Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the January 3, 2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Office
Building Conference Room.
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine
Staff Present: Director Lovering, Aquatic Director Carr
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the minutes of
the December 6, 2005 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies)
. 2006 meeting schedule of Recreation Commission was distributed
. 2006 plannin~ committee meeting was distributed Note: February 21 meeting moved to
February 21t .
. Letter from C. Radner regarding Town Board resolution authorizing the execution of
Agreement between Town and School subject to permissive referendum.
. Letter to Joe Martens of OSI regarding Faith Bible Church Property development. While
we may have bought some time with this letter, some development of this property will
need to begin soon. Director Lovering indicated this needs to move up on our priority
list. Councilman Brewer contacted Director Lovering about approaching new Glens Falls
Mayor about the 13.3 acres we would like to purchase.
. Memo from Director Lovering to Jim Miller of Miller Associates regarding Gurney Lane
Master Plan and list of improvements as a starting point.
. Budget Control Report as of 12/29/05. New format will be used in future for this report
Unrmished Business
. Agreement between Town and School on use and maintenance of new tennis courts is
fmally completed and "put to bed".
. Hovey Pond Project-Director Lovering presented a proposal for Phase II work. This
proposal outlined his recommendations for work to be completed during this phase. (see
proposal dated January 3, 2006) A motion was made by Commissioner Fusco, seconded
by Commissioner Irish to accept this proposal for Phase II as outlined and proceed with
items #6, 7, 9, and 10. All members present approved.
. Gurney Master Plan- Director Lovering reviewed his discussion with Jim Miller as stated
in the above mentioned Memo. General consensus of the Commission to plan for the
best this park can offer and build what we ultimately can afford at the time.
New Business
No new business brought before the Commission
Committee Reports
· Budget-no report
. Bylaws-Commissioner Irish reviewed the committee's recommendations to revise the
Commission's By-Laws. The changes dealt with absences, appointment of advisory
groups, compilation and maintenance of minutes, and term limits of officers/interest in
officer positions (see file for complete document). Chairman LaBombard suggested a
change in the order of the sections under Officers. A motion was made by Commissioner
Fusco, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the new by-laws with changes
recommended by Chairman LaBombard. All members present approved.
· School Liaison-no report
· Personnel-no report
· Planning-no report
· Program Review-no report
Monthly Department Report
. Director Lovering reported on the following for the department:
o Photos ofthe warming shed at the Tennis court/skating rink. Department did a
good job of refurbishing this shed. It would enhance the look if a skirt could be
placed around the bottom.
o Ice rinks need another cold snap for flooding
o 2006 Lifeguard Training schedule distributed
o Mat rat wrestling program information distributed
o Infant and preschool aquatic program schedule distributed
o Jr. Spartan Hooper basketball information distributed
Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Irish, seconded by Commissioner Maine at 8:05
p.m. All members present approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by,
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