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i Duly adopted by the following vote : ayes - Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, M. r. LEanpson, 111r. Akins . and. Mr. Harris ?does - none - { Mr. Bentley reporting as a committee appointed to loop into the legal aspects of uncovered wells, cesspools , cellars and excavations , re I ported that he had talked with the County ,attorney in reference to the J matter and found that there were provisions in the law providing for an ordinance requiring wells and cesspools , etc. to be filled or cov- ered, but there was nothing in the, law relating to uncovered cellars. j He Stated that Attorney Beswick would prepare a proposed ordinance for the consideration of the- Board. , On motion the meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. _ j �ances L. Turner Town Clerk anetj,l.ar ^"e tirg :—larch 2 7, 1954 Present: H. Russell ilarris Si-1.p,�rvisor D-Tern(ith Justice, of the Peace Harold bins Just-1-co of th�- Pe ase Gurtis Tanpscan Council mean Richard_Davis Councilman The board convene(' at 7:30 P.!.'* ass i.n R. and R, th 'irlcl�.ip were present i-id disci:tssed the y soy^see' y le-n of laying out Maple ` ei"hts on by thew, Calid _.lso dis- cussed i!at er supply, the copy of the map ar_d ,,l.a,r tc be filed later. They also -requested that t'_-is, 7oard supply there i,,ith a letter stating thattthe area, of "s°�pl.e TT-_ights wac `.r the Forth Glens Falls ''dater District. Mr. . and 'NrF. Jose,,-)h Ro'oill.ard , •?Irs . MlcArthur, t,'rs. Sweet and Per. Rozell,; all from Holder. Ave . .aa1'. 1,71allory .ve . ,. discussed w17.th the _bard the prospects of establishing a. ligntin� district. Jacob Suess, Harley Andrei-.Ts , Ted Lemery and others Nere prevent in reference to lights mild t'De establishment of the li�htirZ, district, P"rs . Carl Lyford,; Harley L dredrs , Kei-neth Cook, George Taylor, Herbert Garant, Steve Cho ppa, 1�rs . Eugene Bartholomew and others i.:Tere ;k.reser.t in reference to the repair of Thomas St. There was a discussion on � the matter and the matter was referrer:. to the committee . The f©1'lowin� coli-Tani cation i,,Tas read frc),�r t}h-? ueensbury Ce t-ral Vol- unteer Fire Dept. , Inc. queer,sbury Central Volunteer Fire Deycartment Inc. .1,arch 27, 1954 The Town Board ToTan of ' ueensbury , 'T,%Y• . Gen t lem-en �I she 7,�ueensbury Central Vola?.nteer Fire Company aea n re quests the use of .the lot on T;pper Glen Street , z oL,aa as The Broughton Property to hold the Iang Reid ShQws as in ot.'i}er years. The show this year is to be held from xtlay 10 through 2_5 if the permit be granted ., Thaniz. you for y -ur =iind attention to this `flatter in other years. Very truly yours , (Signed) Clayton Z. Ramsey,. Pres: E 8-4 a',0j t,• on ivc�_ w introduced by Justice ?fir=_.ins , seconded by Co?ncil an Dc:.v s . RFSDLVBD that permission be granted to the Queex�sbury Central Volunteer .Fire Co. , Inc . to hold a carnival as folloi s : S"1,ons or, ueens- bury Central Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. , Shows - King Reid Sho:7; - Period- May 10 - Y2,y 15 , 1954 inclusive . Further resolved that the Toren Clerk b? and is hereby authorized and dir-acted to -f-ssue a permit to hole a, carnival as above set fort. upon the payment of the license fee of X100. Daly adopted by the following votes : Ayes - Mr. Davis , 1.1r. ��ntivy,� I`Tr. T -?p`on� Mr. A'�ins and � r.' Harris Noe - none John C. Hay was present and uiscussed the development of the Lambert property. _ Formen Beatty,, Mr. ^rood Kr. Mart- , Mr. Gale , i^s. Scales , I"Ir. Hoopes and Mir. Leavitt vrere present E12id. discussed �,-ith the -Board the supply of water- for fire protection or.. Cottage u1ill. The matter was generally discussed. T„ Q Supervisor read a communi.ca.tion fro. Attorney Beswic?� ' �_�Z.. ,5up.. p..gnl' ,ti nr t\Tn_ La introduced by Justice 'Bentley, seconded by Councilman Sampson: RFSCLV D that there shall be drilled ark. 81, well in the locality of Rush Pond_ of proper depth in order to ma e .tests to ascertain ehether or not there is a suAj;)ly of water for t?se of the several water -districts in t1e Town. 'aurther resolved that R. C . Chapman of Oakdale , Mass . be and are hereby authorized to dri; l such well and to ?i?a�. e such tests , FL anther resolved that the ,Si ne_rvi.s or be and is hereby'�uti-?on zed to execute a contract ?r to the sa4'd R.0 . Chapman Co. to drill and male such tests and obtain the necessary optipn for the drilling of said rTe I1. Duly adopted by the following vote : dyes isyi . Davis , Mr. entl_e�T, P'r. Lztnr�sor. , ~':r. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none altor, discussad 'ri th the Loard a. shopping ce n er Robert T. Leavitt, e r.. , a portion. of the Fine View cemetery land and requested �The:ther or not .� along the Glens F11s-Lake GeorgeT�_Lht^ray may be leased for such pury)ose. ",Ir. Van Dusen discussed the proposed site of the Town Hall. lotion Nc. 40 introduced by Councilman Davis , seconded by 'Justice Akins . RE750L LA,D that the Board shall meet on the 7th day of :April, 1954 at 7:30 ?.ICI. at the cler':r' s office to consider the setting aside of Cemetery. properties and leaG'_rg thereof and consideration of water "'natters. Dl.?ly adopted by the following; vote: Ayes 7 Mr. D,,`.vi-s , Mr. Bentley, Mr. La-: pson, \r.r. _ A IT?ns- and Mr. Farris Noes none e 1�. 1- °1 introduced. by Caunciln�r .�7is ^eco need 'ray T Q,ehl: 1 Justice RESOLVED that Herbert Gale be and" is hereby onga.gec' to dispose of' '_z'p shp j.n staves on tie 016 Fine View Schoolhouse lot for the sum of A .b0 payable upon c_Ompl.etion o� thE� a ra f ,o rl. an(3 U re s' r % t di the verifiea bill. to the "'aT.J-L, t on of Duly ado-te6 b;T the !'olloj,rin vote : .,i�v S — :T• s. TM • D I' r n rr .:..VI , i�1r °n.tl...�r. , _=jr. L:3.rr:-��an, :.,.�• G1Tn..C+. n r`ar T • `LG,rr_� Tcs none" 1 Courcilmar Davis brow h , urn th f natter o,_ + ,� ma�n a t,��. i t2 �t , t+rtnC.-- for the sl .l)l;;` of YriB,ter to be �1SE'd in COrl�°r'j'c n�_. c nr f tidy. tl l,ned over to the F-1 r Can , .t . L y�etltLCy a� sr�rrrt asr tie m a` to au;_ to ti?e rid operate on Of `. laud she -''li1" dOvice a 21frea Einstein. The --patter was gem per w ll- discussed by a coar(f: _ne clerk read the monthly st�,te;�ent of e tfJ... u ly�urV.�50r O± v1."1 received -end isbarsed ,cy him du-ing tl � -:riont'r 0 ' r^ebrua.r" jcc 1_��4. The fo110WIn," comrzuni_cation was read ; iotrn o��rd "arch ,-,4, 1.954 Toz-:m. o_f :-ueensburV.r m the r o h i,_. goers of TT TM � s ZrO P v'Ould lil-:e to sub L1_it bid O?' i 11 ;, i'. 'r28D 3e ley .Cep atery a.nd. theT arrisena./ Comnlu:ni_ty Cemetery for one year. _ ` The Seeley Cemetery for the F ra_ o:r- ' 100.00 ai-id t_' e Harrisen a Cem.E=_tern �--' or y75,00. Sec.. .��r�i senor 7,en=s Group notice O.L' was fit°d by LeOii 'icharCison, C'a iCf of tie- ":est Glens a.11s mire Ca gaily Tvo. 1, Inc . , not __"grin the beard tnet one Stanley P 3JIrs,xiger was injured , The board audited cla!,,11r as follows : Schedule of_ Audits for the To-�m. of u :ensburV, i.Tarren County, I•;.Y.. for the month of Tv area , 1 51 No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Cla_i e;' .�lla�re�i 60 Niagara--17 ohaw!c PATr.Corp. Street ltng rtr��.ff siZnals 113.07 $113.07 61 Ho �rard Wallace Fstg.& office sup.- plies 62 Tel.call NGYM Fund 20.40 20.40 62 Frank L. Coi,7,les "eatal_Dlsp.Box � Tax PVC 4.00 4.80 63 United :States Cas-Co. Donds. .TavTo. Cf:icers 80.00 60.00 64 Barber Dore Bond Hi Russell Harris 16.00 16.00 65 Barber C'•" Hoge .Bond-H.t«ii.,-�,hill 3,-1,00 33.00 66 Frances L. Tamer Postage.._ 3.00 3.00 67 Kathryn O'Brien, Typ..mir?.for T-vTn.Bd. 5,00 5.00 68 Bissell c Wait Sup ,lies (Supervi sort 12.55 12.55 { GQ Irving TH. Crumlev Clerical for Supvsr. 37.50 37.50 70 --.he 21-,llar4 Press bills ,,TTUF 11.25 11.25 71 "."he 2,ullard Press 6.75 6,75 72, The ail lard press W�j,77YD Fd. 10,00 10.00 73 marl_ Jones ateLinpo;_ env.W YTM 9.14 9.14 74 Lillian C. Shepard serv.rendrd-WGY.'D 18.00 18.00 75 Lillian Q . 5h-epard -NGY;ID Fd. 22.00 22.00 76 Lillian Q . 5b.epard Fa, 8.00 3.00 77 David E. -Balzer Labor 7.;x rl,,ed ,under supervo of Tows. 'purveyor 14.00 14,00 10 Leon M. Steves Labor �7crl:ed on survey work wit'n Tur..Durveyor 11.00 11.00 435.46 35.46 1 On. motion the meet inz 94 j ourheC. Frances L. Tarner _Toi�.Tn Clerlk- Speciel J."Teeting April 7, 1954 Present : Meredith Bentley Justice cif the Peace Harold 1.1,:ins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Richard.- Davis Councilman �,:,bsent: H.. Russell Harris �upervisor The board convened at 7:30 P.7. Also present Lee Chase Ed . incbip. Resolution No. 42- introduced by Justice ce !s!,-ins , seconded by Councilman L'am_pson: It was m c� oved that in the abs -_ce of the ;3uperviscr at th a rge e t- ing,., that Justice Bentley be and', is hereby appointe7, chain-n to act during such absence. Duly adopted by the followinz vote : Ayes - 'Mr. Davis , Mr. Bentley, :Kr. T r�).-osoyn and IVI.r. x21-dns Noes - none Justice Bentley stated that inasmuch as the Supervisor was absent �d had the necessary ',.nformation for the meeting without which the Board could not act, he :Tould entertain ze, Motion that the Board adjourn. -qar Davis , seconded by Cauncilman �o7ution No. 43 introduced b.,,-. CouncilL Rec ..W- - Lamps on.. It was moved that the meeting be adjourned subject to the call of the . chairman. Duly coopted by the folloWiniE vote : Ayes - Y!r. Davis , T.ir. Bentled', 17r. 'r!arrpson and Mr. _117.ins Noes none 4rtic6e S�11,.�Vlllgkrl Towr? Clerk Al 12s 1954 Special Meeting pri Pre s ent H. Russell Harris Supervisor Yvere-7ith Bentley justice of the Peace Harold ". ns justice of thn. Peace -i Curtis Lamp_r:on Councilman Richard.-Davis Councilman