the am above the -_ outside casing withdrawn completely. . We shall conduct adequate test pumping (up t0-.five., days) tO 'determine the yield of the well. 4 C*, We guarantee the yield. of the stabili ,W gravel packed well for not Jess than IS months. Price for Permanent Well Installation • • $8*100-00 i Although the R.E. Chapman Company have_ a full 8" testing programs we do not recommen4. 8f, tests 5,t this, timp as the pgoposed testing areas are ab extensive"Ad*, can be covered:'more rapidly with the small dia- meter program. We shall be pleased to submit 8o testing prices if and when needed. -The writer is; at your disposal for any further consultation you may desire, and awaits your further instructions Very truly' yours, (signed) John R. Mills _. _ ._ 1 Resolution No.-,B4: introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice Mute y WHEREAS Jesse Burger has not exercised the right to operate a bus line in_ the Cottage Hill area within .the time limit prescribed by the Local Consent, of the.` Board as extended THEREFORE be it resolved that such Local Consent be and the same is hereby revoked. Duly Adopted_ by ,the following vote,, ,. Ayes, - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. 'Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none- . - Resolution No. 8§ introduced by Justiee' Sleight, seconded by Cduncilman a WHEREAS Jesse, Burger has not exercised his right to operate a bus line in.,the Cottage Hill_, Dixon Road. and A viation Road area,, RESOLVED that this Board hereby �invites' the Adirondack Transit a Linee jUq. , to provide bus service for such areas„ 1 Duly adopted by the following voter. -Aye-S-140, Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris i Noes - none The Board convened as Tmm Boar . of Health. The clerk read the following communications:' Bernard. Sellinger, M.D. Glens-Falls, N.Y. Sept. 25, 1953. Town Board.. pf. Health _ Town of Queensbury, N.Y. Dear Sirs: On August 4, 1953, `I #received a :verbal complaint concerning an over- flowing septic tank-on the Charlo's ,('lark property on Central & Rhode Island Avenues in West Glens Falls. .I contacted the owner several times in an attempt -to have this violation.of the Sanitary Code corrected. Each time a promise was made to take care 'of this violation. Last week I received another complaint concerning the same violation and I con tacted Mr.. Lee. to make an official inspection of the Clark property. Enclosed is-a copy of his report. Since it has been impossible to achieve voluntary abatement of this Sanitary Code violation to date , I recommend that the town board of health notify Charles Clark that this condit' on is a violation of the Sanitary Code punishable by fine and unless early gate corrected said fine to be invoked. Sincerely yours, (signed) Bernard Bellinger„ M.D. Encl.: Sanitary Inspect.ipn, Report annual Estimate Submitted by Board of Health Warren County Department of Health Glens Falls, N.Y.. September 3-9,,1953,. Dr.. Bernajrd Sellinger. M.D. t Kensington Road _ Glens Falls, New York Dear Doctor, An investigation of the Charles Clark property located in West 'GLens Falls was made the 16th of September, 1953. The investigation revealed,an open seepage. ditch which contained effluent from the household, septic tank. Thi's open ditch containing effluent is in violation of the Public Health Law and should be cor- rected.. - Very truly yours, (signed) William-R. Lee - Resolution No. 86' introduced by -Councilman Lampson.,, seconded` by Gou4cilman Walkup-z WHEREAS the Health Officer has notified the Board of Health that on- the property of Charles Clark on Central and Rhode Island Ave.. a violation of the Sanitary, Code exists in that seepage ditch contained effluent from the household septic tank,., RESOLVED that the following notice be sent to Mr. Clark F - NOTICE You are hereby notified that an.investigation of your property re- veals an open seepage ditch in which'there is offluent 'fr6it the household septic tank which is a violation of the Sanitary Code for which a. fine may be, imposed unless such condition is corrected, j I You are hereby further notified that unless such violation is cor -- reeted within ten days appropriate action will be taken to correct such condition. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes - Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none The Board re-convened as Town Board.. The following communications were read.: Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. Glens Falls, New York - August 31, 1953' Town Clerk Town of Queensbury Ridge Street Glens Falls, N.Y Please delete the following names from the list of active 'volunteer firemen. as of this date. _ Thank you Benjamin Harris R.D,, - Glens Falls , N.Y. Robert Bainbridge R.D.#2 _ Very truly yours,. Glens Falls,N.Y. Queensbury Central. Vol. Fire Co. Inc* (signed) Carl-.H. ''fit ah1quist,, Se,,':Y. F Il West Glens Fa lls Fire Company No. 1, Inc. _ Glens. Falls New YQrk.. :. September 7,, 1953 Town Clerk Town Qf Queensbury RFD 8 .rv'Bert Turner dl. n'� Falls The �fg1lowing ykamed men be1T.OV are;being carried ofi `ot r active list. Akins, Harald ; LaPointe , Clarence Akins,#-'Rev. Lattimore , _Robert All"'4' R.ev. Fra*is R. Kabb, Fred ia:Lr , Paul - . Monroe„ YFred Baker.,, Bernard a Monroe , Harold Brot�Ye , Harold Sr. Monror Diehard Brothers, Harold Jr. Norton, Henry Campagno ,r Paul. Pelkey, Alfred Carpenter,ncYtard Plersutti, Francis Cassant,, Bernard Phillips, Stanley Chadwick-,, Royal Reynolds, Arthur Clark, Alonzo Reynolds, Ceylon Clarki, ,4rthur Richardson, Herbert Crannelf, Jack Richardson, Leon Denton, Kenneth Rozell, James Didio„ Chauncey Rozell, Percy Dwell„ James Saville,..Paul Finch„ George Shepard, Lewis Finch„ Robert Shoemaker., George Flynn, WAdVard Smith, Earl Giles„ Arthur Tangrady, Anthony Gifford, Byron ` Tomasovic, Anthony Granger, ' Claude Tromblee, Donald Granger,, Stanley �rombley, Charles el�j Trombley., Thomas Hsas'°° Turner, Ralph Hermance, Fred `Washburn,, 'Orlie Jr, Hermance, Farley Burnham, Kenneth,._ - Hi]lis,�, -.Leslie Hoague, Raymond (s. g4 .) :Leon S. Richardson -per L:.yShepard opkins, Scott Leon S, Richardson, chief Jennings., Robert Ifest Glens Falls Vol.. Fire Co. Johnson,, Francis No. 1, Inc. -Jones,, :Egtr1 , Joslyn, Kenneth 3 n The board decided to meet October 5, 1953 to, receive the annual es- timate{ to be presented by the Town Clerk. The-board- audited claims as follows: Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury For the month of September, 1953 - Amt, Amt. No. Dame of Claimant Mature of Claim Claimed Allowed 202; Glens` Falls Post Ga. Pub.bids- for roof on garage $ 12.00, 12..0a 203 tsael & ait Supplies HRH 4.97 4.97 204 Prances L*Twner Fbstagp. - 3.00 3..0 205, Meredith-R. Bentley stamps- 1198 1198 20&; Niagara. Kbhaxk_ Power Str.ltng.,traf.signs; .113.07 113.07 207 Mena° Fall or Post Cow Pab.Sxm.Acc.Cem.Comm. .5.28 5.28 20a, Glens Falls Post .Ce.. Pub.N'akt.Assess, roll 6:12,7' 6.27 *%J. .Nobles.. 4 Padlock keyed alike 4.00 4«0Q 23-G Arthur J.Hillis S'ettb* up, booth WGF scl.house,Nassivera.- 1 Amt. Amt, No,. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allpwed ` Weeks garage & Fire He. taking down booths and storing in the Aviation School house 4€tgQO , t 3-6.00 2U Fred E.Ricketts Miles tray.as assr. 46 4Q 4040 212. W"ariren T.Varney Mile age A U: 1*0.'72; ` 10.7a, 233 lathryn,F:.0tBrien hype min.Twu.Bd._ 314V).,, 1 1. ,3..50, 214 John $ubricky Grading at WGF Dist:. 401ca 40.0.0; 23.5 John Kubricky Removing concrete slab & replacing compressor Jackhammer truck « 132.0 2$6 Carswell T & T CO3* Gasoline Pineview Csm. 9.45 2�.7: David E.Baker. Fngineering work _ 62,.0+41 218 Davids . & aker.Inc. 2 sets Justice Manual 1.5.0,0 lv•0@ 6x.64 S • t • ` On motion the meeting adjourned, _ rances S . AIIe, Town Clerk ` sp ecial Meeting October 5 v195 Present: supervisor H.Ru.ssell Harris Justice of Peale Meredith Bentley Councilman Raymond Wsllpip; Councilman Curtis Lampson Absent: Henry Sleight Justice of 'Peace: The board convened at' 7..30 P.M.- _ Also present Sidney van Dusen, Frank Cowles and Charles Ki nnY The board generally,. discussed with the Cemetery Commission usfaih�osed amendment to Chapter814 of the laws of 3.948. After dice following resolution was adopted:: Re:solution. No. 87 ' Mr. Lampson ntroda�ped ,thee resolution and moved its adopt- following t Jon„_seconded by Mr. Dymond Walkup: per,,:, by Chapter 814 .of the Laws of 1.948 the Cew teTY Com- mission of . the .Town ;of `Queensbury was authorized �hi.ah d act provided, among. other things, that the Board of Cemetery Cemmi:' sianers of the Town of gcieenslnary should havrepedtfrom the sa3: oflots etary lots and to expend the moneys -f'or ' improving and maintaining .the ceivedtiand further that atrthe tBoard of of those lots the moneys were re , pro rt givens, be .. Cemetery Commissioners may take and hold any p y g 1 the queathed or devised to it and to invest the same and to app Y same and the income therefrom for the maintenance and improvement of any such cemetery, and Whereas, by arrangement between the Town Board and the Board of Cemetery Commissioners, the Board'has� retained 259 of the sale price of each cemetery lot in Fine View Cemetery and invested the emus sa retained in a perpetual care find, and Whereas , the Mate Comptrol.l`er has -rendered fen opinion.? that there is no .authority contained in said Chapter 814 of the Laws of 1948 for the investment by the 'Board of Cemetery Comniia.eioners `flf � part of .the sale price of any cemetery lot, and any Whereas, the Tobin Boar. deems it a desirable policy tit 'e portion of the sale price of each `cemetery lot should be,retaimed: and e' invested as w a perpetual care fi nd'to p rol ide for tb.® fu�are care Of such cemetery and that said Chapter 854, of the Laws of-194 8 should ,