1953-11-05 - The board audited claims as follows .
Amt Amt.
No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed
219 Russell & Wait 1. pad oath of office ;. 1.00 1.00
220 Mead. °s Nursery Lawn seed.-Cemetery fdo 214.00 214 .00
221 Niagara-Mohawk Power Street ling-traff.lts. 113.07 113.07
222: Mabel. N. Sawn inspector of elections 12.00 12.00
223 Auto..Votiag Mch.Co, Voting mch.supplies 8.39 8.39
�; - 224 Glencraft Printing Stationery-Harris t
voucher forms 87.53 87 .53
225 Carswell T & T Co, Gas.Pineview Cem.Fd. 13.00 13,00
226 McBride ':s. 1 gal.Kyanize-NGFWD 7.60 7.60
227 Howard Wallace Stamps. do off.supplies 17.94 17.94
228 Carson-Duffy Agency Compensation ins. 62.24 62.24
229 Carson-D ff'y Agency Compensation Ins. 7'45 4 3.Q
230 Carson-Duffy Agency Compensation Ins. 342,57 342454
231 Carson-Duffy Agency Compensation Ins, 327.34 327,34
232 David E Baker Surveying-PV Cem. Fd. 28.00 2:8.00
233 Carson--Duffy Agency Nliscl.Insurance - 251,93 251.93
234: Kathr n._0"Brien Typing.min.Twn.Bd.1.0-1 hrs.10.25 10,25
235 Lillian C.Shepard Sten.serv.WWM?D. 18.00 18.00
236 Lillian C.Shepard Serv.rend.NGM 22.00 22.00
237 Lillian C.Shepard_ Serv.rend.Ridge Rd.WD 13.00 13.00
238 The Bullard. Press Mater bills NGF1D 11.25 11.25
239 The Bullard Press Water bills Ridge Rd.T 6,75 6.75
240 The Bullard Press 'Water bills-WGFWD 10.00 10.00
241 Emma-'Wilson Booking Supv':s -.off. 42.50 42.50
242 Earl 'Jones Env.for nailing out 9.78 9.78
2A3 Paul `E. Killion, Inc. water bills-WGF.1D
250 School tax-sheets &
3 cardboard covers - 22.39 22,39
` X1715.59 J 1715.59
---' On motion the meeting adjourned.
� a
_ Town Clerk
ff Public: Hearing November 5th,, 1953
Hi Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace
Jib s ent. Raymond S*alkup Councilman
Curtis Lamps on Councilman
The b_aarcl•convened dt 7:30 P.M.
Ernest Lackey also present.
Mr. and Mrs . Van Dyke,, Mr. and Mrs'. Ernst, Mr. and Mrs . Weinman,
Mr. You •a,d P.J. Smith were present in reference to the Assembly
Point road. They .inquired as to the status of the Assembly Point
road and were informed that a deed was lacking. They also discussed
with the board the proposed closing of the present highway.
In the matter of the hearing upon preliminary budget the proofs of
publication and posting of notice were filed.
Mr. Monthie, Mr. Metzner, W.T. Clark, Stanley Miller and Gordon Moy-
nihan were present in reference to the proposed budget for the Drainage
District. Each member of the committee discussed the proposed budget
I ♦ +
with the board and the manner of the financing of the cost of the con --
struction,, and after discussion offered no objection to the proposed
budget for the drainage district.
I Resolution No. 93 introduced by Justice 'uleight seconded by Justice
j Bentley
AREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in
the Notice of Public hearing on the preliminary budget,, and having heard
all persons appearing ,and desirJjig to be heard thereon and no one appeared
in opposition thereto,
Now, therefore , be it .resolved that the preliminary budget as amend-
ed in the annexed schedule of receipts and disbursements be and the same
is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury for the
year 1954 _
Anrival Budget 1954 _
Town of Queensbury County of Warren _
General Fund - Appropriations
Town Board -
Tov4 Hall and Offices
. Rentals (board room, office ,' elections , etc.) 400.00
Compensation of employees * 2600.00
Purchase of furniture and equipment 500.•00
Town dump - ,compensation '1000.00
11 Ni Misc. expense: 350.00
Compensation of election officials (incl. mileage) 1300,00
Comp ensation of custodian of voting, machi nes 12.0,:00
Voting machines purchase and repair 150.00
Storage voting machines _ 30.00
.Compensation insurance 850,00
Official bonds and undertakings 200.00
Fire and liability 3000.00
Printing. and advertising - all departments 400.00
Services of attorney and expenses of litigation 100.00
Services of engineer and expenses 3500.00
Association of Towns - membership 50.00
Fmployees'- Retirement system 4000.00
Total $ 18,2550.00
Salary C 2600.00
Compensation of employees 300.OQ
Office and other expenses 2004,00
Total 33,100.00
Jus-tices of the Peace
Salaries r 4000.00'
Office and other expense 396.00
Compensation of employees 200.00
Total 4x590.00
Salaries 17Q0.00
Office and other expenses 290.
Total. 1-.,90Q-00
Town Clerk
Salaries 2600.00
Office and other expenses
Total 21,70G.00
Salaries 5900.00
Office and other expenses 450.00
' Total $69350.00
Receiver of ,taxes (tax collector).
Salaries ' 2400.00
Office and other expenses 220.00
Total .$2,620.00
- Protection of_-Pers-ans and Property-
Police , constables and deputy sheriff's
j' Salaries and wages of officers 1000.00
f lAdleage and other expenses 250.00
l_ Traffic signs, signals and highway lighting 2500.00
Town Lockup ' 50.00
Dog warden` - compensation 550.00
U " expenses 100.00
Building inspection 400.00
` Total $42850.00
` Education
School..-Director Total 20.00
Contract 100.00
Total Education 120.00
Patriotic Observances
Memorial Day 100.00
Purchase of 'flags 50.00
Total Recreation 150.00
Cemeteries Total 1000.00
Finiew '
Cost of Improvement:
Improvement to roadtaays , causeway= culverts
L and pond 500.00
New equipment 150'.00
Material f dr monuments and foundations 50.00
t Total 700.00
Personal service 6000.00
'RlepaiTs to existing equipment 154.00
Material. for ground maintenance 150.00
Gas & oil for equipment 200.00
Compen.satioh insurance 300.00
Bond. for CotMis,sioners & Supt. 50.00
Hest 50.00
Disc, 50.00
' Total. 6,950.00
Totals _ $7,650.00
Revenues -.:
Sale of lots,^less perpetual care: 2000.00
Fees for opeAing` graves 500.00
Fees fo-P settings mor_uments 100000'
F?e6s 'for rental of vault 25.00
Est.'-bal. December 31, 1953 1„500.00
Total 4,125900
Budget appropriation 33,525.00
Total f Veterans ' organizations l
for rooms e 8,650.00
Total 200.00
�i Contingent purposes
Section ]_]:2r of the Town Law 2500.00
r tag,
General Fund
Estimated -Revenues
Unexpended balances 10.000.00
Ylortgage taxes. 7$500.00
Per capita assistance 202969.00
Dog licenses from County Treasurer T 275.00
Fees of town clerk 1,800.00
I Fees of Justices- of the Peace 1,200.00
I Fees of tax collector 200.00
Fees of cemeteries - Pineview Cemetery 3,000.00
{ - - Total 5,944.00
Total - Estimated Revenues General Fund
General Fund -
• Summary_
General Government 39,810,OQ
Protection- of persons and property 4,850.00,
Education • L20.00,
Recreation 150.00:
Public utilities 8,650.00
Miscellaneous 200.00
Contingent purposes- _ 2,500.00
Total_ appropriations 56-280.00
Total estimated revenues (General Fund) 45 944.00:
.Amount of taxers to be raised for gen. fund 09 36.,OQ
Welfare Fund
Town Welfare Officer
Salary 225.00
Office and -other expenses 25,00
Total X250.00
Total appropriations 22150.00
Amt. to be raised by tax for welfare fund 250.00
Highway Fund
Highway Fund (Item 1)
General repairs 4Z; 000 OQ
Special improvements 15,000.00
Vital appropriati ons 58,-000.00
Estimated Revenues- . 49462..00 . _
Total revenues -`4 462.00
Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund $53,538.00
Bridge Fund (item 2) appropriations
Labor and-team work 250.00
Materials for repair and maintenance 250.00
Total appropriations 500.00
Estimated Revenues r. none
Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund 500.00
Machinery Fund (Item 3) - Appropriations
Purchase of machinery,; tools and implements 5,,360.00
Repair of machinery, tools and implements" 890004100
Redemption of budget notes and interest 6,6 .
Total appropriations -$24=000.00
Estimated Revenues - none
Amount to be raised by tax for highway fund (Item 3) 209000.00
Snow and Miscellaneous fund (Item 4) appropriations
Salary Town superintendent - 31800.00
Expenses of Town Superintendent 100.00
Removing obstruction caused by snow 15,000.00-
Cutting and removing noxious weeds & brush 32,000.00
Other misc.. -Imrposes 4,000.00
Total appropriations 25,900.00
Estimated Revenues
N'Li.scellaneous revenues 32000.00 1
Total revenues 32000.00
Amount to be -raised foe highway fund (Item 4) $22,900.00
Amount to be raised by tax for Highway,.Fund
(Items 2..,3 & 4) Total $43,100.00
Town. HealtDL Fund
Board of Health
Salary of health officer 1500.00
Other health expenses 100.00
Compensation of nurses 250.00
Total Board of Health lx850.00
Registrar of Vital Statistics
C.ompenspLtion 60.00
Other expenses 15.00
Total registrar of Vital Statistics 75.00
Amount to be raised by tax for Town Health 11925.00
" Special District Funds
West Glens- Falls Water District
Bond principal - 1000.00
Bond .merest 100.00
Personal services 480.00
Office and o the r ,expenses 200.00
Repairs 300.00
Purchase of water' 1850.00
Purchase of equipment 50.00
Total appropriations 31980.00
Water rents 5000.00
Unexpended balance 3800.00
Sale of water 16.00 -
Total revenues 80816.00
Amount to be raised for Water District Total None
Fire Protection District
-- Fire protecon contract 103,000.00
Total appropriations •10,000.00
Estimated Revenues - none
Amosunt;to be .raised for Fire Protection District 10,000.00
" pec .al District Funds Drainage District #1
Cost of improvemept - -
Bond principal 51000.00
Bond interest 3,360.00
Total_ pppropriations $ 8,360.00
Estimated) revenues - none
Unexpended balance -l$000.00
Total revenues 1.000.00
Amount to be raised for Drainage District #1 7,360.00
Special District Funds - North Glens Falls Water Dist.
Bond Principal 500.00 -
Bond interest 50.00
Personal services 400.00
Office and other expenses 100.00
Repairs 300.00
Purchase of water 1250.00
Purchase of equipment 100.00
.:Total appropriations 29700.00
Estimated Revenues
Water rents, 3300.00
Unexpended balances 2500.00
Total revenues 52500.00
Amount to be raised for North Glens Falls Water Dist. None
j Special District Funds - North Glens Falls Water Dist. Ext.
! Appropriations
Bond principal 4,;000.00
Bond iiaterest 1.9400.00
Personal services 500.00
Office.and, other expenses 100.00
Repairs 400.00
Purchase of water 33200.00
Purchase and installation of meters 500.00 0 100.00
Tota appropriations-
7 000,.00
,Vater rent �
Unexpended balance 1,900.00
Total Revenues 8=900.00
Amount to be raj sed for North Glens Falls eater
District Extension 11200.00
special District Funds Ridge Road Water District
Appropriations -
Personal services 50.00
Office and other expenses
Repairs.. 150.00
Purchase of water _ 450.00
Total appropriations 750.00
Estimated Revenues
Water rents 800.00
Unexpended balance 500.00
Total Revenues 22300.00
Amount to ,be raised for Ridge Road .dater Dist. None
Duly adopted by ,the following vote :
Ayes - MX;Uff , Mr. Bentley, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The members of the Town board present signed the annual highway
estimate and budget.
Resolution, No. 94 introduced by Justice Sleight,; seconded by Coun- '--�
dilman Lampson:: W
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and
directed to transfer frost. the Drainage District No. l fund X362.72
to the General Town Fund as reimbursement for preliminary survey
made before the. f ormation of the Drainage District.
Duly adopted by the `following vote :
Ayes - F2XxXXXXXX, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mir.
Harris _
Noes - none
The .fallowing recommendation of the Town Superintendent of Highways
was read. ,
Recommendation of Town Superintendent of Highways
To the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury„ Warren County
I, the undersigned Tolm Superintendent of Highways of the Town
of Queensbury, Warren County, State of New York,- hereby
CERTIFY that the road lying next to the property of John J.
Miller an.d.described and reserved for the use of the general public
in a deed of Joseph Foster to Iva Foster dated March 26 3' 1888 and
recorded. .in the office of the Warren County Clerk on February 1,
1889 in Book No. 57 at page 8 and situated between New York State
Highway No.. 9 and a town road kn.ocm as the Pine View Cemetery Road, has
OWING to changed conditions become dangerous and in fact useless 1
and unecess4ry for the convenience and welfare of .the public and I
I REC0r,9rE:PND the abandonment of the above described road.
Dated at the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of
New York this 5th day of November, 1953
(signed) Ernest B. Lackey
Superintendent of Highways of the
Town of Queensbury, County of
Marren and State of New York
Rezlution 2. 95 introduced by Justice Bentley secauded by Councilman
MRM: the Town Superintendent of Highways has made a written
recommendation that.
THE ROAD lying next to the property of John J. Miller and described
and-reserved for the use of the general public in a deed, of Joseph Foster
to Iva Foster dated March 26, 1888 and recorded in the office of the
4arren County Clerk on February 1, 1889 in Book No. 57 at page 8 and
situated between New York State Highway 'No.- 9 and a town road known as
the Pine View Cemetery
road has o un� t o changed ed condition s become c ome dan
g Brous .and- in-fact useless
and unecessary for the convenience andwelfare
of the public and recommended its abandonment
NOW THEREFORE- BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of
Queensbury. finds and hereby does find find that the road owing to changed con-
ditions has become dangerous and in fact useless and unecessary for the
convenience and welfare of the public ; and the said board recommends the
abandonment of same.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes none
_ On motion the meeting adjourned.
?�.re e s urne r'
_ Town Clerk
Public Hearing November 12, 1953
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Henry Sleight Justice of the ,Pace
Curtis_Larnpson �'� Councilman
Jobs ent: _
Raymond Walkup Councilman
The meeting was called to order at
Proof of publication of the resolution calling for. the public hearing filed.
Proof of posting of the order calling for the public hearing filed.
Bernard McPhillips of the law office of 'Kclhillips, Fitzgerald and McCarthy
appeared, on behalf of the petitioners. John. Schoel.ermann: and George Dumont.
Petitioner's -were also. present. *Yr* , Van Sittert was also present. _The
foregoing persons appeared in favor of the application and no one appeared
opposing the proposed extens=ion.
The following order establishing the extension was presented:
- : ,