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ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR QUESNSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Expenditures i Fire Protection Contract $101000.00 Total Expenditures $10,000.00 Revenues { Unexpended balance none Dated: September 30, 1953 (signed) H. Russell Harris _ Supervisor. } ANNUAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY BOARD OF HEALTH Town.of. Queens-buryL -For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954 - Expenditures A„ Salary of Health Officer 19,500.00 D. Office , traveling„and other exp. _ _inc.postage, telephone 100.00 Total Expenditures ,,00.40 Dated: September 25, 1953 (signed) Bernard Sellinger,. M.D. Health Officer - J�JWAL ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY REGISTRAT OF VITAL STATISTICS Town of. Queensbury,. . .._ - - For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954 Expenditures Compensation 60.00 Other =Rp=ses - postage 15.00 Total Expenditures $ 75.00 i Revenues - none Dated: September 16, 1953 (signed) Frances L. Turner _ Registrar of Vital- Statistics _MUA,L ESTIMATE SUBMITTED BY T011N SWs tOFFICER Town-of Queensbury - Far fiscal year beginning January 1., 1954 Expenditures Salary 225.00 Office and other expenses 25.00 Total Expenditures 250.00 Revenues -- none Dated: September 24, 1953 (signed) Anna McCaghey Town Service-,Officer On motion the meeting adjourned to Oct. 99 1:953 Frances L. Turner Town Clerk �— October 9, 1953 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor , Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Raymond. Walkup Councilman Curtis La;mpson Councilman The board. convened at 7:30 P.M. Ernest Lackey also present. "1 The board generally discussed the annual estimates submitted and also discussed with the Superintendent of Highways his estimate submitted, After discussion thQ following resolution watt Adopted M Resolution No. 89 introduced by Justice Sleight,, seconded by Councilman Wai-impi. RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby proposes and approves as the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1953, the itemized statements of-the estimated revenues and .expenses hereto attached and made a part of this resolution„ and it is farther re solved that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the Town Clerk's, ` office where it shall be available for inspection- by any interested rt person at all reasonable hours ,; and be it further resolved that this board shall meet at 7:30. E.S.T. on the 5th day of November, 1953, for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and be it further t RESOLVED that the Town Clerk give notice of said public hearing in the .mem e r_provi.ded in se c ti on 113 of the Town Law. and the notice published in substantially the fallowing form;: - NOTICE Notice is hereby given.that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1954, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road, where it is available for inspection by any interested person at _all reasonable hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the said Town will- meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a public hearing thereon a.t .the said Town Clerk's office at 7:30 F M,E.S.T. on the 5th day of November, 1953, . and at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the said budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained. I Pursuant to bection 113 of the Town Law the proposed, salaries- of the following Town-offices are hereby. specified as follows: Supervisor $2,60.0; Justices of the Peace (2) $4,00.0x: Councilman (2) $1,700; Town Clerk $2.,600; Collector,..$2,400;-- perintezzdent of Highways $3,800;; Assessors (3) $5..900; Service Officer $2'25 and Health Officer $1,500. _ By order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk Town of Queensbury, • N.Y._ Preliminary Budget - Year 1954 Town of Queensbury County of Marren General Fund -- Appropriations ; General Government _ TOWN BOARD I Torte. Ha11and Offices Rentals(board,room,office ,elections ,etc.. 400.00: Compensation of employees .2,;600.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 500.00. Town Dump,, compensation 1.,000.00 �i. Mi s c.exp. 350.00 Total 4,8513 : Eleetions Compensation of election officials (inc.mileage) 12300.00 Compensation of custodian of voting mch. 120.00 Voting machines purchase, & repair & storages. Total 13,600.00- Insurance Gem cation Insurance 850.00 cial boards and undertakings 200.0.0. Zire and liability 3.000.00 Total 4,050.00 Assn. of Towns Membcrshia 50,00 Fria} - 400.0• .and advertl sing 400.00 5ervi of attorney and exp.of litigation ,100:.0:0 31100000 4ervice:s of engineer & expenses 3,500.00 33500.00; Fmploy�es' Retirement -System 4;000.00 4,000.00 Total.. 8,000.00 SUPERVIbCR ` Salary 2,600.00; Compensation of employees 300.00 Offs.ce and orthgr expenses 400,00 4 Total. 31100.00 Justices of the Peace ' Salaries 40000.00: Compensation Of employees 200.00 Office and other expenses 390.00 Total 40590.00 CoUp.cin S'alar es _ 12700.00 - Office and other expenses- 200.00: Total 1-,900.00 Town Clerk ` Salaries x 2,600.0G' Office and other expenses 1001,00 Total .2.,700.00 Assessors Salaries - 5,900.A0 Compensation of employees -- Office and other expenses 450.Q0 i a Total 62350.00 Riecoiver of Taxes (:Tax collector) Salaries _ 28400.00 Office and other expenses 220:.00: Total. . 2 ,620.00. l .Total. - General Government $393,810.00 PR CTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police Cons table_.and Dejputy .Sherif s�Compensation - 10000.00 Mileage and other expenses 250.00 Total 12250.00 Laep�-dent Total 50.00 50.00- Traffic Signs, Signals and Hwy Lighting 28500.00 2:,500.00 Dog Warden Compensation 550.00 Office expenses 100.00 Total. 650.00 Inspection Costs- Building Inspection 400.00 400.00 Total--Protection of Persons and Property $40850.00 EDUGATIOiJ School. Directors Compensation Total: i 20.00 20.00 Town Library Contract Total 100.0 100.00 s . C 200.00 Total Edueat3 on, $12 RECREATION Patriotic Observances - Memorial Day Total 100.00 x;00.00: ` PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries abandoned - - l'000.04 i pneviex- fi �00 Total Public Utilities 8'„650.E0 ' ` MISCELLANEOUS Veterans, Organi zatiofis for_rooms •- total 200.00 '900-00, Contingent Purposes 20.500.00 2.2500.00 ' GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS':: - - - per,_carita--assistanee from State 20:,969.00' Kartgage taxes- 7,500.00 Dog licenses from C-o,Treas. 1x2.75.00 Bees of Town Clerk_ Tb800.00 Bees of Justices of`the Peace 19,200,.00 Fees of Tag Colle'etor 200.00x Bees of Cemeteries Pineview 3x000.00 Unexpended balances 10,000.00 Total Estimatedt Revenue-Gen.Fund 's44•Q AppTQpri ati ons Henerai` Government 399810.00 -Protection of persons and property 42850..00 Education 120,00- Recreation 100.00; PUb�ic, Utilities 8,650 OfY- Contingent purposes 2,500.40' Total Estimated Revenues Gen.Fund 56,030,00 General Fund - Summary Appropriations To �rvice Officer Salary 225.00 Office and other expenses 25-00 Total 250..00 • HIGHWAY FUND HigY Find (Item 1). .. Appropriations Genera._ `repairs _ -432000.00 Special improvements x.24000.00 Bedemption of indebtedness .00 ,Total. Appropriations 6 SOW Esti4ateq Revenues 4,46g.00 State d `Total Revenues ? 462 Amount t4 be raised by tax for Highway Fund , 3 z Bridge Fund (Item 2.) Appropriations Labor-and te.am,work_& rental of equipment for repair aid maintenance of bridges 250.00 .r Materials for repair and maintenance of bridges 250 00_ 4- Total appropriations 00.00: _..r Estimated Revenues NIS.c._ revenue s AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HWY FD _ - -(Item 2 Machinery Fund (.Item 3)-Appropriations Purchase-of machinery) tools and implements5,360.00 .pair of machinery, tools and implements 5,000.00 8e pairs or pry of operators on machinery ..; 'rented to county or village-mechanics 3,�000.0Q: Redemption of machinery indebtedness & Int. 6,640.00 v, a _f 7 Total Appropriations 20x000.00 Estimated: Revenues none Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (.Item 3) 200000.00 Snow and Niisc . - Fgnd (Item 1) Appropriations Sa,�a. ,,town superintendent 3,800.00 Expenses town superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 151,000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds & brush 38,000.00 Other misc. purposes ,4,000.00 Total appropriations 25,900.00 Estimated Revenue Misc.Revenue Warren County Total 39000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Hwy Fd. 22 9,900.00 Town Health Fund Board of Health _ Salary of O.Healih Officer 1$500.00 Other health expenses 100,00 Total Board of Health 10600.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics- Compensation 60.00 Other expenses 15.00 Total Registrar Vital Statistics 75.00 Amount. to be._raised by tag for Town Health IL,-675,00 ,..r y`?.y � V TF . �5 3',Budget_ C©U- -OF TMf ffi EMENTS Improvement to raadw ;yscauseway ;,° 1vex , and pond- 500.00 New Equipment 15040 ; Mate: .al. for monuments & Foundations ._ .. . 700.00 MAINTENANCE Fersonal -Service 60000.00 Repairs to existing equipment' 150.00 Material for ground maintenance 1.50.00 Gas & aril=`for, equIpipe:.t. 200.00 Compensation insurance 300.00 Bond for commissioners & supt. 50.00 Heat 50.00 Miscl. 50.00 $6.950,00 7,650.00. REVENUES , Sale ',Qg:l9,- s Tess perpetual- care 2,000..00 Fees for opening graven 500.00 Fees for setting monuments 100.00 Fees for rental of vault 25,04 625..00 Estimated balance .Tecember 31, 1953 1,500.E0 4 4.125.00 BUDGET ARMOPRIATION $ 3x525.00 it ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT ..,._.,. _, ,TQx�a..of,.Queen.sbury. r..,, . .. ..__ ,- : .. .._.• _ . For fiscal. ye4r beginniingf January 1., 1954 Expenditures Cost of Imprpvement Bond principal. 500.00: Band interest 50.00• • Total.. � 5150.00 Miscellaneous r Personal services, 250.00 Office and other expenses -- _ Bills, postage, etc. 100.00 1. Repairs- e 300.00 Purchase of water 10250.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00" Total_ J *' ( f? -Total expenditures $20550.00 Revenues Water rent 3x300.00 Unexpended balance 2,500.00, Total Revenues $59800,00 Amount, to be raised- by taxation - none ANMAL ESTIMATE FOR NORTH GLENS FALLS EXTENSION WATER DISTRICT Tura ..of .Queen bury Farr fi.9cal, year beginning January 1, 1954 - Expenditures Cost of Improvement Bond principal 4,000.00 Bond interest 1,400.00 Total $5,.400-«00 Maintenance Personal services 300.00 Office: and other expenses Bills,stamps, etc. 1.00.00 - Repairs 400.00 Purchase of water 3,200.00 Purchase and installation of meters and i services 500.00 Total expenditures 0000© Tl� Revenue s • .yy ter rents 7,000 t00 , U_'negpended balance 1 ,900.0 Total Revenues- #8,900,000, Amount to be. raised by taxation . . . . . . . . . 7.,00 0.00 ANNUAL ESTIMATE FOR WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT flown- of Queensbury- For fiscal year .beginning January 1, 1954 i Expenditures- Cost of Improvement Bond principal 13000.00 Bond interest 1-00.00 A Total '1,10001 Maintenance { Personal services - - 480'.00 Office and other expenses Billing, stamps , ;etcx 200.00 Repairs 300.00 Purcheze *of water 11850.00. Purchase *of equipment 56.40 Total. ,2 880.00 Total expenditures ;39980.00 Amount to be raised by taxati . none evenues Water rents 5,00.0.00 Sale of water 6:00 � rrrP�r�n�aP� bs.'i_ance Total Revenues 8,816.00 4 G _ i u '1" RIDGE. ROAD WATER DISTRICT 4bury,- For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954 Expenditures Y aintenance Personal services 50.00 Offices and other expenses Billing,; stamps ,, ect. 100.00 Repairs 150.00 Purchase of water . 450,00 Total 750.00 Revenues Water rents 800.00. Unexpended balance 1„500.00 Total Revenues 22300.00 Amt. to be raised by taxation - none DRAINAGE DISTRICT. Town-Qf.Weensbury. For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1954' Expenditures Cost of Improvement ,. Bond tprineipal 53;000.00 Bond intetrest 4,970.00 Total 99970.00 J Revenues Taxes to be levied 68870,kOG Unexpended balance 31100. 0 Total Revenues $93,970.00 QUEMSBmy TM PROTECTION DISTRICT . ._. .... Expenditures Fire protection contract $10,000.00 Total Expenditures $10"000.00 Revenues ,- none. Amount to be raised by taxation $10,000.00 Duly adopted by the fol1%Ai*6-tT%Pe-the rr4c tin— Ayes --Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Li Town Clerk