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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY js 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-0777-2018 Tax Map No: 309.9-2-1 Permission is hereby granted to: Homestead Village For property located at:174 Adirondack ST In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Homestead Village Mobile Home 40,000.00 Owner Address: 200 Luzerne RD Total Value 40,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Homestead Village 200 Luzerne RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications New Manufactured Home 924 sq.ft. 184.80 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,December 18, 2019 If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before e ex irati. •a .) Dated at the To of Qu bu T . . December 18, 2018 SIGNED BY:for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only 400 MANUFACTURED HOME Permit#: PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ Town of Qiiceisbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Rec Fee:$ P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury,net Invoice#: 11 I7y F ayrcrAxcV Project Location: Tax Map ID#: 3c , -r)- 1 Name of Park:Li1o...6 a,d V i LAte Proposed Date of Placement: CONTACT INFORMATION: I DEC 10 2018 Applicant: TO ,., J CF C"l:, .E WSBURY Name(s): r Mailing Address, C/S/Z: \gy i-c ,oio.cic Sr c oy 12W/ Cell Phone: ( 57 -y5Z e, Land Line: ( Email: ticy\- t gocQ .ca n Primary Owner(s): Name(s): uo \•wA f,11•,, LP Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 9305" Avon Cc,/tdoniit ! , Cclectio 4'e, Ah//V1/4 3 Cell Phone: ( Land Line: ( 5S- ) 0 4 -G/SO Email:St(vi c& O 0.00,n.A.Lz corn Contractor(s): Business Name: \-\00kcilte.e V fc cyc `P Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ittf / ,rvto tt4' SF ashy . 8OY Cell Phone: (SYS' ) 3o3-5 t( Land Line: ( S7t ) 10,7-'S 10 Email: hon l4ao(vil(ay! Q/i',.t. ca-vt Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: RA3.cA- Cell Phone: ( 5Y5 ) 3o 3 -5 a'l Land Line: ( t ) 5 0a-q55 0 Email: hov A.eo\-co.dvil(aosit_Q)ivy • c Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: INFORMATION FOUND ON THE PLATE OR STICKER LOCATED IN THE HOME): Insignia serial #:T3 Name of Manufacturer: I A_u Place approval#: 1—Z Model or component designation (New Home Only): M,o\'‘ oin r Date of manufacture: 113 b ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Approximate Value of Home:$ 1(v, UOC7 2. Is the home NEW 'or a REPLACEMENT ? 3. Single-wide or Double-wide Size: 111 ft.x ft. 4. Foundation support (choose one): Size Depth Piers: a 51- 1FT Slab: 5. Is the home being placed on a private lot? No Yes if yes,you must provide stamped engineered drawings of the permanent foundation plan) 6. Total#of rooms(exclude bathrooms): S ;#of bedrooms: 3 ;#of bathrooms: Z 7. Additional heat source? No Yes Choose one, if yes: gas fp_ woodstove_ wood fp 8. Are there any other/existing buildings on the property? Nov Yes ; Explain: 9. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL 11 10. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC syst m? t 11. Do ppyouneedasepticpermitapplication? No Yesp DECLARATION: I swear that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises; and,that all provisions of the NYS Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be completed with I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: JbR.,A 'e.• SIGNATURE: DATE: 12.I10I1 Y Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 RX Date/Time 06/1212019 11:41 15182731202 P.005 Jun. 12. 2019111_19A_MDIA No. 9164 P. 5/8 MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. e `ea that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: Date: Homestead Village 05/31/2019 Occupant: Location: Service 174 Adirondack St Occupancy. Queensbury,Warren Co. NY ikrtobile Home Applicant: I) Homestead Viliaget Charles Hurd 4305 Avon Caiadonia Rd' L_Caladonia, NY 14423 • '. Joseph A.Holmes ' No. 14710311'L035E1, • _ ;-- Equipment: 2©lS 1 -100 Amp Feeder'To Home JUN . 12 2019 or QU'I—iVSSURY131fLblNG&CODES This certificate applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed immediately null and void. This certificate applies only to the use.occupancy and above and the installation inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual ownership as indicated herein. Upon a Change in the use,occupancy or ownership inspection. No warranty is expressed or implied as to the mechanical safety,effl- of the property indicated above,this certificate stiall be Immediately null and void, ciancy or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This ceMfiieate shall In the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, be valld for a period of one year from the above noted date. Should the electrical this certificate may be revalidated upon reinspectlon by Middle Department System to which this CertlftCats applies be altered In any way,including but not limit- Inspection Agency,Inc. An application for inspection must be submitted to Middle ad to,the introduction of additional electrical equipment and/or the replacement of Department Inspection Agency, Inc, to initiate the inspection and revalidation any of the components installed as of the above noted date,this certificate shall be process. A fee will be charged for this service. INSTAL L NO. 280 28 STATE OF NEWYORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE r ;+ ONE COMMERCE PLAZA 1.11y 99 WASHINGTONAVENUE ALBANY,NY 12231 INSTALLER'S WARRANTY SEAL THIS SEAL REMAINS THE PROPERTY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE II(NEW MANUFACTURED(HUD CODE) RELOCATED MANUFACTURED(HUD CODE) A. Manufacturer's name:i gip${ ; r S s ; 4 B. HUD label number: # t ff4 1, t ( Serial number. t t b' '(' { C. Retailer's name: 'i f fit, CV' - L ' l''t __ k`. c- ' r( \ k L _e..) CC\ . Lee n`'Acts'D. Retailer'saddress: -. • -_ ` ` E. Retailer's certification#: E Z..1 + Telephone#: F. Installer's name: 1 (f • b` _ C e 1 Installer's address: 11 T\i i i " iA V •i <- e_cV i e ‘',1 k 3 IL Installer's certification#. ' `°` `°i I I 1 Telephone#: CT_' r '" I. Date installed:Municipality issuing building permit ( )C C- `` t k r1 City Town,Village) t J. Customer name and physical address (911)where.home is installed: \\`1 CNil(,1. 14, ° 1r\.! 253 )LI New York. By attaching this SEAL to this manufactured home,the undersigned Installer of this manufactured home warrants as follows: 1. That the installation of this manufactured home meets the standards of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. 2. That the Installer is certified as an installer by the New York State Department of State. The foregoing warranties are in addition to and not in derogation of all other rights and privileges which the consumer may have under any other law or instrument.The foregoing warranties are in addition to,and not in limitation of or substitution for,any and all other warran- ties,express or implied,given or made by the Instle;,whether contractually orby operation of law, Printed Name of Person Signing Seal: l t`" Signature of Installer or j ,' Limited Installer: If you have a problem with your home,you should first contact your installer or retailer.If the problem is not resolved by the Installer or Retailer you can contact the Department of State at(518)474-4073. DOS-1680(Rev.03/09) Yellow Copy—Department of State White Copy-Retain for Your Records Goldenrod Copy—Permitting Agency Seal—Affix to Home INSPECTION WORKSHEET (BINS-000898-2019) Town of Queensbury - Building and Codes - Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road - (518) 761-8256 Building (518) 761-8206 Fire Marshal Case Number:RC-0777-2018 Case Module:Permit Inspection Date:Mon Feb 11, 2019 Inspection Status:Passed Inspector:John O'Brien Inspection Type:Building Foundation Job Address:Parcel Number:174 Adirondack ST Queensbury, NY 12804 309.9-2-1 Contact Type Company Name Name Granted Permission Homestead Village Contractor Homestead Village Applicant Homestead Village Primary Owner Homestead Village Checklist Item Passed Comments Building Inspector Notes YES 2/11/19 Piers Approved 24" diameter angered holes 48" below grade. Note: Contractor to place concrete in morning. I recommended he cover holes with foam board or insulation to protect holes from outside air till concrete is placed. Piers YES 2/11/19 Piers Approved 24" diameter angered holes 48" below grade. Note: Contractor to place concrete in morning. I recommended he cover holes with foam board or insulation to protect holes from outside air till concrete is placed. Feb 11, 2019 Page (1) O'Brien, John (Inspector) PY r. TNO I C c G Symbol Symbol NOTES ANCHORING OF MOBILE HOME MAIN BEAM PIER O SIDEWALL OPENING t)Checking The Soil Capacity Before The Home Is Setup I. Is The Dealers Responsibility 2.)For Footing Sizes See Champion Installation Manual. 1 FRAME IS REQUIRED PER X MARRIAGE LINE OPENING PIER MARRIAGE LINE PIER 3)For Different Pier Spacing See Champion Installation Manual.11 c,fill€,V MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS ppp This pier placement drawing is not a C-Vfoundationdesignseecurrent FILE COPY C 1' 2s5CHAMPIONInstallationManualand its addendum(s)for foundation design." 66' C\--.4.) 2' 64' 58'50'42'34'26'18'10' 2' 49'-11L 45'-10 3/4" I-1-----------e- O --------------------------vr ------, 1 1 1 1 1 1 fV 11111Il 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I i 1 I 1 I C") co W I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 111 .lir- 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0N 22'-9 1/4" 25'-1 1/2" 2' 64' 58'50'42'34' 26'18'10' 2' TOWN OF OUEENSBURY TOWN OF QUE Y/ BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING & C D' 'Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as I/ indicating the plans and specifications are in Reviewed By:full compliance wkh the Codes of 317.,New York State. Date: T TITAN' NODIFlGnDN6 19-7997 14'X 70' PIER •UNDATION PR-101 3 BDRM 2 BATH PLAN HOMES HIGH POINT ORAWN BY:D BASLER Fll81AVE:19-7997-19'WIDE-Sr8NDARDI2®7EMPIA PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL µe DATE:02-22-18 cRwEtiAvnnMosraa MA NSOPa,%, P.O.BOX 177,RT.12&20 BANGERFIELD,NY 13455 SCALE:3/16".1.0" COMPIGHro 19762016 BY CWMRGN Symbol Symbol NOTES MAIN BEAM PIER O SIDEWALL OPENING 1.)Checking The Soil Capacity Before The Home Is Setup Is The Dealers Responsibility. 2.)For Footing Sizes See Champion Installation Manual. XMARRIAGE LINE OPENING PIER MARRIAGE LINE PIER 3.)For Different Pier Spacing See Champion Installation Manual. This pier placement drawing is not a foundation design see current CHAMPION Installation Manual and its addendum(s)for foundation design." 66' 2' 64' 58' 50' 42' 34' L 26'18' _ 10'2' 49'-1" 45'-10 3/4" er 1 3061 I I 3061 I -i F y t I l i _ I/1 1 1 1 I II V1 1 I 1 I I I-' I W 7 N I I I. / ; 1 1 I I I I I LW I 3P I I 1 1 1 0 , 1 1 1 I 1 I R a r 1IIIIiimrL-- N 061E I 4661 I I 22'-91/4" 25'-1 1/2" 2' 64' 58'50'42'34'26'18'10'2' - MODIFIunaas PROJECT: 19 7997 IER FOUNDATION SHEET: TITAN" 14'X H70IGH DRM2 BATH W/OVEERLAY PR-102 HOMES DRAWN BY;D BA9 ER PLAN FILENAME:19-7997-14'WIDE-STANDARDIZED TEMPLAFE4 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL P.O.BOX 177 RT.12 A 20 SANGERFU°1D,NY 13455 DATE:02-22-18 1"FSF MUwPKa 10 spa"unaar o a*.AOPA[TARYwn RT011EMIK1.WI OW RSCALE:3/16-.1'-0' 6YrwtMe 1enzols WI OWN.. v . Y 2'-0"WATER INLET 63'-8" 2'-0"ELECTRICAL 57-6" 6'-4"PLUMBING(3") T-.... 1 2'-8" I e 70'I II L Ill - J I€ale~ iL;— 1 e l II 3, n1 - r I - 7 t-...50'-4" 3'-3"PLUMBING(3") T TITAN" MDD GnDNS PROJECT: 19 7997 SERVICE 14'X 70' 3 BDRM 2 BATH PLAN SV-1 1 DRAWN BY:DHOMESHBASIGHLER POIIJT FILENAME:19-7997-IP MOE-STANDARDIZED TBA%AIE4 PROPRIETARY AND ODNFIDEMIAL DATE:02-22-111 ntsg lrAS Amos aRGT10MAKOwa P.O.BOX 177,RT.12&20 SANGERFIELD,NY 13455 wro'aerwnwro sr p&sK nx1N5 K "SCALE:1/B".1'-0" cawwortelmslora BY cwuwan Install Footings Install Footings This chapter provides instructions for the design and construction of individual footings that transfer the load from a single pier to the ground.A footing and pier together(discussed in Set the Home)is referred to as a"support."A footing may also be designed to carry the load of multiple piers(often called"strip"footings).The design of strip footings is not covered in this manual. Follow the Steps below: 7 STEP 1. DESIGN POINT LOAD SUPPORTS(p. 15) i STEP 2. DESIGN FRAME SUPPORTS(Homes Without Perimeter Blocking)(p. 19) V STEP 3. DESIGN FRAME AND PERIMETER SUPPORTS(Homes With Perimeter Blocking)(p.20) T STEP 4. SELECT FOOTING MATERIALS(p.22) j STEP 5. SIZE FOOTINGS(p.22) O STEP 6. INSTALL FOOTINGS(p.27) STEP 1. DESIGN POINT LOAD SUPPORTS All homes will need supports,and therefore footings, under the frame, marriage line(for multi-section homes),exterior wall openings and other heavy point loads. The home manufacturer may have provided a blocking diagram (or tags, labels, paint or Note: Interpolation be- other markings under the home)indicating the required locations and/or loads for perime- tween published values ter,marriage line and/or frame supports specifically for this home. If so,the diagram or are permitted on all tags take precedence over the directions provided in this manual. tables in this section. Create a sketch of the home that includes the exterior walls,the frame I-beams and the marriage line(s),if a multi-section home.The sketch will be used in this chapter to locate each support,and note the size of the corresponding footing. Figure 7 is an example of such a support plan. cjr:000045;4: 000„MPerimetere Blookhg Piers Door PiersConforms to I-Beam Frame HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 C All Figure 7. Example of support plan i C Marriage Wall Piers r4,0 MI Frame Piers fi ririll\TeAf.e. r„ Ii ' Interferences:When generating Porch Post Piers Perimeter a pier layout, be sure to consider'.111Blocking the location of axle brackets, Piers plumbing drops, utility cross Door Piers overs,etc.to avoid potential interference. As the location and load for each support is determined, note it on the sketch.When se- lecting locations for supports, keep in mind that increasing the spacing between supports will increase the load on that support and the size of the required footing. CHAMPION' r„,,,. Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 15 stall Footings DETERMINE POINT LOAD LOCATIONS Point loads exist where a bearing/structural weight is concentrated and transferred to the foundation at a specific point. Locate a support under each point load,including the fol- lowing examples: 1) Exterior doors on side walls at both sides of each door(blocking is not required at exterior doors on non-bearing end walls). Note: Listed adjustable outriggers may be used to replace piers below sidewall exterior door openings less than 48".Adjustable outriggers may only be substi- tuted if local codes permit the use of these devices and they are installed ac- cording to the manufacturer's installation instructions.Adjustable outriggers shall not be substitutes for other pier applications and must be removed prior to any home relocation. 2) Other exterior wall openings four feet and greater at both sides of each opening including multiple windows that total four feet wide or more without intermediate supports, even if individual windows are less than four feet). 3) Marriage line openings four feet or greater at both sides of each opening(when home has perimeter blocking and marriage line openings are greater than 10 feet, intermediate supports must be placed at maximum 10 feet on center). 4) Marriage line pier at corner of offset. 5) Load-bearing porch posts. 6) Under heavy(400 lbs or greater)items,such as heavy furniture,waterbeds, fireplaces and large fish tanks. 7) Tags require 3 perimeter piers under each end as shown in Figure 8. 8) Perimeter piers required under front and rear of homes with front cross member and rear frame recessed over 9 inches. 9) Pier each end of walk-a-bay over 16 inches out from home. Off Set Notes Roof of offset section must have center peak Maximum offset without center peak is 4 feet in Wind Zone I. All other offsets need an installation addendum(consult manufacturer). Offset shall be tied down and piered as a single section for that portion of the home. Also, pier shall be placed at the inside corner where floors join(ref. point 4 in Figure 8). Mark the required point load support locations on the sketch.Supports are not required where the manufacturer has reinforced the floor(such as with additional outriggers or floor joists) and so noted in the documentation provided with the home. Figure 8 and Figure 9 identify typ- ical point load support locations. Side Wee Q:enings 4'at greater e2, Goer Piers t I-Beare Frame i. Whir-A- Friers'So Heavy Load Pbm t6l 4darriogt M all Piers sr Corner armed Pier toe Figure 8. Typical point-load support locations kerne recess Piers itoPorch 02 NocA Pots Pborsi s OffSet Door Hots tit % TAG Conforms to HUD MHCSS Tag Periec e Plese7r 2/7/18 C'-'AMF!CN 16 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 o,,,,,_ Install Footings Dow or Opening Less Combined Span[A+B) Than 48 in in`At dth Ridge Beam I I Rldoe Beam I Continuous Ridge Beam I I t Wan more Column Post or than 16 In in Wall.Less Than 16 I I m_ Span m WidU A vuam an C i ! 1 an!1 Figure 9. Typical support loca- tions along the marriage line I± !! 1 I 1 for home not requiring regular- f i 1 I ly spaced perimeter supports see figure 12 for homes with regularly spaced perimeter111111i11=n=1C 1I=1r-g1 R4Tiann-1Cn 1 -u-n=n=n=n=.-n-n-1 f1.1045 n=f . 1-AdtlaigTn=n1i git- aln=nai=u 1 if 'tlEraTillit- yl.rll=a=an*Alia n=n=d-it=ii :n-11-Ir i=1 -Ir_u=nil=u=u=u= _u=n=n=u=u=ua= n i-n-le_n=Trirl7: i==it=u=n=n1=n=1r-=au supports)rt4ta: fE*r.-n-11 gZf.I=11=1CII-n=1I=11=o=1CICIIVI=n=:V. I:Vgr'o=11=11=11 1 1=1111-=1C/1=11=11=11 C11-II-q-FII-11-11=11=11a 11=1I=11=1I 1g11>1=11=1=II=IHI-f1=11=11g1-11-11?II II 11 19=11 II 11-1=11=11=11=IC11=11=1C1:=1 =11=1I-11=1Y-11=I=11=-•_11=11=1I iIC - - 1111=1111-If-n- II=11=11=11 1- II-II-11 1=11 11- -- II I11 F000ng !Footing Sued for Single Il1-1 1.1144 Fwong Sized fo pan IONt1111 Footing Sized ifi 1 rMi 11Foating--I1=11 Sized for I Spans C and D B or C 0-n=n=n=!! tar Span A-B II--=11=U=If=t Sized forInnSpanly, [Note.If IIGnoes i 1 pal 1 D Ieat aL2 11l lfnl1_I mil ,,, SpanA Wan is Less Than 16 in, in Width,Use Cor-Bmed Span C+D with a Single Prer[ DETERMINE POINT LOAD VALUES s j Use Table 5 and 5A to determine the loads on point-load supports. For each support,find the columns with the appropriate roof load and section width. Find the row(s)correspond- l ing to the span(see Figure 9 for guidance on determining spans—if a support is shared Maximum home eaves. are by spans on both sides, add the respective loads together to arrive at the total load under 16 inches for 14 wide or that point). When ridge beam is continuous over support, multiply load by 1.25. less, and 12 inches for wid- er sections. The number in the columns under the"M"and"P"headings are the loads for supports along the marriage line and perimeter respectively(point loads in the center of a section, i.e. not along a marriage line or perimeter wall, require the load in the"P"column). Inter- polation for openings between those shown in the table is permitted. Conforms to Note the required loads next to each point load support on the sketch. i - HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 TABLE 5. LOAD ON POINT-LOAD FOOTINGS—lbs. FRAME ONLY SUPPORTS Roof load and maximum section width 20 PSF Live Load 30 PSF Live Load 12 Wide 14 Wide 16 Wide 16 Wide 12 Wide 14 Wide 16 Wide 18 Wide f,`Location* M P M P r.[ P ti. P M P M P M P M P 4 700 430 800 480 910 520 1050 590 940 580 1070 640 1220 690 1400 780 8 1400 860 1600 960 1820 1030 2100 1170 1870 1150 2140 1280 2430 1380 2800 1560 15 12 2100 1290 2400 1440 2730 1550 3150 1760 2800 1720 3200 1920 3640 2060 4200 2340 c 18 2800 1720 3200 1920 3640 2060 4200 2340 3740 2300 4270 2560 4860 2750 5600 3120 E 20 3500 2150 4000 2400 4550 2580 5250 2930 4670 2870 5340 3200 6070 3440 7000 3900 24 4200 - 4800 - 5460 - 6300 - 5600 - 6400 - 7280 - 8400 - 28 4900 - 5600 - 6370 - 7350 - 6540 - 7470 - 8500 - 9800 - 32 5600 - 6400 - 7280 - 8400 - 7470 - 8540 - 9710 - 11200 - Rocf load and maximum section width 40 PSF Live Load 12 Wide 14 Wide le ''mile '6 Wice A.Lcca cr` M P M P M P M P a 4 1170 720 1340 800 1520 860 - - C. , Q 6 S 2340 1440 2670 1600 3040 1720 - P- q 2 3500 2150 4000 2400 4550 2580 - - P H I LLI P J. a e 4670 2870 5340 3200 6070 3440 - COLANQ +7 PROFESSIONAL2C584035906670400075904300 - - ENGINEER 1 r cc 24 7000 - 8000 - 9100 - - - n NO.1x 8170 - 9340 - 10620 - -32035 a. 3 429340 - 10670 - 12140 - - - 0 4'OfetSrona[ F04r' M=Marriage Line, P= Perimeter t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-" For piers supporting one floor at marriage line, use 1/2 the above loads) January 8,2018 CHAMPION' Manufacturer's Installation Manual- January 2018 Install Footings TABLE 5A. LOAD ON POINT-LOAD FOOTINGS—lbs. (FRAME AND PERIMETER WITH MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORTS) Roof Live Load and Nominal Section Width 20 PSF Live Load 30 PSF Live Load 12 '.Vide 14 Wide 16 Wide 18 Wide 12 Wide 14 Wide 16 Wide 18 Wide Location` . fvi F. M;9 1 P i M , P M P , M P h P 1 M I P 12 1 P 4 2340 1410 2670 1580 3040 1700 3500 1930 3040 1840 3470 2060 3950 2220 4550 2520 8 3040 1840 3470 2060 3950 2220 4550 2520 3970 2410 4540 2700 5160 2900 5950 3300 12 3740 2270 4270 2540 4860 2730 5600 3100 4900 2990 5600 3340 6370 3590 7350 4080 0 16 4440 2700 5070 3020 5770 3250 6650 3690 5840 3560 6670 3980 7590 4280 8750 4860 440 5140 3130 5870 3500 6680 3760 7700 4270 6770 4130 7740 4620 8800 4960 10150 5640 24 5840 - 6670 - 7590 - 8750 - 7700 - 8800 - 10010 - 11550 - 28 6540 - 7470 - 8500 - 9800 - 8640 - 9870 - 11230 - 12950 - 32 7240 - 8270 - 9410 - 10850 - 9570 - 10940 - 12440 - 14350 - Roof load and maximum sector width 40 PSF Live Load Tom_ 60 PSF Live Load Made 14 Wide 16 Wide 18 Wide 12 'Aid 14 W:de 16 Wide 18 W,de r r` Location P h1 1 P M P M v1 P R1Pi P M I P ti1 P 3740 2270 4270 2540 4860 2730 4640 3100 4260 3130 4870 3500 5540 3760 - - 8 4900 2990 5600 3340 6370 3590 6390 4080 5900 4130 6740 4620 7660 4960 - - 12 6070 3700 6940 4140 7890 4450 8140 5050 7530 5140 8600 5740 9790 6160 - - 16 7240 4420 8270 4940 9410 5310 9890 6030 9160 6140 10470 6860 11910 7370 - - 20 8400 5140 9600 5740 10920 6160 11640 7000 10800 7140 12340 7980 14030 - - - 24 9570 - 10940 - 12440 - 13390 - 12430 - 14200 - - - - - 2,3 10740 - 12270 - 13960 - 15140 - 14060 - - - - - - - 32. - 11900 - 13600 - 15470 - - - 15700 - - - - - - - Roof load and maximum section width SO PSF Live Load 100 PSF Live Load 1 120 PSF Live Load 12 Vice 14 Wide 16 Wide 12 Wide 14 Wide 12 Wide 11 V d;de Location` ',.1 P M P M P 1\11 P Fri P I " M I P i P.1 P 4 5430 3990 4940 4460 5620 3980 5250 4030 6000 4500 6190 4750 7070 4230 8 7530 5280 7340 5900 8350 5530 7820 5610 8940 6260 9220 6610 10540 6310 9630 6570 9740 7340 11080 7070 10390 7190 11870 8020 12250 - 14000 - 11730 7860 12140 - 13810 - 12950 - 14800 - 15290 - iu 20 13830 - 14540 - - - 15520 - u; 24 15930 - - - - - - M= Marriage Line, P= Perimeter/Side Wall ES#02 For piers supporting one floor at marriage line, use /2 the above loads) Conforms to HUD MHCSS 2/7/18 Determine from the data plate and/or other documents if the c, o ' A`4 home requires perimeter blocking. 6-7 A If perimeter blocking is NOT required, go to STEP 2. DESIGN PHILLIP J. . - 1. COPELAND ,;r' FRAME SUPPORTS (Homes Without Perimeter Blocking), (p. 19). E $,If AL z II - If perimeter blocking is required. go to STEP 3, DESIGN FRAME ENGINEER 2:;. AND PERIMETER SUPPORTS (Homes With Perimeter Blocking). r- 320 5 r p, 20), 8 f 3 S/OrfCl En; January 8,2018 CHAMPION' 18 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 Insta Footings STEP 2. DESIGN FRAME SUPPORTS Homes Without Perimeter Blocking) r DETERMINE LOCATIONS TO All homes require regularly spaced supports along all main frame I-beams. Select spac- Spacing frame supports. ing between supports and sketch them on the support plan. Remember to consider the There must be a support lo- potential interferences as discussed on page 15. Keep in mind that frame supports under cated near the end of each homes with 8"deep I-beams may be no more than eight feet apart.Those under homes I-beam such that there is no with 10"or 12"deep I-beams may be no more than 10 feet apart. Generally,greater dis- more than 24 inches of tances between supports will require larger footings. beam past the edge of the Figure 10 shows typical frame support locations.support. Side Walt(Perimeter Point-Load)Pies Required at Openings 4 ft or Greater door f i ffeem Frame/ r t Maniaye Wall {Poi rt-Load)Piers Figure 10. Typical support j ;- Required at Openings 4 ft or Greater locations for homes not i.f NI_ requiring regularly spaced 7r, , Frame piers perimeter supports lYarcn 0 0 0 0 c f t 1-Beam Frame- 10 i Porch Post Piers` r Door Piers CALCULATE LOADS Use Table 6 to determine the loads on frame supports. Find the column with the appro- priate roof load and section width. Find the row corresponding to the selected support FIFS#02 _ spacing.The number in the intersecting cell is the load. Loads on all frame supports can be assumed to be equal if support spacing is equal.Conforms to However, if different support spacings are used then each support with a different spac-HUD MHCSS ing should be calculated separately. 2/7/18 Note the location and load required of each support on the sketch. TABLE 6. LOAD ON FRAME SUPPORTS FOR HOMES NOT REQUIRING PERIMETER BLOCKING—lbs. Roo a eed of-., 20 PSF Live Load 30 PSI':Lave Load 4C PSF Live Lead I., 21A& ,,Aide, 16 Wide,i 18.4„ce ,2'1,1 de 14 f[`„de 16\r ide,. ,; 18 Wide 12 Wide 1:14 Wide i 16'Nice 2490 2820 3140 3600 2810 3170 3520 4030 3120 3520 3900 3110 3520 3920 4500 3510 3960 4400 5040 3900 4400 4870 3730 4230 4710 5400 4210 4760 5270 6040 4680 5280 5840 4360 4930 5490 6300 4910 5550 6150 7050 5460 6160 6810 4980 5640 6270 7200 5610 6340 7030 8060 6240 7040 7790 r 5600 6340 7060 6310 7130 7910 7020 7920 8760 6220 7040 7840 7920 7920 8790 7800 8800 9730 OF .AM,4s 1_ - PHILLLP J.. ' COPE LAND u.: PROFESSIONAL * ENGINEER 0 0 STET'4. SELECT FOOTING MATERIALS (p.22) s. N0. rr 32035 0js^ c;o,cf zns' V CHAMPION January 8,2018 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 1 9 nstall Footings STEP 3, DESIGN FRAME AND PERIMETER SUPPORTS Homes With Perimeter Blocking) DETERMINE LOCATIONS Depending on design and location, some homes require regularly spaced perimeter sup-rirlportsalongallofthesidewallsandmarriagewallsinadditiontoframesupports. This will be indicated on the data plate and/or documents included with the home. Spacing frame supports. If required, perimeter supports are only needed on bearing walls. Bearing walls are those There must be a support walls that support the ends of roof trusses or rafters(typically sidewalls and marriage located near the end of walls but not end walls of main units or sidewalls of tag units). each I-beam such that To minimize the number of required perimeter supports,space them evenly between there is no more than 24 point load supports as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 (but not required under spans inches of beam past the reference note 3 on page 16). These figures identify typical support locations for homes edge of the support. requiring perimeter supports. 1 Perimeter I j I-Beam Frame Blocking Piers Door Piers rI . , 1 iI I 1 1 Marriage Line Blocking Piers Figure 11. Typical support E Marriage Wall(Point Load)i l E7 4 locations for homes requiringPiersRequiredatopeningsqg Z 4 FL or Greater 1 perimeter supports Frame Piers t / 1-8eam Frame 1 t Porch Post Piers t\22 DoorPers... PFSi#02 f Conforms toDooror m rn ig lass Combined span 0.8) rnanaso nwtdu, -') HUDb1HCSS fI pp pp 1 ug d ji 2//18LiiiNIl I R,dge Beam U Y 1 I Con[muaus RnY?e Beam_ € IjI Wel, Cotirmn Post or Span r Span Watt,Less than t6 n ieWidth Figure 12. Typical marriage Span i J line support locations for 1 homes requiring perimeter 1 supports 1 1 f1 Mam em i1-Se 14 n"Trio ''=irn" I x lr=r r i-_n -1 n n'I'lL p lc - .._nan-I' TAW 17. •il-n= I n=n=n 17 1ieglir I-I IIGIr rT I u-it-n- li "it"x=t 0 1=irn n-• n n-a=n- a 1=:n-t i J--m lr_ xax >:=ir r-ir n r icr=®=gym'-ir-r=n 1-x-x; - n- 1-»`= i n.tr--x=-sir-_- yn-n4,a .0 II 7 II IIV = =u= 1rtiru II -I:II II IIa-[_II=xl=I=n-'-r II nLL Q-i i 1 11KJL-.Jlc llFJIFLLa& I r-JL lkJlF-lt l[ll-W`?;'ly -1l-ltfhll=tl=1.'ll tt tIP 1 Il ll 1 Iy=1=11r1 1=.1= LL=1 I laH f LL4 rrF all-IW IL- 711 -1=q I Marna?r Illi-ICI1=rootln ...= Mamay> _ =o JPn3 p wn0 III Marnag_ 11 F.,,nny mn support ' u." - Sced ter Sized tot Ine support rc,r tEE Span C car Span A+B span. CALCULATE LOADS Use Table 7 to determine the loads on frame and perimeter supports for homes requiring perimeter blocking. Find the column with the appropriate roof load and section width. Find Champion the group of rows corresponding to the selected support spacing.The values in the inter- secting cells are the loads for the frame, perimeter, and marriage line supports respec- recommends that tively. homes with tape and Loads on supports of a given type(frame, perimeter,or marriage)can be assumed to be texture wall finish have equal if support spacing is equal. However, if different support spacings are used then perimeter support.each support with a different spacing should be calculated separately. Note the location and load required of each support on the sketch. CHAMPION' 20 Manufacturer's Installation Manual- January 2018 r,,..C.41114.0%.14,. Install Footings TABLE 7. LOAD ON FRAME AND PERIMETER WITH MARRIAGE LINE SUPPORTS FOR HOMES REQUIRING PERIME- TER BLOCKING—lbs. Roof Live Load and Nominal S.ectlen Vi dtic 20 PSF Live Load PSF._.e Lcad Wiaximur' Location 12 Wide 14 Wide 16 Wide i 18 Wide 1 12 Ve'.ae de 18 Wide ispacing Frame 1420 1620 1840 2120 1420 1620 1840 2120 4 ft Perimeter 1080 1210 1300 1480 1390 1560 1680 1910 Marriage 1800 2060 2340 2700 2310 2640 3010 3470 Frame 2120 2420 2760 3180 2120 2420 2760 3180 Eft Perimeter 1620 1810 1950 2220 2090 2340 2520 2870 Marriage 2700 3080 3510 4050 3470 3960 4510 5200 Frame 2830 3230 3680 4240 2830 3230 3680 4240 8 ft Perimeter 2150 2410 2600 2960 2780 3110 3360 3820 Marriage 3600 4110 4680 5390 4620 5280 6010 6930 Frame 3530 4040 4590 5300 3530 4040 4590 5300 10 ft Perimeter Marriage Roof Live Load and Nominal Section Moth 4C PSF Live Load 0 PS a Lcad Maximum Location 12 41-ide ' 14 Wide 16 Wide f 18 Wide 12 Wide c Wdespacing Frame 1420 1620 1840 2120 1420 1620 1840 4 ft Perimeter 1710 1910 2060 2340 2340 2620 2820 Marriage 2830 3230 3680 4240 3850 4400 5010 Frame 2120 2420 2760 3180 2120 2420 2760 6 ft Perimeter 2560 2860 3090 3510 3510 3920 4220 Marriage 4240 4840 5510 6360 5780 6600 7510 Frame 2830 3230 3680 4240 2830 3230 3680 8 ft Perimeter 3410 3820 4120 4680 4680 5230 5630 Marriage 5650 6460 7350 Frame 3530 4040 4590 5300 3530 4040 4590 10 ft Perimeter Marriage Roof Live Load and Nominal Sec.on V.:icln 80 PSF Live Load 106 PSF_tie_..e... 12'3 PSF Lve Load Maximum Location 12 Wice 14 Wide 16 Wide 12 u_ ace _ 'fr-e 14 Widespacing Frame 1420 1620 1840 1420 1620 1420 1620 4 ft Permeter 2970 3320 3570 3600 4020 4230 4730 Marriage 4880 5580 6340 5910 6750 6930 7920 Frame 2120 2420 2760 2120 2420 2120 2420 6 ft Per meter 4450 4980 5350 5400 6030 6350 Marriage 7320 Frame 2830 3230 3680 2830 3230 2830 3230 8 ft Perimeter 5940 6630 Mamage Frame 3530 4040 4590 3530 4040 3530 4040 10 ft Per meter Marriage O„,,A aPHIL LEP J.`,g " u CORELANI :r qr, o® oTrEEY -ENGINEER r id. y S 32035 s to MHCSSHUD erg Eno"° 2/7/18 January 8,2018 CHAMPION' Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 2"i stall Footings STEP 4. SELECT FOOTING MATERIAL Select one of the products and materials from Table 8 for the footings. TABLE 8. FOOTING MATERIALS Ma eriai Appropriate Use j Specificatior Minimum 6"thick poured-in-place concrete pads,slabs,or ribbons with at least a Poured concrete All soil types 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi.Cast-in-place concrete footings may also require reinforcing steel based on acceptable engineering practice,the design loads,code mandates,and site specific soil conditions. Minimum 4"thick nominal precast concrete pads meeting or exceeding ASTM C Pre-cast concrete All soil types 90-02a,Standard Specification for Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units,without reinforcement,with at least a 28-day compressive strength of 2,500 psi. Use in accordance with the pad manufacturer's instructions.Must be certified for ABS plastic Stable soils use in the soil classification at the site,listed and labeled for the required load ca- pacity. Proprietary systems Consult system manufacturer Consult system manufacturer. Will footings be concrete? I YES, go to STEP 5.SIZE FOOTING. (p. 22). 11. NO,see footing system manufacturer's Instructions. For on-grade footings, the ground moisture barrier may be installed now — see i t /INSTALL GROUND MOISTURE RETARDER(p . 91)then go to Set the Home(p. 30).Frost protection.When se- lecting footing materials, bear in mind the need for STEP 5. SIZE FOOTINGS frost protection. Not all Once the load on the footing and the soil-bearing capacity are known,calculate the size footing materials are suita- of each footing as follows: ble for freezing climates... 1. From Table 9 determine if the pier is to be of single-stack blocks(8 inch x16 inch)or double-stack blocks(16 inch x 16 inch)pier. 2. Locate the group of rows in Table 10A or B with the soil-bearing capacity as , previously determined in Prepare the Site,STEP 5 page 12. Use the next low- est value if the exact value does not appear. 3. Read across the table to determine the minimum required footing area and the minimum footing thickness for the corresponding footing type(single or double- stacked blocks). 4. The required footing size may be changed by selecting another support spacing reference Table 6 or Table 7)and/or through the use of appropriate embedment factors(reference Table 10C or D). TABLE 9. PIER CONFIGURATION fir:000q0. 0„._# 02 r He- cailcr s rt CU ,o ,az:o ca0rms to HUD MHCSS Less than 36 in(except corner Single-stack blocks with long side 8,000 lbs. 2/7/18 piers more than 3 blocks high) perpendicular to I-beam Between 36 in and 67 in and con- Double,interlocked blocks 16,000 lbs.ner piers over 3 blocks high ALSingle-stack blocks with long side O - e eter 54 in or less 8,000 lbs. parallel to perimeter rail(rim joist) 54 in or less Single-stack blocks with long side PH[LLIP J. -- to the marriage line 8.000 lbs.c'perpendicular 9 COgELAhVET ENGINEER Between 54 in and 80 inch Double,interlocked blocks 16,000 lbs NO t,i r ac. 32035 kr Erio January 8,2018 CHAMFI0V' 22 Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 w Install Footings TABLE 10A. FOOTING DIMENSIONS FOR SQUARE AND RECTANGULAR SHAPES a 16 in.x 16 in. pier 8 ir..x 16 in.pier double-stack blocks) single-stack blocks) Minimum Dia. Is 32") Net Sot Minimum Minimum Unreinfcrced Unreinforced Y Maximum Maximum Bearing Footing Area 1 Footing Cast-in-Place Footing Capacity Cast-in-Place Footing Capaci- Capacity sq.in.) Dimensions(in) min.thickness(in.) lbs) min.thickness(in.) ty(lbs) 256 16 x 16 6 1770 6 1770 384 24 x 16 6 2660 6 2660 576 24 x 24 8 4000 6 4000 1000 1024 32 x 32 12 7110 8 7110 1296 36 x 36 14 8000 10 9000 2304 48 x 48 16 16000 256 16 x 16 6 2660 6 2660 384 24 x 16 6 4000 6 4000 576 24 x 24 8 6000 6 6000 30 1024 32 x 32 12 8000 8 10660 1296 36 x 36 10 13500 2304 48 x 48 16 16000 256 16 x 16 6 3550 6 3550 384 24 x 16 6 5330 6 5330 576 24 x 24 8 8000 6 8000 1024 32 x 32 8 14220 1296 36 x 36 10 16000 I I 256 16 x 16 6 4440 6 4440 384 24 x 16 6 6660 6 6660 E_., 576 24 x 24 8 8000 6 10000 1024 32 x 32 8 16000 256 16 x 16 6 5330 6 5330 384 24 x 16 6 8000 6 8000 576 24 x 24 6 12000 1024 32 x 32 8 16000 256 16 x 16 6 7110 6 7110 384 24 x 16 6 8000 6 10660 4CC0 576 24 x 24 6 16000 PFS#oz Conform to OV ALADesignfootingstocomplywiththefollowingadditionalrequirements: HUD MH SS Q Design each footing at least slightly larger than the base of the pier it supports. 2/7/18 Gj PHILLIP J. - Y To keep footings directly under I-beams and other support points,size them slightly larger than the CQPLANDminimumrequiredareatoallowslightadjustmentofthepierlocationduringhomeinstallation. PIQf ES 10 IaL +Design footings with a footing extension(projection beyond the base of the pier)no greater than th= f footing thickness(Figure 13).Increase footing thickness if necessary. ENC®ER4. Table assumes a net allowable soil bearing capacity in calculating footing capacity;max footing ca r 32 35pacitymayneedtobereducedbyanyportionoffootingself-weight that exceeds the weight of dis- a't placed soil.oe_ iat En41 gs Maximum footing capacity can be multiplied by appropriate embedment factors as g l shown in table 10C&10D. January 8,2018 I CHAMPION' R„w,. Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 23 Install Footings TABLE 10B. FOOTING DIMENSIONS FOR CIRCULAR SHAPES 8 in,x 16 in.pier 16 in.x 16 in.pier single-stack double-stack N blocks) blocks) Ne:Soil Bearing Minimum Minimum Capacity Footing Area Footing Maximum Maximum sr'i sq.in.) Di . Footing Capacity(Ibs) Footing Capacity(Ibs) 254 18 1760 314 20 2180 I 380 22 2630 452 24 3140 3140 530 26 3680 3680 615 28 4270 4270 1000 705 30 4900 4900 800 32 5580 5580 1017 36 7060 7060 1385 42 8000 9620 1809 48 12560 2290 54 15900 254 18 2650 314 20 3270 380 22 3950 452 24 4710 4710 530 26 5530 5530 1500 615 28 6410 6410 705 30 7360 7360 1 800 32 8000 8370 1017 36 10600 I 1385 42 14430 1809 48 16000 254 18 3530 314 20 4360 380 22 5270 452 24 6280 6280 530 26 7370 7370 2000 615 28 8000 8550 JR0Si02705309810 800 32 11170 onforms to 1017 36 14130 HUD MHCSS 1385 42 16000 2/7/18 254 18 4410 314 20 5450 380 22 6590 c.O A L4 7 452 24 7850 7850 P PHILLEP J.2"- 530 26 8000 9210 COP LAND , s, 615 28 10690 Pif@rt$}SIONAt 705 30 12270 Y -ENGINEER ..v. 800 32 13960 32035 1017 36 16000 aQ ac BSS/arts i E ° fig January 8, 2018 r_ Manufacturer's Installation Manual-January 2018 4--,,,,, 7%/7/7 //7/77 V/ , 2-2-a Iv( 1611111E1 isr,, t 35- 14C IL'7 - .. 06 13-7 12,44 s'cl ID 16, III ICIj143 1 r'S. 2 113 c S lo ..- ass 17 IC -f: )4 . NEN ;_! 122, qi -.) 1 V rs',3 145 Eal -nal ca- 73 144 5 IT OL minsi' Llq 1,7 sem fi.4), itel coi 7 i 1-K6 i 73 la cis 70 CM a i 74 I, W 175- D mum (17 ism i-r-i i lo 9 ii) 177 ''. ) 114 17i 0 11-S la= 1 iq '.',5 MN to( 1111111111 ''''1. ( 0 74 0 146 diii 11111 ICS aj (t2 55- 3 4 issism sal te k..t.) ki j c63 0v 105 Ng. '5-7 2 0 .4 4.........,.. m.mom. P- d ilsrv_ yv,‘ D2._ 0 8 634 f3 Is 7 2 i I--0 tizoi jit i P 1 w: i PP S' . PERMIT PI..OT PLAN 1111 i t I HAVE PERSONALLY MI ASUrtED THE,ICTA rcr,EC 0 20/0 ,01 cAn rr7y FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE T01-,,,,i 0 M PROPOS D STRUCTURE(S)OR SIGN(S) SIGNATURE Z 16 t`( ENT A