Queensbury Recreation Commission
Queensbury, NY 12804
Minutes of the February 7, 2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury
Office Building Conference Room.
Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Conboy, Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine and Mott
Staff Present: Director Lovering
Approval of the Minutes:
It was moved by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the
minutes of the January 3,2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present
Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see ftIe for copies)
. Chairman LaBombard offered a warm welcome to new Commissioner Conboy.
Commissioner Conboy then gave a brief response concerning his background and
. Letter to Patricia Carte of ACC from Director Lovering regarding the Hovey Pond
Lecture Series.
. Letter to Robert V ollaro, Chairman Queensbury Planning Board from Director
Lovering regarding proposed Schermerhorn donation of $1 0,000 to Recreation
Commission in lieu of proposed playground area in proposed development.
. Letter to Attorney Paltrowitz, school attorney, from Town Legal Assistant
Hunsinger regarding duplicate originals of Agreement signed by Supervisor Stec.
. Letter from Attorney Frederick regarding probate of Cleveland Estate. As
directed by Town Counsel (Hafner), a motion was made by Commissioner Mott,
seconded by Commissioner Irish accepting any bequest from the Cleveland Estate
and authorizing Chairman LaBombard to sign any necessary documents regarding
Unfinished Business
. Hovey Pond Park Update-Chairman Lovering reviewed the forthcoming work
involving the improvement of the path/walkway, benches, and sitting area
overlooking the pond. Drawings by Jim Miller were reviewed.
. Gurney Lane Master Plan-Jim Miller has been given some general information
and maps and will begin working on the Master Plan, which may continue
through the summer. Director Lovering has been given the go ahead to move
forward with a funding request to the Town Board for the master plan, certain
pool repairs and other general facility upgrades.
New Business
. Riverside ParklFaith Bible Church property-Director Lovering reviewed an
aerial map of the area. Reported that the purchase of the property owned by City
of Glens Falls is progressing according to Town Officials. Trails were outlined
and discussed. An older trail along a ridge line will be reactivated.
Commissioner Maine contacted BOCES asking for assistance in doing some of
the work needed and was favorably received. However, some time is needed to
allow Jim Miller to develop plans. A proposal from Jim Miller to prepare plans
for the proposed improvements at Riverside Park were presented (see file). The
fee for professional services would amount to $3,750.00. A motion was made by
Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Mott to approve the proposal
submitted by Jim Miller outlining the scope of work at a fee of $3750.00 plus the
incidental costs. All members present approved.
. Glen Lake Boat Access--the issue of winter usage of this area was brought up
again. There have been some inquiries as to why it isn't open to the public during
the winter months. It is the unanimous consensus of the Commission that this
area not be open during the winter months as has been the policy in the past.
Committee Reports
· Budget Report as of February 3 distributed
· Bylaws-revised copy of by laws distributed and will be filed
· School Liaison-no report
. Personnel-Recreation Commission Directory distributed and passed around for
. Planning-Minutes of January 17th meeting distributed. Discussion on the need to
present to the Town Board a Master Plan of Needs and Costs for several of our
existing facilities. A tentative date of April 1 st was suggested. The February 28
Planning Committee meeting will be used to discuss this further.
· Program Review-Report from Aquatic Supervisor Carr distributed
Monthly Department Report
. Director Lovering distributed several program brochures.
Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Conboy
at 8:33 p.m. All members present approved.
Respectfu~~y s~itted,
~seph Fusco, Secretary
~.",~ved by, /b
r ,j. ~<1k~
Jack LaBombard, Chairman