1954-07-31 2�J Public Hearing July 31, 1954 Present-. H. Russell.•Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley - - Justice of the Peace Harold Akins, - Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson . - Councilman The board convened at 7-.30 P.M. Ernest Lackey was- also present. Proof of the publication of the Notice of Public Hearing calling for proposals to supply the Town with bituminous material was filed. A bid was received from the Defiance Asphalt Corporation which was read to the Board as followsr. - Bituminous Materials In accordance with specifications and terms , I_ submit a proposal to supply material as follows: #1 -: 15,,000 gals. Tar Prime or Asphalt Prime Tar Prime $0.23 per gal., for use on gravel base witli the privilege Asphalt Prime $0.1.75 of decreasing •or increasing 5% - per gal. .. 30,,000 gals: of Asphalt emulsion to be used for stone penetration and .service treating with the privilege of decreas- ing or increasing 50% $0.175 per gal. Defiance Asphalt Corporation. Fort Edward,, N.Y.._ (Signed) - A.L.Bullen. Dated: July 31, 1954 - . - - The board generally discussed the proposal. 8esolution No. 85 introduced by Justice Akins,, seconded by Justice Be IT WAS RESOLVED that the proposal of the Defiance'Asphalt Corpor- ation to supply,.the Town. of Queensbury with bituminous material for highway use as follows: #1 - 15,000 gals. Tar Prime or Asphalt Prime Tar Prime $0.23 per gal, _ for use on graved base with the privilege Asphalt Prune $0.175 of decreasing or increasing 50% _ per gal. 309,000 gal's. of Asphalt emulsion to be used for stone penetration and service treating with the privilege of decreas-- ing or increasing 509 $0.175 per gal., be,, and the same is hereby-.accepted, . Further resolved that the Supervisor be and is` hereby authorized and directed to eaeeute a. .contra.ct for .thq supply of bituminous material in accordance with the specifications, terms and proposal submitted and accepted. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr.. Lampson, Mr. 4kins and Mr. Harris Noes. - none Proof of the publication of the Notice of the Hearing calling for pro- posals to supply the Town with crushed stone was received and filed. A bid was received from the Jointa Lim Company, Inc. , which was read to the board as follows: - - - �f 23-0 In accordance with the above specifications and terms, I submit a proposal to supply the material as follows: Location of Item. QM of _Material. Price F.O.B. Plant Plant Cru shed .Stan-300 T. +T• Glens S,.N.Y. ..600 T, R 2.00 $:T. 2_, -200 T. 2.00 1i;T: " Stone Dust -500 T. 1.50 NOT, U. Jointa Lime Company, Inc. ,; Glens,Falls , N.Y. (Sftned) F.J.Crowe Date:: July 299, 1954 The board generally discussed the proposal. —j Resolution No. 86 in4roduced by Justice Bentley,, seconded by Councilman IT IS RESOLVED that the proposal of the Jointa Lime Company, Inc. to supply•'the .Town_.of Queensbury with crushed stone for highway use. as follows: Location of Item Type of Material Price F.O.B. Plant ` Plant lA Crushed Stone-300 T. $2.0O,,N.T.... Glens Falls N.Y,. 1. " H. -600 T. .2.00 N.T. 2 . -200 T. 2.00 N.T 4 ' Stone Dust- -500 T. 1.50 N.T. ba,, and the- same is hereby accepted. Further resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed to execsute a contract for the supply of such material in accordance with the specifications, terms and proposal submitted and accepted. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none The Board generally discussed polling places for the Town of Queens- bury* Resoli.tion.. T o...-a7-introduced by Councilman Lampson, seconded by Justice Bentley: RESOLVED that the following places be and are hereby designated polling places for the Town of Queensbury as follows: Election District No. 1 - Fire House, Dix Ave. , South Queensbury Volunteer Fire C.o., Inc. Election District No. 2. Grange Hall, Oneida Corners, Mohican Grange. Election District No. 3, Garage, Miller Hill, V.B. Weeks Election District No. 4, Fire House, Foster Ave. , Queensbury Central Vol.. Fire Co., Inc. _ Election District No. 5, Storehouse , Corinth Road (formerly Crannelll�s Motorcycle Shop)- LeDuc property. Farther resolved that the sum of $40 be and is hereby fixed as rental for such polling places for the ensuing year, heat and lights to be furnished by the �landdlord. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris