2005-10-04 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbu ry, NY 12804 Minutes of the October 4, 2005 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office Building Conference Room. Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, LaBombard, Mott Staff Present: Director Lovering, Aquatic Supervisor Carr Guests: Coundlman Strough, Harry Hansen and Students from High School Government Class: Jen Chase, Allison Friers, Sarah McLeod, and Leslie Converse Approval of the Minutes: Moved by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the minutes of the September 6, 2005 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved. Chairman LaBombard recognized and welcomed Director Lovering in his new position Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) · Letter to Josh Milton from Town Supervisor Stec responding to Mr. Milton's request to fill the open slot on the Recreation Commission. Residency requirement is necessary. . Letters of School Attorney and Town Attorney regarding proposed agreement for use and maintenance of new tennis courts. . Budget Control Report as of 9/30/05 Unfinished Business · Chairman LaBombard asked about any interest and or applications for the advertised recreation spedalist position. Director Lovering will cover this under New Business. . Chairman LaBombard also asked about the opening on the Recreation Commission. As of this date no applications or letters of interest received other than the non-resident Milton referred to above. New Business · Director Lovering discussed Phase 1 of Hovey Pond. The construction estimate for this phase is approximately $9,000 over the project account balance, however this is only an estimate and may be lower once the bidding process is completed. Director Lovering will meet with Jim Miller to refine the estimated numbers and will report back. Miller Assodates proposal for planning and design for phase 1 was presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Etu and seconded by Commissioner Mott to approve the proposal as presented not to exceed $5,900. All members present approved. . Recreation Program Spedalist Position-at present we have received 19 applications for this new position. The deadline for applications is Friday October 7th. The staff will screen all applications, conduct initial interviews and then submit the top 3 candidates to the personnel committee for final interviews. Director Lovering would like to fill this position by November 1 st. · Chairman LaBombard commented on the plaque and presentation to retiring Director Hansen by the Town Board on Monday October 3rd. Committee Reports · Budget - no report · Bylaws-no report · School Liaison-no report · Personnel-no report · Planning-Commissioner Etu is having a planning committee meeting on Tuesday October 18th in the conference room of the TOB. · Program Review-no report Month Iv Department Report · Flyers included in mailing · Director Lovering would like to make a monthly Parks and Program report in place of the Park Status written report. The Commission agreed this would be a good change. · Swim programs are beginning for the winter season. · Adult programs such as basketball, volleyball etc will be beginning by November. · Budget meeting with Town Board Wednesday, October 5th at 6:00 pm Executive Session · A motion was made by Commissioner Etu and seconded by Commissioner Mott to enter executive session at 7:55 pm to discuss personnel salary topics. All members present approved. Out of Executive Session at 8: 15 pm Adiournment Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Mott at 8:17 p.m. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted, ~p VJ by, ~ /7 C\ J).~ ack LaBombard, Chairman Joseph Fusco, Secretary