1954-10-28 SP k 256 276, National Welding Co. Make up spillway & mat- erial & labor-PV Cem. 97.50 97.50 277 Haftald J.Sullivan- 170 sq.ft.sod _90-PV 15.00 15.00 278 Bernard..CQdner' Labor,truck & grader-PV 422:,00 422..00 279 Carswell,,T & T Co. Supplies-Pineview Cem.-_._ 15.72 15.72 080 Cemetery Comm..PV Exp.straighten.repair & i down of Queens bi,ry paint fence p.Mt.Hermon Cemetery 99.80 99.80 281 Cemetery Comm PV Rental Power Mower equip. • 'down of Queensbury clean,.Mt.He=on Cemet. 99.+20 99.20 I 282 Cemetery .Comm.PV Cleaning__.&,rental power Town bf Qgeensbury 1_ower,,Labor elenkins Gem.. '97.50 97.50 283 Cemetery,,.gomm.PV C1ean.Sunnyside Cemetery j Town`of Queensbury Labor & rental. pQwer mower !! equip.Twn.Queensbury 99.70 99.70 284 Cemetery Comm.PV Cutting`up„,& removing Pine Town of Qgeensbury Tree blown down,Jenkins, , Cem.. & labor 28.60 28.60 285 Mabel N. Sawn Inspect. of Elect.Regis- tration Days ., 24.00 24.00 286 Louis Coriew Labor for Summer & Fall as itemized-NOFWD''s, 80.00 owa . 287 Hrd•19allace Postage stamps-& Otfice , II supplies-NGFWD 1 s. 25.25 25.25 288 Irving R. Crumley Clerical work.-Supervisor 40.00 40.00 289 Earl Jones- $tamped envelopes-WGFWD 9.14 9.14 290 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog:Serv.-NGFWD, _ , ._- 25.00 _ 25.00, 291 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog.Serv.Ridge__-Road Water Dist. 9.00 _ 9000 292 Lillian C. Shepard Stenog.Serv.WGFWD 26.00 .20.00 29S Russell 66 Wait Supplies-H.RjI.ris 3,60 ( 3.60 294 Gen.Elect.Co. Labor & 50 yds.36"Brunzing: T43- transp'.paper-,to make j septa of maps for Water Dist. & water supply-Town of Queens-' bury 18139 18.39 295 Niagara Electric Recording tape-by D.Lockhart Equip.Co. I per Justice Akins - 3.50 , 3.50 296 G.F.Electric Co. Blinker signals with amber & red lenses-Dix Ave., So.. Queensbury Fire -Co. 127.38 1.27.38 1908.05 §1528.05 on motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner Town Clerk OCtober Prgsent: Mer�cith Bentley _. Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the. Peace Curtis Lampson Councilman Thl board convened at 7;30 P.M.. ' 1 Harris ; Supervisor,, the following �.�►�. f motion was adopted. (Res. 98)` n�• r11 t� _ 1L .,.iC Yl' 1,:cA c k�f t1 , teY . . , 'le? dim @`P°ei:bYr �►c $Psl��? n-Y v . ��, g A . f I f* rf ( U td. P14,41 i9 1. Ayes Mr` y y, • Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins r 4r t 57 John C., Hay presented a petition signed by him and Frederick Hay re. gtiiest�ng. '#fit-"establishment of a sewer district. solution No. 99 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman Lamps on • WMREAS, a written petition, dated October 28th, 1954, in due form apd_. containing the required s.ignaturgs, has been presented to and filed' with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the establishment of a sewer district in the said Town, to 'be bounded and described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel 'of land, situate,, lying and being in the Town of ,^ueensbury, Warren County, New York, bounded and described as follows :_ C'MTENCING,_at a point on the southerly side of what is known as the Old.Forge.Road, (Peggy Ann Road) at the northwest corner, of lands formerly awned by Jabez Ingal.sbe,; running thence south along th* southerly side of said road, 52"` 15 minutes west 128.35 feet to a point; thence continuing along the southerly side of said road south 49 deg. 30 minutes west 125034 feet to a point ; thence south 36 dego 07 minutes east x:90 feet to a point; thence north 57 deg. 27 min te$� east 120.07 feet to a point; thence south 30 deg. 47 minutes east 54.65 feet to a point; thence north 59 deg.. 13 minutes east 50 feet to a' point; thence north 30 deg. 47 minutes west 20 feet to a point; thence north 59 deg.. 13 minutes east 150 feet to a point; thence south 30 deg. 47 minutes east 90 feet to a point; thence north 59 deg. 1.3 minutes east 71.52 feet to a point; thence north 19 deg. 33 minutes east 140.44 feet to a point; thence north 64 deg.. 24 minutes west 489.20 feet to the place of beginning. WHEREAS the improvement proposed consists of the erection, con- struction and maintenance of a sewer system to serve the said district j in accordance' with certain plans made a part of said petition, and now on file in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, and WHERW such erection and construction is to be made by the petitip;Mm Without expense to the said district as stated in said Petition, it is hereby ORDERED that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of Queensbury $jhall be held at the Office of. the Town Clerk,. 388 Ridge Road in the Tovri f Queensbury, New York, on the 10th day of November, 1954, at 7:30. 0 gt6ek .in the afternoon of that day, to consider the said pe- tition,---and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, and concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board with relation to the said petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises, and that the Town Clerk, pursuant to provisions of law, give notice of su ch hearing by publication of a no ti c e thereof, once, : -;the Glens Falls Times, a newspaper published in the City of Gcleis ?ails, New York, and be posted or caused to be posted, . copies them in at least five public places within the proposed district. DatedI"' October 28th, 1954. _ Du1:y'adopted by the fitllowing vote : Ayes - Mr.. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins. Noe s - none; On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner ` - Town Clerk Public Hearing November 3, 1954 Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor