1953-10-24 1
Regular Meeting October Z49 1953
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peae&
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Absent: Raymond,Walkup Councilman,
The board convened at 7:30 F.M.
Ernest Lackey also present:
J.D. Griffin called on the board in reference to the condition of
the Country Club read. He reported that the road was in bad' con w.
dition and was in need of repairs and widening. He also suggested
thatfa traffic signal be installed at the Aviation and Lake George
road. The board generally discussed the matter with him.:
Kenneth Wood, Seward Thompson and John Herlihy were present and dis--
cussed with the board the latest developments on the proposed drainage
of upper Sherman Ave.., the Thompson development. The board generally
discussed the matter with him.
C Margaret Doty, Katherine Stanley and John Sullivan were present and
discussed-with the board that signs be placed on the main highways
advising motorists that they were entering or leaving Queensbury*.
as the case may be. Mrs. Doty stated that they were present and
discussed with the board two years ago.. After some discussions the
members of the board expressed their approval of the plan.
Anna McCaghey and Elsie Trombley representing the people on.the Boule-
vard and Phillips Ave. asked for a street light to be installed at
Phillips Ave .- ands the Boulevard.
kd2idge Moore was present and talked with the board in reference to
the right of way which was to be established near the Blue Sky Rest-
aurant on the Lake George Road. The matter was referred to Mr. Bentlpyy
andMr.. Sleight-as, a committee to. interview the County Attorney in
reference to the matter. He also discussed with the board the pons--
ibility of a traffic light at the corner of the Aviation Road and the
Lake George Road...
Wayland Perryp Bartholomew Reardon and John Sullivan from the Glen
Lake Association discussed with the board the matter of establishing
' a No Hunting" zone around Glen Lake. The board generally discussed
the matter with the committee. -
A committee from the West Glens Falls Civic organization composed of
Frank Richejtt, Mr. Fouliotte smad _Louis_Center were present and in --
quired ,whether or not a survey had been made or any work done on and
along Ohio Ave.
The committee: also recommended that street signs in such area be in-
stalled and that the roads be oiled.
Bernard McPhillips was present and presented a petition requesting
the extension of the North Glens Falls Water District to include
property described in the petition, -
The application was received and filed.
Mr. Bentley introduced the following resolution or _Order No. 9_0
which was seconded by Mr. Lampson:
�MREZ a Petition having been duly presented to the Town Board
of the.`.TOt.,_of Queensbury, requesting the extension of the . North Glens
Fulls Water District to include the following described area:
Commencing at a point on the southerly side of Aviation Field
Road marking the westerly ounds line of the
Y �' present North Glens-
Falls Water District, and running thence in a westerly direction along
the southerly side of said Aviation Field road 819 feet more or less
to a point marking the northwesteily premises owned by John H. and
Johanna. Schoelerm *; running thence in a general southerly direction
along the westerly boundary of lands of said Schoelermann 220 feet
more or less to the southwesterly corner thereof; running thence in an
easterly direction along the south boundary line of lands of George H.
and Stella 0. Dumont, and continuing on the same course a, distance of
820 feet more or less to the westerly boundary line of the present
existing North Glens Falls Water District; running thence northerly
along the westerly bounds of said-North Glens Falls Water District
200 feet more or less to the point and place of beginning, -and
It is proposed that no money be expanded by the Town or the North
Glenn Falls Water District in connection with the establishment of
the said extension.
It is hereby
ORDERED that pursuant to Section 193 of the Town Law, the Town
Board will meet at the Town Clerk's Office on Ridge Road in said. Toum
on the 12th day of November, . 1953_at_8 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. to
consider the said petition and to hear any and sll persons interested
in the subject thereto or concerning the same.
And it is further
ORDERED that the Clerk shall cause a copy of this Order certi-
Pied. by .her to be published in the Glens Falls Times, the official
newspaper,, on the 28th day of October, 1953, and shall cause 'five (5)
copies` of this Order to be posted conspicuously in five (5) public- -
places within the proposed District not less than 10 days nor more
than. 20 days before the day-designated for the hearing aforesaid.
Duly adopted the '24th' day of October, 1953.`
Ayes, ,- Mr Bentley„ Mr. Lampson, Mr, Sleight, Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Res lotion No. 91 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice:
RESOLVED that Lawrence Powers be and is hereby appointed dog
warden to take place--upon the.,,retirement of William C. Powers, present
dog warden.
Duly adopted by the following vote
.,Ayes —. Mr. Bentley,. Mr. Lam.pson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none.+ N
The following letter was read to the board:
Warren County Board of Elections
Glens Falls , New York
October 1,, 1953
Mrsl-France:s Turner, Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
R.F.D. 1, Glens Falls , N.Y.
Dear Mrs. Turner _
This is to notify you that Mr. Scott Hopkins has been appointed
the Republican Custodian of voting machines for the Town of Queensbury.
~ Very truly yours ,
(.Signed) Humphrey E. Casey, Clerk
Warren County Board of Elections
_ Glens Falls , N.Y. _
October 15, 1953
Dear Town Clerk
I wish to notify you that Donald Sullivan has been appointed
Democratic 'Voting Machine Custodian for.,the year 1953' in the Town of
Very truly yours,
(Signed) J. Edward Collins
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
Glens Falls , N.Y..
October 22, 1953
Town of Queensbury
R.D. 1
Qlens Falls , N.Y.
Attention:. Mrs . Frances D. Turner, Town Clerk
Dear Mrs. 'Turner
I have your letter of October 10, 1953 concerning the .resolu-
tion adopted at the regular meeting of the Town Board of Queensbury
requesting the Niagara ffi'okawk. Power Corporation to move a..pole etG the
corner of the Aviation Field Road and Route-9 in the Town of Queens-
I understand also that you wish the poles on the North Side of
the Aviation .Field, in the paved portion, to be moved.
Our Electric Superintendent has investigated the matter and I
understand that in addition to the pole at the corner of Aviation Road
and Route 9,; there is only one pole on the North side of the Aviation
Road which seems to be in the paved portion.
In order to expedite this matter and to determine the additional
poles under consideration, will you kindly arrange for your Highway
Superintendent to meet with our Electric Superintendent and right of
way man some time within the near future.-.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) G. E. Johnson
- Manager
The monthly statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and dis-
bursed during the month of September was read and filed.
Resolution No. 92 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice
Ben y::
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed.-to mail- to the various:Town Superintendents of Highways a
list of surplus pipe which was purchased for use in the. Drainage Dist-
rict and which the Town is contemplating selling. _
Duly adapted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris-
Noes - none- -
• - fag
The board audited claims as follows :.
Amt. Amt,
No, Name of Claimant Nature of Claim - Claimed Allowed
219 Russell & Wait l pad oath of office 1.00 1100
220 Meadlis Nursery Lawn seed-Cemetery f4.. 214.00 214 .00
221 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street Itng-traff.lts. 113.07 113.07
222; Nbabel N. Sawn Inspector of elections 12.00 12,00
223 Auto.Votiag Mch.Co, Voting mch.supplies 8.39 8.39
224 Glencraft Printing Stationery-Harris C
voucher forms 87,531 87 .53
225 ' Carswell T & T Co. Gas.Pineview Cem.Fd. 13.00 13.00
22:6 McBride lis. 1 gal Xyani ze�-NGFWD 7.60 7.60
227 Howard Wallace Stamps, & off..supplie s 17.94 17.94
228 Carson-Duffy Agency Qbmpen*,V�tion ins. 62,24 62.24
229 Carson-Duffy Agency Compentation Ins. 716a4106 5.0
230 Carson-Duffy Agency Compensatio"h Ins. 342.57 342.54"
231 Carson--Duffy Agency Compensati orb Ins. 327.34 327.34
232 David E. Baker Surveying-PV Cem. Fd. 28,00 28.00
233 Carson-Duffy Agency Miscl.Insurance _ 251.93 255..93
234 Kathr'yn-0"Brien Typing.min.Twn.Bd.1.02 hrs,10,25 10.25
235 Lil:Vtan C'.Shepard Sten.serv.MFf. 18.00 18.00
236 Lill fan C.Shepard Serv.rend.XG= 22.00 22.00
237 Lill1an C'.Shepard Serv.rend.Ridge Rd.WD 13.00 13.00
238 The' `Bullard Press Water bi lle NGF qD 11.25 11.25
239 The Bullard Press Water bills-Ridge Rd.1V 6.75 6.75
240 The Bullard Press "Water bills-WGFWD ._ 10.00 10.00
241_ Emma"'Gilson Booking Supv'ws -caff, 42.50 42.50
f 242 Earl "Jones Env.for mailing out 9.78 9.78 j
243 Faul `E. Killion, Inc. water bills-WGMID
250 School tax-sheets &
3 cardboard covers 22.39 22,39
715.59 $ 1715.59
On motion the m6eting adjourned.
'France an "k me
Town Clerk
Public Hearing November 5th3, 1953
Hi _Russell Harris
1r di
e th Bentley t e '
y Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
bb sent : Raymond Valkup Councilman
-purti s Lampson Councilman
The b_Qard-convened et 7:30 P.M-*
Ernest Lackey also present.
Mr. and Van Dyke., Mr. and Mrs'. Ernst, Mr. and Mrs . Weinman,
Mr. Your ya,d_ P.J. Smith were present in reference to the Assembly
Point road. They .inquired as to the status of the Assembly Point
road and were informed that a deed was lacking. They also discussed
�j with the board the proposed closing of the present highway.
In. the matter of the hearing upon preliminary budget the proofs of
publication and posting of notice were filed.
Mr. Monthie, Mr. Metzner, W.T. Clark, Stanley Miller and Gordon Moy-
nihan were present in reference to the proposed budget for the Drainage
District. Each member of the committee discussed the proposed budget