2006-07-11 Queensbury Recreation Commission Queensbury, NY 12804 Minutes of the July 11,2006 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury Hovey Pond Park in the picnic area. Chairman Jack LaBombard called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Commissioners Conboy, Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, Mott Staff Present: Director Lovering The meeting began with a detailed tour of Hovey Pond Park with an emphasis on the work completed to date. Chairman LaBombard indicated the renovations are a vast improvement to the overall look and function of this "jewel" of the Commission's parks. Several questions, comments, and concerns were expressed by the Commission members and discussed with Director Loverring. One concern is the need to put a border of bark or mulch around the base of each tree to avoid damage of the lower trunk from mowers. Another concern was the overall view of the pond from behind the new retaining wall. The wall appears higher than we expected. Director Lovering pointed out areas as yet to be completed. Over all the Commission was pleased with the work completed thus far. Approval of the Minutes: It was moved by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes from the June 6, 2006 meeting and to place on file. All members present approved. Communications and Remarks from Visitors: (see file for copies) · Letters exchanged between Director Lovering and Finch Pruyn concerning the discontinued lease of property owned by Finch, Pruyn. · Discussion of memo and letters regarding employee visitors during the working day · Site Conference report on Hovey Pond project from J. Miller · Letter from Town attorneys regarding from Mr. Brewer, Town Councilman request for negative impacts attributable to A TV use within Hudson Pointe Park Unfmished Business See above regarding Hovey Pond review New Business Discussion on bulk mailing delays which are out of our control. Committee Reports Budget Report as of year to date distributed By- Laws-no report School Liaison-no report Personnel-no report Planning-see minutes of planning committee of 6/2012006 Program-no report Monthly Department Report · Summer programs are a huge success. Registration is up 15%. Revenues, due to fee structure, are up 98%. Mostly from youth and family programs. More importantly, the average daily attendance is higher than last year. This was felt it being that people value something more when they have a financial obligation invested. · Next meeting will be at Gurney Lane on August 1,2006. · Saturday July 22 from I-4:00pm will be celebrated as the 20th anniversary of Gurney Lane opening. Food, games and entertainment will be provided. Adjournment Motion made by Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Maine to adjourn at 8:23 p.m. All members present approved. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Joseph Fusco, Secretary Jack LaBombard, Chairman