1954-10-23 254 Amount to be raised by tax for Town HealthQQ; Total. Taxes - All. Funds gpecial Distriats Gene-ral ftnd Welfare Itnd Health Fund 2, 4CS *Highway-Item 1 Highway Items 2-3-4 639538,00 42,900.00 Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Akins and Mr. Harris --, Noes - none — t On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 23, 1954 Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold, Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson CoLmcilman _ The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Frank Cronkhite, attorney, appeared and asked whether or not action had been taken on the Cleverdale Lighting District ih.ich he stated he and his clients were opposed to the approval of the establish- ment of the district. He was informed no action had been taken. Ernest Lackey was present and discussed with the board the matter of purchasing a heating unit for the Town Garage. There was also some discustion on the question of vacations and sick leave for Totem: highway employees. Resolution No. 96 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Justice 73entley: RESOLVED that the Town Superintendent of Highways be and is hereby auth6rized and directed to purchase for use in insdiAting the ceiling of the Town Garage, Celotex of sufficient quantity and thick- ness to properly insulate the same with necessary nails for install- ing it at a cost not to exceed $200,00, Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayers - 'Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris t < Noes - none. t Jack Regan and Sterling Ogden of the Glen Lake Association were present and asked what portion of special improvement moneys were to be spent in the Glen Lake area next year. They were advised that there were appropriations made for special improvements on highways and that such money will be apportioned next March. k Orr tbe� question of the restriction of speed on the Glen Lake Road from Mooney's on Route 9, it was suggested that he obtain a petition from the people in that area requesting the restriction of speed along the Glen Lake Road. Mr. Regan was also informed that the D & H had turned down a request for flasher lights at the Glen Lake crossing of the railroad. Res©lution°No. 97 introduced by Councilman Lampson,, seconded by Justice Arkins - RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and is hereby° authorized and di- rected to cause to be published the following notice : Notice Notice is hereby given that the -Town Board will receive sealed proposals up. to Nov. 3-0, 1954 at 7:30 P.M.. at the Town. Clerk' s office, Ridge Road in said Town,. for the installation of a traffic flashing light on Dix Ave. in front of the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. building. The Town of Queensbury to supply light and controls. Other materials and labor to be supplied by contractor. Dated:. Oct. 23, 1954 By order of the Town Board Frances L. Turner- ,Town Clerk. It is further resolved that the Town. Board will meet on the said Nov. 10, 1954 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town. Clerk's office to consider any proposals received, Duly adopted-by the following voter r r _ .Ayes - Mr. *Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr; Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none. _ Mr. Hay,, one of the owners of -the-Reservoir Park development located on Peggy Ann Road, or what is known as the Old Forge -Road, discussed with the Board the proposed sanitary sewer to be established for that -development. The monthly -statement of the Supervisor of the moneys received and dis- bursed by him during the montb, of September, 1954, was read and placed on file, The board audited claims as follows Y Schedule of Audits for the Town of Queen.sbury Warren County, New York October. 23rd, 1954 Amt. Amt. No, Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 260 Niagara Mohawk Power Str.lts & traf.sigs. 142.38 .142.38 261 G nRubbar Stamp. wks, I Removal stamp & pad 1.50 1.50 262:, Kathryn(E, O'Brien Type Twn.Bd.Min.meetings 4.33 4.33 263 Autom..Voting .Meh.Co. Voting Supplies 5.29 5.29 264 Stanley J.Mi11er,,.Sec. C1ean,Seely Cemetery 100,00 100.00 265 Stanley J.Miller,Sec. " J.J.Harris Cem. 75.00, 75.00 266 Bissell & Wait Supplies,Twn.Clk 2.90 2.90 267 0 Pr.Post C.o, Pub.Not.Prelim.Budget 11,76 11.76 268 Edw,Thompson Co. 154 pocket parts McKinney 61 (crop.) & 24 (2_ cop)McK. Book 44 : 23.50 23.50 269 Williamson Law Bk.Co. l CLS Twn.Law 154 Suppl. 2.50 2,50 _ 270 Dennis & Co.fnc. 1. miu.bk.Budget bk5. Twn.Clk. - 31,65 31.65 271 his & Co.Ine. 1 pkg.#13 Budget. Est,fts, .98 .98 272. uals & CaoInc. I pad Deneo binks-M,Bdnt- _ ley 2.29 2.29 273 Dennis & Co.Inc. Supplies for Prelim.Bdgt. 9,39 9:39 274 Joyce V.Trackey Stenog.serv.Justice Akins20.00 20.00 275 A. J. Hillis Stamps for .Tax collector114.00 1.14.00 256 276, National Welding Co. Make up spillway & mat- erial & labor-PV Cem. 97.50 97.50 277 DONald J.Sullivan 170 sq.ft.sod --9g-PV 1.5.00 15.00 278. Bernard .Codner' Labor,truck. & grader_-PV 422,00 422,00 279 Carswell._,T & T Co. Supplies-Pineview Cem. 15.72 15.72 980 Cemetery Comm..PY F.�tp.straighten=repair & "down of Queensbry paint fence p.Mt.Hermon Cemetery 99.80 99.80; 281 Cemetery Comm PV Rental Power Mower equip. Town of Queensbury & clean.Mt.Hermon. Cemet. 99.20 99.20 282 C-emetery_.Comm.PV Cleaning. & rental power Town of Queensbury M owe r,,.Labor .J'enkins Cem.. 97.50 97.50 283 Cemetery_.Comm.PV Clean,,Sunnyside Cemetery Town"of Queensbury tabor 6c rental power mower equip.Twn.Queensbury 99.70 99.70 284 Cemetery Comm.PV Cutting'up„.& removing Pine Town of Queensbury Tree blown down,Jenkins. Cem. & labor 28.60- 28.60 285 Mabel N. Salem Inspect. of Elect.Regis- tration Days _ 24.00 24.00 286 Louis Corlew Labor for Summer & Fall as itemized-NGFWD' s 80.00 , 287 Howard Wallace Postage stamps..& office supplies NGFWD' s 25.25 25.25 288 Irving R. Crumley Clerical wor%vSupervisor 40.00 40.00 289 Earl Jones. Stamped envelopes WGFWD 9.14 9.14 290 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog.,Serv.-NGFWD, T,, .,. 25.00 _ 25.00: 291 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog.Serv.Ridge_Road " _. Water Dist. - 9.00 _ 9100 292 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog.Serv.WGFWD 26.00 20.00 293 Russell & Wait Supplies H.R.Harris 3.60 3.60 294 Gen.Elect.Co. Labor & 50 yds.36"Brunzing §143 transp.paper,to make sepia of maps for Water Dist. & water supply-Tows. of Queens-' bury 18.39 180.39- 295 Niagara Electric Recording tape-by D.Lockhart Equip.Co. per Justice Akins - 3.50 + 3.50 296 G.F.Electric Co. Blinker signals with amber & red lenses-Dix Ave., So._ Queensbury Fire.-Co. 127.38 127.38 f 1908.05 X1828.05 On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk a al Meeting October 48 Present: M ere lith Bentley , _ i Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the. Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman ThQ board convened at 7:30 P.M.. ' " 1 Harris ; Supervisor,, the following Heett Af,oh�_ bnm4iav , motion was adopted (Res. ` 98) urt ��� .T1/'l•g;T .*, C]��c yS"/�,� lL..{/ h_a rman f±�lA. 1ry./L1{7�� ,� n�r, :T.p�®x ���jyS{� T/�'y/{}Q�(y ey l bYr •c;_ajbPs4 $I_ c pip,41,94r, 3yuA IM t a. A 4✓ 1.L s puld9; I+ z Ayes .. Mr. Bentle Y, Mr. Lampson Mr. Akins toe S,�, Ytcrne°