1954-02-06 172
Ai 7 (
L Y OD 7.00
15. Sidn--y For li -Iht
ce c'
r I-C- or
t e cr t J?
by '7ect.C�,�- of
M'M j-3N4, X00.00 <00.00
16. City G F e r F d . 7','D 216.91 ;1x .91,
17. City ty G.7, -ate r :F6. Raise TLTI d Ft.-Lmst Rdl .
T'G 17,1 X t 97.97 C7.07
etc .misc . G� -
is. C-1-'
1'0c--1 -b 61.58 01_ .50
vul Tire Co.Yo.1 (wood 1-ve XG7',,.'D Ext.
Leon Rich- ---- Shovel sno-.,j -From hydrants in
rC son G Wa7ter Dist.
8.00 8.00
20. Carswell T (1. T SU.L� Aiqs ,gas ,etc . PV Cep?. 9 .35 9 .35
21. Ursula Johr,..,"on 1:erocsne-buri-Zir,` a'c. dumn, 9.00 C, .00
22. Franl�a- in Scoville 1'711e?.�"e Pineview C e,-Iie t-e ry 25.60 �5.eO
23. Chas E.Hoi,,,Lht-ali-nL as er statement 1,�-.75 14.75
24. David '2'1. BaIE-er ,urve-, or' s helper for J .B.
VarDusen, D,,al Surveyor 17.00 17.00
On the Y�ieetilr j mourned ,
-e r
T owr, C 1 e r:;,
IT r- O
Public nearin Fehr ebr ary 6, 1954
At q- rjublic hearinr-, held on the above date at the office of the
Tm-m Clerk,Ridge Road, at 7:30 P.1-1", the j'ollowin �Ue'iibers were present :
H. L�d
--ell Harris 3u.pe rv4 s or
Mere6ltb Bentley justico of the PeErce
'Harold k?�:has Justice of the Peace
Curtis T.Iatyipson C ounc Inuan
c ha rd- Davis C�Yunc-I rian
Proof of the publication of the notice calling' f_or the Public Hearing
received. arcs filed.
Proof of the of t-he notice for th-2 Public He-�-:],rirs filed .
The following; people w(gre present in connection with the hearilnrz :
LeRoy Scrafford Chauncey I. Briggs
G. B. Allen Mrs . Robert Friehofer
J. G. 'Jhitmeyer Mr. ".*Tm. Tarrant
Mrs. G. 3. Allen E. S. I'Torster
LeRoy Scrafford Robert :% Friehofer
Mrs. H. D. Meadbury Fran'_: H. CunnId-lite
Y.rs. *J. G. '.1hitneyer A. J. MaC�ie-,T
Wm H. Henderson
Wallace Cowan
Williczm A. Gilday Helen T. Cowan
Scott 11,1r. Hlenderson Mr. &C 1,-Irs . Howard Mason
Arthur F reel cfire 7d&-nr Mason
Edith M. Freelove Mr. &; Mrs. Ernest Lp-c!:Ley
H. Henderson Mrs . Hulsaople
Robert .1. CleLhcrn John. L. OstraP-der
The privilege of the floor was extended to John Ostrand6r who stated
that' he appeared for Frank Tarrant Sr. , Frank Tarrant Jr. and '.#illiam
B. Tennant in opposition to the formation of tie district. He objected
to the signature of the Scott Hendersoft Cor-o- oration on the petition.
Among those 'Dresent , Scott Henderson Leioy Scrafiford , Mr. and Trxs .
Erne�t Lackey, Arthur Freelove , '.1,1.r. Whitmeyer, G. B. Allen, Alger Tlason,
and `,!J-Iliam Gilday_expressed that they S,,Tere in favor of the establishment
of the liLht-'nE- district. Frar:-� Cronkh- ite spoke -in reference to the
matter and reserved the rl 'h
Lo- t tb file a, legal objection to the establish-
ment* of the aistrict.
Among those present who expressed that they opposed the formation were
Villiam Tarrant, Mrs . Hulsapple ,, Mrs. Robert Freihofer and Mr. and Mrs.
IToward N�a,son.
Those present who were in favor of the establishment of the district
stated that it would light the highways and thereby eliminate a dan-
gerous traffic condition. Those in opposition thereto objected to the
formation principally on the ground that .lighting in that area was
j Numerm S communications were received from people,, some of which ex-
pressed as being against the formation of the lighting district and
others expressing in favor of the formation thereof.
Several of the communications received requested that their names be
stricken from the `peti_tio- requesting the formation while others ex-
pressed the view that a meeting should 'be held in the summer when all
of the property owners could be present.
^11 of the communications ip,,ere received and placed on file.
After the discussion, Mr. Ostrander requested that the petition be
denied on the grounds that it is not in proper form with the proper
signatures and especially as to the number of signers who are resident
property owners and requested that the board find that all property
owners are not benefited `by the proposed lighting district and that the
establishment of the district is not in the public interest. He fur-
ther objected on the ground that the petition did not contain signatures
of 1/2 of the assessed valuation of the proposed district and also
112 of the assessed valuation of the resident o,%7ners. It suggested
that the public hearing be continued to same future time and no ob -
jection was made tc the su-�gestion. Mr. Scra_f_ford and Mr. Henderson
s t a,ted the t their had no objection to the adjournment of the hea.rin�.
ResolLlti nn 1`vn_ 30 introduced ntr•o,�uced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman
D .vi s
RF SOT t D that the ^ablic hearing held. on this date u2-.on the ap-
plicatlon. to establish in the To�,:7n of );uee.os'au.ry a lig itl n„ district
to be 'mown, as th° Cloverdale I _`zti ?ig Di_strict,, be and the S,�,me is
?r by
continued, and be it further
1JFSCTV7D that this IhLeariiL be �,nd i s hereby ad journed to *the zOth
day of 1irch, ..5954 at 7:30 a'cloc� Y?iY at tl ^ To.,m Clergy ' s office .
Dal-,;- ado-pted 7�)y the fo_llor,ri_ Tote :..
r. D< v,_s r- r. Bentl_ey Mr. La�rr,con, Tyr .'�'ry�^ ��d T� T� r �e
TOW_,.ra / .
r. l asci1 tal,sed to the a.
orc __
.; n reference to t e tr '" c :ion -
%tionc .},d speed of operators of motor ve'zicles is the
Cleverd ale ar& . j7e thous:;-ht t`a, :t -nerha 3s an officer shoul(f be ,er,-a-ed
Co _.+ ,.,:.._.
l o tro�_
� _ xrtoc� w o � t f the �> ,
i���1 ' ( n .1c also 7-?-•�r�v� mow':'_ a'e �r°LIG�� i;C t,_._._ rC'!:i�15 Q :PCZ'tT=�.�.tlOrt (}f
t n-- drs.iraee district In Vn: Glor_dale ar ?�C O`_'rCz ,ent�,ral'! Cii scusged
,h matter j:-:7ith him.
�foll.awirti; cormunios ti orjs v ere s e°a:? tc t1uD ._Doa.rJ by the cler',:
ST i.TF TRAFFIC C 01!_" 511_Cr I
Frances L. Turner, Cler':c
Tol•r of Que.p nsbi ry
i ou to 1
l e n 1i` l � C ' rTCJ;.T eT�r�r
1-ction to re-
Tr, LS coroerns a,-,, 11c_t", on tr� the Co'
between their
strict,.s.�,,eed over Fort �Ln�-te r s t f-3,d and-Garrison Po
"0� located
�C,aIT -I.d .4
intersect? or 1,i`Lth Route -Ts 9 anEl Both th h.j[�hiia!TS -are loc,
a short distance tQ the nQrtb o-0 the north.ezrly Glens F zls City line .
2. ons ind i c
An evaluation of te that a thirty
PI-1 9 o e-d restrict-!on J_s tlsc rJ1.e . - Une order has been
Iq �,Jso ea.-iaclosed for tie iln.�:'or �ation
issued ?.rd i__- encjose�... . A cc,,,�; -_ �I U
of -,,Fo&ur To-,..:n TITJ --hua-r .7i-toer_i-rtendent who w-_ q.ssu-_rjje will be ch.,rLed
the . respnslbl I i t7 of L-
OSt* th,", ro C trictio,1.
Thi? restrict-Lor. does not e c c,11,<EI s-,P'_Pective unt,-1 poste,5 in
conformance -,,,,4Lth the standards o,r,- u1i- C omq 1 ssl or- and the term S of
the order. The standard signs are the R-5 and R-6. 7)ill-Scale prints
of these s-T Ens arc encIbsed . "iThen ordering the Si-nS there Should be
no deviation from the specifications as shojT.q on the -prints . The
authori ty for the re,,,_,ulat.,`or. 31-s this Commission ar-C, its name
appear in 1/211 letters on ,-,ct-loia the"3 - U - of all signs as shown on the
r Int s•,
The Commissioner' s TIanual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
has been distributed to all ToTim County. Superintendents -of
Highways . Inst-ructicns for signing 1111-leal speed restrictions will
be fm,r(f, on .L age 36 and. 87 of TI
the J.anual.
'You will note on ref erring to the last para�,r?.�)h of the order
that the Commission should be advised w'nen the posting is completed.
We a-re 'including an extra ccy)y of this letter for the use and
information of the To,�m_ Hijhway aaj�eri-rtendent.
Very truly yours
S`L""-`T'E M�IFFIC COI,7 3�107
G. C. Georger
,.February 2, 1954
Mr -rr'cl;�- Osborne
,. Ii- J_ __
County Superintendent of HiZI�ways
!,,;arren County
Iarrens aura; , IT-W York Toi,rr_ -oard
Town of �ueensbui-y
:Marren Coar.ty , Xe,.11 York
Pursuant to authority conferred by Section 95-C of the Vehicle
w *b
and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Ccmmis ion here y restricts to 30
'MPH. the speed at which vehicles may. p.roceed on Garrison Road and Fort
Amherst Road , both Town Highways between their intersection with
7 distance of o.6
Route UOS.9 and their intersecticr with Bay Road, a dista
of a mile or. each higghway in the Town of Qpeensburyt ',%Tarren County.
The Town Superintendent of Highways , Town of �ueensbury,
Warren.. County, is hereby directed to erect and maintain signs in
accordance i.,Tith the standards of the Sty-,-te Traffic Commission to
irfof..rn t',-,- -,-Iblic of the existence and limits of this restriction
and to notifl,l this Commission ,,Then the signs have been erected.
(signed) R. . C. Georger,