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258 Meredith Bentley Justice of. the Peace Harold Akins Justice of& the Peace. Curtis Lampson Councilm Thee board convened at 7:30 P.M. Hearing upon the Preliminary Budget. Proof of hearing publication of notice of the hears read and filed.- Proof of posting of the notice of public hearing filed. The board examined the preliminary budget and after discussion the following resolution was adipted; Resolution No:. 100 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Councilman ampson: WHEREAS the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notiee . of hearing on the preliminary budget and having .hgard all persons appearing and desiring to be heard thereon and no one having appeared in opposi ti on thereto: now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Preliminary Budget as amended in the annexed schedule ..of receipts and disbursements be and the sa�ie is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the Town of Queensbury for the fiscal 'year 1955. Annual Budget -- 1955 Town of Queensbury - County of Warren General Fund - Appropriations General Government Town Board Town Hall and Offices Rentals (board room, office, elections,etc.) 400.00 Compensation of employees 1600.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment 300.00 Town dump a Other exnses 300.00 Elections Total_ 4600.,00.: -Compensation of e:le cti on officials (inc. mileage) 1300.0 Compensation of custodian of voting machines 120.= Voting machines, purchase & repair 150.00 Storage of voting machines 50.061 ' Total .00 Insurance C .Compensation insurance> _ 3200.00: Official bonds and undertakings 200.00 "ire and liability 1600.00'. Total 5 .05. Printing; anal advertising, (all dept ts) 500.00 Services of attorncy and expenses, of-litigation 500.00_ Services of Surveyor and expenses 4000.00; Association of Towns « membership 50.00 Employeest Retirement system (Town share) 4750.00- Supervisor Salary 2600.00 Compensation of employees- 200.00 Office and other expenses 500.0Q Total 3300.00 rTustices of the Peace Salaries 4000.00; Office and other expenses 39500 Compensation of employees 250.00 Total 4645.00 Councilman Salaries 1700.00 Office and other expenses 300.00 Total 2000.00 _25 9 Town Clerk Salaries 2.800,.00 Office and other expenses 100100 Assessors Total 2900.00 Salaries 5900.00 Office and other' expenses 300.00 C©nonsation of employees 211,40 Total 6411..00 Receiver of Taxes (Tax collector) - Salaries 2400,00: Office and other expenses 125000 Total 2525.00 Total - General Goyernment_ _ $42,801.00 I Protection of Persons and Property Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Salaries and'wages of-officers 1000.00 Mileage and otherr expenses 200 0Q Total- s 1200.00 Street Signs` 1500,00 Traffic signs,. signals and lighting 2500.00 Dog Warden Compensation' 554,00 Other expenses 100,00 ` Total. T 650.00 Buildifig Inspection 300,00 War Emergency Purposes 100,00 Total-Protection of Persons and Property 6=250.00 1 Education School. Director 20,00 Town Historian'Combensation 100.00: Town Library Contract 100.00 total-.Education 250.00, I Recreation Parks and PlaygrouAds GampeAsation of employees 100.00 Other expenses J0 50,00 Patriotic Observances Flags- 50.00 Memorial Day 100,00 i , 150.00' + Total Recreation 300.00 1) j f Public Utilities Cemeteries (abandoned) . :,J0 1000.00 Pineview Cemetery Schedule A. (.For fiscal year beginning January 1, 1955) Expenditures Cost of Improvements Improvements to cemetery 1000000 i Now equipment ` 200.00 Ma.teiial for foundation 50,00 Total 1250.00 Maintenance 1 Pe rs o`nal. services 6000.00 gepai`rs to existing equipment 150.00 Materials for ground maintenance.. 100000 Gas & oil for equipment 100.00 Compensation Insurance 300,00 Bond for Comm. & Supt. 50.00 Heat 50,.00 Miscel ._. 50,00 j Total. 6800.00 Total Expenditures _ $8050.00 i 260 Revenues Revenuep Sale of lots,, less perpetual care 2000.00 Fees for opening graves 1000,00 Fees for setting monuments 100,00 Fees for rental of vault 25.00 iEstimated belance , Dec. 31, 1954 3125,00 • Total Revenues 3125,00 -Amount to be raised_by taxation . . . . . . . . . . ;4925*00 Total Public Utilities $9050.00 Veterans!, Organ.izations for rooms 200.00 Contingent-purposes 2500.00 General Fund Estimated Revenues Unexpended balances- ('Sec,115,,,Town Law) 101,000.00 Mortgage taxes- 71,000.00 Per capita assistance fr=m State 200969.00 Dog- licenses 19,300.00 Fees of Town Clerk 21,391.50 Fees of justices of the peace 1,,500,00 Fees of assessors 20,00 Fees of tax collector 150,00 Fees of cemeteries, Pineview 3,125,00 • Total- Est.Revenues ,Gen.Fund $46,455.50 General Fund Summary Appropriations General Government 42,,801.00 Protection of persons and property 69250.00 Education 220.00 Recreation. 300100 Nblic Utilities 91,050,00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Contingent purposes 2,500,00 Total Appropriations 619321,00 Total Estimated Revenues ,Gen.Fd, 46.455,50 • Amt. of taxes to..be raised for Gen.Fd, ;140865.50 Welfare Fund Approprlations Town Welfare officer Salary 225.00 Office and other expenses 50,00 Total 275,00 Amt. to be raised by tax for Welfare Fund 275,00 Highway Fund Highway Fund (Item 1) Appropriations General Repairs - 50,000.00, Special improvements 18,000000 Total appropriations 68j000.00 Estimated Revenues State aid 4,462,00 Total revenues 4,462,00 Amt. to be raised by tax for Highway Fund (Item 1) 63,538,00 Machinery Fund (Item 3)-Appropriations Purchase of machinery, tools & implements 4..200,00 Repair of machinery , tools and implements 8*000,00 Redemption of machinery certificates Interest on machinery certificates 7,800 00 1 Total appropriations 20,Ob0.00 Estimated revenues none Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (.Item 3) Appropriations Salary towei s-dperintexident,. y, 3800..00 Expenses. town.`superintendent 100.00. Removing obst:&zction caused by snow. 15000.00 '0u.tting and removing noxious weeds & brash 3000.00 Qther miscellaneous purposes 4000.00 Total appropriations 25,900.00 Estimated Revenues Misc. revenues - total 31000.00 Amt. to be raised for Highway fund (Item 4) 22,900.00 Amt. to be raised by tax for Highway Fund f (Items 2,.3 & 4) 42,900.OQ Town Health Fund Board of Health Salary of health, officer 1500.00 Other health expenses 150.00 ' Cli`nic 45 0.00 Total 20100.00 Registrar of vital statistics G oiigens ati on 30.00 Other expenses 10.07 ' Total registrar of vital statistics 40#00 Amt. to be raised by tax for town health 29140,00 North Glens Falls Dater District Bond principal - 500..00 Bond interest 50.00 Personal services 400.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Office and other' exp. , books, printing 150.00 Ilegairs 350.00 Purchase of watax 1400..00 Total appropriations 2:,950.00 Revenues Vat4r .rents 3800.00 Unexpended balance 1500.00 Total. revenues 5,.300.00 Amt. to be raised for North Glens Falls 'later District None Special District Funds, Queensbury, Fire Protection District j Appropri ati ons Fire protection 'contract 15,000.00 Total appropriations 15,000.00 I 'Estimated revenues none Amt. to be raised for Fire Protection Dist, 150000.00 Test Glens 'Falls Water District Appropriations Cost of improvement Bond ,p4inc:i pal 1000.00 Bond interest 100.00 Purchase of water 1850.00 Purchase of equipment 100.00 Maintenance Personal services 480_.00 ; Office and other expenses 200.00 Shoveling snow 100000 Repairs 300.00 Total. Appropriations Total '4130.00 262 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balanco 5000,00 Water 5000.00 dale of water 16Q0 _ Total- Revenues 100016.00 Amt. to be raised for West Glens Falls Water District None Special District Funds - North Glens Falls Water Extension ' Appropriations Note z 1000,00 ` Int. on note 25,00 Bond principal 4000,00 * Bond interest 1300,00 Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 4150*00, Repairs 400,.00 Purchase of water 3700,00 Total appropriations 11x075.00 ,. Estimated Revenues Water rents 6600,00 Unexpended balance 1800000 Total revenues 8,400.00 Amt. to be raised for North G1ensFalls Water District Extension 2x675.00 Special District Funds , idge Road Water Dist. Appropriati ons Personal services 50,00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Repairs 250,00 Purchase of writer 450,00 Total appropriations "Total 8$ 00,00 Estimated Revenues Sale of water , (water rent) 900,00 Unexpended balance 2000,00, Total Revenues Total 21900,00 Amt. to be raised for Ridge Road Water District None Special District Rands , Drainage Dist. #1 of the ' Appropriations (Town of Queensbury Bond principal 5000,00 Bond interest 3100.00 j Total 'appropriations Total. 8,100.00 Estimated revenues None Amt. to be raised for Queensbury Drainage Dist. #1 $8r 100.00 i Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson , Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes - none d On motion the meeting adjouirned. i- Frances L. Turner Public Hearing Upon Formation of a Sewer District to be known as *Reservoir Park Nov. 10, 1954 a Present: t H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson - Absent - Councilman The board convened at 7:.30 P.M. I i f