1954-09-25 RESOLVED that the polling place for District No. 3 be changed from the W601r$19AXage to the School house Union-Free School. District NQ. 2 of the Torn of Queensbury, Aviation Field Road. _ Duly adopted by the f ollowing vote: Ayes - Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none Mr. Akins presented a map containing the numbers for lots and houses in the Dunn. & Stevenson development. It was believed a news item would .be put in the paper informing the people that they may get the number of -- their lot or house as shown on said map. On motion the meeting adjourned. . , 'Frances L. Turner ...Town Clerk.. Regular Meeting September 25, 1954 Present:: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice. of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7.30 P.M.. Scott Hopkins, James Rozell.,, Royal Chadwick were prevent and discussed with the. board the- liability of the town respecting insurance on volun- teer firemen living within the incorporated area- of the incorporated volunteer fire company and those living outside of said area. Matter referred to the fire committee. Leroy Scrafford and Arthur Freelove were present in the matter of the application filed with the board for the establishment of a lighting district in Cleverdale.. Both Mr. Freelove and Mr. Scrafford discussed with the board merits of the matter. The matter was laid on the table for future consideration. William T. Clark and Edward Sorenson of the Broadacres Association discussed with the board the proposal of establishing speed control. The board also discussed with Mr. Clark and Mr. Sorenson the problem of getting authority for the location of traffic._stop: signs at inter- sections in the Town. The matter was referred to the traffic committee.. The privilege of the floor was extended to Mr.. Nathan Proller who said that he was a taxpayer in the Town of Queensbury and he was there for the purpose of requesting the board to permit him to participate in the insurance program of the Town. At this point in the meeting, Ernest Lackey, Town Superintendent of Highwayss entered and with him came Percy Rozell, Buell Fisher, Georges Serandes*, Floyd Lucas, Paul Nail-or.. John Stranahan, Harry Codner, Edward Lewis, Russell Carpenter, John Finch, Fred Sleight, 0lie Sweet,, Kenneth Coons and Robert Engwer. _ i Mr.. Lackey spoke briefly and said that the highway employees wanted a -- vacation and sick leaves with pay. The board generally discussed the pro- position of the employees, present requesting their sentiments from each of them as to what each desired. The consensus of opinion expressed was that the employees desired first, vacation with pay and also wanted sick leave with pay. It was suggested that Mr. Lackey make a recommenda- tion respecting the matter. Thereupon Mr. Lackey said orally that he j j 236 makes recommendation that the highway employees be allowed two weeks vacation with pay, for permanent employees with one year of service or Mora. Some. of the employees present also requested sick leave with pay. Edward Lewis suggested that the request for sick leave be changed to all of the employees. The Supervisor referred the matter to the highway committee to examine into the various plans for sick leave and vacation. leave for highway employees. The. clerk read the following: ' State of New York _ Dept. of Public Works September 23, 1954 Mr. H. Russell Harris Supervisor, Town of Queensbury Glens Falls, . N.Y. _. Re:: Town of Queensbury Marren County Dear Sir:. We 'have been.advised by our district office that the town will not participate in the Town Highway Improvement Program for the year 1955. We are accordingly withdrawing the following project from our records. D..P..W. Serial No. o JISLt 9 625 (Palmer Rd.)-Rid of Pavement, Big Boom Rd. to River-Rd. Very truly yours, k. + J. G. Heck Acts ng. Director In reference to the above letter, Mr. Lackey said that he was unable with his present facilities to perform-the work this year. He said he would have no objection to the board letting the work by contract. The following letter was read; State of New York. State Traffic Commission Albany, 1.9 .N.Y. September 229 1954 Town Board - Town of Queensbury Route 1 Glens Falls, New York ]Gentlemen:: This will acknowledge receipt of the joint application completed Count d the Warren P Town .Board an Y Superintendent of by the Que ensbu i'Y Highways, requesting Commission action for the restriction of speed on Cleverdale Road from Route 9-L to the end of Cleverdale Road in the Town of Queensbury. Please be advised that arrangements have been made to check on ditions at the above location, as a result of Mr. Turner's visit to this office . You will be notified, at a later date, ,of the Commission's conclusions. Very truly yours,, - . STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Lloyd A.._Baeder- DJrectQr . The clerk also reported the injury of Don M.Trombley as a volunteer fireman on August 179, 1954. In reference to the Chapman matter relating to the abandoned road near the Plug Mill, Mr. Bentley said he looked over the situation and Mr. 23"7 Akins said that he believed they were waiting for a map from John Van Dusen. The clerk reported a legal action instituted by Fred Bascom et al against the Team. of Queensbury et al. The matter was referred- to the County Attorney for attention, r . ins introduced: the following reoution: WHEREAS there: is a vacancy in the office of Town Councilman caused by the resignation of Richard; Davis,. Resolved that Raymond Walkup, Councilman, be and is hereby appoint- ed Town Councilman to serve until. December 31, 1954. , It was stated that Mr. Walkup expressed a desire that he not be appointed at this time. Mr. Akins withdrew the resolution. Mr_°. Harris stated that he was in favor of the appointing of Mr. Walkup The board audited claims as follows :. Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queensbury Warren Count y, N.Y. - Amt. Amt No.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed. 232, Niagara-Mohawk Power Str.ltng & traf.signls 130.90 _130.9Q 233 Niagara-Mahawk Power It " It " 142.38, 142.38 234 Mabel N. Sawn Insp.Elect.Di st.#4_ 12.00 12000 235 Hammond Signs 6 Posters Foll.Places 6.00 6.00' 236 G.F. Post Co. PUb.Not.bids stone dust 4,32 4,32 237 Dennis & Co.Inc. #3 Budget Est.forms .87 .87 238 Dennis & C:o.Inc 54 Gilbert Criminal Code (M.S.Bentley,.J.P.) 27.50 2.7.50, 239 Carson-Duffy Agcy„Ine.P neview Cem.Com ns. 109.44 240 Carson-Duffy Agey,Ine.L lITtyvPa,yrroApd.. Extra-Gen,Twn.Fd, _ 122.10, 122,10 241 Carson-Duffy Agcyjnc.Comp.Twn.Queensbury 3203.27 3203.2:7 242 Frances-L.Turner Postage stamps 3.00 3.00 243 Leon M.Stevens Twn,Surv.ls helper O.K. John B.VanDusen 42:,90 42.90 244 Natibnsl Welding Co. Weld hydrant Dixon Rd. 4 mat. - ( " 25 245, National Welding Co. Weld,PV Cem.Fund 127',15 127.15 246' National Welding Co,. a straps on -pipe NGFffd Fund _ 20,.25 20.25 247 El-mer C.orlew- Set up, elect.booth & take t cwn;.laundered booth curtains 37,00. 37.00 248 E.J. Johnson Inst.catch basin B*Acres 9.60 9160 249 Irvin H.Cnnaey Clerical wk.Supr.ofo. 56.25 56.25 250 Henry J. "Sleight Fll,:P.ineview Fd. 123.00 123.00 251 Hoag"s Tire Serv. 5-gal.oli-Pinevie-w 5.05 5.05 252: Carswell T &_T Co. Supplies &, labor,PV 14.57 14.57 253' National Welding Co. Welding Pineview Fd, 9100 9100 254 Prentice-Hall,Inc. McMichael-1;s Manual 5.94 5.94 255 Matt-Manbeck: Mch.C:o. Reflective signs 349,79 349,79 256 Mott-Manbeck. Mch.Co. " " 151,30 151.30 257 F rank. R. Ricketts, Strg.Twn.Voting equip. 30.00, 20.00 258: Russell. & Wait 6 add,mch,�rmlls 1180 1180 259 R.E.Chapman Co, Cont.amt.due on well 1900000 154 R.D.Wond & Co,, NGF W.ext.pipe - (frog. June audit) 2305,91 2305.91 8962.54 ;6931.85 On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Glerk