1954-11-10 F 202 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance 5000.00 Water 5000.00 dale of water 16.0Q Total_ Revenues 1OtOI6.p0 Amt. to be raised for hest Glens Falls Water District None t Special District Funds - North Glens Falls Water Extension Appropriations - Note t 1000100 * Int. on note 25.00 40 Bond principal 00.00 ' Bond interest t 1300.00 Personal services 500.00 Office and other expenses 150*00. Repairs 400wOO Purchase of water 3700.00 Total appropriations 113,Q75.OQ Estimated Revenues Watter rents 6600.00 Uzexpended balance 180000.0 Total revenues 6.400.00 Amt. to be raised for North G1ensFalls Water District extension 23,675.00 II " Special District Funds, ffidge Road crater Dist. Appropriations Personal services 50.00 Office and other expenses 100.00 Repairs 250,00 i Purchase of water 450.00 Total appropriations "Total 8,500,00 Estimated Revenues Sale of water . (water rent) 900.00 Unexpended balance 2000.00 Total Revenues Total 2,900.0Q Amt. to be. raised for Ridge Road Water District bone Special District Funds, Drainage Dist. #1 of the Appropriations (Town of Queensburyr - Bond principal. 5000.00 Bond interest 3100.00 Total 'appfpriations Total. 8,100.00 ` Estimated revenues None Amt. to be raised for Queens-bury Drainage Dist. #1 $89,100.00 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes -- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and Mr. Harris Noes -- none - i On motion the meeting adjoutned. Frances L. Turner i Public Hearing Upon Formation of a Sewer District to be known as 'Reservoir Park - Nov. 10, 3,954 " Present H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson - Absent - Councilman The board convened at 7:.30 P.M. r Mir. Hillard White was present as attorney for the petitioners. Proof of publication of posting of the Notice of Public Hearing and proof of the posting of the notice of public hearing was filed. The following letter was read to the board: City of Glens Falls , N.Y., Water Dept. . - Nov. 10, 1954 - Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren Co., N.Y. Gentlemen: This office has examined the plans of the proposed sewerage system. for Section 1 of the Reservoir Pare Subdivision as prepared by Leslie W., Coulter and shown on map of said subdivision dated September 18, 1954. Provided lot number 8 is also included in the sewer district in addition to lots number 1,2,3,4,.6 and 7 and also provided that suitable provisions are made for proper maintenance and service of said sewer mains, septic tanks, a_r._d cesspools , this department has no objection to the formation of such a dt stri ct. The Rules and Regulations governing the water she6 property of the City of L%lensFalls Water Department as laid. down by the New York State Department ®f Health are to be strictly followed and so long as this is carried out, there will. be no objection to such a develop- ment by the City of Glens Falls. Very truly yours, (signed) Garner C. Tripp, Jr. _. Supt. Resolution No. 101 WHEREAS, a petition for the creation of a sewer district, to be known as the ..Reservoir Park Sewer District, in the Town of Queensbury, New York, the -said petition being dated October 28, 1954, and was duly presented to this Town Board, together with the necessary map and plan - attached thereto, and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by the Town Board on October 28, 1954,,: reciting the filing of said petition, the improvement proposed,, the boundaries of the proposed district, and the estimated expenses thereof, and specifying November 10, 1954, at 7:30 P.M. as the time ,, and the office of the Town Clerk, 388 Ridge Street, in the Town of j Queensbury, 'Marren County, New York, as the time and place in said Town where the said Board would meet to consider the petition, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same ,: and � 1 WHEREAS, such order was duly posted, published and served as re- quired by law, and j WHEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held by said Board on the 10th day of November, 1954, commencing at 7:30 P.M., at .the office of the Town Clerk, 388 Ridge Street, in the said Town, and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard having been duly heard;; now upon the evidence given upon wuch hearing, and upon motion of skins and seconded by Bentley, it is RESOLVED AND DETERMINED that the petition herein is signed and acknowledged, -or proof. as. required by lay*r, it complies with the require- a 1 1 26-4 ments of section 191 of the Town Law as to the sufficiency of signers,,, with respect to the boundaries of.the proposed district as herein app- roved, and it is otherwise sufficient that all the property and prop- erty owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby; that all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the proposed district, and that it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought , and it is further RESOLVED AND DETEMUNED that the establishment of a sewer dis- trict as_proposed_in,s4_j4. p@tition be approved, and that the improve- ment therein mentioned be constructed at the expense of said petition- ers , and without expense to said district, and that such district shall be designated andknown as Reservoir Park Sewer District, of the Town of Queensbury,. and shall be bounded and described as follows : ALL that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury , Warren County, New York, bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a point on the northerly side. of. what is knQwn as the Old FoPge Road (Peggy Ann Road) at, the northwest corner of lands formerly owned by Jabez Ingalsbe running thence south along the southerly side of said road, 52 deg. 15 min, west 128.35 feet to a point; thence continuing along the southerly side of said road south 49 deg. 30 min. west 125.34 feet to a point; thence south U',db9,,i-07tminutes east; 190 feet to to a point; thence south 32 deg. 29 minutes east 150.17 feet to a point; thence north 57 deg. 27 minutes east 120.07 feet to a point ; thence south 30 deg. 47 minutes' east 54.65 feet to a point; thence north 59 deg. 12 minutes e,ast 50 feet to a point; thence north 30 deg. 47' minutes west 20 feet to a point; thence north 59 deg. 13 minutes east 150 feet to a point; thence south 30 deg.. 47 minutes east 90 feet to a point ; thence north 59 deg. 13 minutes east 71.52. feet to a point ; thence north 19 deg. 33 minutes east 140.44 feet to a point ; thence north 64 deg. 24 minutes west 489.20 feet to the place of beginning. IdHEREASI the construction of the sewer system is not to be financed,by,the issuance of bonds, note or other evidences of indeb- tednessr and the consent of the State Comptroller herein is not required,, it is fa rthe r ORDERED, that the district prayed for in said petitibn as ReservQir . Park Sewer District be erected and established in said Town, bounded and described as hereinbefore set forth. Duly adopted by the following vote : 'Voting in favor thereof Supervisor Harris, Justices Bentley & Akins. Voting against - None The following letter was read to the board: State of New York STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION Alb , any, 1, ,,N.X November 3, 1954 Frances Tdrners Clerk Town of Queensbury Route 1 Glens Falls, New York Dear Madam: 26-5 This concerns a resolution of the Town Board, Town of Queensbury, adopted under date of January 23 which requests Commission action to restrict speed withih the Board Acres Development which is- located adjacent to the westerly line of the City of Glens Falls . The per- tinent resolution of the Town Board was endorped by-the County Super- intendent of Highways, 141arren County, under date of February. 8... Subsequent to the above specified resolution, Supervisor H. 'Russell Harris visited this office and suggested that the case be, expanded to include Dixon Road and Aviation Road. The field work has been cQ mpleted and reports have been submitted to the Commission detailing the situation. With respect to the Broad Acres Development , the important thoroughfare from the standpoint of speed control- is the section of Coolidge Avenue" between the westerly city line and Ashley Place and Ashley Place between Coolidge Avenue and Dixon Road. The remaining highways are for the most part short in length and it is not apparent that a problem exists. Based on present day conditions , the Commission has ordered the impo- sition of a 35 MPH speed restricticin to extend the full length of Ashley Place and, the length of Coolidge Avenue between Ashley Place and the, city line. The covering order is 'inclosed. Since the highways are on the town system, responsibility for posting in accordance with the terms of the order and the standards of the Commission is with the town. The required signs are the R-5 and R-6. Full scale prints of each of these signs are inclosed. When purchasing the signs, there should be no deviation from the specifications as shown on the prints. The authority for the regulation is this Commission and its name should appear in 1/2 inch letters on the bottok of all signs as shown on the prints , The Commission' s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices has been distributed tQ-all Town Superintendents of Highways. Instructions for posting linear speed restrictions will be found on pages 86 and 87 of the Manual,. It is important that these instructions be followed so that -the restriction will legally be in effect. I am inclosing an extra copy of this letter and of the speed restriction. order for the information and use of your Town Higbwi� y Superintendent. With respect to Dixon Road and Aviation Road, the Commission is pre- pared to order a-35 MPH speed restriction on Dixon Road to 'extend between the westerly city line_ and Peggy Ann Road. On-Aviat-lon Road, the Com- mission is prepared to order a similar restriction to 'extend between Routes US 9 and Mountain View Lane. The length of the proposed restrict- ion on Dixon Road is 0.65 _- of- a mile and on Aviation Road 2.21 miles, So as to support the issuance of the order for these two highways , it will be necessary that we have on file a formal request for the action indicated from the Town Board .and the County Superintendent of Highways ,The County Superintendent' s endorsement is required even though. the two highways are on the town system. We have partially completed a formal request =form. and it .is enclosed. On its return to this office after having been completed by the necessary dates and signatures , the order covering Dixon and Aviation Roads will be issued. As with Coolidge Ave- nue and Ashley Place , both Dixon and Aviation Roads are on. the tmrn , system and responsibility for posting.,will be with the, town. We mention this since it may be desirable to arrange for the purchase of all the speed restriction signs at one time. Our file indicates that we have had correspondence with both Mr. Henry J,Met2ner and Mr. W.T. Clark of the Broad Acres Civic Association. Mr. Clark is apparently the . President of the group and his,.,mailing address is given as 18 Broad Acres Road , Glens Falls . We have not advised the Association of the Commission' s action and you,-may find it desirable to do so. 06 Very truly yours , STATE TRAFFIC COPj1MISSION (signed) Ll.Qyd..A.,TI` de . .. . . ... _. . cc:. Supt.Publi-c Works Director qupt.State Police County Supt, of Highways Vr. H. Russell Harris Mr. Ralph B. Turner i (Incl osu re) State of New York State Traffic Commission i !Albany 11 NJ. November 3, 1954 Tmm Board Tarn of Qu.eensbury Warren County, N.Y. lair. Herrick Osborne Warren County Supt. of Highways - jkTarrensburg, New York Traffic Commission Order Pursuant to authority conferred by Section 95-e of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, the State Traffic Commission hereby restricts to 35 MPH the speed at which vehicles may proceed on Coolidge Avenue between the westerly line of the City of Glens -Falls and its intersection with Ashley Place and on Ashley Place between its intersection with Coolidge Avenue end its intersection. with Dixon Road, both Town Highways, in the Broad Acres Development, Town-of -queensbury, Warren County, The length of the restriction over the tarp Town Highways between -the . terminal points specified is 0.35 f of a male . The Town Superintendent of Highway s , Town of c ueernsbu.ry , ',,T .rren County, is hereby-directed to erect end maintain signs in accordance with the standards of the State Traffic Commission to inform the public of the existence and limits of. this restriction and to notify this Com- mission when the signs have been erected. STATE TRA.FFIC COTTrISSION (signed) . Lloyd,.. ..-Ivlaeder !' cc : Supt. Public .forks Director Supt. State Police 'down Supt. of Hi gbways Sheriff Baker In the matter of the heari_rg, for the erection of a traffic signal light at Dix Ave. in front of the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. , proof of the publication of the notice calling for bids for the cost of the erection_ of the same was filed. The clerk reported no bids received. The matter was referred to Judge Bentley and Judge Akins. J. Frank Kelly,. a tax consultant of •90 State St., Albany, N.Y., was present and discussed with the board assessments in the ToUm of Queens- bury. Resolution. No 102. introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice s : - RESOLVED that the Town Board requests that the State Traffic Commission- pursuant to article 7 of the Vehicle Traffic Law re- strict the speed at which vehicles may proceed to. 35 MPH on the Aviation Road , the Town Highway from intersection with-,Route 9 to junction with Mountain View Lane Road and on Dixon Road_., the Town Highway ffom the westerly Glens Falls City line to the Peggy Ann Road. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes Mr. Harris, Mr. Bentley , Mr. Akins 26' Noes - none A petition was filed requesting the establishment of a lighting dis- trio in the Town of Queensbury for the Broadacres Section. elution No. 103 introduced by Judge Bentley seconded by Justice Whereas,, a written petition, dated the 30th aay of October, 1954, in due form and containing the required signatures has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, for the . establishment of a lighting district in the said town, to be bounded and described` as follows: Beginning on the northerly boundary of the City of Glens Falls at its intersection urith the westerly bounds of Bay" Street; and running from thence northerly along the westerly bounds of Bay Street or Bay Road to the northeasterly corner- of the Fort Amherst__Subdivion; thence north 89 degrees and 00 minutes west along the northerly bounds of the said subdivision, one thousandone hundred thirty-.eight and eighty-five one hundredths (1138.85) feet to a point in the easterly bounds of..the Hovey sub-divis- iofi; thence north 07 degrees and 23 minutes east along the easterly bounds of the said Hovey sub-div- ision„ nine hundred forty--nine and two tenths (949.2) feet to a fence post for a. corner; thence north 82 .. degrees and 47 minutes west, crossing North Road, six hundred ninety-nine and ninety-two. hundr4dths (699.92) feet to a point in the westerly bounds of a tier of lots which face the westerly side of North Road; thence south 07 degrees and 23 minutes west along the westerly bounds of the lots facing North Road, seven hundred ninety (790) feet more or less to a point in the northerly bounds of a tier of lots which face the northerly side of Garrison Road;; thence north 84 degrees and Ol minutes west along the said northerly bounds of lots on the northerly side of Garrison Road, two hundred fifty-seven and thirty-four 'hundredths (257.34) feet to a point -' 'thence north 07 degrees and 23 minutes east, five (5.0) feet to a paint; thence north 84 degrees and-01 minutes west, one hundred fifty (150.0) feet to a point;; thence south 07 degrees and 23 minutes west, five (5.0) feet to a point, still in the northerly bounds of a-tier of lots on the northerly side of Garrison Road ; thence north 84 degrees and 01 minute west along the northerly bounds of said lot , {two hundred forty-two and sixty- j two one hundredths (2.42.62) feet to a point in the easterly bounds of Holden Road, so called; thence I southwesterly about. four hundred feet (400,) to the northeasterly corner of lot 29 of Glenwood Terrace , a subdivision made for one Pardo by Hiram Phil.o, Sur- veyor,. in 1899,_ said corner,,being in. the easterly..or southeasterly bounds of Catherine Avenue , so called, at an .angle point therein; thence southwesterly along the easterly or southeasterly bounds of the said Catherine Avenue ,. one hundred ninety-six (196.0) feet to the easterly bounds of New York State Highway Route Nine (9) ; thence southeasterly along the easterly bounds of-the said State highway about three hundred seventy- five (375.0) -feet to the northerly boundary of the City of Glens Falls; thence easterly along the said northerly boundary of the City of Glens 'Falls or place of beginning , a and I 1 268 Whereas , the improyements proposed consist of the installation and, opqration of a street lighting system at an annual maximum cost of. $2,,500.00 per year as stated in the petition, it is hereby ORDERED that a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of Queensbury .shall be held at the office of the Town Clerk in, said Town on the 23rd day of November, 1954, at 7:30 o'clock, -'P.M., of' that.day to consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same , and for such other action on the part of the Town Board with relation to the said petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises, Dated: November 10th, 1954, Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr., Bentley , Mr. Harris, Mr. Akins, Noes - none On motion the meeting adjourned. Frances L. Turner -Town Clerk, Special Meeting November 209 1954 Present.-- H.. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace- Curtis Lampson Councilman Resolution 104 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Councilman Lempsont RESOLVED that the resolution adopted calling for a Public Hear- ILI ing upon,the proposed establishment of a Lighting District in the Ft. Amherst and Garrison Road area of the-Town of Queensbury, adop- ted Nov. 10, 1954, be-ard .the same is hereby rescinded. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes Mr. Bentley , Mr. Lampson, Mr; Akins and Mr. Harris Noes none The following was introduced by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr.. Lamp- soii-. (Resolution-No. 12105-1 Whereas , a written petition, dated the 30th day of October,. 1954,, in due, ,form*and containing the required signatures has been presented to and filed with the Town Board of the Town of Zueensbury,- Warren C6unty; New York, for the establishment of a lighting district in the said town, to be bounded and described as follows : Beginning on the northerly boundary of the City of, Glens Falls at its intersection with the westerly bounds of Bay Street and r unning from thence northerly along the westerly bounds of Bay Street or Bay Road to the northeasterly corner, of the Fort Amherst .,Subdivision; thence north 89 degrees and 00 Minutes west along the northerly bounds of the said subdivision, one thousand one hundred thirty-eight and eighty-five one hundredths (1138,85) feet to a point in the easterly bounds of-the Hovey sub-divis- ion; thence north 07 degrees and 23 min utes east along the easterly bounds of the said Hovey sub- division,, nine hundred forty-nine and two tenths (949.2) feet to a fence post for a corner; thence north 82 degrees and 47 minutes west, crossing, North