1954-12-23 280 Ayes .- Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Akins and P,Ir. ,Harris I Noes - none Resolution No.. 118 introduced by Justice Akins, seconded by Councilman 'Lampson: WHEREAS the Niagara-Mohawk Power Corporatipn has submitted to this Board a; proposed contract,, a. copy of which is hereto annexed,. for furnishing of street lighting service in the Fort Amherst-Garrison Road Street Lighting District for a period of_.five .years, consisting - : initially of- 28 2500 -lumen lams to cost approximately X2,056.00 per annum, and ?WHEREAS slid proposed contract is satisfac therefore r tory to this Board now, � , RESOLVED that said "contract be entered into and further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized and directed . to 'execute for and on behalf o_f- the Town of L'�ueensbury said contract for such street lighting service , and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to attach the Town Seal thereto and. attest the same. Duly adopted by the follovin_g vote Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Yr. LaniDson, Mr. %I-,in s a.nd Mr. Harris i Noss - none. m i On motion the meetinW adjourned. Frances L. Turner rTown ClerI�,, Regular Meeting December 23, 1954 +� Present.- H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Harold Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis Lampson. Councilman The board convened at 7:30 P.M. Edward Blynn,, president of the Glen Lake Association was present and discussed with the Board the matter of Railroad ?turning signs on the crossing over the Glen Lake Road. Resolution No. 119 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Council- man. Lampson: _ RESOLVED that the County attorney be and is hereby authorized and directe�" to request the Public Service Commission to cause the Delaware and Hudson Railroad. Company to install Railroad blinker lights on the crossing of its railroad tracks over the Glen Le.ke Road. Duly adopted by the following vote:: Ayes - Mr. Bentley, Ps. Lampson, Mr. Akins t-nd Pair. Harris _ Noes - none B. K. Clifford discussed street lights in the Ft. Amherst-Garrisot-ill Road Street lighting district and requested that temporary lights be installed pending the construction . of permanent installation. ; solution No. 1 introduced by Justice .skins , seconded by Councilman Limpson. RHSOtIT ED that' the` Supe rvi t or b6 and is hereby authorized and directed�tocause to be installed 5 street lights as 'follows : 1 - midway on Ft. Amherst between Edison Road and Bay Road; a 3 on'Garrison Road as follows : * 1`4t North Road 'and Garrison Road 1'midway between T.1 orth Road and Bay St. on Garri son Road ; l r midday between North '.:load and Glen-St. on Garrison Road 1 on North Road north of Garrison. Road. Such installation to be of temporary nature penditg the in - stallation' of lights in accordance with plans laid out for the install- ation of lights in the Ft.-Amherst-Garrison Road Lighting District recently created. _ Duly adopted by the follaiinc vote : Ades - Mr.;Dentley, '.!.Ir. Lampson , Mir. l',Lins and 1'�_r. Harris Noes -- none The follaaing letter was read to tho board;(in the matter of� the option to acquire land for a source of water su-pply, the following letter T-%-as read: by the Supervisor) December 6, 1954 14r. H. Russell Harris, Su.pr. ,. Town of Queensbury,, Star Route ,, Glens Falls , New York Re : Freiberger to Town of Qu.eensbury,, Option Dear Mr. Harris - You will recollect our conversation on November 27, 1954 when you were at our office and left with me a check of Town of +ueensbury payable to Carlton and Martha Freiberger in connection with .the re- newal of option given by the Fr_eibergers to the Town. dated `.�pril 23, 1954. - I have c^nferred iTi th r,":rs. Freiberger since talking with you. The Freibergers will agree to renew the option as per the terms of the original option and accept the consideration therefor being the check whicT! ca left 7.-Tith me last wee?T provided the town will supply the, Fre?_berZers `-.,Ith xTater from the new water ,--.u. -)ply contemplated by the To7.�'n , free of !-O_' r r� es or t,Teter rent. The use of the taster to be for the general use f'or the Freibergers , their heirs and assi -na. The use or the z,ra.ter not to extend to "any housin� develojment or factory development. '-':P'nen the option is taiLen up by the Town Board , � it �rTould be our cuu ;1 estior_ that a clause in `the deed recite the above reservation a-iO a"reen,ent by the Tc�,. :card to so s .,ply the Frei- bergers. ay we hear from you in connection with the above pro-position. t 'Very truly yours , McPHILLIPS, FITZ§E ILA *. McC.A3THV_ By, Bernard F. .ZvPhillips j The matter -was referred to the Board as a committee of the whole to look Into the matter. _ The board audited claims as follows Schedule of Audits for the Tom of Queen sbury County of 'darren December 23, 1954 1 282 t. Amt. Name of Claimant of Claim Claimed AlloiTed 359 George Ferguson' i•"ilea: ° 78.64 78.64 360 Ernestii7_lis Serv.asssessor 44.80 44.80 361 i iagara ,•."oha�,,*- Power Corp. Ctr.lt.traf,sig. 1.50.48 150.48 362 Charles Hoaghtalin� Supt l.i es(M.Bentley) 2.53 2.53 363 Charles . I-loughtaling " (Town cler; ) 3.81 3.81 364 Charles r. Houghtalin.g Last blanks 3.77 3.77 365 Kathryn 5. O'Brien Typing minutes 7.00 7,.00 366 George Ferguson Cerv.as assessor 8,40 8.40 367" R.E. Duffy pond (Bentley) 4.00 4,00 368 5� gene Johnson' .Oil use at the dump 12.35 12.35 369 Charles .D. Giles Survey for vN Iater .Cupply 1 District. _ 22,00 22.00 '370 Leon M. Steves " " " " 22,00 22.00 � 371 Louis Corlew I.T10 ring-Pineview Cem 56.25 56.25 372 Carswell T & T Co, Gasolene-PinevieW 5.52 5.52 373 Irvin Ti. Crum�_ey T�or'..r on S` bpery r s ha.clEey bks & clerical 77,50 77,50 374 R.D. Iood Company -6x_6" tapping & valve open to right-NGYiTD 124.50 124.50 375 St. Al,honsus Church Storage W voting -pl. 40,00 40.00 663.55 663.55 On motion meeting adjourned to December-28, 1954 at 9 A.M. at the Clerk' s Office. Frances L. Turner I-Town Clerk. z Regular meeting December 28, 1954 Present: H. Russell Harris Supervisor Meredith Bentley Justice of the peace Harold .Akins Justice of the Peace Curtis La.mpson Councilman The board convened at 9 AX, Resolution No-__121 introduced by byCJuttk a Akins--,geconded ;by`:!Council- raan'-"Lamp on: - ` 'jMREAS, the Supervisor,. Justice of the Peace , Supt. of Highways and Town Clerkk have presented to the Town Board doc'_-gets, cancelled ohecks,, books ,, vouchers, minute book and other records for examination G and audit by the board ,: r RESOLVED that after such examination. of such dockets, 'booT�s , checks , minute book,, so presented , this Board finds that such books and records have been accurately ',cept and that all monies coming into the hands of the several affairs of the Toim have been properly ac- counted for and paid out according to law. Duly adopted by the follo!71_r vc-te : .yes - Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, P•r. A', ins ar?d -Mr. Harris. Noes - None " Resolution No. 122 introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Akins : i G i k