2006-06-06 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes ofthe June 6, 2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury West End Park in the picnic pavilion. Vice Chairman Paul Etu called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Maine, Mott Staff Present: Director Lovering Approval of the Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes from the May 2, 2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) · Letter from Robin Brewer regarding Hudson Pointe Preserve · Correspondence between Director Lovering and Monica Duffy, attorney for Elisabeth Day regarding transfer of property to Town near Hickory Hill Road and Stonewall Drive confirming the transfer of this property to the Town of Queensbury. · User fee analysis is complete and in effect. · Letter to the editor from Steve Decker regarding boat launch on Lake George. · Letter to Supervisor Stec from Richard Luther regarding Hovey Pond modification to original size and Supervisor Stec's response. Unfinished Business . Jim Miller brought the Commission up to date on Hovey Pond-O'Connor Construction has begun work and hopes to finish by the first week in July. The public should understand there will be times when the Park will be closed for safety reasons during this construction phase. · Discussion took place the stone blocks to be used for the 2 Y2 foot wall to be built. After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Mott and seconded by Commissioner Maine to wit: It is the Commission's decision to stay with the original decision to utilize the stone blocks as per the original specifications. The question was called for with the following results: 4 Yes 1 No 2 abstentions. This count included the proxy votes. l',~ New Business . Finch, Pruyn invoice for Big Boom tract reflecting the Tax bills for 2006 Town and County and 2005-2006 School Tax. Total tax amounted to $11,020.30. This is a significant increase over the past two years. A motion was made by Commissioner M~ine, seconded by Commissioner Mott to discontinue the contract with Finch; Pruyn for lease of this property effective with the coming tax year. All members present approved. . West End Park Discussion-a tour of this park was conducted by Director >' .. Lovering. Various options were discussed on how this park could be improved. This would be a good location for a town skateboard park. Issues were discussed such as supervision and liability. Director Lovering will look into this with other Towns with skateboard parks. The need for a master plan is a necessity. Also the Town Board would need to release funds for any improvements. Committee Reports Budget Report as of year to date distributed By-Laws-no report School Liaison-no report Personnel-no report Planning-see minutes of planning committee of 5/1612006 Program-no report Monthly Department Report . Summer brochure is completed with compliments to Lori for the great job. . Hiring of summer staff discussed. After hearing the factual data, Commissioner Fusco felt concerns and comments of nepotism as being unfounded and irresponsible. Adjournment Motion made by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Maine to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. All members present approved. Approved by, Paul Etu, Vice Chairman