Resolutions & Correspondences Richard Schermerhorn T & B Associates Location: East side of Bay Road, opposite Maid Marion Way Tax Map No. 289. 12- 1 -8, 99 10 Subdivision of an approximately 62 acre lot into 22 residential lots. Recreation Fees Apply and need to be paid by the applicant at time of Building Permit application. $500 per lot. Conditions: A no cutzone will be added to the deeds of Lots 8 9 and 10 identified by the proposed landscaDinQ in Site Plan 5--2 dated February 1 S 2003 A no cut zone will be added to the deeds ofLots 10 11 12 and 13 to preserve the existing hedgerow. There will be no future development or future subdivision of the-proposed o,Den s ace parcel labeled as Lot 19. Subdivision No. 2-2003 4t s ho Zone: SR-lA � � Front setback: Side setback: ��to w h e Rear setback;_2� Town of Queensbury Planning Board 5/22/03—R.Schermerhorn RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION NO.2-2003—RICHARD SCHERMERHORN RESOLUTION NO. SB 2-03F INTRODUCED BY: John Strough RECREATION F E E WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION: SECONDED BY: Robert Vollaro TO BE PAID AT THE TIME A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED WHEREAS,an application has been make to this board by: Subdivision No.2-2003 Applicant: Richard Schermerhorn FINAL STAGE Property Owner: Albert Oudekerk&z Howard Toomey et.Al. SEQRA Type: Unlisted Agent: Van Dusen&r Steves Zone: SR-lA Location: East side Bay Rd.opposite Maid Marion Way Applicant proposes the subdivision of an approximately 62 ac.lot into 22 residential lots. Tax Map No.289.12-1-8,9,10/48-3-51.5,49.1,51.4 Lot size: 51.45 ac.,41.07 ac.,and 5.08 ac. Section: Subdivision Regulations Public Hearing: March 18,2003 WHEREAS,the application was received 4/15/03,and WHEREAS, the above is supported with the following documentation, and inclusive of all newly received information,not included is this listing as of 5/16/03 and 5/22 Staff Notes 5/22 C.T.Male engineering comments 5/7 Meeting Notice WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter A183, Subdivision of Land, Section A183--9J and A183-10C,D of the Code of the Town of Queensbury a public hearing was advertised and was held on March 18,2003;and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning);and WHEREAS,the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the Town of Queensbury(Zoning);and 1 Town of Queensbury Planning Board 5/22/03—R.Schermerhorn WHEREAS,the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered; and the proposed modification(s)do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and,therefore,no further SEQRA review is necessary;and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT,RESOLVED,that We find the following: The application for Final Stage is hereby granted in accordance with the resolution prepared by Staff and is subject to the following conditions: 1. A temporary barrier will be placed at the end of the proposed Cherry Tree Circle Road,adjacent to the cul-de-sac,until construction of the road has been completed. 2. A No Cut Zone will be added to the deeds of Lots 8,9 and 10,identified by the proposed landscaping in Site Plan S-2 dated February 15,2003. 3. The final submitted plans will be in accordance with all prior agreements with C.T.Male 4. There will be no future development or future subdivision of the proposed open space parcel labeled as Lot 19, 5. Additional condition is a No Cut Zone will be added to the deeds of Lots 10,11,12 and 13 to preserve the existing tree hedgerow. 6. Recreation Fees in the amount of$11,000.00 for 22 lots are applicable to this subdivision. 7. All necessary outside agency approvals have been received by the applicant,with a copy sent to and received by Planning Department Staff within 180 days. 8. The plat must be filed with the County Clerk within 60 days of receipt by Planning Department Staff of outside agency approvals noted. Duly adopted this 22nd day of May 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Vollaro,Mr.Strough,Mr.Sanford,Mr.Metivier,Mr.Seguljic,Mr.Ringer NOES: None ABSENT: Mr.MacEwan Cc: Richard Schermerhorn,Jr. 15 F Birdie Drive Queensbury,NY 12804 Van Dusen&Steves 169 Haviland Road Queensbury,NY 12804 2 Town of Queensbury Planning Board 5/22/03-R.Schermerhorn RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL STAGE L SUBDIVISION NO.2-2003-RICHARD SCHERMERHORN RESOLUTION NO. SB 2-03F INTRODUCED BY: John Strough RECREATION FEE WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION: TO BE PAID AT THE TIME SECONDED BY: Robert Vollaro A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED WHEREAS,an application has been make to this board by: Subdivision No.2-2003 Applicant: Richard Schermerhorn FINAL STAGE Property Owner. Albert Oudekerk&z Howard Toomey et.Al. SEQRA Type: Unlisted Agent: Van Dusen&r Steves Zone: SR-1A Location: East side Bay Rd.opposite Maid Marion Way Applicant proposes the subdivision of an approximately 62 ac.lot into 22 residential lots. Tax Map No.289.12-1-8,9,10/48-3-51.5,49.1,51.4 Lot size: 51.45 ac.,41.07 ac.,and 5.08 ac. Section: Subdivision Regulations Public Hearing: March 18,2003 WHEREAS,the application was received 4/15/03,and WHEREAS,the above is supported with the following documentation, and inclusive of all newly received information,not included is this listing as of 5/16/03 and 5/22 Staff Notes 5/22 C.T.Male engineering comments 5/7 Meeting Notice WHEREAS,pursuant to Chapter A183,Subdivision of Land,Section A183--9J and A183-10C,D of the Code of the Town of Queensbury a public hearing was advertised and was held on March 18,2003;and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the proposal complies with the Subdivision requirements of the Code of the Town Queensbury(Zoning);and WHEREAS,the Planning Board has considered the environmental factors found in the Code of the Town of Queensbury(Zoning);and r 1 9 Town of Queensbury Planning Board 5/22/03-R.Schermerhorn WHEREAS,the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the _- Planning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration; and/or if application is a modification, the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered; and the proposed modification(s)do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts,and,therefore,no further SEQRA review is necessary;and NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT,RESOLVED,that We find the following: The application for Final Stage is hereby granted in accordance with the resolution prepared by Staff and is subject to the following conditions: 1. A temporary barrier will be placed at the end of the proposed Cherry Tree Circle Road,adjacent to the cul-de-sac,until construction of the road has been completed. 2. A No Cut Zone will be added to the deeds of Lots 8,9 and 10,identified by the proposed landscaping in Site Plan S-2 dated February 15,2003. 3. The final submitted plans will be in accordance with all prior agreements with C.T.Male 4. There will be no future development or future subdivision of the proposed open space parcel labeled as Lot 19, 5. Additional condition is a No Cut Zone will be added to the deeds of Lots 10,11,12 and 13 to preserve the existing tree hedgerow. 6. Recreation Fees in the amount of$11,000.00 for 22 lots are applicable to this subdivision. 7. All necessary outside agency approvals have been received by the applicant,with a copy sent to and received by Planning Department Staff within 180 days. S. The plat must be filed with the County Clerk within 60 days of receipt by Planning Department Staff of outside agency approvals noted. Duly adopted this 22nd day of May 2003 by the following vote: AYES: Mr.Vollaro,Mr.Strough,Mr.Sanford,Mr.Metivier,Mr.Seguljic,Mr.Ringer NOES: None ABSENT: Mr.MacEwan Cc: Richard Schermerhorn,Jr. 15 F Birdie Drive Queensbury,NY 12804 Van Dusen&z Steves 169 Haviland Road Queensbury,NY 12804 2 Sue Hemin wa Subdivision Name: Farmin ton Grove Pa e 1 From: Sue Hemingway To: Barbara Howe; Betty Dybas; Bruce Frank; Chris Round; Craig Brown; Dave Hatin; Diana Tallon; George Hilton; Helen Otte; Joel Clugstone; John O'Brien; Laura King; Maria Gagliardi; Marilyn Ryba; Marilyn VanDyke; Mark Collyer; Mary Winslow; Michael Palmer; Mike Shaw; Pam Whiting; Pamela Martin; Ralph VanDusen; Rick Missita; Sandy Kruger; Steven Smith; Thomas Schweickert Date: 10/17/2003 1:41:45 PM Subject: Subdivision Name: Farmington Grove Today's email dated: Friday, October 17, 2003 22 residential lots have been created on the east side of Bay Road, opposite Maid Marion Way. The subdivision was originally filed under the name Richard Schermerhorn. The lands were recently transfered to T& B Associates (as new owners)....Tom Farone and Gary Bordeau. They have named their subdivision Farmington Grove. (The subdivision appears as if it could be Phase 3 of Bayberry Meadows, but IS NOT). The road names within the subdivision are as follows: Berry Patch Way.....which is off of Berry Patch Drive Farmington Place ....which is the cul-de-sac Blueberry Trace...which is the hammer head road. Note: Lot 20 is NOT part of the subdivision (per Gary Bordeau)...this parcel is owned by Mr. Toomey. I will have the 911 address very soon and notifiy those who need them. I do not know when the tax map numbers will be assigned to the separate parcels. The tax map numbers associated with the subdivision application as applied for are 289.12-1-8, 9, and 10 If you have any questions, let me know. Sue Sue Heminwayr Fwd Subdivision Name. Farmin ton Grove From: Sue Hemingway To: Bruce Frank; Chris Round; Craig Brown; Darleen Dougher; Dave Hatin; George Hilton; Helen Otte; Joel Clugstone; John O'Brien; Laura King; Mark Collyer; Mary Winslow; Michael Palmer; Pam Whiting; Sandy Kruger; Steven Smith Date: 10/20/2003 3:20:29 PM Subject: Fwd: Subdivision Name: Farmington Grove Today's email dated: Monday, October 20, 2003 Diana Tallon of Highway Dept. spoke to Gary Bordeau of T & B Associates regarding the attached email (Farmington Grove Subdivision) Regarding the road name Berry Patch Way...... Berry Patch WAY needs to continue as Berry Patch DRIVE. Rick, Highway Dept. is not approving Berry Patch WAY. Therefore, part of Berry Patch Drive will be in the subdivision of Farmington Grove and part of Berry Patch Drive will be in Bayberry Meadows Subdivision. The other road names for Farmington Grove remain as is. Sue >>> Sue Hemingway 10/17/2003 1:41:45 PM >>> Today's email dated: Friday, October 17, 2003 22 residential lots have been created on the east side of Bay Road, opposite Maid Marion Way. The subdivision was originally filed under the name Richard Schermerhorn. The lands were recently transfered to T& B Associates (as new owners)....Tom Farone and Gary Bordeau. They have named their subdivision Farmington Grove. (The subdivision appears as if it could be Phase 3 of Bayberry Meadows, but IS NOT). The road names within the subdivision are as follows: Berry Patch Way.....which is off of Berry Patch Drive Farmington Place ....which is the cul-de-sac Blueberry Trace...which is the hammer head road. Note: Lot 20 is NOT part of the subdivision (per Gary Bordeau)...this parcel is owned by Mr. Toomey. I will have the 911 address very soon and notifiy those who need them. I do not know when the tax map numbers will be assigned to the separate parcels. The tax map numbers associated with the subdivision application as applied for are 289.12-1-8, 9, and 10 If you have any questions, let me know. Sue 59 ; _ ct,l- !1 'I e -------- ------ - ----- -- -- ;* - -- - 'I i i ; i i jl