1952-02-23 t Re*tzlar Meeting ` February 23,E 1952 Fresent:.� ' H. Rt:ssell Harris ' Supervisor Henry leight Justice` of the Peace Meredith Bentley Justice of the Peace Curtis Lambson Cbuncilman Absbnt: Raymond Walkup Cbuncilman The' board cohvened at 7:30 P.B . Carl Kreiser; Insurance Agent, was present and discussed with the Board] the advisability of increasing the amount of insurance coverages on the town property. No further action taken Robert Leavett,; Donald Negus., Leroy Beckerle, Donald: Harrington, and- Sidney Van Dusen, a committee from the Cottage ,Hill section were pre°sent. Mr; Leavett acted as spokesman, and requested that the streets in such area be hard-surfac+edi, The board generally discussed: the matter with him and7the other meMbers of the committee present. No further action taken; Charles Bees,, Frank Roberts, and William Taylor were present and d s- cussed! with the-,board hard«-surfacing of the Haviland Roadi. The board generally dlsicussed, the matter with the committee.. It was stated that in all probability one mile of the road would be started under the Irwin plan.. ` Peter Merlow' Ervin Dean,, S•R• Wills, Claude Tucker, Oliver. DeGuire_ and' Noble Counter, a -committee from the Western Park area -were present.. Peter Merlow° acted as spokesman. He stated' that there were approximately $140 POO of real property assessed in that area, approximately '248 People with` 300 children. He requested that Central Avenue. be improved. from Main Ave. to Minnesota. Ave. The board generally-discussed the entire situation with the members . of the committee. No formal action was' taken. - Mr. Sidney Van'Dusen. was also present on another matter and discussed? the" leveling of-the frontage along the Lake George Road' and. the South- west corner`of the Pineview Cemetery lot. Mr." Laickey Who was also present discussed with the board the necessity of the acquisition of highway equipment for use in the highway depart- ment.. Mr., Bentley objected' to any figures or prices for the purchase of high- way.,- machinery being inserted in the minutes unless_ the same, was sub- mitte& by Mir. Lackey in writing. The chairman sustained the objection of 11r.- Bentley- and no further action was taken in this matter„. kr,` Lackey,," the Town Superintendent of highways, presented the follow- ing' recommehdatioh which was_r.ead by the clerk to the boardt.- 1 Feb. 23, 195 ' ' I wish to recommend to the Town Board of the ..Town of Queensbury the pu"rchase of one (1) Austin Western grader, Model 99H,, ,four-wheel drive and four wheel_steeredt, equiPped` with. an International UDl four-cylinder Diesel engine, with 14,,00-20,- fourteen-ply tires, and s-earifier,. complete with accessories.. Also the purchase of one (1) Frink one way snow plow with 10 ft, wing with:.full hydraulic controls,. mounted on International L172 Coleman truck*. Also, the purchase of one (1) truck-mounted shovel of not less than four-tenths cubic yard capacity. Also, the purchase of one (1) conventional drive truck with dump. body,;,; of` 22,Q00 lbs,. gross vehicle.-weight.. (Signed) Ernest B. Lackey Supt. of Highways, The bond of Raymond Hoague was presented for the proper action of the board Rece11 ion No. l introduced'by `Justice 'Sle ght,, seconded by Councilman Lampson: RESOLVED that the -bond: of Raymond Hoague;, constable,, with the IIh,ited States .Casualty *Company in the amount of $1.000 be= and is hereby apPreved.as to form:, amount, sufficiency of- surety and manner of ex- ecution, Itls further resolved that the members of the board sign a cer- t jrjeatm to tl;,at effect on the bond Duly adopted by f the following vote:,t •: Ayes-Mr. Bentley,; Mr. ,Lampson, Mr. Sleight and Mr. Harris. Noes - none The discussion of highway equipment was further continuedand when it appeared that Mr. Lackey did not hav,¢,the 1951 supplement to the_, 1 Md Onney Highway Laws, the following,* 4 luti en No-, 22' was introduced by Justice Bentley and seconded by Councilman Lampson:: RESOLVER that the town clerk order for use of the Town Superinten- dent)bf ffighways, a supplement to book No: 24-McUnney's. Consolidated - Djkl --�do�t ad, by the following vote Aires-4k 'lBentley, �Cdr. ,Umpson, Mr, Sleight and Mr. Harris I Noes- vie e c The aleck sal the following communication from the city of Glens Falls :: ReguUr ,ijoeting of the Common Council of the City of Glens Falls, N« j1 e1dT st the Council Chamber, in the City Hall, in said city,, on the 23rd' day of January, 1955 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. rV pr enU,Mayor Russell-0 President Fisher, Cbunellman Godsil,, Clement` °lhv Fish and Meehan - 4. RESOLYF.0 that the Clerk be instructed to Comm m. cote with the Board`s of Supervisors of Saratoga: and Marren Counties,, the Town Boaa:rcl s - of.Koreau., e : Boa rd; of queensbury,, the village of South Glens. Falls,: - requiati . them #o appoint. a committee to meet with a3 committee maaamed by the Nalbrt of" the City- of Glens Falls' at the convenienew- of the. different, itteee,, amid combined committee or a sub-Fommittes there- of, to-go to Albany and' cantavt. the Highway Department in regard: to the Stete teki over the Hudson River Bridge.. STATE' OY� YORK " )- _ County! rren- )` sue. City ©r fesils Falls' Is RuthiAK4, 1►ineh$n, Deputy Clerk of the City of Glens Falls and Clerk of the.„ Council of said City,; do hereby- certify that the resolution of" *ie V,the'foregoing is a copy, was duly adopted by the Common Council of ttfe Z- gty% of Glens Falls,,, at a meeting of said Council held on the 23rd' day of January, -1952 and- that 2 have compared the preceding reso- j lutionr.with the original resolution duly, adopted by the said Common Coouncil"ind' contained in the minutes of' said meeting of said Council --' now on File in my' offiee. and that the same is a correct transcript there- - from--" .of the ithole of said original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sub= scribed my name aria affixed the sw.1 of said City this 28th day of January, 1956 .. ( -.fined) Ruth A. Linehan Deputy Clerk - 20- The Clerk read the following notice of public hearing,: state of New York y Public . Service Commission Albany February 13,, 1952 CASK 1527� •Proceeding. on motion of the Commission as to the: rates and c4a-rges of Hudson Transportation Co. , Inc, _, and as to the original. cost of the p.ropertycof such company and', the depreciation existing therein, TAKE NOTICE thant the hearing scheduled to be held in'the above: matter before Examiner George N,- Mack at Albany,, on Tuesdky February 19, 19529 is hereby postponed to Tuesday, March 4: 95 t 10 .00 A X8 .,,, at the office of the Commission3 3k.Street,; Albany,N,Y.. MURRAY G TANNER, , r - Secretary, .The Clerk readlithe following notice:: NEW' ENGLA=—NEW YORK INTER-AGENGY COMMITTEK: 9C Church Street, Room 1203E , . . New York,, 7 ,_New York NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1.. In'aecord$:nce with provisions in the Flood ,-Control Act of 1950 and by direction of- the President of the United ,$ta,tes, the -Now England«New York Inter-Agency_ Committee is making a survey of the land and water resources and related matters? in the general area comes prising the States of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,, New Hampshire,, New York Rhode Island and Vermont. The Committee is compose of one representative each from six Federal agencies:° the Departures of Agriculture, Army, Commerce, and Interior,, the Federal rower Commis- sion and the Federal Security Agency. The Governors of the seven States and their representatives are cooperating with the Committee and actively participating in the survey. A' comprehensive report will be made of the coordinated findings including recomaendstlons for development, utilization and conservation of these resourcep,, 20. In order that the report may fully reflect the views of interested.parties in the' areas under study, public hearings are being held throughout the seven-State region-* The third hefLring on these matters will convene at 10:30 AM (EST) on March 19, 1952, in the City Ha11, Montpelier, Vermont, C 3, All interested parties are invited to be presenp or repre- sented at the above time and place including-- representatives oe,, Fed- eral, State, County and Municipal agencies ; commercial, industrial,, agriculturer-- Civic and educational interests;, those concerned with development of land and water resources including electric power generation and transmission, land and forest management, fish and wild- life conservation, mineral development, municipal and industrial water supply,; and navigation;, those concerned with flood,; control,, pollution controls, erosion control, control of insects_ injurious to the public health, and outdoor recreation. An opportunity will be afforded for, full expression of views on the above subject�a. Sponsors of improvement are urged to present pertinent factual mg", rial bearing upon the general plan of improvement desired and the economic- justi- fication of the undertaking. Opposing interests, if any„ are also urged to state the reasons for their position,. 4.: -For accuracy of the record all important facts and argu- ments. should be submitted in writing in duplicate. Written state- ments may be handed to the' Secretary at� the hearing-but it is prefer-- - aide that they be mailed to ,him beforehand! at the above address. Oral statements' should be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes in order that all persons who desire to speak may have an opportunity to be heard,. It will' not be necessary ,to repeat statements made at preyious, hearings as these are already matters of record,. i .42� 1 5.. Please bring the foregoing to the attention of persons known to you to 1�e Anteres_ted in these matters_.. (Signed) James R. Johnston JAMES R. JOHNSTON. I ` E�e��tve .See�e�ary The Clerk read a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the Supervisor for the month of January. Same placed on file. The board audited claims as follows:: SCHEDULE OF-AUDITS FOR THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Month of -February,. 1952_ Amt.. Amt. No,.. Name of Claimant Nature of Claim Claimed Allowed 54' Hoag'"s-- Tire Service Rental for Collector ` 35,00 35.00 55 Glens Falls Post Co,. Pub.Superv.report 63,45` 63.45 a 56 R ssellt & Wait Supplies-W.T.Varney,Assr, 8i.Ol 881.01 57 Prances L, .Turner Supplies-Manila Envs,-T..C.. 0.50 ..50 I Y 58 'Toodriah�011' Co. Gas.for bulldozer-PV Cem• 11.98 11.98 I 59 Barnes Elec.Mtr.Serv, 1-1M060 V Belt-PV, Gem, 2x,:00 20,00 60 Kathryn E. O'Brien Type.Twn.Bd,min,meetings 32,00 3..00 61 Barber' & Howe Bonds -(GengFds.& Highway) 46..00 46.00 { 62 Rusellt <&. Wait Supp3les 3.60 3,60 I 63 Carl f Kreiser G-F.. Index. ,o.=' 6155 2043.01' 2043.01 64' Hbtity J,- Sleight Exp.Att.Assgc.of,Twns. 56,,68' 56,68 - 65 `-14f xssell Harris �� a a 76..74 76..74 6&,, fis Lampson a N 64,58 64.58 67 Earl Jones Shoveling fire_hydrants 14,,00 14.00 ' 68 Cty,of G.F.Water Fd. Water rent-Ridge Rd.W.D,. 66.92 66.92 61 G -df4;�G.F'.Water Fd . ''dater Rent-NGF Water,.Dst.890, 0 890.4C ' t ,iof G.F,Water Fd,. Wager Rent-WGF Water Dst.361933 361.:33 3 71 National gelding Co. Welding Hyd,.straps,mater- ial NGFWD' 39,00 39,00 72' ` `A#-D.Wood Co$ 75-6"Class.150 B&►S PIPE w - WGFWD: 2158 664 2147: 089 73 �R. .Weod Co,: 11,.,043 tvalve Bxs 4; Caps gGFW 164,45 163063 74 R.D.Wood Co.. 2 505V dbl Mathews Mod, Fire<. *w 6"'' Elb- 279.30 277,..90' ows open-to rt.gGFfiID 75 •, Raymond Walkup Att.Assoc.Twns.Exp. _ . - 80.48 80,48 76 C ,G.F.Water Fd.. Rep. dots North Rd,Homer Ave, 11,20 11.20 77 Cty,G.FeWater Fd, 5et„ d;L&fdy6tte ;Std. .,,N.G Yo. 1 '„IO 17 20, 78t Cty;G`�,Pl",lister Fda Mater:Ldl#ol,. Gate BX 2" 1010100 _-, 10.00 Servo NGF 6494,40 On motion' the meeting djourned ..Town Clerk, i y