1954-01-01 ORG - 1
esolution NO.113 introducetf. by Justice Sleight seconded by Justice
Whereas the Town Supt of highway ha- recommended to the Town. Board
that the hourly rate: of laborers be, set at per hour, wick drivers
be increased 10¢ pef hour.
No therefor or be s t resolved th t the hourly rate for, l�:borers be
set at X1.10 per-hour.,z and the hourly rate for truck drivers shall be set
at, X1.20 per hour.
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes... Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson,, Mr. Sleight,, acid Mr. Harris.
Na4s. Nond -
R,esoluti.on No 114.introduced -ty Gouncilman Lampsori seconded. by. Justice
Bentley - - _
v,hereas,. =the Supervisor, Jus-�ice of the Peace , 'Super` ntendent of
hi -ways and Tcn,,m Clerk have presenteii to the Town Board dockets,
cencelled .checksq. books, vouchers , minute books and. other records for
examination and audit by the• board,
Resolved that after such examination of records docket's, books,
vouchers,, checks , minute books , so pr sented, the board fjnd"s ',-hat such
banks and records have been. accurately, kept and that 's11 moneys c.ong
i.n:to the hands of several officers of the town have been. properly accounted
for,and paid out according to la,r.
Duly adopted by the following vote
2,yes-- Mr. Bentley,; Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris
Noes- None .
on motion men in; rn�c
.-mourn Clerk.
ORGANIZATION �T,,ETING January 1, 1954
H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Zampson Councilman
Richard- Davis Councilman
The board convened. at 9 a.m.
The Supervisor welcomed Mr. Davis and 1.r. Akins as new members - on the
Resolution No. l introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice
Akins : _
It was resolved that Regular Meetings of the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury shall be. held on the fourth Saturday of° each month
hereafter at 7:30 P.M. at the Clerk-Is office in-the year 1954.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. 'Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Tjlr. Akins and Mr. Harris.
Noes - none '
Resolution ���„ Z introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Counci-iman
Lamp n.
RESOLVED that Earl Jones be and is appointed caretaker and collect-
or of the .West Glens Falls later District to serve at the. pleasure of the
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes «- Mr.. Davis , Mr. Bentley, I r. Lampson, Mr. Akins and TJir. Harris'
Noes - none
The following letter was read to the Board by the clerk:
Toti,n Board
Tcrvm of Queensbury
Gentlemen :.
Please accept my resignation as Building Inspector, effective Dec-
ember 31, 1953. Due to personal business obligations , I feel that I_can
no longer faithfully execute the duties of said appointment and ask-that
you do not consider me for re-appointment for 1054.
Thank you very mach for past consideration and hope that at some
future, time, I may again serve the public of the Town of Queensbury.
Respectful l.7, yours,
(signed) Lawrence S. Mackey
- 15 Hillcrest 1ve.
Glens Falls , N.Y.
F.O. Box 477
The matter of appointment of a building inspector for the Toi,Tn of Queens-
bury was deferred until. the next meeting.
Resolution No. 3 introduced by Councilman Davis seconded by Justice
it was resolved that the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Co.
be and ."is hereby designated depository for Town mono Jrs for.the year. 1954.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
Resolution No. 4 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
Lampson: e
It was resolved that the Glens Falls Times be and is hereby desig-
nated as the official newspapaper for .ublishing legal notices by the
Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote : '
Ayes r Mr.. Davis , Mr. Bentley, �rlr. Lampson, Mr. A! ins and Air. Harris
Noes - none. -
i Ernest Hillis and Fred Ricketts were present and discussed with the Board
the appointment and compensation of a chairman of the Board of Assessors.
Resolution No`. 5 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
Le. pson:
It was resolved that Ernest Hillis be and hereby is appointed
chairman of the Board of assessors for the year 1954.
Duly adopted by the following vote-.
w .,
Ayes .�Ir. Davis , Pair. Bentley, Mr. Lamps on, TvIr.. Akins and 74r. Harris
Noes -- none
Resolution No. 6 introduced by Councilman Davis seconded by Justice Akins :
It was resolved that Lawrence Powers be and is hereby appointed dog
warden_to serve at the pleasure of the board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
The clerk read the following applications to the board:
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Dec . 29, 1953
To the Tovr Board -
of Queensbury-
Dear Sirs:
I would like for thank the Tow,tirn Board- for all courteseys shown me
in the -past.
I am seeking reappointment for constable for the coming year and
would appreciate your consideration.
Thanking you,
(signed) Bernard Codner
star Route
Glens .Falls', N.Y.
Dec. 8, 1953
-To the honorable Town Board
Town of Queensbury
Dear Sirs:
I. Ralph F. Hill, Tows. of Queensbury, hereby submit my application
to.be re-appointed- to the office of constable, Town of Queensbury,, for
the year 1954.
Your consideration will be greatly appreciated.
Very truly yours, J
(signed) Ralph F. Hill
Constable Town of Queensbury-
Connecticut Ave; ,
Vest Glens Falls , N.Y:
Recember 10th, 1953
T-own Board -
Town of Queensbury
R.F.D. l_. `
Glens Falls , N.Y.
Gentlemen :
I hereby submit my application for reappointment as Constable to
serve at such times and at such places as the Town Board may determine.
Your consideration of this application is very much appreciated.
Very truly yours,
(signed) Raymond J. Hoague
Resolution No. 7 introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded :by Justice
It etas resolved that Bernard Codner and Ralph Hill and Raymond
Hoague •be and are hereby appointed constables to serve at the.-pleasure
of the board.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and i'2r. Harris
TI-roes - none -
E?�n��ati-nn introduced •by Justice Bentley, sefonded by Justice
- Akins
RESOLVED that Anna McCaghey be and is hereby appointed service
`- off ea-P to- serve at the pleasure of the board.
Duly -adapted -by the following vote :. -
Ayes- Dtrr. Davi}s, Mr. Bentley, Yx. 'Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following application was read to the Board by the clerk:
Re Caretaker of Queensbury Vamp 171
' Dec . 3,' 1953
T hereby make application to care for r2ueensbury Dump No. 1 from
Jan. l.. 1954 to December 31,• 1954.
(Signed) Eugene Johnson
Resolution No.. 9 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
It was resolved that Eugene Johnson be and is hereby appointed
caretaker of the Tocm Dump for the -ensuing year at a monthly salary of
$30 per month for, the months of Jan.., Feb. , TvIarch and Dec. and the sum
of $120.00 for the months of June , July, August and Sept. , and the sum
of $75.00 per month for the months of Oct. and Nov Ana. $45.00 a month
for .the months of April and I a,y.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes -. Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mir. Akins and T,.r. Harris IN
Noes - none
The clerk read the following communication «
January 1, 1954'-
Mr.. H. Russell. Harris , Supervisor
Toim. of Queensbury
Dear Sir.
_ The Cemetery Commission'of the Town of Qu.eensbury wish to make the
following recommendations in regard to salaries and wages paid to em
ployees at the Pine View Cemetery for the year 1954::
Annual salary of Superintendent, Franklin Scoville to be increase(.
from $2800 to $3Q00.
Hourly rate for laborers to be increased from $1.00 to $1.10.
Iffe trust that the Board will see fit to accept these recommendations.
Very truly yours ,
(signed) Sidney Van Dusen
Resolution No. 10 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice
It is resolved that the Town Board hereby fix the salaries of the
Town officers and. employees for the- year beginning Jan. 1, 1954 and
ending Dec.. 31, 1954 in the amounts hereinafter stated as payable monthly:
11 mo. 1-mo.
H. Russell Harris ,. Supervisor $2600.00 216.66 216.74
Harold Akins , Justice of the Peace .2000.00. 166..66 166„74
Meredith Bentley " " " 2000.0,Q 166.66 166.74
Curtis Lampson, Councilman_ - 850.00 70.85 70.87
Richard-Davis " 850.00 70.85 70.87
°} 66 216,,.74
Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk � �1 '� 2�i00..00 �'��216
Arthur Hillis , Collector 2400.00 200.00
Ernest Lackey,; Town Supt. of Hwys. 3800.00 316.66 316.74
Ernest Millis , Chr. Board Assessors' 2900.00 241.66 241.74
Fred Ricketts , Assessor. 1500.00 125.00 1Z.-Moto.
George FArguson. " 1500.00 125.00
Anna McCaghey, Service officer 225.00 18.75
Bernard Sellinger, Health Officer 1500.00 125.00
Lawrence-Powers , dog warden 550.00 45.83 45.67
Bernard Codner, Constable 225.00 18.75 12 mos.
Ralph Hill " 225.00 18.75
Raymond Hoague 225.00 18.75
Earl Jones,, Caretaker & ColI, J.G.F. 480.00 40.00
Howard Wallace 900.00 75.:00
Fran�ain Scoville ,Caretaker Cemetery. 3000.00 250.00
Laborers -- all departments 1.10 per hr.
Truck drivers - all departments 1.20 "
Grader operators 1.25
Shovel operators 1.40
Duly adopted by the :following vote :
ayes Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mir.* Lamy son, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
IT oe s none
,Lesolution No. 11 introduced by Counci lma.rl Lampson seconded by Justice ,
Be- ley . -
IT IC RESOLVED that Frances L. ' Turner be and. is' hereby` a.npointed
registrar . of Vital statistics
Duly adopted by the following; vote :
ryes - "r. Davin, 111 r. Bentley , Mr. L,-m pson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none .
Resolution No. 12 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
-, e4pson..
REOLUD that the committee on Drainage be end are herebv aL?thor-
-i zed- -,n,,d,.d1rectea to cause the drai_na.ge pipe to be moved from the
TTorthup property adjacent to Northup Drive to the Tovrr� Storehouse
property, Read.
Drul;; s,c.opted by the f vote :
eyes - i- r. I `.v__c r. '3eY_t�_eJT, Tor. I -r.c?san, fir. skins adl'
:nr. Izarrls
r ,
Ira oe s - none
ae s o1_uti on Na ' 13 introduced b-- Su-pe rvi v or I arri s seconded by Justice
.Bentley :
g �
RESOLVE= that the CO.T2.dttee on "Tater Districts be and are hereby
author i7,e4- ,-
and directed to cause to be collected and inventoried all
eq2aipment pipe and. fittings belonging to the several "Inter Districts
in the Town and to suitably mar:
the equipment, pipe n, fittings so a
to identify the district to which . end rigs s
h the same belongs.
Duly adopted by the folloi<Lng vote :
Ayes Mr. Davis , Mr.. Bentley, Mr. I Lampson,' Mr. Akins and i'.:r. Harris
'INToes none
resolution No, 14 introduced,. by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice
RESOLVED that the Committee on Lighting (street) be and. hereby are
authorized-to -c4usq to be installaC. street lights at the following street
junctions or intersections in the Toi�m of Queensbury:
Par's. Ave. and Boulevard white light
Phillips Ave &
Fine Street &
Ridge.-Road & Sunnyside Road (Oneida Corners) sodium vapor
Duly adopted by the following vote :
.yes — Yx. Davis , Mir. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mir. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes none
-resolution No. 15 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Justice
that the Supervisor, Justices of the Peace,, Councilmen,
Town Clerk., Superintendent of Highways, Collecto r A ses:�d'-:� And Service
Be and are hereby authorized to attend the meeting of the Asso-
ciation of Towns of the State of New Yor-71s to be held Feb. 8, 9th and 10th,
1954 in New-YorIc City and any or all other authorized ..meetings held for
each office.
Be it further re.s,olved that the actual and necessary expenses of
attendance by any tmm officer of the meetings shall be a Tay.m -T-,harge.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis, Mr., Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mi. Akins and Mr., H6rris
Noes - none
R- asol-u-tion No. 16 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Councilman
L amp s o n
tthat Im-1-9 Zt6bbi-nt �e 'a-hd- is IT4ei 7Y
, ' - '. 'c.a:retaker w.and collocrt-=-,of the--R'idge_Xftd Tila- Di A 1�1 ct
It is farther resolved that Howard .Wallace `be and is hereby ap-
pointed caretaker and collector of. the Np;Qth Glens Falls I.,Vater District
and the North Glens Falls Water District Extension.
to serve at the pleasure of the board .
Duly adopted by the following vote
Ayes Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, I'Vir. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Harris
Noes none
Resolution No. 17 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Councilman
Lain-; son:
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury hereby accepts the, deed con-
veying the- 3-and from Union Free $chool. District No. 2,, of the To vm of
queensbury,, Warren County, New York,, to-the To m_.of Mueensbury, d�o�ey+
Qct. 15, 1953, subject, howe ver, to the approval of the County �
Duly adopted by the fol'lowing vote
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris
Noes - none
The following letter was read by the clerk:
Dec . 7, 1953
H. Russell Harris ,. -
Supervisor -
To=.an. of Qu.eensbury
Star Route
Glens _Falls, N.Y«
Dear Russell.:.
Herewith I enclose deed of Union Free School District No. 2 of
the Town of rueensbury, to the Town of Queensbury, of the Pine View
School house_lot• yours truly,
(signed) .1illard A. White
resolution No. 18 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by Council-
man Lampsn -
Be -; �,, aty Resolved that the Cemetery Committee be and
is hereby authorized and directed to contact the County Attorney to
arrange for the preparation of necessary papers for action of the
Town relative to changing the law pertaining to the financing of the �
Cemetery Com-Tdssion and transfer of property from the Pine View Cem-
etery Commission to the Town of �ueensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes - Mr., Davis , Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris.
Noes - none
The clerk read the following letter:December 29f 1953 -
Mrs. Frances L. Turner -
T own Cle rk -
Glens Falls , New York
Dear Madam:
Enclosed please find two copies (2) of State Traffic Commission
Form TC-9.
The Broad-Acres Civic association has requested that speed and
weight. of trucks ..be restricted adjacent to the intersection of Per
shing Road and Ashley Place.
If the Town Board approves this request, will you please com-
f plete both copies of the form and return them to me so that I may
E approve them and forward them to the State Traffic Commission.
Very truly yours,
(signed) Herrick Osborne
! County Supt. Highways.
Resolution lo. 19 introduced by Councilman Davis ,. seconded by Cour_-
eil_man Lampson.:
RESOLVED that the committee on Highways be and are hereby author-
ized ana-.directed to inquire into the- advisability of the erection of
traffic control signs at the intersection of Pershing Rd. wt-'th Ashley
Road and -vicinity and report at the next regular meeting of the.-Board.
duly adopted by-the following vote :
Ayes - Mr. Davis , Ivir. Bentley, -Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and lair. Harris
Noes - none
Chairman Harris appointed the following �r oWmittees for the year 1954•
Justiqe Bentley Counc, Davis Counc. Lampson
Counc. Lampson Justice Akins Justice Bentley
' Justioe.Aldns Counc. Davis Counc.. Lampson
J-mstice Bentley Justice Akins Counc. Lampson
Justice AIAns Justice Bentley Counc . Davis
Justice Bentley Counc ., Lampson Counc. Davis
Counc. Davis , . . , Justice Bentley Justice Akins
Justice Bentley Justice Akins Counc . Davis
Counc..Davis . - Justice Akins Justice Bentley
-Couno ,- Lampson Counc . Davis Justice Akins
Counc. Davis Justice Bentley Justice Akins
On motion the meeting adjourned.
4aan'8`e- . Idu_
Tovm Clerk
Special Meeting January 9 , 1954
Present:H. Russell Harris Supervisor
Harold Akins- Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Ri chard_Davi S
Absent:, 11,1eredith-Bentley justice of the Peace
The board convened at 4:30 P.M.,
Reso lution No* 20 introduced by Councilman Davis ,. seconded by Council-man