1952-01-10 r A a 413 ' Amt. Menthly Raymond Hoague Constable . 200.00 16.66 11 moo 16..74 1 moo Ralph Hill Constable 200.00 16..66 11 ro. `16.14 1 moo Bernard Bellinger Health Officer 10400.00 116.66 11 mo.. 116.74 1 moo Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. 'Walkup, Yr. Bentley, 1.11r. Law-psor+-, Yr. Sleight and Yr.1Iarris Noe s .. none On recommendation of Ernest Lac'Key, Tov�rj Si d-t.. of F3,ehwa.ys4 the follow- ing resolution was adopted: '. -Ep-solution No. 15 introduced by Justice Bentley seconded by Justice Sleig : It Is- resolved. that;, upon the recommendation of The Toro Buperintendeht, '1.:. tbo following rates of pay be fixed for , highway employees effective January 1, 1952, Laborers 1100 Operators 1.10 Mechanics 1.20 Duly adopted by the'foliowing vote; Ayes : 14.r. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr.Harris Noes - none On motion meeting adjourned to Jaxluary 10,- 1952 at 7.:30 P.Me. i EtIV�_. ` Town Clerk Adjourned Meeting \ January 109 1952 Presents H. Russell Harris Supervisor Henry Sleight Justice of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace_ Raymond Walkup Councilma$ Curtis Lampson Councilman _ Also present:A.E. Beswick, Cqunty Attorney, Holland Young, E.A.. Wilkins, r P-G- Smith, R*T- Van Dyke, George Ernst, Charles Astrowski. The bo rd convened at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Van Dyke acted as spokesman for the group, above named Who attended } to discuss with the board' the proposition to secure a new road on Assembly Point, in the rear` of their property. He stated that the property owners had the necessary rights of wa . The various members x of the group and the member's of the town board generally discussed y the proposal.. The bopds of Ernest Lackey andFrances L.' Turner were presented for ;appro*91 ; R2solution No,16 introduced by Justice Sleight, seconded by Justice entley: It wa.s: resolved that the bonds of Frances L. Turner, Town Clerk, AM in the amount of 41,000 and of Ernest Lackey$ . Town Superintendent of Highways in the amount of $1090009 each with the United States- Cas- ualty Company as surety be -and the same are hereby approved as to form, amount, sufficiency of surety and manner of execution, and. Be it further resolve& that the members of the town board sign a certificate to that effect on each bond. Duly -adopted by the following vote:: Y Aye Walkup,, Mr. Bentley,, Mr.. Lampson Mr. Sleight ir.�i rris The bond; of the Supervisor for the Hight* fund and General town fund-- ' was presented for-approval., enjutr io 'o- 17. fintroduced by "Justine Sleight, ,seconded'`1by:Justice ntley It was resolved that bonds of 'H. Rugsell Harris�"'8upervisoV. with the Glens I galls Indemnity Company,as suetys General Town .100000 ber:and -the sane `art hijiq approved et tot d i;°°`sufficienoy of"surety i amount and manner of ali�dution, 'and, thkt..thb membdrs©of'=the 'tdirn'4board sign a certificate to that effect on each bond.. duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Mr. Walkup, Mr. Bentley, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Bar. Harris Noes - none Resolution No. l�introduced by Justice Bentley, seconded by Justice Sis g _ 'RESOLED that theKSupervisor be and is' hereby authorized' to have� instal.led. four illuminating street lights as follows : 2 additional. 3 hts, Imperial Bride 1 Intersection Aviation Road and Route 9; the Lake George Road; 1 Intersection of Queensbury Ave. and the Boulevard'* Duly adopted by the' rollowing vote: Ayes-Mr. Walkup, Mr,' Bentley, Mr, Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris Noes-none The'board audited claims as follows; t Amt, No. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Ciaimed Allowed 1 R.D. Mood Company Materials WtFWD;` 13040 $ `129..35 2 R•%, flood Company rials ... _ 2605; 45:: . Charge App . t.. WP £5166 211 25922043 3' R.D. '(Food Compbmy r ter s, Charge= A� p• WOO 4i�5'sCQi_ Nrxm 262'4 _. ' 755,41 Totes 4,' Na.State Employeas a Annual Con- Retirement System LL` tribution On motion the me'ating adjourned;. ,Town Clerk. ' Ali,