1954-03-10 SP 50 R.E .Chapman Co. Drilling Sc Testing 71ateF
2039.60 2039 .60
517 Loulls Corlewl Shoveling Fire Hyd. _,
NGRM Ext.WF 30.00 30.00
52 Glen raft Prntg.Co nvlopes for_TTffn.Cl10 s Ofc j
500 Itrhd s Twn.Off_i ce r' s 29.2✓ 29.20
53 Emma-Wilson Bookkeeping. Spvr.Off. _ 35.50 35 .50
54"Curtis Lampson Attnd.Assn.Twn.s .,TT1eeting 75.45 71.45 j
55 Richard- C .Davis " " " It 71.45 71.45 I
56 Harold C._ ins �� i' !' ' it 77,70 77,70 I
` (Files .cards xfolders,fJ c-
" " It index_ cards)
57 City of- G..F. Msc.Glenwood_Ave.NGFG13D Xt. 48.19 48.1°
C 58 'Cit of G.F. " T
� Upper Bey_ St.I�G�?f,TD �xt. 77.36 77.36
4 David E.Baker Labor on survey,,:%cork_ s_ 21.00 21.00
Total 6656.88 $ 66561.88
On motion the meetinL adjourned.
`-3�"ra.nces L�.6 . Turner
Town Clerk
Special Meeting March 10= 1954
H.Russell Harris Supervisor _
Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace
Harold Akins Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lampson Councilman_
Richard-Davis Courc;1_man
The board convened at 7:30 P.I,:
Ernest Lackey also present.,
Richard Howland., Dean Howland, Henry Clark, Leander Di-ckinson and
Alger Mason were present. They called on the Board in_reference to
repairing the main Cleverdale road ; also the road '_mown as "Sunset
Floyd Ellsworth was also present and discussed with the Board the
improvement of Owen Ave . , Vestmore Ave . and Sunset Drive,. He stated
that there was a ;proximately a dirt @,nce of 1700' that needed black-
The board then discussed with the Town Superintendent the proposed
expenditure of highway moneys appropriated for Item l of the hightira,y
fund. .After- discussion the Board adopted the following resolution:
R n> i-- ,�To a introduced by Justice Eentley seconded by Councilman
'�� »pson:.
RESOLVED that there shall be expended for general repairs Item
1 0A the-Town-Highways the sum of ?28,,500 and that there shall be
placed iD,.the reserve fund the sum.of 414,500, and that the sum of
$5,,000 be expended for special improvements as follows :
1. There shal=l be expended on the Glen Lake Road the sum of ,1,000.00
for straightening and ,:cutting curves-and improving.
2. There sha=ll be expended for'levelling ard LnprovinL the Cleverdale
road from 9L North. to Cleverdale the sum of $18000900
3. Stone and Tar penetration. .roads as follows :
Distance Road From To Amount
3,2/10, Sunnys ide County Road ,North of Lake
Sunnyside 800.00
4. (4/10 Ohio Ave.. Luzerne Rd. Corinth' Rd . }
,x-4/10 Rhode-Island ,A V. _ �' " _ � "3,600.00
2/10 Central 1`.ve.. Ohi a Ave Rhode Is.gyve .
5. 8/10 Cronin Road' Midge Road Meadow- Brook 33,200.00
2..5/10 Dixon Court• Dixon Rd.N. 1,000.00
7. - 3/10 .Assembly Pt.Rd.Cu ttin� w Grading
New right of way 1,500.00
(Owen Ave. .
8. 3/10 (Westmore Ave .
(Sunset Drive Aviation. Rd. ,North 11100,00
9. 4.5/10 Hillc re s t Ave. aviation Rd North 13800.00
10.2.5/10 `Ia.rrer Street Coldbrook House tc Canal Bridge
Furt cr resolved that the mel-abers of this board si ;n an reempnt
th the To�,n! Su �erintenden.t to that Affect.
Duly a,(5to oted bdr the following vote
2'_y es - iJir. Davis , Kr. Bentley, Kr. a,_qpson, 1,1r. Akins end 1.11r. Harris
N oe s - none
The members of the Town Board signed the agreement with the To=,Jr ,7u;c.-
erin-tendent -rho also signed t1he agreement.
On mction the meeting adjourned.
ToTn-r- Clerk -
Adjourned Public Hearing March 20, 1954
At a.r adjourned Public Hearing held on the above date at 7:30' P.M.
the-following members were present:
i . Pi.-issell Harris Su ervi�sor
Meredith. Bentley Justice of the Peace
1-ia.rold AIdns Justice of the Peace
Curtis Lam.pson Councilman
Richard-Davis Councilman
Chuncilm.ar- Davis , chai-rman of the Llg'rlting District Coriittee, reported
that the committee had met with the rest of-the memb rs of the Board and
ex=amined the petition and assessment roll and checked tha names: of the
signers of the petition with the assessment rolls and the properties
assessed with the amounts and found that the petition: was signed by
the owners of taxable real property situated in the proposed district
owning in the aggregate more than 1/2- of the assessed valuation
of all tnc taxable real property of the proposed district as shown
upon the latest compI Wa.ssessment roll of said Town, and that the
-petition _ncll.ided signatures of resident owners owning taxable real
property aggregating more than 1/2. of the assessed valuation of-
all the taxable real property of the ,proposed district according to
the latest completed assessment roll.
Be-ol»i-i on Nov 37 t introduced by Councilman Davis seconded by Justice
Akins : -
RESCI: 7ED that the public hearing held upon a petition to establish
a lighting-district known as the Cleverdal.e Lighting District be ad -
journed to the 10th day of July, 1954 at 2:00 in the afternoon of that
day at -the Fire House of the North )ueensbu.ry Volunteer Fire Co. Inc . ,.
at the junction of the Ft. George , Brayton and_ Cleverdale Roads .