2005-04-05 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the AprilS, 2005 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office Complex Conference Room. Chairman J..ck LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, LaBombard, Maine, and Mott. Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering Guests Present: Councilman John Strough Approval of the Minutes: Moved by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Mott to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2005 regular meeting and place on file. During discussion a correction was made under ''New Business" third bullet as follows: insert "at an estimated cost". Motions were amended and approved by Commissioners making motions. Question called for. All members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) . Copies of Newspaper letter to editor and articles regarding proposed community center were briefly discussed. . Warren County Soil and Water 2004 Annual Report distributed. Note section on Hovey Pond Wetland Improvement Project. . Commission Committee assignments distributed. . Budget Control Report as of March 30th distributed. . Sampling of e-mails regarding proposed community center distributed. Unfinished Business . Park Project Status Report (see file dated 4/1/05) . Ridge/Jenkinsville paving and parking to be completed in April before softball leagues begin. Tennis court and Basketball court construction will begin in May. . Limbert property had a clear title with closing scheduled for Friday April 8th. . Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve new floating bridge is ready for delivery and will be installed when river conditions permit since it is planned to float new bridge up river. . Proposed Community Center Discussion included a first look at the brochure mailing. Wording changes discussed as well as several funding options. Meeting on April 26th with Town Board to present proposal. All Commissioners should plan on attending. Lengthy discussion on how to get support for referendum and then support for project. New Business . Community Information and Assessment Supplemental Services Proposal from Joy, McCoola and Zilch was distributed and discussed. See file for copy dated 29 March 2005. It outlined the extra charges for the Community Information portion of their work. Of the total additional charges for supplemental services of $11,488, the Commission received a credit of $2,250 for evening presentations bringing the proposed net fee to $9,238. A motion was made by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the proposal for Community Information and Assessment from JMZ. Voting Yes-Etu, Maine, Mott, LaBombard. No-Fusco. Motion passed. . Bid for VanDusen and Steves for a boundary and topographical survey of the Limbert property was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Etu and seconded by Commissioner Maine to authorize the survey at a cost of$13,500. All members present approved. Committee Reports: · Budget-no report · Bylaws-no report . School Liaison-no report . Personnel-no report . Planning-Commissioner Etu announced next planning committee meeting on April 19th at 7 :00 pm. . Program Review-no report Monthly Department Report Brochures included with packet. Softball leagues in process of organizing Adjournment Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Mott at 8:44 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Joseph Fusco, Secretary Jack LaBombard, Chairman 1 ' ,2 J.( /.. ~/. .,' ",/