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198 Regular Meeting May 229 1954 present:: H. Russell Harris � Supervisor Waredith Bentley justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Richard-Davis Council man The board convened at 7-.30 P.M. Mrs. Monkey was present in reference to the° continuance of the Chi.l+d. Health Clinic in the West Glen Falls area:. She submitted the following report of' the attendance at the child health-conferences in the Town of Queeensbury. � j Attendance at Child Health Conference Town of Queensbury 1952-1 1953 1954 January 10 February 12 28 3 larch 12. 20 30 Aprils. 9 18 37 way 17 2R 17 June 15 July 10 Postponed, Church under repair August 11 T2; Saptember 16 11 October 19' 28 November 22 22 December 17 16 ' Total visits 1 232 117 -She stated that the number of children attending the eensbury Child Health conferences has increased to such an extent that it appears to- be imperative that the clinic facilities be enlarged to two clinics a month. The personnel of doctors and nurses was so pressed for time i that adequate examinations of the children and the counselling of the parents became an impossibility. The total number in attendance at the child health conferences, according to her recommendations from the i Nov- York State Dept. of Health,. is twelve infants, The present clinic — attendsace in April was 37. She further stated that this month she was un- able to publicize the clinic-beesuse she had to reduce the number of persons attending. Since the health service has been offered to the people of Queensbury, it only seems right that a second clinic be held during certain months of the year. Since the Tura at the present time is paying $M per year for the doctor';s fee of per 7mm month, the cost of having ten additional clinics in the .year ,would be $200 making a grand total of .$440. Mr. Johnson was also present and discussed with the members of the Board the dumping of garbage at the town dump. Jesse Snith, chief--of the Queensbury Central Fire Comgny, Ink., and Clayton Ramsey were present and discussed with the-board the proposals I for new contracts with the several fire companies in the Town of Queens bury for fighting fire. The board as a committee, decided. to meet with the representatives of the Companies on June 23, 1951 at the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company Fire House. George Crannell, Dixon Head.,, was present and dtacussed with the Town Berard the matter of assessment-in the drainage district in that area* the road be fixed n thedeastisidef erf Colons Lake:, r requesting that ! p pape 4n in8 t iR.S e�l'�ti - *- 5g introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilmmn iampson: RESOLVED that the Town accepts for the purposes and uses- of a public _]A&wsy knovn as Sargea nt Street, Wilson. Street and. Cline .high-- Flay, all of the lands described in a deed,_dated April 4, 1952 from i i G I i E 1-99 David J. Fitzgerald, Jr. to the Tawas of appra�ra,1 of the Cc,�unty gttorne Rueensbury subject to the DQlY y as to form and legality if conveyance. adopted by the following ng vote: Alyea'. ~ , Davis, Mr..,Bentley, Mr. . Lam PsoII, Mr.-Akins and qtr. Harris Noes:, - none The board discussed. set- There woes also diseussion back Tines. fiery lands for t�rwn highway Purposes. A certified co of uses resol'nti� of the Cemetery Commission. setts PY of a' the cemetery tra ct_thereix described as notnsuitable for bums or other cemetery pare®sea and not required far in to t the termination of this cemetery commission cemetery uses and to the portion Of lands ef* said cemetery which are b all apply omay cribed in th4I certified co so bounded and des copy of the resolution as prersented, The board also discussed drainage in the Glendale area:, ten�ey�,.O No. q introduced by Richard Bevis, seconded b y Meredith Whereas. by Chapter 82-4 of the Laws of 1948 the T Beard of the Tom ®fhieensbary was suth®riaed,to a Comeissioners � and r®r the than of pPnint �a Board of. Cemetery video tl®at such Board of Cemetery (:OMMiissiy era should have further 1 si4e©_ control, `of all cemsteries_in the T of power to take and hold Ru®ensbury and should have invest the same and use Pinmeyther�efromefmr the Purposes to it and fied thereim, and Purposes speci- Mheraas,, said "It was amended b to provide that if Y Chapter 5C)8 of the Laws of 2954 expressly authorized„by resolution of t the Board of Cemetery Commissioners may also hold a Town Boards.n he d retain Tom #h le. pri" of_cemetery~Tats sold by it such amount as the T f Bee ® sa ae sua�tad h use rege�the tiinm�t determine, and invest the same as authorized. by siidy come therefrom for the purposes �-� specified ed in said act, Whereas, the members of the Town Board and the members of the of Cemetery Commissioners have agreed that the sett Board teseU-five per cent of the sale prIee of each cemetery lot in .pine View �'t® wow be reasonable and in due time should 'provide suf rhat a74 turd the 'care of ® cemetery to enable the Tma Boardito reduc thy` appropriation for the su e the bhrd" upon the owners of cemetery lots instead of et the placing the towns as: a whole,, of R'a0LVFD than, pursuant to Chapter 5Q8 of the Laws of 1954, the Board of .(;.640tery Commissioners Of the T of is authorized to gold and. retain from the sale 4ueensbury be and hereby cemetery lot in Pine. View Cemetery rice Of each and every cent ®f su sale ry an amount equal to twenty-five per price and invest the same in the manaer and use and expend the ixg.mme derived therefrom far the Purgeses of the cemetery as of tk ded by Cha pp ter 81'4 of the Lags of 1948 and as amended by Chapter 508 ®f the Laws ®f 1854. i Duly adopted by the following vote. i Ay es - Mr.. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. 'Lempsyn, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noe - none Re N tiara No. 60-- _ Lt a meeting of the Tow Board held on the 22nd day of may, 1-9541 the wig yes®Its®a.was presented by Mr. V Lampson and seconded by Mr. 1 I I I I I I 2Ofl RESOLVED that all appointive and elected officers be ebvered with compengatiQp_insurance:. Daly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Davis, Mr..Bentley, Mr... Lampson, Mr.-Akins- and Mr. Harris Noes. - none Resolution No. 61 introduced: by Richard Davis and seconded: by Curtis Lamps.on:, r Resolution Amending Bernd. Resolution of June nth, 1953, eaathori zing the issuance and .sale of serial. Bonds of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York., is the-amount of $129000 ;00 for the purchase of a unit power - shovel with equipment and installation. Whereas, the Town Board of the. Town of Queensbury, Warms Caanty, New Yogk, on the 6th day. of June , 1953, adopted Resolution Ito, 67 �. authorizing the issuance and,.sale of 112,,000.00 of serial bons of Us Tom of Queensbury for the purchase of a unit power shovel with equipment and. installation, which resolution provided in Section 7 thereof that said 11290.00,00 is serial bonds skvuld be of the denomination of $41,000.00 each, .dated June 6th,. 1953, numbered from one to three, inclusive, maturing in numerical order in the amount of $49000.00 annually on the first day of May in each of the years 1954 to ..1956, inclusive, and skould bear interest alt a rate not exceeding 24A per anmm payable semi-annually an the 8tk day of June and December in each year, and- Whereas, it appears that said serial bonds, as issued, provide for the payment of said bonds on the 8th day of June, in the years 1954 to, 1956 inclusive instead of May 1 in each of years as provided by Section 7 of said resotion, RESOLVED that Resolution No. 57 adopted by the Tewa Board on June 61, 2953 9, entitled "Bond Resolution. of June 6tk„ 1953, Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Serial Bonds of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, in the Amount of 112,,000,00 For_,the Purchase_ of a Unit ' Power Shovel witk Equipment and Installation" be and the same, hereby is amended as foLU ws "Section 7. The said $121,000,00 in serial bonds shal l:. be of the denomination of $4,000.00 each dated June 8th, 1953,. nnibered from one to three inclusive, maturing in numerical order in the amount of #41000.00. annually an the 8th day of June in each of the years 1954 to 1956, in- clusive, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding two and cage-half C2 per cent per annum playable semi-annually on the, eigktk day of June and_Deeember in each Tear." and further i RESOLVED that said resolution remain in full force and effect in all ether respects except as hereby amended. The foregoing resolution was put to vote which resulted as follows: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Yes Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace • Yes Harold D. Aikins Justice of the Peace Yes Rickard C. Davis Councilman Yes Curtis, Lsmpson counailmen Yes V introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman ampson. .� RESOLVED that there be established 15 Well-baby clinics to be held in the-.haml.e t-of West Glens Falls. _ I i F 201 Duly adopteO. by the following vote. Ayes: - Mr.. ]Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr, .Lamps.on, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris. lutiom Va. 63 introduced by J'ustiee Akins seconded by Councilman RESOLVED that there be installed strut lights on the streets of the ,Twqn_of. ueansbury as f allots. . 1 Sodium va pr on Ridge dge R®ad oat the intersection of Farm-t®-b1arket R64d; 1 Ine4ndeseent street light on Corinth Read at the junetiou of Rhode Island Avenue;- 1 Incandescent light mn the Corinth Road at the - •junetiom of Cuio 4ve; I.Incandescent light on thor_Corinth.,Raed to be equidistant between Rhode Island Ave. and the Big-Bay Road. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Davis, Mr. Bentley, Mr. 'Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - nonce Ernest Lackey was also present and John Van Dusan. Thera was discussiox on tI abolition of noise is the area af.__the-NowYorker on the Lake George Hem: "Them was some discussicxc in respect t®. the adoption of an ordi-. Ames to control the nuisance of XNAZZMM noises. Xr. Bentley, Justice Of the Peac%v said that he felt that the present penal.. statutes .adequate- _1,Y Cover the control of misances and noises. Tke board audited claims as follows: Amt. Amt. Rio. Name of Claimant Nature of Clair Claimed Allowed 98 Dennis & Co.Iuc. • Assessment rolls-SapTSr. $ 89.44 89044 99 Gerson-Mff y•Agey, Do on vote-ack.equ .799.48 799.48 130 G.Y.Post Co. Pab.Not.purchase pipe 3.04 3.04 101 G..1,foat Ce. • Pab.Net. truck 3..20 3.= %I 102 G.F.Bloct. apply Autom..traf.el.ntrollers per statement 325.60 325.60 143 Edwj2hompses Co. 1953 pck.pts.MeK,i.nney,18,. 19,38,37,64(2)-Session Laws & bk.10 & 653_p%:t.parts_ 29.50 29.50 104 H & H Transportations-I. .vote.bootks„fr.ckgs. 9.27 9.2?" 105 Fbassell & wait S box 3q, Sphinx paper- TW..Clko- 3.15 3.15 T46 Frank- L.Burtox Repairs to type.& ribbeu- W - M.S.Bentley,,J.P.- 8.30 8.30 107 Raymond J.Hoague Untag*dog-faaming at mouth took to Powers 2.04 20 108 G.F.F+ast Colo Pab.Not.bids-purchase track 3.36 3.36 M9 Fremck Xta..Lumber Corp*-Goo stiles 24 krs.equipment service 208.00 208 .00 110 Fred.C.Smith (MillfromIt) Refd.1* me.off NGFWD• 12.00 12004 Till_ G.F.Post Co,- Pub.Not*bids an-purchase of pipe & fittings,,NNGFWD 4.48 4.48 152, Ray Dist.Co. T BT65B Bell tape ._r 124.30 124 dr. 124,30 M Dom. s & Cm.rUc_. Z bks.auto ens-M.S B. 2.23 2,23 1,14 Niagara«Rudsen Pwr. Str.Ltag.& Traf.si 128.96 128.96 115 W.Lxwreace Pavers 56rv.rxdrd.etc.dog-wrdx 55.04 55.00 116 Fred X.Ricketts Serv.miles tray.as assr. 19.20 19.20 117 N'atkryn -1.0tBrien Type.min..for Tam Bd. 4*00 4.00 118; Irwin H.CIraml ey Cle ri cal, wk.H.R.Harr s,Sapt. 46.25 46.25 M Floyd Smith. Cutting brush for rd well lot 9.90 9190 i 202 120 City of Glens Fells Teter water rent-EM Yd. 65.00 65-.00 la Gity of Glens Falls Water rent-WGEWD Wt,Xd- - 406.18 406.18 122. City of .Glens Balls Mater. react-XQM-W.Ed--93, 91x.,69 918.69 123. City of Uens: Balls later rent-MM-23A 246.93 246.9x. 124 .Y.S.Emgl®yee&' r- tirel4e?t system- Contrib.-east of operating ystets: 4425,00 &5 5..0 0 Harold C.Ak ns Stamps & supplies 4.20 4*W 126 a.A.Orr. Go. Parts for mwr.-FP Ceara. 10,51 lO 51 =? Glen_Supply Go one- SPark_ pis PV Gee<. 5.= 5.30 3.28 Garsw*U, T & T Co- Gal--PST Gem-.. - 13.49 13.49 h29 David E-Baaker. Serv. .Dept- 61-60 61-60. 130 Leon M..Steves Sarv.ng.Dept- .996,80 96 SD - Superintendent's !± l .. stay 21:, 1954 177 *. `VW dam: C�_ens .,Falls N.Y. I waned like to call your attention to the following two imp•rtaaut pgq 4wy Law affecting towns: A ik IV t Hi a .ft mm �1 �• 'l_ .�°#3�. 'ice�, ��rehslee .�,�iti�' ' gip;. serial t o.,x's for G pLir- c : :r.s e of a L y..,.t Also, an amendment tO the Later providing that upon recommendatio]x of the' Tom Supe!rintendentl�. date Tom Board may appropriate general town fpzds for the setting out and preservaac_tierr. of shade trees. very truly yea�ars, , (`Signed), Herrick Osborne County SL;pt. High w ys.' i I Ch moti on the meeting aid j ourined. Town Mort. Public Hearing May 25, 1954 Present: H. Russell Harris y ba.pervisor Meredith Bentley justice of tke Peace "Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Damps on - Councilmam Richard,Davis Gouncilzen = IThe board convened at 7:30 F.M. ' Pro*f of Publication was received and filed. Can the purchase ' of a track' the following proposals were imciived: . `Parsons of Glens Falls; Inc - May 250 1954 - Tom Boixd Town of`Queensbury --�` Ridge 8aad . Glens rills, N.Y. * Gentlemen: The following bid is submitted as per advertised notice of purchase, dated May 81, 1954.