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1954-10-09 SP
24'? AMIUAL HIGF AY ESTIMATE AND BUDGET Town of Queens bury- County of Warren For fiscal year beginning January 1, 19553 pursuant to Section 141. and 267 of the Highway Law and „Sections 111, 112 and 113 of the T corn Law. _ HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Est. by Town Expenditures Supt. General Repairs 18,000900 0,000.,00 Special Improvements Revenues.TOTAL EXPENDITURES 689000600 State Aio 4,462.00: AMT. TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND _ (ITEM 1) - - X631538.00 MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) Expenditures Payment of Principal and interest on Bonds and notes issues: for Machinery purchases 79800.00 Purchase of Machinery, Tools and implements 4,,200.00 Repair of Machinery, Tools and implements 81000.00 TO AL EXPENDITURES 20 000.00 Revenues —.none AMT. TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR MACHINERY FUND " (ITEM 3) _ $20,000.00 , SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND ('ITEM,4) Expenditures _ Removing obstructions caused by snow 159000.00. Cutting noxious weeds and brush 30000.00 Salary of Town Superintendent 30800.00 Expenses of Tows. Superintendent 100.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 4 000,00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 258900.00 Revenues. , . , . , _ . . . . Miscellaneous revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 3,000.00 AMT. TO BE RAISED BY TAX.FOR. $UCW, .MIS! OELLAN.EOUS _FUND. (ITEM:4) . . . _ ... . . . . . . , . . X22,900.00 SUMMARY. OF.TAXE19." .LEVIED Highway Fund_ (Item 1) _ . " ,_" " . , _ . , 68t©00.00 Ten Year Town-Highway—Program.,, . . Amt.. to. be raised.by, tax, OutSi4 e. Qt, Inc©r-- * + porated Villages, _ _ , " 63 538.00 14chinery Fund (Item. 3) 20 600.00 Snow � Miscellaneaus...Fland Item 4 TOTAL � ' 5 ' � , _ . . . 25 .000100 E F. - $ 113 2000.00 Dated; Sept, 30,;a954 (signed) Ernest B. Lackey Town Superintendent of Highways i On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances-L. Turner Town Clerk . Special Meeting October 9 , 1954 i Present: .H. Russell. Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace . Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Resolution No. 95 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman ampson: RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby proposes and approves as the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 19549 the itemized statements of the estimated revenues and .expenses hereto ann- exed and made a part of this resolution, and it is further RESOLVED that such preliminary budget shall be filed. in the Town Clerk',s office where it shall be available for inspection by any inter- ested- person at all reasonable hours , and be it further RESOLVED that this board shall meet at 7:30 P.M. E.S.T. on the 3rd. day of November, 1954 for the purpose of holding a_public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk give notice of said public hearing in the_mamer-.provided in section 113 of the Town Law, and the notice shall be in substantially the following form:..- Notice Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year beginning January 1., 1955, has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk, Ridge Road, where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reason- able hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the said Town will meet and review the said preliminary budget at the said Town Clerk',s office at 7:30 P.M. E.S.T. on the 3rd day of November, 1.9549 and at such public hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the said budget as compiled or for or against any item or items therein contained4 Pursuant to` Section 113 of the Tom Law, the proposed salaries of the following Town officers are hereby specified as follows: i Supervisor. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2600 Justices of,the Peace.. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .(2) .4000 Councilmen. . . .. ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42) 1700 ,Town Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . ... 2800 Collector. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2400 Superintendent of Highways.. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... 3800 Assessors..ip ... ...-.. ... . .. . ..... .....(3) 5900 Health Officer. *. . . . ..... , . •,•• • 1500 Service Officer..: . ....... . .... ........ .. .... 225 Constables.z... .. .. ... . . . . ... . .... ...... ..fi3) 675 Building Inspector&. . •.• 300` Dated:- October 9 . , 1954 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk, Town. of Queensbury reliminary Budget Year 1955 Town of Queensbury County of "darren General Fund - Appropriations y General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices ) X400.00 Rentals (board room,, office , elections ,, etc. .00 Compensation of employees, $1600.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 249 Town Dump 2000,00 Other expenses 300.,00 Total $4600.00 Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) 1300.00 dompensation of custodian of-voting machines 120.00 Voting machines, purchase and repair 150.00 Storage of voting machines 50,00 Total 1620.00 Insurance Compensation insurance 3200.00 Official bonds and undertakings 200.00 Fire and liability 1600.00 Total 5000,00 Assn, of Towns-Membership (Sec.102 Par.10) 50.00 Printing and advertising (all departments) Total - 500,00 Services of attorney and expenses . of litigation Total 500.00 Services of surveyor and expenses. 4000,00 Employees" Retirement System (town share) Total 4750.00 Supervisor Salary 2600,00 Compensation of employees 200.00 Office and other expenses 500,00 Total, 3300.00 Justices of the Peace Salaries 4000.00 Compensation of employees 250,00 Office and other expenses 395,00 Total 4645.00 Counci-lman Salaries 1700,,00 Office and other expenses 300,00 Total 2000,00 Town Clerk Salaries 2800,00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Total 2900,00 L Assessors I Salaries 4 5900*00 Compensation of'• employees 211.00 Office' and other expenses 300,00 Total 74111-00 Receiver of Taxes (Tax Collector) . Salaries 2400,00 Office and other expenses 125,00 I Total 2525,00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVETUITVIENT ;42j801.00 Protection of Persons and Property Police-, Constables' and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation 1000.00 Mileage and other expenses 200,00 Total. 1200,00 .Street Signs 1500,00 i Traffic signs, signals and highway lighting 2500,00 L Dog Warden Compensation 550,00 Other expenses 100,00 Total 650,00 Inspection Costs Building inspection 300,00 25® :°,far Emergency *Purposes 100.00 -TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 6250.00 Education School Directors Compensati orr 20.00 Tmm Historian' Compensation 100.00 Town Library Contract 100.00 j TOTAL EDUCATION 220.00 Recreation Patriotic Observances Flags 50.00 Memorial Day 100.00 TOTAL RECREATION 150.00 Public Utilities Cemeteries Abandoned 1000.00 Preliminary Budget for Pineview Cemetery - Town of Qu.eensbury for fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955 EXPENDITURES' Cost of improvements - Improvements 'to cemetery 1000.00 New equipment 200.00 Material for 'foundation 504,00 1250.00: Maintenance ` Personal services 6000.00 Repairs to existing equipment 150.00 Materials for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas & oil for equipment - 100.00 Compensation insurance- 300.00 Bond for Comm. & Supt. 50.00 Heat 50.00 Miscel_, 50.00 9800,00; Total Appmagpkiatlens 8050000 REVENUES Revenues ' Sale of lots,' less perpetual care 2000.00 Fees- for opening graves 1000000 Fees' for` setting monuments 100.00 Fees for rental of vault 25.00 Estimated balance, Dec.. 31, 1954 3125.00 Amount to be raised-by taxation 4925:00 Note: The Cemetery Commission anticipates increasing the rate fbr sale of lots effective Jan. 1, 1955, making our prices equal to those of nearby cemeteries. Total - Public Utilities 9050.00 Miscellaneous Veterans Organizations for rooms 200.00 Contingent purposes-Sec.112 of the Town Law 2500.OG Special Districts Preliminary Budget for No. Glens Falls Water District Town of Queensbury For fisce.l year beginning January 1. 1955 . .25� EXPENDITURES Cost of improvements _ ^ . Bond'principal 500.00 Bond interest 50.00 550.00 Maintenance Personal services 400.00 Office and other expenses Books , printing 15040 Repairs 350.00 Purchase of water 1400.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 � 2400.06 L-' Total appropriations S2950,00 REVENUES Water Rents w 3800.OG Unexpended balance 1500.00 Total Revenues 5300..00 Amount totbe` raised by taxation . None PRStIMINARX BUDGET FOR TIM "JEST ,�rLT1�TS .FALLS_?At�gTER DISTRICT _.Town of OueeDsbury _ . . For the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955 EXPENDITURES Cost of improvements - Bond 'principal 1000.00 Bond interest __ 100.00 1100.00 Maintenance Personal services 480,..00 1 office and other expenses (Itemized) Books,, bills, postage 200,00 Shovel snow etc. 100.00 Repairs 306.00 Purchase of water 1850.00 Purchase of equipment ` 100.00 3030.00 TOTAL 4Dx0riatIdns $4130.00 ' yMater rents REVENUES 5000.00 Sale of water 16.00 Unexpended bafance 5000,.00 Total Revenues $100016.00 . 1 Amount to be raised by taxation.. . none PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE NO. GLENS FALLS —WATER DISTRICT -EXTENSION - - Town of .Queensbury. _ For" fiscal year beginning January 19 1355 EXPENDITURES Cost of improvement Note $1000.00 & interest $25.00 1025,00 Bond principal. 4000.00 Bond interest 1300 0.00 6325.00 Maintenance Persona;. services- 500.00 Office and other expenses (i"teini Zed} Books, bills and postage 150,00 Repairs 400.00 Purchase of water 3700000 4750,00 _ - 252 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $110075.00 REVENUES later rents 6600.00 U.anexpended balance 1800600 Total revenues 8400.00 Amount to be raised by taxation $2625..00 Preliminary Budget for the Ridge Road Water District # Town of Queensbury For the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955 EXPENDITURES Cost of improvements None Maintenance- Personal services 50.00 Office and other expense's '(itemized) Bills ,, printing 100.00 Repairs 250.00 Purchase of water 450900 850.00 REVENUES 'Rater rents _ 900.00 Unexpended balance 2000.00 $2900..00 Amount to be raised by taxation ... none PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR QUEENSBURY FIRE `. PROTECTION DISTRICT -- Town _Qf Queensbury For, fiscal .year,beginning. January .l, 1955 EXPENDITURES Fire pro 00 Total expenditures . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..00. $ 15'000`QO REVENUES None Unexpended balance None Amount,to be raised by taxation $151000.00 I . PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR DRAINAGE DISTRICT TOWN OF_QUEENSBUBY.. For Fiscal year .beginning January 1, 1955 EXPENDITURES Cost of improvement Bond principal 50000.00 Bond interest 3,100,00 8100.00 REVENUES 4 Unexpended balance None Total~ amount of revenues None Total amount of revenues None Amount to be raised by taxation . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...$8100.00 General Fund Receipts Per .capita ass-istance from State 202969.00 Mortgage taxes 7 8000.00 Dog licenses from Co. Treasurer 1x3Q0.00 I Fees of Town Clerk 2391.50 Fees of Justices of the Peace 1500.00 Fees of Assessors - 20.00 Fees. of Tax Collector 150.00 Fees of cemeteries (Pineview) 3125.00 Unexpected balances,. (Sec.115-Town Law) 10000 00 CTotal estimated revenues General Fund 463,45540 Appropriations General government 42801.00 Protection of persons and property 6250.00 rducati on 2201-00 Recreation 150.00 j Public. Utilities 9050,00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Contingent purposes 2500.00: Total estimated revenues (General Fund) ~913,171.00 Amount of taxes to be raised for general fund $14,715.50 GENERAL FUND - SUMMARY Welfare Fund _. Appropriations Town Welfare Officer Salary 225.00 Office and other expenses 50,00, HIGHWAY FUND 275.00 Highway Fund (Item 1) Appropriations General repairs 500000.00 Special improvements 18,000.00 Estimated Revenues - Total appropriations 689000.00 State Aid 41462.00 Total. Revenues 4,462,00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 10 $63,538.00 Machinery Land (Item 3) - Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 4200.00 Repair off machinery, tools and implements 800010Q Redemption of machinery Indebtedness ) Interest on machinery Indebtedness ) 7800,00 _ $200000.00 Amount to be raised by tax for Highway'Fund (Item 3) $200000.00 Snow and Misc. Fund (Item 4) - Appropriations Salary town superintendent 3800.00. Expenses town. superintendent 100.00 Removing obstructions caused by snow 15000.00 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 3000.00 Other miscellaneous purposes 4000.00 Total appropriations Total $259900.00 Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues 3000.00 Total Revenues 3,000.00 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HTGFjTAY FUND (TTEMI 4) $220900.00 (Items 2,3,,4) Amount to.be raised by-tax for,.Highway Funds Total'. $429900.00 Town Health Fund Board of Health Salary of health officev 1500.00 Other health expenses 150.00 Clinics- 450.00 Total � '�U REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Compensation- - 30.00 Other expenses 10.A0 Total. 40:.00. 254 .Amount to be raised by tax for Town HealthpQ Total Taxes - All Funds Special. Districts General. Band 14,"�15 i�4 Welfare ftnfl Health Fund 2', 40.*0� ;Highway-Item 1 639538.00 Highway Items 2--3-4 42,900.00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr: Bentley, PVIr. Lampson, iYr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular 'Meeting October 23, 1954 Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold, Akins Justice of the .Peace Curtin Lamp son Councilman The board eonvened at 7:30 P.M. Frank Cronkhite, attorney, appeared and asked whether or not action had been taken on the Cleverdale Lighting District tkh.ich he stated he and his clients were opposed to the approval of the establish- _ ment of the district. He was informed no action had been taken. Ernest Lackey was present and discussed with the board the matter of purchasing a heating unit for the Town Garage. There was also some discussion on the question of vacations and sick leave for Toft highway employees. Resolution No. 96 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice Bentle y: RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby auth6rized and directed to purchase for use in instl Ling the ceiling of the Town Garage , Celotex of sufficient quantity and thick- ness to properly insulate the same with necessary nails for install- ing it, at a cost not to exceed '200.00. Duly adopted by the following vote : Aye=s - 'Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none. c Jack Regan and Sterling Ogden of the Glen Lake Association 'were present and asked what portion of special improvement moneys were to be spent in the Glen Lake area next year. They were advised that there were appropriations ?Wade for special improvements on highways and that such money will be apportioned next March. On the, question of the restriction of speed on the Glen. Lake Road from Mooney' s on Route 9, it was suggested that he obtain a petition from the people in that area requesting the restriction of speed along the Glen Lake Road.