1952-04-08 SP 427 84 Louis Cor1Pw SY;ave►_ir,s f ire h.;�(It.s. 34.00 34.00 ��GFu"JD 91.,5Q 9Q.18 f35 Howard Ja.11ace postage, Serv.as Supt. 86 Carl J.,,.Krei.ser Jorimen' s Camp.PO13 cv-PV 75.?7 73. 77 "Jorkmen!s Camp.Pclicy-Pv 53.77 53. 87 Carl. J. Krei_ser 3.00 3.00 88 Frances L. Turner Postage:- 3�5p 3,50 89 Kathryn E. O'Brien 32 hrs +�ypin� for Twn.Bd. go Carson Sm3 th-- VJorki ng. on water line 60,60 60.60 VJGFVM ++ „ 11 it 25..2.0 25..20 91 J. Floyd S1 ei ght �+ " �t 64.80 64.80 92 Joseph Sevbolt " � ,+ ,i 156.20 156.20 It 93 Leavi_ Rouse Ii �, ,� �± 26.40 26..40 94 Trvi.ng ��arti.rdale n �± „ ,t„` 29.40 2.,9.40 95 Gladwin Jackson Y x n �� „ 1..10 1110 96 Francis Jackson It 8025 8.25 97 V ilbur Dean n „ +, +± 3.Z0 3.30 It 98 Carlton. Cromwell 1.65 1..65 99 Samuel_ Truman Bennett ” 100 Raymon Bates C It 41.40 41•4Q tiUGF`aJD 7..00 71.00 1.01 Earl Jones shoveling hydts. 19,,00 19;00 102 Elmer Corlew Repair hyd.r?ewcomb-St. 9.08 00 9.08 103 Curtis Lampson postage startups6*1VGTv1D; 3.30 3.30 y'Vait Supplies-H.Harri,s 27..33 2,7..33 104 Russell 105 Paul E. Killion,Inc.l Assessor field book 250 sheets sc�lool tax form 3 temp.. covers " It sheets { 323:43 323..43 __ 106 G.F.Electric Sup.Co.Electrical supplies . X241.32 1240.00 Totals Or motion the meeting adjourned Frances, L. ' Turner. Town Clerk 7.952 Special. l4;eet'lr,g ' Present: Supervi so.r.• H. Russell_ Harris Justice of the Peace Henry Sleight Justice of tY.e Peace P4,eredl th Bentley Councilman Curtis Lampson Counci lrnan RzFr and Walkup The board convened at 7 :1 30 F.T'�. The special meeting was called far 1Pedrarn�ge systemci.nsthe Broa.�dE- nossi_bi.lities, of effecting a s- itab ueensbu.ry. acres section, Town of "� The fallowing; residents of sa.i cl district were present and generally dlFcussed, with the town board the faoP1-owing phases of providing suit- able drainage faci_li.t:t es for s.,c w Julius Brown J.H. Derby, Jr. A.C. 'Varner Charles Adams Karl Kretser. Henry Donohue Leslie Coulter, Engineer Nelson Vunk A.S. 33.nley, Jr. Rae Suprenant l,,'em.bers of the Town Raga rP1t that the Ina.tteA" shavld be disr_usged wit' t}Ee Department of Audit 'a.nd Control}��+the ec��ze std° f��f cr�recta�� o�fia�'� p ,*roposed d,St-� ct. . It v�r �.s decided . ._�_: t Albany for such. a d? �'�c��si-an z"'oizld go to Albany oil 1�ursda3� a.r_d Fri-day of this week. 0, 1-notion the meet- L, adjourned-, Fra . ,S i i, Town Clerk